So... I am very sorry. Here is a short update. There is much more to this part of the story but i decided to post it early, because all of you have literally waited years. I recently got back into writing this story. I am focusing on it for now. Like i said this is not this full portion of this part but i'll post the next part as the thirteenth chapter. I hope you enjoy. There isn't any Alice and Mirana interactions in this chapter so I am also sorry for that. I hope this doesn't disappoint. (I don't own any of the Alice and Wonderland material.)
Parade Pt. 1
It was the day of the welcoming parade in Marmoreal, and Alice was sitting under a tree within the front gates of the palace. She was dressed in her formal armor that Kain had ordered and had made for her. Her armor was white with silver and gold trimming. She had her hair down and was sharpening her blade.
"What a nice day! Not stressful at all." Kain said sarcastically. He approached Alice in his formal Armor. His armor had the same color scheme, but it was more masculine looking. Kain's armor was clearly made for a general, and Alice's was less showy. Her armor was made for a champion it was more practical.
"Not at all. We just have to make perfect impressions and escort the most important people of Underland into Marmoreal with out harm, or offense. Piece of cake." Alice responded with her own sarcasm.
Kain leaned against the tree she was sitting under. He smiled at her humor.
"We will be fine. Besides we have relatively easy assignments." Kain reassured his second in command.
"That's not why I'm worried. They maybe relatively easy for you, but we were assigned some of the most powerful Kingdoms. Mirana put me here with you because I'm the champion, I have to win their approval. I assume that is much easier said than done.." Alice continued to sharpen her weapon.
"Well why don't you try entering the tournament. That is sure to impress some of the more combat strong kingdoms. You also beat the Jabberwocky so I wouldn't be to worried about what they think of you." He said kindly.
"I'm not trying to earn their approval for myself, I'm trying to do it for Marmoreal. I'm part of the White Queen's council remember?" The blonde rolled her eyes.
"Damn! That's right. Still if they like you all the easier for you to sway them for Marmoreal." Kain smiled.
"What tournament were you talking about?" the champion questioned.
"Oh! Well since these meetings tend to take awhile, there are a series of events put together. You know? to pass the time and all. The tournament is a chance for all the best warriors to represent their Kingdom. Except for Serenia and Brio, they like to participate in more 'sport-like' events." The general explained.
"Yeah but won't we offend Brio and Serenia by entering?" Alice questioned.
"Brio, probably, but since everyone else participates they don't hold onto it for very long. Serenia doesn't mind it they just choose not to partake. The tournament is really just a show of skill it isn't a till the death type of thing." He continued.
"Good to know. Who are we meeting first?" Alice asked.
" Stalwart first, then Aphrodisia, and lastly Valor. I can't wait to meet Lites. What do you think she looks like?" Kain asked with excitment.
"Probably doesn't matter. I wager you will be drooling harder than you are now even if she looks like a banshee." Alice joked.
"You probably couldn't get Lites to look your way if you were lit on fire. Besides she is probably old. She has far to much experience to be as young as you. I mean after all she is the royal adviser, champion and general of Valor. A triple threat so to speak." Pierce approached the two from behind.
"I doubt that very much. I'm a fellow general, we will have to interact at some point." Kain stood up straight. Pierce was dressed in a very sharp white suit with a very nice purple vest underneath and a light gray dress shirt under it. He looked very good that day.
"I don't see why the queen put Valor in the hands of you two and i got stuck with mostly awful Kingdoms." Pierce pouted,
"She obviously trusts us. Why, who did you get?" Kain retorted.
Pierce pulled out a folded piece of paper from his left pocket. He unfolded it neatly and looked at it. He sighed when he read the names of the kingdoms to himself.
"Well Vainglor I can deal with, because I grew up there and they are good people." Peirce named the kingdom with pride.
"That isn't the word I would use." Kain mumbled. Pierce shot him a dirty look.
"I also have the Mercurial. I hope they don't steal anything. I also have Obdura. They are so emotionless and cold I can't take being around them for too long." Pierce griped.
"Maybe she chose the kingdoms we have based on our personalities." Kain insulted the advisor.
"Highly improbable. I think the Aphrodisians are more capable of defending themselves then you are, not to mention the Stalwarts or the Valorians." Pierce spat back. Kain went to move towards Peirce when Alice hopped up and stepped in between the two.
"You boys want to put your swords back in your pants? If not I'll gladly cut them down." Alice threatened. Both men glared at each other and backed away.
