A/N: Ok so just a heads up now this is going to be Slash, and AUish so if you don't like that please leave now. I hope you like the story and feel free to add suggestions in a review, and I know my grammar isn't the greatest but I'm going to work on it so I hope you enjoy.


I stumbled out of my house landing on my hands and knees on to the cool grass in my backyard. My body shuddered violently, and I collapsed on the ground, my arms shaking to much to hold my weight. As I lay there I kept hoping someone would find me, Bella, Quil, Sam freaking Uley for all I care, for some reason I had a horrible feeling something was going to happen and it wouldn't be pleasant. I laughed at the irony at the fact that this was the one night my dad hadn't been home for weeks. Ever since I started getting sick, at least he said I was sick but I had a feeling he wasn't telling me everything, he had stayed home watching me like a hawk. But tonight when Charlie invited him over, I all but pushed him out the door, I said I would be fine, what's the worst that could happen.

Me and my big mouth!

But hey I saw this coming; my life had being taking a nose dive for awhile. First the girl of my dreams becomes a recluse when her boyfriend packed up and left. Then when she actually starts talking again, she tells me he is her one and only and could never love me the way I love her.

I clenched my teeth as another shudder raced through my body. Damn, I think they were getting worse.

Where was I? Oh yeah, then Embry, one of my best friends suddenly starts hanging out with Uley and his gang, and completely ignores me and Quil. And speaking of Uley, that creep keeps staring at me, I swear one time when he saw me holding hands with Bella, he actually growled at us. But probably the worst of all, I had a ungrowth spurt, I actually shrunk two inches, I went from 6'0 to 5'10''. I know it sounds like I'm paranoid, but I checked and I'm shorter then I used to be.

All together the last month had been very crappy. Now I was probably dying just to top it all off.

Suddenly my body felt like it was changing, painfully. It felt like my bones were resetting with each shudder that past through me, I opened my mouth to scream in pain, but instead a low howl came out. Ok, what the hell is wrong with me now!

I looked down at my hands which were still planted on the ground, but instead I saw two russet colored paws. I yelped but it came out as more of a high pitched bark.

Oh crap, I have lost it; I'm off my rocker, completely insane, mentally unstabl-

Jacob calm down… Now I was hearing voices in my head that sounded oddly like Uley that's just great I'm worse then I thought.

Jake, finally I thought you'd never turn….Wait that one sounded like Embry.

That's because it is! Isn't it cool have you seen what you look like yet, I just love being a wol- He was interrupted suddenly by Sam, or the Sam voice thing… whatever. Ugh I'm giving myself a headache.

Embry quiet down, remember we went over this at the meeting I'm going to explain everything to him. The voice came out like a growl.

Embry suddenly sounded very nervous. Oh yeah sorry Sam your imprint and everything wouldn't want to steal him from you……not that I would, I would never ever-

What's an imprint? The thought popped into my head suddenly but then Sam answered.

I'll tell you everything once I can talk to you face to face, just stay where you are I'll be there in a second. His voice suddenly softened when he started talking to me. Why did my brain create bi-polar voices for me to hear?

Sure, sure. I sat down, and suddenly I saw a tail peak out of the corner of my eye. Yep I have lost all of my marbles.

Well, talk to you later Jake! Embry said, and then suddenly I don't know why I had this distinct feeling that he was gone, well from my head anyways. But hey maybe that was a good thing, one voice down one to go.

I sat for a few minutes, waiting like the voice in my head had said, might as well see what my mind comes up with next. I must have passed out, this is all probably some weird dream, I was thinking about all this crap and now my subconscious is throwing it in here. While I sat in lala land I noticed that now I could hear, and smell a lot more. Like at that exact moment a squirrel I couldn't see was climbing up a tree in the woods behind my house, or the owl I could hear flying overhead. Wow, I never knew the world was so…interesting, well the dream world that is. I continued using my advanced senses to listen to the wildlife move around me. But all noise stopped except for the sound of something big coming through the woods, directly towards me. I froze as a large black wolf broke free from the tree line. And by large I mean huge, he was twice my size, and from what I noticed I must say I think I was bigger then the average run of the muck wolf.

I don't know how I knew this but I just knew it was my Alpha, the same instinct told me to expose my neck. I rolled my head back and let the Alpha gently nip my neck to show his dominance.

I held my position not really sure what to do because this inner wolf instinct kind of ditched me here. The larger wolf stared at me; I guess waiting for me to move, before he realized my confusion. He affectionately licked my muzzle, and while my inner wolf thing leapt with joy, I stared down at my paws hoping he wouldn't notice the reaction his touch gave me.

Ok when I wake up I'm seeing a psychologist because this has problems written all over it.

Jacob, you're not insane and you're going to have to listen to me very carefully now, you need to calm down so you can change back to you're human form. Same spoke in my head, his words were soothing, but my mind was still reeling from this whole dream.

I tried relaxing and shutting my eyes hoping in a few seconds I would wake up on the lawn and could just go call dad, because I needed help. I opened my eyes and the black wolf was still looking down at me with worried brown eyes.

