Author's Note: Hello everyone reading! This is the last chapter and I hope you enjoy it! Thank-you again so much for reading. I really appreciate it. Please let me know what you think. I love reading your responses.

Disclaimer: Don't own Glee, but one can wish. The original characters I created are mine.

Jessica sat with a bowl of soup in her lap as she turned on E! News at 7pm. She takes her first spoonful of the warm elixir, the perfect food for a cold, wet day, when she hears the 'breaking news'.

"Rachel Berry gets married!" says the very skinny reporter with big hair and too much fake tan. "When it took place, where, and who's the mystery guy… we have all the deets on the Grammy, Emmy, and Tony winner's secret nuptials. This is E! News," the reporter continues.

Jessica looks up after hearing the announcement as the two hosts have a few seconds of useless banter until the clip rolls of the happy couple walking out of New York City Hall. She recognizes him right away. How could she not, he's only her teacher after all. She immediately pops up, nearly scolding herself in the process and, "HOLY SHIT!!!" is all she can generate from her vocal chords. "Phone. Phone. Must call. Best friend."

The phone only rings twice, but it feels like a century until it is answered. "Hello," is all Anna is able to say until the throng of noise come blasting out her receiver.

"TURN ON FUCKING E! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!" Jessica is jumping up and down.

"Jessica, what's going on?" Anna asks and she walks into her living room.


"I am, I am," Anna complies as she turns on the program. When she sees the report – as some man's voice in the background discusses the meteoric success that is Rachel Berry and is saying that 'apparently he is a high school sweetheart and they've been a serious relationship for years' – Anna stands in complete shell shock, not even noticing Jessica's alarming high pitch over the phone. In an extremely monotone voice Anna says: "Jessica, I have to go now." Jessica has no idea the actual weight on Anna's shoulders because of what was playing on the TV.

Anna calls up Ryan. "Ryan, turn on channel 151 RIGHT NOW!" is all she says when he answers.

"Anna I can't. I have to finish my stuff for AP Bio," Ryan replies, not in the mood to play games.

"JUST TO IT!!" she screams back to him on the phone. He does as he's asked, just as E! replays the video of Finn and Rachel walking out of City Hall with wide grins on their faces.

"Shit," is all he can say in return, mesmorized to how the fates align.

"Yeah," is all Anna can say in return; still very much in shock herself. "So, I think I'm gonna wait until Wednesday after rehearsal, as opposed to tomorrow, to speak to Mr. Hudson."

"Yeah, I think that's for the best," Ryan concurs. Both hardly speaking above a whisper. "I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." And with that Anna sits on her couch, phone in her lap, trying to comprehend the most recent plot twist in her very twisted story, which has shaken up her life indefinitely. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, wondering what things would be like if she just could have been fine accepting her life. If she hadn't gone searching for Quinn; opening up Pandora's Box to whatever might be inside. As Ryan, and others, including herself, had told her several times beforehand, Anna's life was perfect. Almost too perfect. Now, everything had changed and all the puzzle pieces of her life lacked a space to go. It was hard and complicated, but maybe this was just the wake-up call from reality that Anna needed.

After the whirlwind that was yesterday, Rachel Berry woke up Tuesday morning to the sound of the shower going. It was 6am and it occurred to her that Finn had to be a work in an hour. She also had work today as well. Her head resting on the ridiculously soft pillow, she realized it was time to leave the fantasy land that was inside this hotel room and go back to reality. But then, Rachel lifted her left hand in front of her face. There it was; the platinum band with rose gold rimming that wrapped securely around her finger. This was not a fantasy. Neither was the child growing inside her that she loved unconditionally. And as she rubbed her stomach, and closed her eyes, and smiled to herself, she slowly grasped all that had happened yesterday.

Finn walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, cleaning out his ear with a Q-Tip.

"Hey," Rachel says, slowly opening her eyes back up.

"Hello," Finn replies, walking up to her and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Rachel watches as Finn starts to get dressed for work, mesmerized by the pure simplicity of human life. He starts to tie his tie when she gets his attention again, "Finn…"

"Yeah, Rach?"

