I´m really sorry that new chapters are always taking so long nowadays! Guys, I´m really! But school is killing me and this story is dragging a little. BUT it WILL be finished. It´s not going to be undone! I swear!

And this chapter is rather short -.- Please don´t hate me to much.

Hope you enjoy anyways

Chapter 9 : Second day

His stained jacket laid lazyly crumbled next to him on the wooden bench. He rested his elbows on his thigh a little above his knees. The park sorrounding the two figures was open, a few trees planted here and there, which leaves would spent shadow in the summer, but were stark and naked now. The gravel covered path was freed of snow, preventing ice to form. His hands tightened around the thin cardboard vessel, filled with hot dark liquid, trying to steal some warmth from it. Frequently steam came out of the small drinking opening, while the humans escaped small clouds as well.

`Just try it. It´s the best in this area, I swear.` The taller brownhaired gleemed brightly, his forefinger poking and playing with the opening. The bending of plastic making squeaky noises.

The pilot held the cup to his mouth, took a quick sip, hummed in agreement and began to tremble lightly.

`You cold?` A short nod as a reply. `Want my jacket?`

`No. I have to head home anyways...` The man already had it off half of the way. Brad took another deep sip from the coffee, trying to empty it as quickly as possible, without burning his tongue. He hated that numbening feeling following it.

`Really?` The corners of the other´s mouth pulled into a slightly tense line.

`Yeah...Why?` Brown eyes glanced secretly, while blewing out some heated air, almost in a frustrated manner.

`I´d like to talk to you more.` The younger man sulked and he reminded him of a certain blond. Brad would like to see him really soon, even though he wasn´t all convinced about that whole `for-mission-incident` just yet.

The brunnette let out a sigh and stood up, grabbing his jacket. `I really have to go.` Something held onto his sleeve and Brad turned around again.

`Atleast give me your number...okay?` Marc, how Brad had found out a little earlier, didn´t really hold him back, just asking for some attention.

`I am not certainly sure.` Brad didn´t really feel the need to get the other´s number, he barely knew him.

`Okay. In exchange for yours...You get mine and` He moved his hands swiftly. The action reminding the alpha-member of a salesman. `My address.`

`I think...That´s okay.` He was not in the mood to discuss, so he just agreed. They were just talking about a simple telephone number. Those things were thrown around these days, so there was no real harm to be expected.

They switched mobile phones and after some beeping, Brad bit himself goodbye.

`I´m home.` The man called loudly into the semi-darkness, closing the door behind him quietly, not sure if Sam was in bed or not. His hazy mind was to focused on what was about to take place, so he didn´t notice the inlogical aspect of his action. Brad took of his from melted snow soaked shoes, putting them on the doormat, to not dirty his own apartment.

The television was still running, sending flickering lights across the floor, so he went into the living room, the piece of stained clothing still in hand. Sam lay there, sleeping over a pile of paper. Crayons were strewn across and a used dish sat next to his head on the messy table. Normally he would scoll someone for this, but he just couldn´t bring himself to care.

The brunette turned of the TV and took the flatware into the kitchen. Instead of putting it in the dishwasher, he began to fill tepid water into the sink, without humming for once. He tried to take his mind of things as best as he could, but at the same time clung to a part of himself who wanted to prepare himself somehow.

He felt at uneasy, terribly horrible. How could he state something like that? To a child so scared, to a child that was already so very dear to himself, to a child he´d like to keep longer.

Suddenly he heared light pitter-patter like footsteps over clean parquet that glistered under the bright kitchen light. His hands held onto the porcelain, looking into the bubbled water thoughtfully. When had he added dishwashing liquid in there?

`Hey!` Little arms hugged his leg. `You are back!`

`Hey.` His back tensed noticeable.

`Did something bad happen?´ The small one sounded slightly worried, the heavy emotion so unlike from a child his age, but still so fitting.

`No.` He took a deep breath, in hope it would help him keep his calm. Instead it felt like he suffocated on it. `I have something to tell you though.`

The serious voice startled the kid. `What is it?`

`I know you already heard it a lot of times, when others talked about it with me...I called the Youth Welfare office today.` Arms tightened around his leg. `Someone will come by tomorrow morning to get you...` Brad didn´t look away from the sink, he had to act as if it was nothing. He had to assure the small one.

