DISCLAIMER;I do not own anything and I never will. The only thing I own is my imagination and that is all. Everything else belongs to its rightful owners. I am not getting any credit out of other people's creations.

AUTHOR'S NOTE; I just want to thank Nik-Nokkers Anonymous & serianna14 for their lovely reviews! Honestly, you're both far too kind and it's because of these amazing reviews that I'm going to continue writing this story! I'm so glad you guys enjoy it as much as you do! So here we go, chapter three!

Peter Pan/Sara Crewe & a bit of Becky/Nibs
Sara Crewe had thought no hope would come, but then he did. He heard her stories, he heard her pain and most of all, he heard how much she reminded him of Wendy and he couldn't help himself. Pan was always a selfish boy after all; if he wanted something, he assumed he deserved it.


Peter honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to ever return back to that Boarding School, despite telling her that he would do to hear the rest of the stories. He supposed it bruised his ego more than he would have liked when Sara had rejected his offer to come to Never Land. He thought all young people would jump at such a fantastic opportunity and plus, he was amazing so why would anyone not want to run away with him? It was hard for him to understand her reasons. He understood loyalty and bravery, but why be loyal to people who ran at the first sign of trouble and let you take the fall? He didn't understand why they were better than him. After all, he'd stand up for her. He wouldn't run away. Bah – girls would never make sense to him. It was fair to say he spent the rest of that night sulking. He did a great deal of it as well – the lost boys had left him to it after a while, realising that he wasn't going to talk to them, no matter how hard they tried to cheer him up and even Tinkerbell didn't jingle insults in his direction, but just sat cross-legged on his shoulder for the majority of the night. Despite all of this though, despite the bad mood that it put him in, he couldn't resist the urge to go back for three reasons. The first reason was because he truly did want to hear the rest of her stories and so did the Lost Boys. The second reason was because before he left last night, he'd waited for the girls to fall asleep and set up a nice little surprise for them so that they weren't hungry during their day of starvation – what was a little stealing to Peter after all? He did it all the time in Never Land – well, he used to when the pirates were still around. He didn't seem to realise stealing for families and stealing from pirates were actually two different things. Last but not least, the third reason? Truthfully...he just wanted to see her again. He had grown accustomed to visiting her and after indulging in a conversation with her last night, he had grown even more attached. He couldn't just stay away; he had to make sure she wasn't being thrown out onto the streets.

So here he was again, flying through the bitter air of London, surrounding by the darkness of the night's sky as he zoomed his way towards the tall building which looked so inviting, but was apparently worse than hell if you were to actually live there. Rain was pelting down hard against his skin, but he barely felt the coldness. He was so warm blooded and so used to living in Never Land, a place of magic, that things like this rarely bothered him. He was an outdoors baby – nature was his friend. Rain was probably the closest thing he ever came to a bath, unless you counted the constant swims he took in lake with the mermaids. Diving downwards, he couldn't resist snatching up a top hat from a wealthy man walking down the street, placing it on top of his head as he flew back upwards and out of sight before the man could even react to being attacked by a 'thief'. Unsurprisingly, the hat came off five seconds later due to the wind. He didn't seem to care though and it wasn't long before he was approaching the open window of the attic.

She was there, perched on the edge of the window sill, leaning out and smiling to herself, wrapped in the coat that he had put there for her, as she watched a carriage pull away. Had she been waiting for him? The thought it made him smile and while she was distracted, he moved down until he was rather suddenly floating right in front of her face. "Hi there!" He announced in a loud, bubby voice, grinning boyishly at her.

Taken by complete surprise, Sara jumped, her bum actually leaving the window sill as she let out a surprised gasp. Losing her balance, she fell backwards, landing with a small 'oomph' on the wooden floorboards inside her room, just beneath the window. Her eyes closed in a short wince and she remained there for just a couple of seconds, before leaping back to her feet in an instance. Her eyes were wide as she stared out at the window, catching sight of Peter still floating there, looking at her with that same grin, making no attempt to see if she was alright, but instead look rather proud of himself for making her jump like that. Typical boy. Her lips curved up into a smile as she moved forward, perching herself on the edge once more and letting her hands fall into her lap. "You came back!" She gushed out, sounding surprised by this.

"Well o' course; I told you I wanted to hear more stories!" Peter commented with a casual shrug, doing a little swirl in the air as if it was a normal thing for him to do when really he was just trying to impress her – the little giggle that left her mouth afterwards let him know that he had succeeded. "Besides; I had to see if you liked your present." He added, nodding into the room.

