AN 1: Hey, look at me! Updating again! :D I won't babble on, so you can get to the super long chapter! All the jabber is at the end, so read on, my readers!

AN 2: Warning! Some major shit's going to go down in this chapter, just warning you ahead of time!

Disclaimer: Ouran is not my property. But if it was, I'd still read fanfiction on it.

Chapter 10 – Embraces

Haruhi POV


Tamaki's dead.

Tamaki was shot.

Tamaki couldn't save me.

All of my hope is gone.

I am now dead.

But I'll still…

Fight him.


Until I'm lying dead on the ground, I will fight this accursed man, this horrible being that thought this was alright. This disgusting creature that made a profit on stealing girls and selling them out to other disgusting men that are too cowardly to try and steal girls for themselves. That's all any of these men are – disgusting, ugly creatures.

But no, my mind seemed to want to correct me…

Hunny, so cheerful and sharing sweets with everyone while giving that innocent smile.

Mori, tall and protective, yet underneath he really was a kind, gentle person.

Hikaru, rambunctious and mischievous, but he still had a good heart.

Kaoru, a bit more laid-back then Hikaru, but still a trickster nonetheless.

Kyouya, despite being called the Shadow King, was respectful and dedicated.

And then Tamaki…

My throat caught, a pitiful, strangled sob escaping me before I continued my fighting, my defiance. I could tell Boss was starting to get irritated, but I would not give in, I couldn't give in! All this time, I had given up, lost my spirit, my will to live…

But Tamaki, he brought it back. My strength, my determination, my life! I needed to escape, I needed to go back to the others, hug them and let them know that I was alive, that I'm okay! I refused to let myself slip back into that pitiful shell of a person –

That was not Haruhi Fujioka.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I was rather shocked when I was thrown against a wall, my body crumpling to the ground and dimly feeling the pain. I was too fiery with rebellion and rage to feel the pain of it.

"You want to fight? Alright then, let's fight." Boss growled, and his movements were quick. My hair was in his hands, slamming my head against the hard stone of the building repeatedly until I couldn't see straight. My head was probably bleeding, but I didn't care. My hands reached out to grab his arm and try in vain to pull his hand off of me, only angering him even more. Boss aimed a kick right at my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I fell limply in his grasp, trying desperately to breathe and stay conscious. If I lost consciousness, then I was a goner for sure.

He began dragging me by my hair, dragging the limp yet rebellious I back to the hell hole that was awaiting our return. No! I wouldn't go back; I refused with all my might! I groaned in pain, tensing up and catching myself on the hard ground, trying to stay firmly in place while Boss ripped mercilessly at my head. It hurt, but I didn't care. I must've looked like a mad woman, trying to shake free of him like a dog but still to no avail would he release me. Boss moved closer, slamming a foot down on my back and forcing me onto all fours, his foot firmly pressing down on me until I was pressed against the ground and struggling.

"Keep struggling and I'll kill each and every person you have ever known in life."

I froze, my struggling stopping for a moment as his threat sunk in. And then… I was forced to give up. No... I couldn't let my own selfish desires bring about the end of all those wonderful people. No matter how hard I tried…

Boss would always win.

He noticed the change immediately, a smirk crossing those disgusting lips as he lifted his foot off of me and got me up onto my feet. I didn't fight, didn't struggling in the slightest – just allowed him to hold my hands behind my back as he walked us towards the place I unwillingly acknowledged as my home. My world was black once more… everything in it was in shades of grey.

Shades of grey with the occasional warning of red.




What is that noise? Where is it coming from?

"Tamaki-kun! Oh my god, no! Tamaki, please no!"

Voice. Whose voice is that?


Beep… beep.


"…maki? Tamaki! Oh hell…"

"Milord! Kaoru don't look!"

"Takashi! Tama-chan is hurt!"

So many voices… but not the one I want.

I don't feel anything… what's going on?

My body… it's so cold.



Am I…


Kyouya POV

He's in critical condition. That idiot…

Never have I known a person to search this desperately for a dead woman, only to end up shot over her in the end. If he survived this…

Tamaki was going to receive a nice punch to the skull to knock some sense into that brainless "king".