`I´m sorry for forgetting about my dish...So...Please. Please let me stay.` Sam barried his face in the other´s back. `Please don´t throw me away.`

His commonsense told him to turn around and hold onto the child, but he had to be strong for both of them, atleast for once in his life. `I don´t throw you away. It´s best like this. I can´t take care of you...I really can´t.`

`You are lying!` The high voice rising even more. `You are just like everyone else! You are just like them!` He ran off.

`I´m sorry.` The brunette mumbled inaudible under his breath, more to himself than anyone else. A door slammed in the background.

The water flooded with red. The dish had broken.

He slept on the couch that night. Alone. Never did the piece of furniture felt so hard and uncomfortable. He wanted to give Sam the private space he wanted and needed. Even if that meant waking up with an ache all over his body the next day. It was his last night here.

Troubled, hurried steps up the steep stairs.´I don´t want to...Go away!` The boy sped up even more. Bare feet slipping on wooden stairs and tripping. Hitting his head on one of the steps, his vision was blurry. ´...Go away.` He felt so weak. Strong cold hands wrapped around his ankle. `No...` He kicked.

His lungs were burning as he screamed. So loud, so undying, muffled by a sofa cushion. His thin fingers tearing into soft material. `No. Please no...Not again.`

Sam wasn´t willing to eat breakfast. He just sat there. His young, cheerfull lines tight with anger, sadness and frustration. Brad couldn´t blame him for anything. He himself hadn´t touched the scrambled eggs or toast either.

The doorbell rang and as he opened a middleaged woman stood in the hallway. She looked strictly at the stage of the apartment, as if she meant to judge. She wore thick-rimmed glasses, bound-back hair and grey as the maincolour theme of here clothes. Everything was blurred from then.

She took the boy and Sam went with her, saddened and lonesome. He didn´t even look at Brad once. Not as he put on his shoes, not as he went out the door and not as he sat in the car, that slowly drove off.

The alpha-member had to remember himself dozen of times not to reach for Sam, not to call out, not to say something stupid that betrayed his real feeling. He watched with hard, almost dead eyes. This was how it was suppossed to be. This was right, even if it felt terribly wrong.

The brunette went over to Sam´s Dinner half an hour later. The wooden door wasn´t as heavy as the one in the office building. The name of the dinner left him a throbbing feeling, but he ignored it.

While walking through the doorway, a low jingle sounded from a bell hanging over the door. The brunette unfastened his jacket, it wasn´t the same as the day before, because he didn´t really do his laundry, and scarf and hung it by the entrance on a wardrobe.

Just then Brad took a look around. It was comfortably warm and it was furnitured homley: warm colours mostly orange and red combined with polished dark wood.

For sitting benches were lined up with round tables. It looked really lounge-like with the almost blackish wood combined with crimson-red cushions.

His brown eyes caught onto a well known face. He ducked his head a little, avoiding nosy looks from other customers. Sam´s dinner was famous around this area. The food was great, the coffee strong and the prices low.

`Ah amore...` The waiting man let out a big yawn. `Good morning.`

`Morning.` His regular steps were light against the shining, tiled floor, almost as if he floated a bit above it and took a seat.

`Tell me again...Why exactly am I here this early?` The dark-haired male leaned his head onto his broad hands.

`Because I asked you to...` The spaniard groaned, while crossing his slim legs.

`Just because you are so cute...` The man grubbled darkly and lowly.

´So...Any success?´ If he had heard it, he ignored it.

`You could actually say that...` He uncrossed his legs again and folded them the other way around.

`Really? You must be a really good researcher to be that fast...` The alpha-member sighed in defeat.

`I was just lucky.` One hand stroked around his roughly shaved beard. `But it took half of my night away. What about you?`

`I don´t know...I met someone, but...No...I actually don´t think that I´m headed the right way...I´ll stop by the office later and look what informations I can gather.` He took of the gloves and pulled his sleeves up to his fingertips, hiding the bandage covering his wrist.

`Anyways. Let´s just eat.` An old looking lady was on her way to them already, notepad and pencil in hand.

Some time later he arrived at the Racoon City Police Department, in civil of course. Jacket, pullover plus trousers laid in his washroom, waiting to be cleaned. Today he wore darkblue jeans, some which fitted well enough to not need a belt, his red cotton scarf, baby-blue white plaid sneakers, gloves, a grey-blackish pullover with v-neck, ending a bit above his thin wrist and a white really long sleeved dress-shirt, which ended at the top of his fingers.