Sara frowned, looking confused as she glanced over her shoulder. Her room was a lot different since the last time he had been there – there were elegant sheets that reminded her of India, a brilliant golden yellow coloured, hooked up in different parts of the room. A long table was full with empty plates that had once had the most delicious tasting food on it and strange decorations that didn't quite belong, but looked lovely anyway brightened up the cold attic. Honestly, Sara and Becky had no idea where they had come from – they had just woken up this morning and it had all been there. It had been a little scary, but for some reason, Sara had felt safe – safe enough to eat all the food anyway. She observed it all one last time as realisation sunk in. With another gasp, her head snapped to look back at Peter. "Did you do this?" She asked in a whispered, sounding amazed.

Peter just grinned and puffed his chest out. "I had to make sure you weren't too hungry to finish your story. That old witch was threatening to starve you!" He commented, clearly expecting some sort of reward.

He got one as well. Without warning, Sara reached out – though made sure she didn't fall off the perch – and enveloped her arms around his shoulder, yanking him towards her. His eyes went wide as their chests thudded together in what was quite possibly the tightest hug he'd ever had. His hands came up and just hovered by his shoulders, making no effort to hug her back, but instead looking terrified about the fact another person – especially a girl – was touching him. Her chin rest on his shoulder and she seemed to ignore the fact that he was soaking wet from the rain, making her rags slightly damp. Screwing his face up, Peter still looked unsure of what to do and when she didn't let go, he brought one of his hands down to just pat her sympathetically on the shoulder.

Tink's yellow glow turned red in anger as she watched from outside and without warning, she shot forward beginning to buzz around Sara's head, squeaking at her and occasionally pulling at a strand of hair.

Jerking back from the hug, Sara's wide eyes turned to her left to catch sight of the bright orb that was attacking her and rather than looking scared or trying to hit the thing around, her lips curved up into the widest grin. "What is that?" She asked Peter excitedly, turning to look back at him.

Rather than standing in the rain, Peter invited himself in, floating down to stand on the carpet and catching Tinkerbell between two hands to stop her from doing anymore damage. "That's Tinkerbell, my fairy." He told Sara matter of fact.

Sara was silent for a while, staring at him, trying to figure out if he was joking or not before just laughing softly. "A fairy? Can I see?!" She quickly jumped up from her position and walked towards him so fast that he actually took two steps back, before coming to a stop.

"Aren't you going to tell me there's no such thing?" Peter questioned, rather surprised by how quickly she believed him. Not even Wendy had believed him.

"But of course there is! There are all sorts of fairies. There's the tooth fairy, there's – "Sara began, but she was quickly silenced by the sound of pounding footsteps heading up a flight of stairs.

"Where is it? Where is it?!" A voice could be heard bellowing in the distance.

Sara's eyes widened in horror and she reached forward, snatching at Peter's arm and dragging him to the window. "You have to go!" She hissed through gritted teeth, moving behind him and pushing at his back, pushing him to the window. Peter frowned, turning around to face her and giving her a weird look. He looked ready to protest, especially when he saw the fear that was bright in her eyes, but the footsteps got closer and in the end, he nodded his head and jumped through the window, flying downwards to hide beneath it like he had done last night, still clutching Tinkerbell in his hands so that she didn't go and cause trouble.

"Where's the locket?!" Miss Minchin's shrill voice bellowed as she stormed into the room and Peter jumped slightly at how loud her voice. He could Sara gasp, heard her take a few steps backwards – she really was terrified of this woman, even if she did stand up to her on many occasions.

"Give it to me. GIVE IT TO ME!" Miss Minchin yelled and he heard her stalking forward. Being very careful, he let go of Tink and shushed her before she could anything. After that, he gently lifted himself upwards and perched over the edge, watching the scene play out, watching as the cruel teacher stormed towards Sara with her hand outstretched, while Sara clutched at something that was around her neck. He remembered the locket – the one that had her parents in. He'd seen it last night. Why on earth did Miss Minchin want that? It wasn't hers! And yet despite this, he watched with a faint heart as Sara unclasped it from around her neck. She didn't have a chance to give it to Miss Minchin though – the old bag lady had become far too interested in the sudden change of appearance the room had gone through.

"What is all this?" She whispered, sounding outraged her eyes wide as she continued to stare around at the sheets that had been set around the room. "Where'd it come from?"

"I don't know." Sara stated, half lying considering she knew it was Peter who had done it. She walked forward, preparing to give the locket that meant so much to her away. "I just woke up and it was here."

"You stole all of it, didn't you?" Miss Minchin suddenly accused and Peter's eyes widened as Sara shook her head repeatedly. "Just like you stole this locket!" The headmistress yelled, snatching the piece of jewellery from Sara's hairs.