The waiting room was bustling and rather lively, what with five beautiful young men trying to occupy them as they waited to hear about the condition of their dear friend. It hadn't even been a year yet…

We didn't want to lose two friends in the course of a single year.

I looked back to my screen, allowing my fingers to mindlessly type through the expenses and few articles that needed to be arranged of the now disbanded host club. My mind, of course, couldn't seem to focus on what was right there in front of me.

Tamaki… the last words he had said to me… and his phone call.

"… Help… Haru… hi…"

What had happened? Why was Tamaki left to die in an alleyway? And what did Haruhi have to do with any of this? There were pieces missing in this puzzle, and now I was beginning to think…

Some of these pieces were placed the wrong way.

What if Tamaki… had been right all along? What if the girl they had buried had not been Haruhi at all, but a stand in, a person who resembled her nearly to a tee? Of course, I had noticed a few things that didn't seem quite right about the body, but still…

I had only assumed it was my mind attempting to fool me into thinking they were wrong. All this time, I had been yelling at Tamaki for this sort of thing, scolding him and getting into rather heated disagreements over the condition of Haruhi, whether she was still truly alive or not.

… All of us had been grief-stricken, none of us had wanted to believe it was Haruhi, but our hearts told us deep down that it was. The only thing that didn't add up was the size of her bust – it was evidently larger than Haruhi's, but I had assumed it was merely the decay setting in. Bodies did grow swollen if left to decay in the heat, but then again… it wasn't really all that hot around the time they had found her body, was it? And it had been dumped in a place that had barely a speck of light in it. Now I was beginning to grow suspicious. But if the girl had not been Haruhi… then who was she? Hadn't they scanned fingerprints, checked to make sure that the girl they had discovered was indeed Haruhi? I hesitated in my thoughts for a moment, a single thought rising above the others.

I did not know the company that had examined Haruhi's body.

My fingers began flying, opening a new window and quickly doing a search. What had the name been… what was it called?

"Hunny-sempai, Mori-sempai… do you remember the name of the company that verified Haruhi's body?"

The two stopped in their board game, Mori looking up silently and Hunny looking over to me with a candy bar in his mouth, both taking a moment to think.

"I think it was Kuro… Kuro no Jun? I know it was Kuro-something…" Hunny mumbled, trying to remember.

"… Kuro taiyo …"

I quickly typed in both suggestions – neither turned up the results we were searching for. I frowned, staring at the screen and trying to remember. Dammit, Tamaki! He sure chose a horrid time to be unconscious.

"Try Kuroi yoru." Two voices spoke in unison behind me, not even giving the twins a glance as I quickly typed it in to search. At first there was nothing but pointless blogs and sites on punk culture.

"That one."

Hunny pointed a finger to the screen, allowing a moment for the name to process before I clicked on it. What showed up on that screen I doubt any of us will forget.

The screen went black, only displaying the characters outlined in white. Kuroi akumu.

Black Nightmare.

It asked for a username and password, and my fingers froze. Why would you be required a username and such to look into an autopsy place? Hikaru and Kaoru frowned, daring to touch my laptop and turn it in their direction. They typed in a few things, and then turned the laptop back to face everyone. What was displayed was worse than any of us could imagine. No, this was no place to get a body verified and examined. The front page displayed the name proudly, below it a list of options to choose.

Home. Objective. Auction. Girls. Membership. Chat.

Something was very, very wrong.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ohtori?" a nurse called my name, and all five of us looked up at her warily. She looked… crestfallen. Oh no, did this mean the worst? Was Tamaki…?

"Yes, what is it?"

"We have an update on Mr. Suoh's condition…" the five of us were deathly silent, waiting to hear about this. Don't let it be bad. If it was bad news, I think I am going to have to fire this girl, fire every doctor in this hospital… and enjoy destroying this building.

"Mr. Suoh is no longer in critical condition, but we will require him to stay in the hospital for at least a week. He lost a lot of blood and we will need to do multiple transfusions and monitor his health." She explained, giving a small bow and allowing us to process everything she said. Tamaki… Tamaki was going to live.

They could finally get down to the bottom of what was going down.

Haruhi POV

Why couldn't I just die?

Oh, because that would make things far too simple.