His fringe pulled back behind his ear on one side, while the other half hung loosely close to his eye. He puffed every once in a while to get an annoying streak of chocolate out of his eye. The hair stopped underneath the cheekbone.

`Good morning Brad.` A cheerful voice from the counter carried through the entrance hall, just as the alpha-member had passed through the heavy glass door.

`Hello.` He greeted back to Kathy.

`So I heard that you have a serious mission with mister lover?` She cocked an eyebrown.

`Yeah, kinda.` The man answered sheepishly.

`And where is our little sunshine.` The mood darkened. `Oh...I see.`

`S-Sorry...I...Gotta go.` The brunette was ready to retreat.

`Head up, Brad.` She waved, secretly wishing him luck for the mission. He would miss him, if he was gone suddenly.

`It´ll be fine.` She knew that he was thankfull even if he didn´t voice it out loud.

Brad walked passed some distant co-workers, not really recognizing any. He felt so depressed. A heavy sigh escaped him and his shoulders slumped. But suddenly he felt strong arms wrap around his middle and he was tugged into a deserted sidewalk, shielded from prying was pulled into the person standing behind him.

`Wha..?` His startled squeak was halted by a gentle, big hand that pressed against his mouth with enough force to shut him up.

`Sh...` A dark voice hushed into his ear, making him shiver violently and the unknown hand wandered over his eyes, leaving him blind. His breath caught and his heartbeat went crazy. Quickly he was turned around and forced into the wall, a pair of lips silencing him in a soft kiss. His vision was freed when the hand dissapeared and wondered to his lower back, pulling the brunette up.

Brad´s eyes fluttered open, when the other person separated. `J-joseph!` He gasped as a blush covered the pale cheeks, standing out clearly.

`Wait...You didn´t knew who I was and still kissed me? That´s worrying.` The blond commented as he leaned over chickenheart.

The smaller shot him a dirty look, which was defeated by the hard flush. `You are touchy, aren´t you?`

`Only with you baby.` The blond smiled mockingly. He hugged Brad again and his smile fell. Without a word his hand wandered underneath the other´s upper garment.

`W-what are you...doing?` A strong shiver ran down his spine from the light touching.

`You are getting thinner.` The man simply stated. `You need to eat more...I can already feel rips.`

The warm hand traced his ripcage, just to prove the point. A small moan escaped the brunette. He wasn´t used to such a gentle treatment.

`Mh...Looks like someone is enjoying the attention.` The smirk was audible.

`No...Your hand is just cold...Stop messing with me.` Brad lied quietly with a shaking voice and tried to pull away, but hands gripping on strong shoulders, searching for support.

`...And if I don´t want to?` The blond pondered.

`Please Joseph...Stop.` Vickers head sunk a little, shielding his eyes.

`Sorry...` Joseph pulled back, leaving the older male remaining flush against the wall. Pleading that he hadn´t gone to far. Silence. Brad looked up, noticing the miserable expression. The blond had the same look when he had scared Sam.

`Ah no...I´m sorry.` He took the blond´s hand, pressing it against his own cheek. `Whenever you want to touch me, it´s okay...But I am kind of out of it right now...Sam was taken this morning and I just...` He turned his gaze away.

`Wait! Taken? What do you mean taken? From whom?` The other hand found it´s way onto the other cheek, turning the head before him up.

`I finally called the youth welfare office yesterday...and...`

`It´s okay.` The embrace almost crushed him, but made him feel safe, warm inside, protected. Almost as if it shielded him from reality. Brad began to snivel. Why was he almost crying? He hadn´t cried even once, but it seemed like everything came back to him.

They stood there for a few minutes, unknowing that another blond had passed them and had stormed off angryly soon after.

`Morning.` He slurred slightly.

`It´s nice to see you alive.` Barry´s wary voice ringed sligthly. Nice how they already considered him dead. His mood was rather rotten to began with, so he held back all smart reponses. It was a joke and he knew it himself. He just needed something he could complain about himself, finding something he could occupy his mind with.

`Did you find something?` Jill sat at her desk as normally, some sort of sweet package opened and spilling it´s contents over her working space.

`No...I...Just came here to check something.` The brunette mumbled into his uppulled scarf. The man sat down at his desk, happy that it wasn´t given to someone else yet.

The computer chattered lowly. The display filled with colour and fast typing fingers tapped across the keyboard.