"Good now how about we get to our first post and get this day over with." Alice put her sword in its scabbard. The three were about to leave when Tarrant ran up to them.
"Oh I'm so glad i caught you three! The Queen needs to add an extra assignment for you. She won't really be able to leave the kingdom ground, because she is expected to greet all the kingdoms as they arrive. So Alice and Kain she gave you Mitigate and Pierce she gave you Asperity." Tarrant informed them.
"What! What if they kill me?" Pierce panicked. Alice and Kain just laughed.
"Yeah they are known to cut off the heads of people that upset them. Then they stake the heads near their border of the crimson lake. Look at the bright side, at least you aren't part of the kitchen staff. They have been up all night preparing all sorts of dishes for the feast tonight after the parade. Anyhow best just not look them in the eye." The hatter spoke in truth.
"Great." Pierce grumbled.
"Where is the Queen?" Alice questioned.
"She is at the white willow waiting for the Serenians. They should be here very soon. Then she will greet Crims and Ebon before any of us get back with our first kingdom." The hatter informed.
"Who do you have?" Pierce asked the hatter in curiousity.
"Brio, Ardor, and Nonchalia." Tarrant said with a shrug.
"Of course." Pierce grumbled.
"Well we better get to our first posts." The hatter said and they all went on their ways.
Kain and Alice were quietly making their way through the forest when they heard growling. The two paused their moments and drew their blades. They looked around quietly, with out saying a word. A giant white creature jumped out of some brush nearby. Kain nearly struck it, but Alice blocked his strike with her blade. He gave her a crazy look and then noticed that the creature wasn't attacking them.
"It's okay it's just the Bandersnatch." She smiled and scratched the creature under his neck. He made a purring noise and nudged Alice playfully which caused her to giggle. Kain took a deep breath and put his blade away.
"Well we should get going, the bridge they rebuilt isn't too far now." The general announced. Alice nodded and continued to walk with him, but the Bandersnatch kept following them.
"Well I guess he is coming along then?" Kain asked. The Bandersnatch just snorted. Alice nodded and pet the creature on his shoulder.
"Is that a problem? He is harmless." Alice asked.
"I've heard some far from harmless stories about this creature, but if he is loyal to you I see no problem with it. Really he just startled me." Kain admitted.
"Sorry. I haven't seen him since the battle with the Jabberwockey, he was just excited."
The three of them continued through the forest and approached a very large river, with rushing waters. There was an impressive bridge that connected the two sides. They had broken free of the trees a little while back so they were standing in open land.
"Now we wait." Kain leaned against a bridge post.
By the white willow the queen stood alone staring at the calm waters of the Tranquil ocean. Her mind was racing with different thoughts, but all she kept coming back to was Alice.
I hope you are okay my love. You will be fine with Kain. I wish I could see Alice now... I probably won't get to see her till the feast and even then she won't be sitting at the grand table with royalty... But she should be, though it would cause a major discrepancy for sure. Why does this have to be so hard?
A loud trumpet snapped Mirana from her thoughts. She looked into the ocean and saw a fleet of ship coming towards the shores. Suddenly Marmorian dock men flooded the shores to prepare for the Serenians. When the first and biggest ship docked a very handsome man exited the ship. He was clearly the king, wearing his crown with pride and dressed in silver dress garments. Mirana couldn't help but smile when she saw him. He waved his hands for her to come to him. When she got to the king he opened his arms and she practically jumped into the embrace.
"It is so good to see you child. I am so glad you are well." He spoke in her ear then took a step back out of the embrace. The king wasn't very tall but he was equal with Mirana. His hair was slightly grayed from age, but it looked naturally black. He had a clean cut beard that was still fairly black. His eyes were a light hazel and his face looked wise.
" Fredrick you look well." Mirana smiled at him.
"As do you! You are no child anymore, but a beautiful woman indeed." He took her hand and twirled her around playfully causing her to giggle. Two guards exited the ship, bowed their heads and held their hands out for some one to take. Moments later a delicate set of hands set a hand on each of theirs. They gripped the hands and lifted the person down. She was a beautiful woman around Mirana's age. Her hair was almost as white as Mirana's and she was dressed in a beautiful silver gown. Her eyes were the same as her fathers but her face was very beautiful. She must have taken after her mother.
"Ah my precious daughter Princess Serrena." Fredrick took his daughters hand and kissed it.
"Mirana!" She exclaimed gleefully. She gave the white queen a sweet embrace.