The hallways were dead silent as we walked through them, since outside the sun had been starting to rise. The sky had been deep shades of red and pink, as though it was foretelling of the fate that soon awaited me. I still didn't struggle. Why make what was coming worse on me?

"This way, darling… don't you want to see where I stay? You're staying with me today, too." Boss purred in my ear, stroking his hands along my body. A shiver went down my spine, and it was in no way pleasurable. I stayed silent and merely kept on walking, keeping my head angled down and refusing to look at him. He was a liar, a terrible man who didn't hesitate to kill another person just to get what he wanted.

He made me sick.

The door opened, and slowly I stepped into the depths of hell. Boss walked in behind me and closed the door, a second click following as he locked it. No escaping now. I stood there in the middle of the room, frozen in place as Boss walked up behind me. There were suddenly two hands on my hips, hot breath on my neck, and another shiver ran through my body. This wasn't good, that much was obvious. Sadly, I could already guess exactly what he wanted.

"Haruhi Fujioka… you are now mine." He spoke against my neck, kissing the bare skin and stroking my hips. I did nothing in turn, allowing Boss to simply do as he wished with me. I was so used to it, so accustom to men using me for this kind of thing… it meant nothing now that another was doing the same.

"Oh, Haruhi, I don't think you realize what's about to happen… you may have had many lovers, but none of them will ever compare to me." Boss growled in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe and making me flinch a little at the bite. He pressed closer, our hips practically in contact with each other. I tensed and gasped as he suddenly rolled his hips against mine, already causing me to panic. No, it was time to shut down, time to forget everything, get lost in my head. Boss suddenly turned my head to look at him, licking my cheek.

"Look at me… I won't let you shut down and forget." He whispered, kissing my lips with a gentleness that took me by surprise. My lips were pliable against his, they forming together perfectly and not even hesitating to let him press further, making the kiss deeper and allowing his tongue to explore. I hated this, I just wanted it to end… but my body wasn't compliant. My body pressed into his… no! Not Boss, I didn't want him to be near me like this, to do this to me! I needed a distraction, something that could help me… anything…

Boss turned me around, pushing me up against the wall and slamming his body against mine. I was trapped against the wall, my short dress not offering any sort of help or protection. Boss wasted no time, moving a hand off of my hips and reaching it under my dress. I tensed and bit my lip – it was always like this, why did I even try to fight it? His touch was so gentle though… it was false, he was tricking my body. Boss' other hand slid up my side, suddenly cupping my breast and eliciting a soft moan from my lips. Huh? No! It didn't feel good; it didn't feel good with Boss doing any of this. One hand was massaging my hips, the other toying with my breasts and forcing small moans out of me.

I refused to allow Boss to do this to me.

"St-… stop…" my pleading was only a whisper, Boss beginning his assault on my lips again. He was so gentle, so loving… I wasn't used to this kind of treatment. What had happened to the forcefulness, the rough hands that bruised my soft skin and the grunts and growls of men that didn't care whether or not I wanted this? His touch left my skin a light pink of bashfulness, continually receiving small moans and light mewls of encouragement and enjoyment. Why did I like this? I hated this man; I couldn't stand his guts…

I needed a distraction.

"Haruhi… you shall be my princess tonight. I doubt any other man has treated you this way." He purred in my ear, and I blushed – I truly, honestly blushed. He sounded just like…

"Don't be frightened… let me take care of you. You'll be begging me not to go." He licked my ear, a shiver going up my back and I taking a sharp intake of air. This was surreal, and my thoughts kept going back to…

Boss released my chest from his torturously delightful treatment, trailing his fingers along my back and trails of fire following in their wake. This wasn't Boss…

Now I understood why my body was so willing. My mind, though, had not allowed itself to fall into this surreal reality. It would be better this way, anyway… Better for my sanity and my safety. This way, he would be fooled; he would think I enjoyed him…

This person holding me. This person unzipping my dress and sliding it off of my figure. This person with silken fingers and gentle touches. This person looking at me with such lustful eyes and whispering beautiful nothings in my ear. This person with a face that was so serene, that was a mask to hide the demon underneath.

