Sorry it took so long for the update. I wanted to make sure this was a good chapter. I still can't believe people found the last chapter interesting. Thank you all for the reviews. And now for the next chapter.

Wishes do come true and expect the unexpected...

I wake up feeling half happy, half mad. Boy I do not look forward to today, or any days. I stopped taking the sleeping pills, and I canceled my prescription for the anti-depressants. I feel like I was smoking cigarettes all my life, and I finally made the decision to stop. I'm Anxious, I'm unsure, I'm still on my high from seeing Sasuke a few weeks ago, and the best part is I haven't came down yet.

I guess it's good to know that he at least cares. I always knew that everyone else cared, but that doesn't really matter to me because I don't love them the way I love Sasuke. It sounds mean, but when I really think about it, it's true. My heart belongs to him, and I can't give it to other people.

Today is going to be the busiest day ever at the hospital. It's supposed to be so bad that even Tsunade has to come and work. All the ninja that were in the battle with the sound village are coming back. And just from the sounds of the reports they sound like they been through hell. It's really a shame because we sent so many people out there, and only some came back. It's depressing.

"Oi!! Sakura!!! Wait up!!" Ino calls after me. I stop and turn around. "Hey where you last night?!? We were looking for you everywhere." Apparently you weren't looking hard enough. Everyone knows where I live. I think I should move to a distant location so no one knows where I live. I'm tired of all my friends coming over and asking if I'm okay or would I like to go to a party. That's why I always wake up half mad.

"I went home early, I got sick." I'm still that actress waiting for her award. By now I should have like five of them and like six nominations. I'm better than a con artist.

"Oh, bummer. Look me and the guys are going out tonight you wanna come with?" She still isn't giving up. I have to give her props for her determination. I shake my hand no. She sighs, "Look I know you still miss you know who, but you're going to have to forget him. It's not like he's coming back soon. And if he does what makes you so sure he'll come back to you?"

He wrote me a note saying that he will, that's how I know. My mood sadden a bit. Ino noticed this. "I'm sorry Sakura, I didn't mean to bring that up." It's not that, I don't care that you said that he wouldn't come back to me. It's the fact that he said one day. I don't know when one day is. All I can do is hope that it's soon, but I know that it isn't.

"It's okay Ino. I gotta go okay?" I left without another word. What if he dies? What if something bad happens where he turns completely evil and I can't save him? I will always love him, and care for him too, but death is a strong possibility the way he's living now. During work I couldn't focus on anything, good thing I didn't have to do any major work. Despite the fact that the hospital is super busy.

I barely heard Shizune walk in. "Sakura, is everything alright?" She asked smiling uncertainly.

"Yeah everything is fine." I might end up going to hell for lying so much.

"Okay, well we're ready for you in the emergency room."

"Actually, can you take over? I need to go and gets some rest." I don't want to be responsible for killing a patient for not paying attention. She nods, great no one's blood is going to be on my hands.

I kick off my shoes and collapse on the couch. It's sad that I don't have anything to drink. What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to be happy that he showed up? Or am I supposed be happy he filled my heart with hope?I knew that I wasn't going to completely satisfied with him just showing up. I am feeling way too many emotions and they're all confusing me. Why can't I just be happy that I saw him?

I don't know, and I digress. My doorbell rings. Please don't let it be anyone I think it is. I'm really not in the mood. I drag myself from the couch and answer the door. Should I even be surprised? Loud mouth Naruto, gay ass Sai, and perverted Kakashi. What a shocker. I wonder what they're here for? They better be selling cookies, cause I don't have time for dumb questions.

"Sakura-chan are you sure you don't wanna come with us tonight? It's gonna be fun!!!" I'm very sure you idiot.

"If the ugly hag doesn't want to go, then it doesn't want to go." I punch the fag right in the gut. He hunches over clutching his stomach. I hate that bastard, and so does Kakashi and Naruto. That's the only thing we can manage to agree on, our hatred for Sai.

"You shouldn't waste your time wallowing in your sorrow, go out and have fun!" You shouldn't waste time reading porno, go out and get a girlfriend.

"Look, I'm not sad okay? I just had a long day at work. So I need to rest." Why can't anyone around here take a hint!?!?!?