"Oh how I missed you. We were so worried." Serrena said as if she felt guilty.
"It's okay. I think we fared well. My champion saw to that. It's over now so let us not dwell on it." Mirana urged politely.
"Yes this champion! I have heard much about him. Where would he be right now? I can't believe such a lovely queen was waiting here alone." Fredrick said.
"I wasn't alone. I had my people here. They would never let anything happen, besides I hope this is the start of a long peace time." Mirana answered partly.
"You and I both." The king put his hand on her shoulder.
"I heard that this champion is charming! Is he dashing?" The princess asked with starry eyes. Mirana felt a slight wave of jealousy over the question about Alice.
"She is quite beautiful. As for her charm it's more of an acquired taste." The queen quipped a witticism.
"The champion is a woman? How delightful! Where is she?" Fredrick asked again.
"She is part of my representatives, she has to escort a few of the other kingdoms with the general first, but when we sit for the feast I will introduce her." Mirana informed them. A Middle aged man with long gray hair approached them. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he was clean shaven. He was dressed in his formal adviser robes.
"Ah! This is our long time adviser Enid Stillwater. You have met before I know." The king introduced the normal looking man. Enid took Mirana's hand and kissed her ring in respect.
"Your Majesty. An honor as always." Enid greeted her. A silver owl landed on Enid's shoulder when he stood up.
"How do you do?" It spoke in an old male voice.
"This is Altair. Our royal anouncer. The Owl is also our national animal as you know." Enid introduced the bird. Mirana nodded to him, and then the owl flew off towards the castle. Mirana wished all the other Kingdoms were as polite as the Serenians, but then again they had always had a good relationship. The Serenian's were very similar to them and were more like family.
"Well shall we be on our way to the parade then?" Mirana offered. The three of them nodded and followed her to a silver carriage that was waiting for them.
A Little later on Pierce was sitting on a boulder waiting for the Aspers to arrive. It wasn't hot, but he was sweating from nervousness. Something jumped on his shoulder and cried in fear. He jumped up and turned around to see nothing behind him.
"Down here!" a small voice yelled at him. He jumped when he laid his eyes on a mouse wielding a sewing needle as a sword.
"Who are you?" Pierce asked the mouse.
"Mallymkun Sir! You?" She asked.
"I'm Sir Pierce Bourne, the royal adviser of Marmoreal." Pierce bowed and put his hand out and the mouse jumped in it. He smiled and set her on his shoulder.
"I helped the champion escape from Crims." Mallymkun said as she sat on his shoulder. He sat back down on the boulder.
"Is that so? Well then I have a brave warrior to aid me should something go wrong with the Aspers?" He asked playfully.
"Indeed you do!" She raised her sewing needle into the air. As she did Pierce stood suddenly causing her to fall backwards.
"Oh!" He turned to pick her up and put her back on his shoulder. He turned back around and stayed standing as he watched the Aspers approach.
"Don't worry." She whispered in his ear and for some reason it made him feel better.
The queen rode upon a great black wolf. She absolutely stunning. She wore a very distinct crown of bones carved with tribal designs and adorned with five large garnet stones. She wore dark red dyed animal skins for a dress.
Her face was round and full but there was a soft beauty to it. Her eyes were dark brown and Pierce felt ferocity when he looked into them briefly. Her hair was long and black. She wore her hair in a single braid that reached to the small of her back.
Next to the queen was a tall man not much older than she was. He wore the dark red sash of an advisor for the Asperity Kingdom. When the queen and her advisor grew closer Pierce and Mallymkun bowed respectfully.
"It is an honor to have you. I am Sir Pierce Bourne, royal advisor of Marmoreal." he introduced himself politely.
"Hmph this puny man is who the queen chose to send?" The advisor commented with a snort.
"Hush Ahiga! My apologies Sir Bourne. My people are not use to such grand event such as these. It has been centuries upon centuries since such a thing has happened. Allow me to introduced myself. I am Queen Nidawi Keezheekoni and this is Ahiga Cheveyo may advisor." The queen introduced herself.
"She is wearing bones on her head... but she sounds nice, even for a lady who doesn't wears bones on her head." Mallymkun whispered in Pierce's ear.
Pierce smiled at the mouse's comment.
"Allow me to introduce Mallymkun ally to the Champion of Marmoreal." Pierce introduce the mouse.
"A pleasure, your majesty." The mouse curtsied.
"Likewise. This is Lyall my royal announcer and the wolf is our national animal.
