Eden Prime, 2 years after the Reapers were defeated
I lay my hand on the exact ground where Jennings fell. I hum the air and the memories rush in. Saren is long gone. Kaidan died during the final bout. But the smells and the sounds are still with me, wherever I look. And then, this opening. You are here, fighting of geths with all the courage you can summon and…
"God Damn it Shepard!"
"Wake him up! Hurry!"
I'm not on Eden Prime. I'm not holding my guns anymore Ash. Not even running wild to cover some teammate asses. Too much beating, too much pain and sorrow took its toll on me. I'm now barely able to walk. But they still need their "Hero of the Galaxy twice" for the PR job. And since you left, I'm hooked up with a medic 24/7… Suicidal behavior… You bet! Ain't nothing worth living for without you. Even the smartest/hottest chick human genes could create didn't interest me. Miranda had arguments though... I remember one night...
They have to drug me, Ash, so that I don't feel too bad. So that I don't complain too much about being just a man on a leach. You wouldn't love me now. I'm just a shell of my old self. Garrus still comes from time to time. Mind you, he is in the Council now. Yeah, I know, quite doesn't fit the guy right? Well, from what I know, he has done a more than decent work there. I'm glad to see his scared face. For a few minutes, I feel like I could stand up again, be "Commander Shepard" again. And then the pain comes. First the bones, then the muscles and then you. In these moments, Ash, I hate you. I hate you as much as I hate this life. But then I remember. I remember our fights. I remember your mother. And, more important, I remember you.
They tried once to get me going saying "Do it for Williams". He, the guy just died on the spot. That was the last time they left me more than a pencil to sign autograph. No one can spoil you. They already have me, Ash. It is hard enough to wake up every morning and see him in the mirror. Him? Commander Shepard. The face, the scars, even the grin, it is still him. But inside, Ash, inside, I'm anything but dead. And every time, I'm reminded of what I was, what I could be. Then I turn and the limping begins.
You're not smiling to me anymore Ash. Your mother called me a quitter yesterday. That you'd never love me if you'd see me now. I think she is right. In the end, no matter who they want me to be, I need to follow my own path. It is what I had always done until they got me. The Alliance, the brass. I reach and call Garrus. He chuckles.
"Just like old times, hu"
You're right, bud, just like old times. The day is set. I know they know. But I don't give a damn. Commander Shepard will go out with a bang.
I didn't expected him to bring the Normandy though. I knew that the crew mostly stayed together after the final bout. But to see them here. Joker managed quite a joke
"Nice commander, now, I won't be the only cripple on board"
Smart ass. I missed him. I take a sit close to him, EDI still roaming with him.
"Take me to the SR1 site, Joker"
What died should stay dead. I'm coming back where I belong.