"Oh okay. Hey cool necklace where did you get it from?!?!" Naruto shouted. Someone needs to teach him about indoor and outdoor voices. Someone who is not me of course.

"The store." I deadpanned, not wanting them to know who actually gave it to me. "Well it was nice talking to you, don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!" I push them out and slammed the door. Was it rude? Yes, but I'm getting really tired of people asking me if I'm okay and try to get me to go out with them. If I wanted to go somewhere, I would have went.

My days get a little better. I finally just decided that I'm not answering the door for anyone. And my new lie for not going out anywhere is because I have a mission to do. Of course this only makes people try harder to include me in their social circle, I can't seem to win in life. This sad fact pisses me off to no end. The only thing that keeps me from not being completely pissed is the kiss me and Sasuke shared. I can't believe that he was my first kiss. A few years ago, I would have never get expected that.

But then I would have never expected him to leave. Well life is in fact filled with surprises and unexpected twists. I gulp my second cup of coffee. I never liked coffee before, but for some reason I can't get enough of it.

"Whoa, slow down there girly. Coffee stunts your growth." I glare at her. "Not that you're short or are in any need to grow!" The nurse tries to cover up the fact that I'm nowhere near anyone else high. It's like everyone hit this major growth spurt, but me. Hell even Naruto is taller than me. Speak of the devil here he comes now, clutching his gut. The idiot must have done something stupid.

"Is there something that I can help you with sir?" I ask as if I didn't know him.

" stomach!!"

"Okay. That's nice." I say not caring.

"I drunk a cartoon of expired milk!!" I just then remembered that he was lactose intolerant. That is gross.

I don't want to help him with that problem. I wouldn't want to help anyone with that problem. "Well I'll have a nurse assist you with that." I want to see lady Tsunade. Hopefully she can give me a mission that will get me out of this place. I feel kinda bad for the nurse who will get stuck helping Naruto, but it's none of my concern.

I just realized, I hate all missions. I really don't know why they can't come over here and give us the stupid object, or get their own ninjas to protect their leaders, yeah sure their villages may be going through some tough times, but ours isn't any better. I honestly hate traveling to different places. Mostly because of the different climates and how I always have to go to the one village that is nowhere near Konoha.

I also hate retrieval missions, they almost never end right. Especially when it's a solo mission. What's so special about a scroll that I almost have to die for it? I would take the time to sit down and read what I'm trying to protect, but I'm a bit of a sticky situation. Getting is easier than keeping, some wise ninja had once said. A bunch of dirty rouge ninja are hot on my trail. I throw every weapon that I have, and set a few traps, but nothing is stopping them.

One reaches for the scroll and I kick him away. Another loser tried to trip me, but I'm way to coordinated to fall. I put the scroll in my pouch and prepare to fight. These cowards were easier than I thought. I wipe all of them out easily, except the leader, who is smirking like he didn't just see all his comrades die. My chakra is slowly draining, and I have no idea why. I didn't use any jutsu and I certainly didn't heal myself. The filthy crook laughed at my weak state. I narrow my eyes. "Looks like you can't go on any further can you?" I don't answer the question.

My vision seems to be fading quickly. I can't see anything, and what I do see is all blurry. The bastard laughs again. "How are you enjoying my jutsu? It's a really wonderful one. It wipes out all my enemies in mere minutes." I can barely understand what he is saying. Inside my chakra level continues to deplete. I don't know what happened, but I'm coughing up blood and a few moments from passing out....or worse, dying.

As if it might actually do some damage, I throw the kunai knife in some general direction, hoping it will hit it's mark. Judging by his laughter I'd say I was completely off. More blood flows out, and I fall to me knees, trembling trying to keep myself from freaking out. Is this the end? I wouldn't have thought so, but I guess is. Wouldn't this be one of the greatest times to see him again. As a dying wish, yeah that would be great. But I don't think I'll get it. Everything turns black.

Something told me to wake up. But I didn't want to. The other part of me wanted to jump up and down, but I didn't want to do that either. I couldn't move much and I could barely feel anything. All I could feel was me being carried. I didn't know where I was, who I was with, or what happened. But I'm not to eager to find out the answers to any of those questions.

