Okay sorry it's been so long since an update but my mind has just completely blanked on this story! I have the major events sorted out so all that's left is to fill in the holes and actually get to writing. Which isn't so easy especially with exams coming up and everything... Anyway, hope this sequel doesn't disappoint anyone! XD
Fear gripped me tightly and swirled around me. I was going to die; after all of this I was going to die. I choked back a sob and forced myself to be strong. If I was going down, I would go with pride. I wouldn't cry like a pathetic snob, I would keep my head held high with the proud and warm feelings of protecting those in the town from the corrupt. I had deep faith that Riya would be able to win this war and help restore the world so that friendly Strigoi didn't have to live in fear and certain guardians wouldn't have to hide any more.
I waited for the pain to hit but it never did. I heard a squelch but I still didn't feel the pain. Then several things happened at the same time. I heard a gasp of pain from the person in front of me and two growls not so far away. Through the rain I saw the red and black streaks of hair and realised with horror that Riya had taken the blow for me. The plunge had been meant for me, but instead she'd gotten between me and my opponent. She'd saved me again. Again her blood splattered on my face as I stared down at her. The guardian was still holding onto my neck with one hand while the other was holding onto the stake that had dug through Riya's back. I could see the blood coated tip of the stake protruding from her chest. She gave a guttural groan as the guardian shifted the stake. Her pale face was contorted with agony and her fringe stuck to her forehead. The glow that always used to be in her eyes slowly faded and pain flooded through me. The deep ache ate at my heart as I saw her face twist in pain every time the guardian twisted the stake. She'd had to save me again because I wasn't strong enough. Because I didn't have enough strength.
Her eyes rolled shut and a small and somewhat regretful smile stretched across her face.
"Riya!" I screamed with shameless tears running down my face.
Valentine's growl of pure ferocity and rage matched Cain's and together they lunged at the guardian who was twisting the stake in Riya's chest. The force of their attack had me skidding across the grass. Unfortunately, Riya fell to the other side; the side of the sea where the waves crashed against the rocks. No!
"Stay strong Roza, you can make it through this and please keep the others filled with - "
Her message was cut short and I scurried to the edge searching the waters for her but I couldn't see anything. I couldn't see a damn thing in the dark waters.
My name is Rose Hathaway. All my life I'd been trained to believe that all Strigoi were bad and that they deserved to be exterminated. But since coming to Russia, I knew that most of what I'd been taught had been a lie; a lie that the Queen forged. Not all Strigoi were evil and they also didn't have to depend on Moroi blood to survive. The blood merely made them stronger. I'd first come to Russia to hunt down my love: Dimitri Belikov. He'd been caught and changed into the undead. Back when he was still alive and my mentor, we'd made a secret promise, a promise that we'd kill the other should either of us be turned. I'd been driven by that promise to hunt him down and that chase led me to Russia where I met some of the most incredible people in the world not to mention the legendary guardian Raisa.
Ever since finding the Belikov holiday home, my life had been turned upside down. Most of what I'd ever learned at the academy became suspicious lies. I'd learned that Strigoi could live on animal blood and that some could regain the power they possessed in their Moroi life. I'd learned that Raisa (a really famous legendary guardian who rejected the request of guarding the queen bitch Tatiana) had not merely disappeared; she'd been murdered with the Queen's knowledge. Strigoi were being slaughtered at the Queen's orders when they could have a chance at living a new life. A life where they didn't have to give into their bloodthirsty desires. A life where they could live along side Moroi and dhampires. They'd all been stripped of that opportunity thanks to the Queen. And now the protector of this town, the one who shed a new light on so many people's lives and the hope of these Strigoi was gone. Even if it was Riya, the one who seemed to be able to survive everything couldn't have survived that. She'd been shot too many times and to end it she'd been staked through the heart by silver. I'd felt the connection break and I couldn't feel her at all anymore. Before I'd always been able to feel a glimpse of her power but I couldn't sense her at all now...
So here's a little introduction and a recap of what happened at the end of the last chapter of Secret War. Hidden Secrets, yeah I know the title is really cheesy and crap but I couldn't think of anything else and it just seemed to fit ;)