`Thought so...` Brad mumbled to himself. The name had rung a bell and now he knew why. Marc lived in the same apartment building that Neil once lived in. He pulled out his phone and wrote a short message: `Are you free today?` He kept the device in hand.

`What are you doing here, Brad?` Chris stood in the hallway and the smaller brunette almost fell off his chair. The gunman looked terrible with dark bags under his eyes and his hair flat.


`He´s just searching for informations.` Jill chipped in brightly. `The same you should be doing all moring along.` She added.

`Sorry.` The reply was mumbled. `I´m a little out of it today.`

`You look horrible and you are totally depressed.` The woman of the team added and walked over to the slightly annoyed Redfield. `Why don´t you tell me what´s wrong with you? We are teammates after all. If-` The male just knew that she would go on forever if he didn´t stop her now.

`Because even if you ARE a teammate, you shouldn´t stick your noisy nose into my business. It´s my PRIVACY we are speaking of here. I hope you still understand that word, Jill.` The sharp voice cut through the room.

`Oh, excuse me, mister...` The `e` extending into unknown lengths, doing it´s deal to annoy Chris even further. `I won´t care again! Geez, someone has to get into his happy pants!` She went back to her desk, slamming her hand onto a sweet, ripping off the paper violently, then shoving it into her mouth. Loud cracking.

The bad mood seemed to transfer, Brad thought while coughing nervously.

`What do you need informations on? I will help you, so you will be done quicker...´ He made a small pause and added quickly. `If you want me to.`

`Sure.` The spoken to answered in a low voice, but it didn´t look like he was angry at him so he released a nervous breath, he didn´t even know he was holding in.

`You see...This case...` The Redfield began.

That had been rough, but it hadn´t taken as long with the pilot helping him out. Being engrossed in work eased the bad mood a little. Brad hadn´t asked stupid questions like a lot of other people had and he couldn´t word his thanks for that. All he wanted right now was to forget.

So he was on his way to the cafeteria, being dragged along with Joseph, Jill, Barry and Brad. He huffed. Distraction was good.

The lunch room seemed so empty. The woman behind the counter smiling brightly while serving out food, but not really lifting the dark cloud off of him. Vicker´s didn´t seem to do well either. He looked tired, sad, frustrated. He never really was a cheerfull person, but he was worse now. Must be in connection to Sam, he figured. None of his business.

Jill, Barry and Joseph chatted cheerfully, while the other two sat next to each other on the side opposite of the rest in silence, both not eating anything. Their eyes met for a moment, locking.

`You know` Eyes still fixed. `You look like shit.` Chris stated matter of factly.

`Ditto.` Both laughed. Even if it was only for a moment, it was good to forget.

`That was mean.` Valentine mixed in, AGAIN. `Brad looks tons better than you. Actually, I don´t think I ever saw him better.`

`Than you were not looking right.` Joseph mumbled and Brad blushed brightly.

`Dude, that was so gay.` The cheary woman giggled. Barry just sat there shaking his head, while chewing on his sandwich.

Something vibrated, long forgotten in his pocket. `Sure, for you always ;) Come over whenever you want` The marksman glaced over.

`Oh I see...An affair.` He smirked.

`No and...I gotta go now. Research starting. Bye.` With that he was up from the table and out the door.

The apartment was only a few blocks away from his own complex. He hadn´t even known that. He knocked on the thin wooden door three times.

`I wouldn´t have thought that you wanted to see me this badly.` The young man´s hair looked messy, like he had just woken up.

`Did I wake you up?` The alpha-team member fumbled with his cold hands slightly.

`Ehm...No? Why?` Brad gestured to his hair. `Oh...No. I just showered.` Marc smiled sheepishly. `Come on in. I don´t want you to freeze to death out here.` He opended the doorway completly, making plenty of room.

`Thanks.` The smaller entered the apartment, which looked a little untidy while further inspecting. He didn´t even care about that, just took the usually stuff he wouldn´t need in there.

`Want something to drink?` The brunette declined. `So what did you want?`

`Did you know Neil? He lived around here before.` The pilot was lend into the livingroom.

`Y-yeah? He was my neighbour after all.` The other male sounded slightly suspicious.

`Can you give me some information about what he was doing last? Neil was a really good friend of mine and I´d like to know what happend to him...`

`That would depend on what you are willing to pay.` A strong hand travelled down his arm, giving him the chill and making him shake slightly.