I think back to what I was doing before being here. Oh yeah, I was trying to defend some scroll and I nearly died for it. Or maybe I am dead and I'm just a spirit or something. I am placed on something soft, like a bed.

I want to open my eyes, but I'm too scared to even move or breathe. When the other presence is gone I slowly open my eyes. Where ever I am makes me jealous. I officially hate whoever lives here. It's a nice place. Ten times better than where I live. The bed is all nice and made up, and whole place is clean. I love the way everything matches, navy blue and black. What does that remind me of?

"So you're awake." My heart skipped several beats when I heard his voice. I would die, but I'm so excited that I jumped off the bed and into his arms. He caught me with ease. "I missed you to."

"Oh my goodness. Sasuke-kun I thought I was dead!! Wait I'm not dead am I?" He shakes his head no. "Oh, good. How did you find me?"

"I have my ways." Still mysterious as always. I missed that about him. He walks over to the bed and lays me down gently, his hand are positioned on both sides of my head to support his weight. We stared at each for a while, I noticed his eyes were slightly less darker than they usually are. He leans down and places his lips on mine. What else is there to do, but respond? My legs tighten around his waist as his tongue finds it's way into my mouth. My left hand massages his scalp gently as his tongue plays around with mine.

We break away for air and he moves down to kissing my neck. I moan softly and giggle when he gets close to my soft spot. When he finds it, he nips at it softly causing me to moan.

"Sasuke-kun!!! I'm here." A female voice yelled. He pulled away and scowled, muttering a bunch of cuss words.

"Who's here?" I asked confused.

"You'll see." The girl walked into his room smiling, until she saw me of course. She has hair that reminds me of someone I used to know back when I was in the academy. The only difference is this girl's hair is red, not purple.

"Who is that Sasuke?" She asked, glancing at me.

"None. Of. Your. Business." He responded plainly. "How the hell did you get in here?" He asked aggravated. I forgot how easy it was to piss him off.

"Well...your uh door was unlocked."

"No it wasn't." Wow it's a shame that a girls can't be great actresses like me. I can tell little miss red head has a thing for Sasuke, and I don't blame her. He is a hottie, but he is also mine. I get up off the bed and hug him. I saw her face turn red to match her hair.

"I'm Sakura." I say false sweetly.

"Karin." She grits her teeth.

"It's nice to meet you." I smirk.


I don't think Karin likes me. And I know I don't care. On second thought, I know she hates me, and I still know I don't care. It's all basically because I'm sleeping in the same room and same bed as Sasuke.

"I'm gonna be gone for a while okay?" Sasuke says.

I'm super curious. "Where are you going?"

"To get back the scroll you lost." I blush in embarrassment. It's not like I intended to lose it, it sort of just happened.

"You don't have to do that. It's my responsibility." I say, which is true.

"No. I got it."

"Well let me come with you." I can't let him take on a mission that isn't even his. It's not fair or right.

"I don't think so. You haven't gained all your chakra back, you need to rest."

"Well what am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

He looked around. "Well, my apartment needs to be cleaned. You can do that if you want." I raised an eyebrow, I'm not a maid. "I said if you want to. You don't have to." I hugged him.

"Be careful."

"You don't have to worry about me." He said smirking.

I was bored and had nothing better to do, so I cleaned his already clean apartment. I'm still jealous that it looks better than mine, but oh well it's an honor to even be here right now. I plopped down on the couch to admire my work. A few minutes later my savior comes in through the door. He seemed a bit tired.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He handed me the scroll.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I peck him on the lips. He sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. I rest my head on his shoulder. "Thank you Sasuke-kun." I whisper softly.

"It was nothing." Our lips connect in a passionate kiss. I never thought I would find myself kissing the man of my dreams.

I decided to stay another night with him. Once again I slept peacefully in his arms. I really don't want to go back to the village but I have to. Maybe I can find a way to come here often. On my way home, I'll think of several reasons. Until then, I'll just be satisfied with sharing a bed with Sasuke once more.

I am done with this part. Part two which will be a different story will come out only if you guys review. All the comments really do mean something to me. So click that button and tell me what you think.

It doesn't even take a nothing more than a few minutes. ^_^