The wolf bowed his head but said nothing. Pierce and Mallymkun nodded back.
"Well shall we head towards the parade then?" Pierce offered.
"Please lead the way." The queen said.
Over by the Bridge Alice and Kain were still waiting for the Stalwarts. The Bandersnatch had laid down for a nap. Alice sat next to him and leaned against him for back support. Her mind drifted to the Queen.
I hope she is okay... I Should be at her side. I am her champion after all. I Don't see why I have to be with Kain. Yes I do, but I wish it didn't have to be like this.
Alice sighed. Kain pulled out an apple and began eating it. Alice looked at him from the noise he made when he bit into the fruit. Then she looked passed him and her eyes went wide.
"What?" He asked with his mouth full. Alice stood up and kicked the Bandersnatch awake. The creature stood at attention next to her. Kain turned around to see what they were looking at. He threw his apple behind him and spit out what was in his mouth, then went to stand by Alice. They watched as the king and queen rode on top of a very large dark green gorilla across the bridge. The king nodded to the two as they bowed in his honor.
The king was maybe in his mid twenties. His face was strong and unmoving. He was all muscle and had very dark skin. His features were hard to see because of his dark complexion. He was wearing a green sash over his bare chest and panther skin for his pants. On his head was a crown to signal who he was. Behind him was a blonde fair skinned woman, that seemed small in his comparison. She must have been Aphrodisian, but she was clearly the queen of Stalwart. Her skin so white amongst the sea of black around her. She wore a smile on her face as she held on to her king. She was in a green dress that was cut so she could ride the gorilla comfortabley. She was the only Stalwart that wasn't wearing animal skin. She seemed out of place, but right where she belonged at the same time. There were many Stalwart men and women behind them, but there was only one at their side. Beside them was a man that wore a green sash like the king. He wasn't as dark as the king but he was still clearly a Stalwart. The man was shorter than Kain, but he held himself as if her were a giant. Like all the other Stalwarts he was muscular but not overly so.
"I am Esmond Filat! Advisor to King and Queen Abrafo!" He anounced with a strong voice and thick accent as he stepped onto the ground from the bridge. He bowed in respect, and the two from Marmoreal returned it.
"Kain Krystoff, General of Marmoreal." Kain introduced.
"Alice Kingsliegh, Champion of Marmoreal." Alice followed his lead. The king jumped off the gorilla then helped his queen down. He approached Alice. He got as close as he could to her without touching.
"This is Champion?" He asked. He too had a very thick accent.
"Yes your majesty." Alice said calmly even though she was nervous she didn't let it show. The Bandersnatch growled a bit because of the kings close proximity to Alice. The king backed away a bit and looked the Bandersnatch in the eye.
"You must be Champion. You have gained loyalty of a fearsome beast." He said while still looking at the creature. His wife put a hand on his shoulder to get him to look his escorts in the eye.
"Do not be rude my king. These people are here to greet us on behalf of the queen. It is an honor that she sent her champion, for as you know the champion is not to leave her side." The queen had a much different accent, and it was a lot easier to understand. The king relaxed under her touch and respectfully made eye contact with Kain and Alice. The Stalwart queen's words suddenly made sense to Alice. Mirana was making a statement to them. She was showing them respect by sending her strongest warriors to greet them. The king did not seem impressed however. Alice made a mental note that she had to prove herself to him personally. She did defeat the Jabberwockey but he hadn't seen it.
"I am Queen Hilde Abrafo." She nodded to them in respect.
"I am King Gidal Abrafo." He said. His look was unmoving. He looked both of them up and down and then went back to his gorilla. He climbed on to its back and lifted his queen up with one arm.
"This is Kamau. He is our announcer and national beast." Esmond waved his hand towards the dark green gorilla. Kain and Alice nodded to him and he nodded back.
"We will escort you to the castle now." Kain said. Alice hopped on to the Bandersnatch and Kain joined her.
At the castle there were merchant stand and people everywhere. There was clearly a path made for the parade. The silver owl Altiar flew over the people and hooted. Mctwisp hopped down the castle steps and blew a horn. The crowed that had gathered roared in excitement. Something was finally happening and the air was almost electric from all the excitement.
"Please welcome the Serenian kingdom!" Mctwisp shouted then hopped off. Mirana walked down the path and the people of Marmoreal cheered for her. Oh, how they adored her. She made her way up the steps and sat in her throne that had been placed there for the evening.
The crowd began to roar as Enid appeared on a white steed. Not to far behind him was the king and princess on their own horses. The princess sat side saddle and waved politely to the people.