This person was not Boss at all…

This had to be Tamaki. Both my mind and body was tricking itself, twisting this horrible reality into something more beautiful, something I could live with. This reality where Tamaki was the one holding me, whispering in my ear, his long slender fingers touching my skin so gently and leaving trails of bashful pink in their wake.

That was what I could deal with.

Tamaki slowly removed my dress, turning my figure around and once again pressing me to the wall. He found himself a comfortable spot between my legs, leaning against me and capturing my lips in his beautiful kisses. I kissed him back, smiling into Tamaki's kiss and wrapping my arms around his neck. Tamaki broke our kiss for a moment, filling my vision with his heart-warming smile.

"That's a good girl. I knew you would come around. My Haruhi…" Tamaki purred to me, making my cheeks flush a bright pink as we began to kiss once again, our bodies touching all the more intimately. My fingers worked their way along his shirt, finding the buttons that prevented more skin contact. I made quick work of un-buttoning his shirt, and Tamaki easily slid it off of his torso. My hands freely roamed his upper body, and despite his skin being cold, the slim-ness of his figure had my fingers painting beautiful pictures of how it looked. He was like a god…

Tamaki gently took my wrists, once again putting my arms around his neck and turning us around, allowing us to fall backwards. My back hit soft blankets and sheets, the bed forming to us and Tamaki overtop of me. I giggled like a child, smiling and blushing up to him. Tamaki chuckled as well, cupping my cheek and smiling down at me.

"I am glad to finally have you as my own, princess." He cooed, his hands tracing over my form and finding what he would probably consider "complications". The first thing he removed was my bra, yet my breasts were left untouched for the moment. Tamaki moved from between my legs to beside me, and his fingers looped their way around the slim band of my panties. I held my breath, knowing what came next… yet at the same time utterly unsure of what Tamaki could and would do next. One of his hands slipped to the small of my back, carefully lifting my hips and sliding off the single piece of clothing left on my petite frame. I was left naked in front of him, but I was alright with this…

He was Tamaki, after all. And I… I trusted Tamaki more than anyone in the world.

Tamaki lay beside me for a moment, his gentle smile helping me stay calm. He didn't stay by my side for very long, though, and soon he was up off of the bed and standing before me. I blinked in confusion, wondering what on earth Tamaki could be doing –

Oh, of course. We couldn't do anything really with his pants still on.

Tamaki wasted no time in removing them, letting them drop and moving to join me back on the bed still wearing his boxers. I held out my hand, stopping him for a moment. He did so much for me… shouldn't I do something back?

My hands found their way to his sides, running my petite fingers down and stopping at the waistband. I was confident – this was what I wanted, what I would go along with. In my mind, this was the man… the man that I knew would never hurt me, would always give me that smile, his vibrant eyes always glowing with their love and kindness. Tamaki would always be my protector, and I truly wanted him to be.

This was just our way of showing to one another how deeply those feelings were… right?

Tamaki's boxers were pulled down without my even realizing – apparently my body still had a mind of its own – and he leaped at the opportunity, playfully tackling me back onto the bed and his arms around my frame. I smiled and giggled at his antics – yep, just the usual Tamaki! His lips brushed against mine, and I could feel the smile on them, his hot breath dusting over my skin and making me blush in anticipation.

I closed my eyes as our lips touched.

And from there, I was gone.

Everything was so fast, it all became fuzzy and unreal – my mind couldn't focus, I could hear a voice, but it sounded as though it was fluctuating in and out, in and out…

What was going on?

Lights sparkled, I could see bursts of black and white dancing on my vision, and then suddenly – all I could see was a white-ness, and a sudden searing pain. Something was loud, so loud! Oh… it was screaming – was that me? Was I screaming in pain? My mouth was covered, and then the screaming stopped. My ears were ringing, but I could feel something hot on my ear – it was the air. The air was making a soft noise, it was so endearing, so calming, and I tried my hardest to hear it.

"Haruhi, my Princess… everything will be alright. Trust in me, this pain will not last for long~"

I nodded, I listened to the voice, trusted it. It was the only thing I could really make out in the haziness of my vision. What had been happening…? Tamaki! Yes, I remember Tamaki…

Ah, this voice was Tamaki, but this pain… why? It seemed familiar. In fact… it was a moment of déjà vu. This had happened before, only – last time Tamaki had immediately stopped and didn't want me to be hurt. This time, though, it seemed Tamaki had no intention of stopping.