"No!" Sara yelled, trying to make Miss Minchin see sense. Peter had half a mind to storm in there and tell the woman it was him that done it – after all, she couldn't throw him out on the streets could she? However, Sara had seemed so desperate for him to leave, she seemed so scared of this woman and Peter knew that it would be safer to just keep his distance. Besides, adults weren't supposed to know he existed; adults didn't believe after all. However, that didn't stop his blood from boiling up. How could she even accuse Sara of stealing all this? How did she expect Sara to be capable of it? Peter only managed it because he could fly and he also had the help from a fairy!

"You're nothing but a dirty little thief. It's my responsibility to protect the children of this school from animals like you!" Miss Minchin continued, not even listening to Sara's protests. "Pack your things! You'll be leaving with the police very shortly!" Miss Minchin finished and on that note, she rushed from the room. Sara desperately tried to catch up with her, but it was too late. The door slammed shut and the lock clicked over the door. Sara's tiny little fists slammed into the wood as she banged on it repeatedly, screaming for Miss Minchin to listen to her, desperately trying to make her teacher realise that it wasn't her who had stolen all of this beautiful stuff. Peter watched with a guilty conscience – he was the one who had brought all this stuff here. He had never thought in a million years that Miss Minchin would react like that. He wasn't exactly famous for being a boy who thought about consequences. He had just been trying to do a nice gesture; he had just been trying to show off. He hadn't meant for it to go like this; he hadn't meant to get Sara thrown into the streets or carted off with the police! He didn't really know much about the police, but he imagined there were about as nice as pirates with a name so similar. Swallowing hard, he glanced at Tink, expecting some sort of advice, but if anything, she just looked innocently pleased. Evil fairy – he rolled his eyes at her and flicked her away with his thumb and finger, watching her soar through the air in a glitter trail. She'd be back in a couple of minutes anyway. Right now, he had to help Sara.

And he could – all she needed to do was agree to come with him; agree to come to Never Land. They didn't have police there nor did they have anyone like Miss Minchin, not since Hook was defeated. She'd be safe there, completely safe; she'd be with him after all.

"Sara; what are you going do?" Another voice filled the room and he watched as Sara's friend tip toed her way through what appeared to be a doorway in the wall. He liked Becky; he didn't really know much of her nor did he care much for her, but since he had begun visiting Sara, he'd found that the dark-coloured girl was a lot nicer than all the others. She seemed to keep Sara going; she helped her. He liked that.

"I have to leave, Becky." Sara whispered in a voice that sounded scared and possibly even alone. He watched as she stopped thumping at the door, turning around to face her friend and his smile faded. Her cheeks were wet, as if she had been out in this rain and he realised that she was doing something most girls did; crying. He didn't like it. He didn't want her to cry – it was awkward when girls cried. He never knew what to do when they did.

"Leave? But where will you go?" Becky asked in a sad and worried voice as she rushed to her friend's side, her hand stretching out and resting on Sara's shoulder in a comforting way. "Surely the police will believe you?"

"No they won't, Becky. I have to go." Sara urged, her voice shaking slightly.

"Go where?" Becky continued to ask, not wanting her friend to just be roaming the streets. This was of course Peter's cue to enter the scene rather than linger outside in the dark.

"With me, of course!" He announced loudly, moving his way into the room, standing inside just by the window. His hands were on his hips and his chest was once again puffed out proudly. His head was tilted up high and his shoulders pinned back while a playful smile was dancing around on his lips, his eyes glimmering with mischief and excitement. "To Never Land!"

In a matter of seconds, Becky was standing behind Sara, gripping at her friend's arms while peering over the left shoulder with wide eyes. "Sara!" She gasped, sounding scared and worried. "Why is there a strange boy in your room?" She whispered, but Sara didn't seem to hear her friend. Her eyes were wide and her lips were slowly beginning to curve up into a smile, as if she was having some sort of realization, as if she was conducting a plan within her imaginative head. Peter was right; they could go with him. Before when he had asked, she had been unable to leave but now she didn't have much of a choice. Turning around, she stared at Becky, fear suddenly gone and replaced with excitement. Maybe everything would be okay; maybe he really could be her hero; the Rama to her Sita but without the undying love and budding romance. Biting down on her lower lip, she considered this for a few more moments, her eyes locking with his. As if he could read her mind, he nodded once, almost as if to encourage her and with a small giggle, Sara turned around, all signs of tears fading away as she faced her friend.

"It's okay, Becky. His names Peter. He can help us." Sara reassured quietly, though Becky didn't look too convinced. She was a dreamer, but she wasn't as easily swayed by the thought of magic and pixie dust like Sara. Becky had lived in a harsh world for a long time; she had never even heard of happy endings until she started listening to Sara's stories. She had been trapped here as a servant girl for a long time and before then, she'd been caught up in orphanages that didn't think much of her race. Her mother's face was long forgotten and her father's never seen. Her childhood hadn't been as wonderful as Sara's and therefore, she wasn't as easily caught up in the idea of fairytales coming true. She needed a lot more convincing that just a cheeky smile and the mention of mermaids.

