Mikki: wow i almost considered cutting todays chapter.. the heat wave is sooo exhausting i felt sick and i still do.. D: i even considered NOT uploading after i finished!

Rima: well thanks i like this chappy :)

Mikki: i do too. :D

Nagi: you made me blush! o/o

Rima: w-what?

Mikki: hehe :) hope those fictionals characters and you guys (readers) feel better than i do. :))


Chapter Ten: Contacts


Ever since the terrorism dream last night, Souma Kukai had been following me around.

The end of school was announced by the final bell. It rang. The teachers groaned in the middle of an unfinished lesson, while the students happily left the classroom. Well, that is, except for me…I'm not happy. All through the day, the Souma Kukai in reality had been following me around.

I mean…why?

He was even one year older than me! He'd just somehow be right outside the class as soon as the bell for a break went off. By outside the class, I mean right outside. School was finally over and I had the courage to ask him something.

"Ok," I began, "why the hell are you following me?"

He just laughed and shrugged it off, "Ikuto told me about you."

"Ikuto?" was he that desperate to just know me outside of class! "You mean…Tsukiyomi Ikuto…" Kukai nodded, "…the pervert."

This made Souma burst out laughing. He mumbled something through a few laughs, "You called him a pervert…he doesn't take it slow, does he?"

This was getting suspicious, "Wait a minute…do you know him?" I walked into the classroom to get some stuff out of my desk. It was Friday.

Kukai grinned, "We were friends before I was even in school."

Ok…I had to ask, "How old is he?"

Souma sighed, "He's a little touchy about this…but…" he laughed. "He finished school really early. He should be in Grade Ten."

"Only three years older!" it was such a shock, some people in the classroom looked at me like I had shouting issues.

Even Kukai flinched, "Uh, ya…"

"Do you know Nagihiko, too?" I asked.

He laughed. Wow, he laughs a lot, "Were best friends."

I smiled at the thought of Nagihiko having fun, he must've been really cute, "Oh…cool."

Kukai looked at me suspiciously, but smiled back. His smile was bigger than me, but no way in hell was his smile brighter than Nagihiko's. Wait! I did not just think that! But…I think Kukai and I could be friends. I got out my phone and looked at my contacts. Nagihiko was on speed dial.

Fujisaki Nagihiko

Hinamori Amu

I looked at Kukai. He was staring at my phone from behind my shoulder…wait, what! I jumped forwards and turned around, "D-don't d-do t-that!"

"Ok," he replied, "no coming from behind…just that…can I be on your contacts?"

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged, "You only have two."

"You saw!" I screeched, protecting my dear phone with both hands.

Kukai snickered, "Yeah, so?"

I laughed. I guess it doesn't really matter. Kukai doesn't seem like a bad person, and for once…I have a new friend…since Grade One. I looked down, so my bangs would hide my smile that wouldn't fade. My enemy, Fujisaki Nagihiko, couldn't be considered an enemy anymore…he just gave me a new friend.

This is great, even if it was from Nagihiko.

I saw Kukai take out a lime green cover on an iPhone. He added me to his contacts and I did the same on my cell. I was happy beyond belief. So…thanks Nagihiko. Even if Ikuto was a pervert, I asked for his number.

Kukai gladly gave it to me, and the best part? He didn't even ask me why…wow. I guess having more than one friend wasn't so bad.

He looked at me, "Where do you live?"

"That's creepy," I replied bluntly. Kukai acted sad. I sighed, "I guess it won't hurt…I live near Seiyo Middle School. I'm the house right next to Nagihiko."

He gaped, "I don't even have to keep a note…awesome!" he shut off the App for all his contacts and slipped away his iPhone.

That was reassuring; too, knowing my address wasn't on someone's iPhone. Kukai and I walked home. Along the way, we met Nagihiko. It was fun, knowing I had another friend, that's not a girl, either! It made me feel…mature? No, I can't say that, it makes me sound like I'm…horny.

Just for fun, I phoned Amu. She ended up being behind us a little. I got Ikuto to come, too, who apparently lived next to my house! I didn't feel safe going to sleep anymore. I made a joke about that, and then Amu had to leave. Her house was across the street from mine. I waved goodbye to everyone, "Thanks –"

Kukai ran across the street with Amu, he lived directly across from Nagihiko. It was a small world; a really, really small world at that. He shouted back, "Your welcome! Have a good sleep! I'll be watching you!"

I blushed and laughed, "Same goes to you! I'll murder you in your sleep if you do that, you pervert!"

Ikuto chuckled at me, "Will you kill me to, if I sleep with you?"

"Yes…!" I growled, but I stopped and smiled, fuming at my own words, but building up confidence. "Thanks everyone – for being my friends."

Suddenly, Ikuto wasn't so teasing anymore. He was being real. He smiled, "Welcome…you'll have more friends if you keep up that courage to speak to a pervert like me."

He was still joking a little. I nodded, "Ya!"

Nagihiko was just looking at me. I asked, "What's wrong?" I grabbed his hand and inspected it. I laughed.

He just blushed and gave me a slight nod. Nagihiko rushed off into his house, the door quickly shutting. What was that? Oh, well, it was probably nothing. I gave one last wave to Ikuto, Kukai and Amu, and entered my house.

My cell phone went off as soon as I closed the door behind me. It startled me. Was it Kukai? Was it Ikuto, who would know my phone number, being the stalker he is? But no…the caller ID was…Hoshina Utau!

I quickly answered, beaming, even if I didn't like her songs, she was famous, "H-hello?"

I heard a stone cold voice reply, "Keep your hands off Ikuto!"

"What?" was all I could reply, "he's just some pervert to me…I don't mean to take your man…!"

Utau sighed, "Well, thank god…I was just testing you, because Ikuto said he found new 'prey' again or something… I'm Hoshina Utau."

I sighed, too, in relief, "I figured from the caller ID."

"You have caller ID?" I shrugged, she was an idol, but I guess she didn't have everything, even the most basic of things. "Lucky~ my manager blocked it for some stupid reason!"

We hit it off from there. Her cold voice had turned cheery. She seemed nice…really, really nice. Even if her songs were deadly serious…she was much nicer than the music she sang. After we talked during my homework, and all the way to me in my pajamas I said bye.

I added her to my contacts.

Fujisaki Nagihiko

Hinamori Amu

Souma Kukai

Tsukiyomi Ikuto

Hoshina Utau

For once, I wasn't too excited about my dreams. I was more happy for the reality that came after it.

Ikuto: plz R&R. ;p

Utau: and don't steal mah ikuto! D:

Mikki: special thanks to berry - for well.. giving me a popsicle. it helped. XD