He moved, and as soon as he moved at me – there it was again, the glimmering, insurmountable pain. I cried out, whimpering and feeling wetness in my eyes. Couldn't he tell I was hurting? I know he said it wouldn't last for long… but how long until it went away? He moved again and again, a bit faster now, but still this pain persisted. Tamaki could still see it, right? My vision was still so hazy, I could hardly tell anything…

Tamaki hadn't said anything, but I could feel his hands now. First they were on my shoulders, but soon they were running all over my body – still moving in and out of me, and gaining a momentum. I had to last, I couldn't do this to Tamaki – he was enjoying this so much, so then why? Why couldn't I enjoy it too?

Tamaki suddenly thrust roughly at me, and I cried out once more, gripping the bed to try and stand the pain. He did it once more, and I knew – I knew I couldn't take this.

A third time and my tears started to fall.

A fourth time – faster – and I bit into my lip.

A fifth time – I bit harder, and started to taste blood.

A sixth time – coming quicker than the last – and my body tensed up.

A seventh time – and I finally screamed out.

"T-Tamaki! Tamaki, p-please! Stop…" I screamed, begged practically. And he stopped.

That's when I saw them. The eyes…

Those eyes were not Tamaki's. This wasn't Tamaki at all.

I had forgotten that this was my imagination, my mind and body forcing myself not to accept this. But how could I ignore it now, now that those blazing eyes were looking at me with a sudden hatred. How could I have been so stupid…?

Boss forcibly pulled out of me, standing up and walking to somewhere in the room. I didn't move, the sheer terror leaving me trembling on the bed, fearing for my very life. Of course Boss returned, and with something new in his possession.

"Give me your hands." I obeyed, holding out my shaking hands and tears pouring out of my eyes. What was he going to do? He held the power here, not me, and he could freely do anything he wished. If he wanted to kill me and make me suffer until my last breath, he very well could do that. Boss grabbed my hands, pulling them over my head and behind a bar in the bedframe. He tied them with a sturdy leather cord, and I didn't even try to fight. What was the point? I could see it now…

See my own horrid death upon me.

"Open your legs." He ordered, and with a whimper I obeyed. He was back over me in second, locking eyes with me and his gaze hardened, almost amused.

"You make another noise or close your eyes, and things will only get worse. Quit crying, you brought this all on yourself."

I was trembling, trying to stop my tears. But they just kept falling and falling in an endless stream, and even when I tried they refused to cease. Stupid tears! Stupid stupid tears! Why wouldn't they just stop falling for once, stop showing how weak I was?

Boss grabbed my face, and I yelped in surprise and fear. He smirked in amusement, tracing his finger around my eyes and lips. He pulled back his hand and quickly struck my cheek – I was pretty positive it was going to bruise. I bit my tongue, not making another noise – but the tears! The tears still fell and now I didn't even know why!

Boss growled, curling his hand into a fist. He struck me then, slammed his fist straight into my right eye. I again bit my tongue, and already it was beginning to swell. At least it seemed like now… now, the tears were going to stop. What I saw of Boss's face – he was grinning, satisfied with what he had done to me, and now was going in for the kill.

He forced himself back inside of me, pushing as deeply as possible and sighing in pleasure. I didn't as much as squeak and no tears fell. He pulled almost all the way out, and then once again forced himself back in. My hands curled, my nails digging into my skin so I didn't cry. He did it again – faster – and I unfortunately made a small squeak of pain. The frown on his face was enough to make my body tense, expecting the worst. Then it broke into that sickening grin – and he attacked me with all his might. He thrust hard, not wasting any time to thrust at me again and again. I couldn't help it – I cried out in pain, tears coming again full force. He covered my mouth with his hand, muffling my screams and sobs as he only struck harder and harder.

And then my world was destroyed.

Boss thrust deep into me, and suddenly filled me with his disgusting seed.

You would think it would end there, right?

You wouldn't believe how wrong you are.

