This is Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction, posted on FanFiction (dot) net.

Fanfiction: A story written about a television show, book, comic or movie by people unconnected with the original and without any intention of making a profit. (taken from ralst (dot) com )

This story is rated M because it deals with mature themes and situations. If you are not prepared for a mature story that can involve any number of mature items, then this story is not for you.

Seto Kaiba could not believe what he had gotten himself into with Ryo Bakura. He also blamed Mokuba for the situation. After their sudden trip to Egypt, again at Mokuba's urging and therefore his fault, he now had Bakura with him on his private plane because of some passport issue. The idea that he could have absolutely said no did not want to cross Kaiba's mind at the moment. Mokuba was passed out in front of them in his leaned-back seat, snoring without a care in the world. Kaiba had reclined both his and Bakura's seats to better rest, hoping it might have got the other man off his shoulder. When Bakura had fallen asleep next to him, his head had stubbornly decided that apparently Kaiba's shoulder was a pillow.

Now, Kaiba was in another wholly unexpected situation and trying to decide if he should just shove the man off of him or try to get some sleep himself and deal with it when they woke up. After leaning the seats back, Bakura had turned but not in the direction that Kaiba had originally intended with his trick. A pale arm had found its way onto Kaiba's chest, slung there by the unconscious Bakura. Kaiba decided to add Anzu to the blame for his sudden charitable spirit.

He thought back to the scene they had seen in the Nile River in Luxor, Egypt. He could not deny what he had saw was a vision of Anzu and Atemu. It still surprised him that the man he had dueled all those years when they were high-school age had not been Yugi, but an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. Now, it appeared that Anzu, a woman that had annoyed him on countless occasions and stood up to him, was a part of whatever Egyptian afterlife his former rival resided in. In some ways, it seemed wasteful to him that she had gone to her death because of love. Love was a luxury he could not truly understand.

Remembering the river, he could not help the small smile that came unbidden to his lips. He had felt like a child again. The child he was before Gozaburo did everything he could to destroy him. He smiled at them in the river, splashing like a kid at the pool. Dunking and being dunked underwater. Kaiba idly wondered if the water had been drugged and that was the true reason for the euphoric feeling he had experienced. But, that would not explain the vision he had before being dragged into the water by the green-eyed gaming-rival Otogi.

It was also because of this feeling that he had found himself with the current situation snuggled against him. Kaiba was true to his word, he was not going to give them a free ride home. Let Yugi and his little group of friends find their own way back to Japan. Yugi had the resources. It was not like he was destitute with the long list of trophies and championships he had won in dueling. This cast a slight black tint to his former thoughts, and Kaiba shook his head to clear them.

In the airport, as he and Mokuba were waiting for their plane to refuel, that attention came upon Bakura. His group had been able to easily purchase tickets for their flight home. An expired passport is what prevented the white-haired young man from getting his ticket. Apparently, he was enrolled in university and, like many of them, had to get back in order to sit tests and classes. While the Ishutaru siblings immediately offered Bakura a place to stay, being stuck in Cairo for several weeks could result in him losing his place at the school. Large, fat tears had welled up in his doll, brown eyes as he bemoaned his bad luck.

Mokuba had insisted that they offer him a ride back to Tokyo. It was true, the Kaiba brothers were not bothered by the same restrictions ordinary passengers dealt with. Kaiba was known for going where he wanted, when he wanted. They did not have to deal with passports or wait for a plane to arrive. Still feeling buoyed by the events in the river, it took very little cajoling on Mokuba's part to convince him to let Bakura fly back on their company jet.

His idle thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Bakura began to moan in his sleep. His fingers were splayed out across Kaiba's chest and were digging into his black silk shirt. It was like the younger man was trying to find a handhold from whatever was pursuing him in his sleep. Kaiba was taken aback. He had never dealt with another person having a nightmare before except for Mokuba, but that was different, and Mokuba was lost to the world in his snoring slumber.

Kaiba tried patting that twisting white hand, but it didn't make a difference. Tears were falling from Bakura's eyes and he could feel their hot wetness on his shoulder. What the hell was he supposed to do in a situation like this? If he yelled for Mokuba to wake up, then he'd have an annoyed brother to deal with and probably be told he needed to be nicer again anyway. If he called for help from the staff, then he'd have all the maids wagging their tongues when they got back home.

He did the next thing he could think of, he pressed a button that caused the armrest between them to drop down into the seat. This allowed him to free his arm from being pinned in the middle and slide it under Bakura. Kaiba could feel the pale-haired man's pulse just under the surface of his translucent skin. His hand made it on the other side of him, and Kaiba pulled him closer. Bakura responded to the movement with his head falling onto Kaiba's chest, just over his heart, and his hand that had been there before snaked its way around the dark-haired man's side to cling to him.

"Ngh..." Bakura moaned in his sleep.

Still unsure of what he should be doing to calm the man currently laying upon him like a lost puppy, Kaiba hesitantly patted Bakura's back. The other man dug his hands into his shirt and clutched at him with those pale, spidery fingers. He began to thrash against him, and a deep shaking emanated from this man's core. He was obviously having a terrible nightmare. Didn't he say something about avoiding sleep as much as possible when they were in the Luxor apartment? Kaiba tried to remember, but the memory floated away just as quickly as it came.