"Help us how? How did he get in here?" Becky was still whispering, almost as if she didn't want Peter to hear. Her eyes continued to dart over Sara's shoulders, eyeing the boy in leaves suspiciously, ignoring the way he was frowning at her, clearly unhappy that she was holding everything up. He didn't mind if Sara brought her friend – the boys would love two mothers and hey, we all know how much Peter loves female attention – but if she was going to come, she had to come quickly, not wait around and ask silly questions.

"He flew! Just like magic – he can take us away from here, to a land where there are fairies and mermaids and we'd never have to worry about serving breakfast ever again!" Sara gushed out in an excited tone.

"But...I thought that stuff only existed in stories. It's all make believe." Becky commented in a sceptical tone. "Right?"

"Wrong." Peter commented. Both girls turned to look at him and Becky's eyes widened at the fact he was now hovering in mid-air, offering her a 'told you so' look of smugness. He lifted his eyebrows up and down one time, before casually gliding towards them, landing at Sara's side. "Honestly; have neither of you heard of me?" He asked in a drawl that sounded bored.

Becky swallowed hard, still trying to come to terms with the fact a mere boy had just flown. She couldn't quite believe Sara was suggesting they run away with him – run away to a place that sounded like something from a fantasy book. She also couldn't believe that she was actually considering it – only slightly though. "How do we know we'll be safe?" She asked, speaking to Sara, not Peter.

Sara glanced at Peter. This was a good point; how did they know they would be safe? She couldn't be certain they would. However, she could be certain of one thing. "Anywhere's better than here...isn't it?" She voiced out loud, looking back at Becky who remained silent, having no argument against this comment. The black girl shuffled awkwardly on her feet, looking down at the floor as she wrapped her rag of a shawl tighter around her shoulders. "I'm a little scared about all of this, Sara." She admitted in a mumble that was barely audible.

"I know, Becky, I am too, but it's okay...we have each other. I'll protect you. You can trust me." Sara stated – and she meant it.

"I know I can. It's not you I'm worried about, Sara." Becky commented, suspicious eyes falling on Peter once ore.

Sara fell silent and her eyebrows drew down into a faint frown. Becky voiced a good point – could they really trust Peter? Sara didn't even know him. She had only met him yesterday and he'd basically admitted to stalking her just to listen to her stories. And yet...despite this, she felt...safe going with him. She might not know Peter, but he was just a boy and he gave off this feeling of security almost the second you met him. Surely he couldn't put them in any serious danger? Nothing they couldn't handle together anyway. "We'll be okay. We'll be together." She told her friend lightly. "Think about; our very own adventure. People will be telling our story to others in years to come! About the two brave girls who escape the evil hands of the Ramayana! We'll learn how to fly and discover all these new things. It'll be like one of the stories I tell you but...we'll be living it instead of dreaming of it." She continued to encourage her friend, taking a step forward. "Come on, Becky; weren't you the one that told me you thought there'd be dies you would die until you learnt about the magic? And when I didn't believe in it, it was you who restored my faith; you taught me to believe again, Becky and look; the magic is right in front of us, just like we always dreamed. Don't you believe in it any more? Don't you believe that the magic has come to save us, just like it saved Rama and Sita?" She sounded almost desperate now. She knew they didn't have much time left, but she refused to leave without Becky. Becky was the only thing she had left that was important to her.

Becky slowly looked up and met the gaze of her best friend; a girl who had grown to become a sister figure to her. For a while, they just stared at one another, almost as if they were silently communicating and then thunder struck in the air, voices drifted up from outside – the police were here. Sara's eyes widened and so did Becky's. Becky was scared, that much was true, but she was not about to let her sister be carted off in a wagon to some cell – not in this lifetime. There wasn't exactly any other way to escape but with this strange boy in leaves who could amazingly fly without strings to hold him up. It didn't feel right, but...it was the only way. Sara had restored her faith and now, it was time to help restore Sara's and if that faith was in the form of this Peter person then who was Becky to argue with that? Without further ado, the young girl looked at Peter and nodded, a defeated look upon her features. Sara laughed in relief and reached out, snatching her friend's hand in hers, linking their fingers as she turned to face Peter.

"So; how do we get there?" She asked, bouncing up and down ever so slightly.

Peter just grinned at them; a grin that was so full of mischief, so full of adventure. "You fly, of course."

COMING UP NEXT; The girls arrive at Never Land. Becky meets Nibs for the first time.