Boss ripped out of me, only to force himself elsewhere. His next thrust was into my behind, the pain making me scream bloody murder that he paused to hit me several times to shut me up. I couldn't stop screaming, though, the pain was unbearable once again – so Boss came up with a different option. He stopped, reaching into a drawer beside the bed and pulling out something – it was hard to see through my swollen eye and tears. But once it was clamped around my neck and he gave a rough pull, I could guess what it was. A collar.

Probably a shock collar, like what they used on dogs. My next scream sent an electric shock through my body – I stopped screaming.

It didn't take him long to grow bored of my behind, though, and jumped to his next attack. He sat me up a little, straddling me and suddenly getting up on his knees. Why?

To force himself into my mouth.

What could I do? Deny him? Scream for help? I had to do it, there was nothing else. He kept barking orders at me, telling me what to do and when he wanted something different. It didn't take him long to pull out and slap my face again, telling me that he was glad he never sold me for blowjobs – I wasn't good enough for his standards.

And then I saw something… click in his eyes, and he moved to remove my collar. It was gone in a moment's notice, and then suddenly he grabbed my legs and put them over his shoulders. What was he doing? No one had ever done this before… I was confused.

And then suddenly his tongue ran across there.

My body shook from the sudden feeling. This was… different, to say the least. He waited for a moment, observing me before doing it a second time. My body reacted without warning, my back arching and a soft sound escaping my throat. A smile crossed his lips, and he kept at it. This was strange.

I wasn't quite enjoying this, and yet – I didn't hate it in the slightest. My body seemed fond of the attention, but my mind… my mind was elsewhere. My mind remained elsewhere – until he decided to make me pay attention to him. His tongue suddenly went deeper, licking and using his tongue in ways that seemed rather appalling, but it felt… good. He was forcing my attention to him, and he was slowly forcing small noises of enjoyment out of me. He kept at it, and I was lost in this feeling.

I guess I wasn't aware of how good something like this could actually make me feel.

Well Boss got his way, for by the time he was done, he had me moaning and twisting about for more. That seemed to satisfy him, though, as he set my hips back down and came at me again. He easily slid inside of me, and probably much more to my surprise – what escaped my lips wasn't a cry of pain.

It was a moan of – dare I say – pleasure?

Boss seemed to be overjoyed, and looked like he had just figured out some great puzzle. It didn't take him long to start ramming his hips against me, and I only moaned and mewed for him. That's all this was

It didn't matter if I liked this, only when I was screaming from the pain was it a problem. I didn't matter at all – I am just another doll in this man's eyes.

I am just another doll in any man's eyes.

Well… all except them. The Host Club. My… my family.

Why did it take me so long to admit to that and accept it? Did I honestly have to come this far, endure this much… to realize those boys treasured me above all others?

What a cruel, sick joke this world is.

Boss moved faster, and I was left panting. I was growing disgusted with myself – allowing a man like this to make me feel… feel this way. I hated this. I hated myself for feeling this way.

How could I possibly enjoy being raped?

And then, for the second time that night – Boss released himself inside of me.

When he pulled out, the dawn had already passed, it appeared to be around eleven a.m. Boss got to his feet, rolling his shoulders and untying my hands.

"Now sleep, my unruly princess. If any trouble comes from this – well, thankfully I can afford anything. Go to sleep, don't be surprised if I decide to play while you rest." He smirked, running a hand through my hair and kissing my forehead. "Even with a black eye, you are still a sight to behold. Sleep well, my Haruhi."

He pulled his boxers and pants on, and walked out of the room without another thought.

I did not intend to sleep. Quite the contrary – I intended to run.

But first, I needed to get dressed.

End of Chapter 10

Happy Easter, my lovelies! At least this time I updated before a year was up! And a super super long chapter, too!

Yes, you all had rights to scold me, and some of you did – but I'm so glad a lot of you are still sticking with this fanfic! I promise to keep with it until the end – and bring more fanfics for all of your enjoyment!

My hiatus had me thinking of how to go about the events of this story – especially the next chapter. I promise not to disappoint, and have it up… well, much sooner than the last chapter. From here on out, things are going to get intense. I may anger a lot of you, but that's how things go!

Please review me, my lovelies! You know I love to hear from you!

~Ebony S. White