"Royal advisor, Enid Stillwater. King of Serenia, Fredrick Warin. Princess of Serenia, Serrena Warin." Altair announced as he circle the parade from above.
A crowd of Serenians followed behind them then combined silver with the white crowd. When Enid, Fredrick, and Serrena got to the steps they dismounted. The queen stood and shook all their hand and had a guard escort them into the castle. Mirana sat back down in her throne once her guests were out of sight.
An elk with red fur appeared at the start of the path and the crowd went completely silent. Mirana stood at it's appearance. The elk represents freedom so she knew the Crims representative was about to appear. She was nervous, even though she knew Iracebeth was gone the sight of the Crims national animal stunned her. She sat back down as she saw a stunning red haired woman on a brown horse appear.
"Please welcome the Kingdom of Crims!" Mctwisp had made his way back down the steps at the sight of the elk. After the white rabbit made his announcement he hopped back up the steps and stood by the queen. The crowd hardly made a sound for Crims.
The red haired woman had a fiery aura around her. Her beauty demanded attention, but her eyes looked as if nothing seemed of interest to her. She of course was dressed in red. She wore black riding pants and a red blouse that showed off her bosom. She wore a black and red sash that signified she was an official. Behind her was a man on a black steed. He was dressed in Crims formal armor, with a black and red sash across his chest as well. The man wasn't quite middle aged, but he was almost there. His eyes looked dark even though they were blue. His face would have been handsome, but it was heavily scarred. He had a beard to cover some of the scars and his hair was light brown and slightly overgrown. Behind them were the people of Crims. They were dressed in red that joined the silver and white crowd to the sides.
"Nicolette Raye, Representative of Crims. Franz Erdman. Representative of Crims." The Elk announced.
The elks voice was of an old man but it resonated just as well as Altiar's announcement.
When the two reached the steps they dismounted their steeds. Stable men took the horses away and the two made their way up the steps. The woman walked with more confidence and anger than Mirana had ever seen. The man walked with a purpose, but he had a slight limp. Mirana stood up when they reached her and held out her hand. The woman accepted her hand and kissed it, instead of the ring. She looked the queen in the eye the whole time. She was sending a message, but Mirana was unsure on how to interpret it.
"Nicolette Raye. It is a pleasure to meet you." She released Mirana's hand and stood to the side. The man then took her hand and kissed her on the ring. She withdrew her hand and nodded to him.
"I am Franz Erdman, Representative of Crims." He introduced. He had greeted her correctly, since he was only a representative not a king, but Mirana felt wrong. She didn't think either of the two people before her should have been bowing, especially with what they must have gone through. Mirana couldn't bring herself to say a word to them. An official escorted them in to the palace and Mirana sat back down.
"Are you okay my Queen?" Mctwisp asked.
"Yes. It seems that we will have some time before Ebon arrives. Will you have some one write a message to Franz and Nicolette?" The queen requested.
"Yes! What would you have the message say?" Mctwisp asked only so he knew what to tell the messenger.
"Really it is more of a private invitation. I want them to meet me in the study after the feast tonight. Make sure that only they know of it. They mustn't breathe a word of this to anyone else. That goes for you too. I'll need the messenger to write a message to the champion also. I need her by my side at all times tonight after she is done with her escorts no exceptions." Mirana spoke in a hushed tone so only Mctwisp could hear. The courtyard was very loud though, so it was unlikely that anyone could hear what they were saying.
"Yes your Majesty." He bowed and hopped off. The white rabbit returned after a few moment. About fifteen minutes went by and a man wearing all white and a messenger bag emerged from the castle.
"The first message has been sent, my queen." He whispered to her.
"Good. Stand next to that pillar on the left by the gate. Alice won't go passed in until she makes the last escort so I need you to give her that message when she comes with the Stalwarts. Be careful! We don't want any of the Stalwarts to see the exchange so make casual conversation with her if you must until the Stalwarts pass. Lose the messenger pack and what ever you do, do not introduce yourself as a messenger. You must be discreet." Mirana instructed him. He nodded and then went back inside the castle. When he came back out Mirana hardly recognized him. He was wearing black pants and white dress shirt. He had put on a wig, so that his hair was different color. He nodded to her and made his way into the crowd. She nodded back and her eyes followed him until she lost him amongst all the people.
Yeah i know it ended abruptly. I'll have more up hopefully very soon. Thank you for reading and excuse my sloppiness.