You have to calm down, you're not calming down. I know how new this is to you but you need to relax and change back before I can explain anything.

After what seemed like hours but was probably only ten minutes, I finally changed back, and was horrified to find I was naked. Without a glance at Sam, who was still a wolf, I ran back into my house and grabbed a pair of shorts from my room and threw them on. I pinched myself a couple times, and I could feel the pain each time. Oh crap this was real! I ran a hand through my short dark hair pacing back and forth. This means that I'm a werewolf or something, and that Sam and Embry are too….and the Sam actually did see me in my birthday suit.

My face I knew was dark red when I walked back in to the living room. I stared at my feet, and avoided looking at Sam as I walked over and sat down on the opposite end of the couch from where he sitting.

I heard him chuckle, and looked up, with my best drop dead glare on my face, but I could feel it melt off when I looked at him. For a moment I felt no gravity at all, it was like I was floating, and then as suddenly as I was floating, I was being held back down again; but instead of the earth holding me down it was Sam. I felt this pull towards him, both physically and mentally. I wanted to be protected by him, be loved by him, and to love him in return.

When I seemed to fall back in to reality Sam was smiling at me. "You imprinted on me to." He said, I looked at him in confusion and his face instantly turned upset.

"I completely forgot I haven't told you anything yet, you must be completely freaked out and here I am going on about imprinting." He berated himself. I tentatively reached out my hand and placed in on one of his. He froze then looked at me and the anger seemed to fall off of his face. He smiled and grasped my hand small hand in one of his large ones.

It was then that is suddenly seem to hit me, that I was holding hands with Sam Uley, one of the top reasons my life was sucking ass right now. I quickly pulled my hand away into my own lap and tried to shake the weird connection to Sam out of my head.

I almost grabbed his hand again when I saw the heartbroken look on his face. Almost. He shut his eyes for a minute, his eyebrows furring in concentration looking like he was trying to calm himself down. He let out a breath I didn't notice he was holding before he looked at me again and started talking.

"I'll start from the beginning," he said "well we're shifters. You've seen it we turn in to wolves, and no we're not werewolves, we can change whenever we want, and we can communicate with our pack mates when in wolf form."

"What are pack mates?" I mumbled feeling stupid because for a while there I thought we were werewolves.

"Pack mates, are kind of like your family and friends, they are kind of the constant in a shifters life. In our pack we only have people from the reservation; so far there is me, you, Embry, Paul, and Jared. We are this way because of the leeches." He hissed out the last word like it pained him to say it. "Vampires, we are built to kill them to protect our people, we rip them apart and burn them, well, usually. Were all changing because the Cullens came back, and with them so nearby we're shifting. But our great grandfathers made a treaty with them, so we won't kill them, as long as they don't kill people." My thoughts instantly turned to Bella, she was had been dating that Cullen guy. What if he was just hanging around her so he could have a snack? Well he left so it was no big deal anyways.

"What was that imprint stuff you were talking about?" I asked and his eyes met mine and I felt the sudden tug to be close to him again. I shifted a bit closer on the couch but still kept at least of foot or room between us.

"That's kind of hard to explain," he paused searching for words, "You see imprints are the soul mate of a shifter. When a shifter finds his imprint their whole world changes, suddenly their imprints are all that matters, you can't live without them." He glanced my way. "An imprint is also the best possibility for passing along the shifter genes."

I nodded, ok this all seemed pretty easy to get, also I had heard this stuff in all of the old Quilete legends. But the way Sam described imprinting, was the way I felt about him a few minutes ago. Could I have imprinted on Sam? I wasn't gay, well apparently as far as I knew. Argh I was so confused my heart seemed to be screaming Sam, Sam, Sam! And my brain kept screaming, No,No,No!

"Sometimes, though very rarely, a shifter will imprint on another shifter, when this happens there is a dominant shifter and a submissive shifter. The dominant shifter is the size of a regular shifter, they are as the name suggests the dominant in the relationship and are generally very protective of their mates." Again he looked over at me, I felt like I was out of the loop on something. "Submissive shifters were originally smaller shifters that came around when the vampires started turning children. Vampire children were to small for the larger shifters to catch so then suddenly smaller shifters began appearing to go where larger shifters couldn't."

He was looking me straight in the eye when he finished, and I just knew something big was going to be coming. "Jacob you are a submissive shifter, and my imprint." I stared at him, frozen. Sam Uley, my soulmate? Up until half an hour ago the very thought of this man made me ill. But now I just wanted to curl up next to him, let him hold and protect me, let him shove his d- I blushed at the last part. What was I thinking I barely knew him! Why does my life have to be so damn confusing?

"Well….I…you see here…um…I think I..." I whispered staring at my lap my face reddening even more. It was maybe a moment before I felt him shift down the couch and his hand sneaked up under my chin and then gently pull my face up to look at him.

"I know you imprinted on me to Jake, I know it's hard to have you're life turned upside down in a matter of minutes. I know you aren't quite ready for this right now, but could you please give me a chance?" He whispered. His face was so close that I could feel his warm breath fall across my face with each word.

I nodded, and gave him a tentative smile. He grinned in return, before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "Thank you Jacob."