Shaking him slightly with his free hand, Kaiba sharply whispered, "Bakura, wake up!"

No effect. Whatever it was that was chasing Bakura had a grip on him. Kaiba sighed. He was annoyed by this entire situation. He could only imagine what a tabloid would do to him if someone caught a photograph of this. Glancing around, he made sure that no one else was in the cabin with them. He had already been blackmailed for other photographs people had taken of his personal life and they were innocuous compared to what people would assume from this situation.

"Bakura, you need to wake up. You're having a nightmare," Kaiba said as loudly as he dared, still not wanting to wake up Mokuba.

"Please...no...I...I..." Bakura was panting between breaths against Kaiba. "It's not me! It's not me!" He cried out suddenly.

Kaiba raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes displaying concern he didn't normal feel for others. What was going on in this man's mind he kept wondering. He remembered that at one point, Bakura had acted like an entirely different person at times. Right before the first time they went to Egypt, he had kidnapped Mokuba. If he hadn't seen what happened with Yugi with his own eyes, he would have had this white-haired man thrown in jail for the rest of his existence. Yugi had been insistent that what Bakura had done had not been the work of the true Ryou Bakura.

Pulling Bakura's hair back from his sweaty face, Kaiba looked around furtively once more before continuing. This was so out of character for himself he thought as he pulled the unconscious, nightmare-driven Bakura further up against him. He brought his lips close against Bakura's small ear.

"It isn't you, and I forgive you," Kaiba murmured.

His whisper had a sudden effect upon the pale, white-on-white man in his arms. Bakura's breathing normalized and his heartbeat against Kaiba's chest slowed down to a normal rhythm. He fell back into a peaceful slumber with slightly parted lips.

Kaiba stared up at the ceiling of the airplane cabin and sighed. He thought to himself at least that seemed to work, but now what was he going to do with the man sleeping on top of him. He could knock him over and claim turbulence. However, what if he went back to sleep again and had another nightmare. It felt weird to have someone asleep on him, his thoughts continued. He remembered that had happened a couple of times in the orphanage with Mokuba, but they were children then. With those he slept with, usually he just had them leave after he was finished. People sleeping on him like an innocent child were not part of a normal day for the young executive.

On the other hand, it felt kind of nice to have someone seemingly under his whim and trust. It had been a long time since Mokuba had looked up to him. These days, his younger brother was now a high-school student and well on his way to becoming a very suitable vice-president to their corporation. There was one major difference between the two that annoyed Kaiba to no end. Mokuba was always insisting on helping others. Maybe this was the feeling he got from it. This sensation of being utterly relied upon to supply a need.

Trying to get more comfortable, Kaiba tried to carefully adjust Bakura so he wouldn't fall over. As he inched up in his seat, his phone began to vibrate. A message was coming in. His phone was set to only react for the most urgent of messages. Kaiba straightened up too quickly and Bakura tumbled off of him. He heard the thump of the other man as he landed while he was switching his phone on.

"Mushi, mushi?" He snapped into the small phone.

Bakura awoke when he landed on the floor of the plane. He remembered he had been having another nightmare. The ones where he could remember the things the evil spirit within did while in control of his physical being. No one knew that he could remember these things. No one ever could know. If they knew, would they think he went along with those things willingly. Sometimes he wasn't sure if he did or not. There was always this darkness when he would lose himself.

Hearing Kaiba talking on the phone, Bakura turned and looked up sharply at the brunette. He could feel cold fear wrapping itself around his heart and choking him. He wondered if Kaiba had been awake while he was dreaming and if he had said anything to him. Bakura's parents had stated that he was a bother with his night-terrors and that they could hear him screaming all night. Had he embarrassed himself in front of the infamously cold Seto Kaiba?

"I see. Yes. I'll deal with it when I return to Tokyo. About six more hours." Kaiba was annoyed. The fools he had left behind could hardly deal with day-to-day business, much less the important issues of rivals when they came up. He could feel the frown resettling itself upon his lips.

Bakura watched as Kaiba's expression turned darker. He could tell that whatever conversation was it that just passed had not been a good one. Fiddling with his fingers, he tried not to draw any attention to himself but he had to ask him what he heard. Bakura was petrified that Kaiba might have heard something from him in his sleep.

Clicking the phone shut, Kaiba fumed over the imbeciles and salarymen under him. He stared forward and could feel his muscles tensing as he thought over what he would have to do when he returned to Tokyo. During the course of the call, he had completely forgotten about Bakura who was still at his feet.

"Uh..." Bakura started to say, almost nervous to interrupt Kaiba when he looked like he was ready to either fire someone or murder them and right now it was hard to tell which. He swallowed as he felt those dark blue eyes fall on him, their icy fire suddenly and completely focused on him.

Kaiba waited for Bakura to speak up. He could see the fear in the large brown eyes staring up at him. "Yes?" He asked.

Looking down at his hands, Bakura took a deep breath and asked Kaiba, "Did I say anything while I was asleep?"

Bakura did not see Kaiba's eyes slightly widen, and the brunette turned away to look out the window. "No," he simply replied.

Feeling the bruise that was forming on his buttocks, Bakura ventured another question before his courage fled him. He looked up at Kaiba through his snowy lashes, catching the stoic profile of him from below.

"How did I end up on the floor?"

Kaiba closed his eyes and said, "Turbulence."