"I have been thinking. I want us to live in Westchester, near you."


"Yea, you have a whole established life there, and mine is much more of a nomad. I want to start a life there with you."

"Are you sure about that Rachel, that's a really big decision. Besides, I always saw you being one of those posh New York City moms in designer jeans pushing along an obnoxiously overpriced stroller with their baby in Ugg boots."

Rachel couldn't help but let out a chuckle at that remark. "Well, maybe we can have that life too. But right now, I just want to be with you. Embarking on this new life together."

It almost sounded like a line out of one of Rachel's movies. Finn couldn't help but be moved by how earnest Rachel was at that moment. "I love you," was all he could say in return.

"I love you too," she said in return. She slowly moved out of bed and wrapped her arms around Finn's body. "Wish me luck," she says as lets Finn go, and he starts to put on his shoes.

"Luck for what?"

"I'm quitting my job today," Rachel said with an awkward smile. Finn looked up at her with deep concern, he had almost forgotten. "I can't very well play this roll heavily pregnant. My doctor said I only had a few more weeks until I was really showing."

"Rachel…" Finn said as his voice trailed off. There were a few moments of peaceful silence and then he asked, "are you okay?" knowing how much this role meant to her.

"Not right now. But, I will be." And with that, the clock read 6:16, and Finn had to be out the door to make it to work on time, without factoring in traffic. He gave his wife a deep, longing kiss goodbye, knowing she was about to do one of the hardest things she has ever done in her life, and headed off to work. Rachel collapsed back onto the bed, her body soaking in the smell of the sheets, as she mentally prepares herself for what today might bring.

Finn arrived at Ossining High School at five minutes past 7. He pulled into the faculty parking lot and went inside the school through the doorway nearby. He could feel the eyes on him and it was making him uneasy. Once he was walking down the hall, he could see everyone looking at him; discussing him. This was high school after all. He turned the corner to the locker filled corridor that was his only route to the music department, and thusly, his office. As slowly walked down, graciously moving out of the way students digging for books and talking to friends, he noticed the normal hustle and bustle was quieter, and after a few paces, Finn started to hear clapping. As he kept walking, the clapping got louder, to the point where it was nearly a mob of cheering students, faculty, and staff. It brought a smile to Finn's face, and he couldn't help but blush, but it also make him hauntingly aware of the life change he had made. He walked into his office, and shut the door behind him; leaning the full weight of his back against it. He slid his back down the length of the door, his legs giving out beneath him, landing in a puddle on the floor. It was surreal; and he was fully starting to understand the weight of his decisions he had made.

Rachel walked through the door of what was now both her and Finn's apartment at 11:15pm that night. Finn heard her come in and scooped her into his arms when she went into the bed. He knew that this was a hard day for her, much harder than it was for him, and he wanted Rachel to know that he will always be there for her. Finn kissed the top of her head and professed his love and he rubber her back and they both fell into a deep slumber. Both adjusting to their new life.

Anna hid from Mr. Hudson like the plague yesterday, which was easier then she thought considering everyone wanted to speak to him. To hear about what happened yesterday. To find out how he knew Rachel. What it felt like to have his picture inside the New York Post. It was the perfect ploy to go unnoticed. But, unfortunately it was now Wednesday and last period just ended, so it was time to get to Chorus Club.

Mr. Hudson walked in and the entire club clapped. "Congratulations," cheered several of the students. The ring on his left hand shined against the florescent lighting. Lena walked up to Finn and handed him a medium-sized, but heavy box from Tiffany's. "This is from all of us," she says as Finn looks on in shock.

"You guys really didn't have to get me anything. Especially anything that is as expensive as whatever is in this box. But, thank-you," he replies graciously as he accepts the gift. Lena, being one of the several people at this school with more money than they let on purchased the present yesterday and told the club to give her whatever they could towards it, and she would cover the rest. No one was expecting something from Tiffany's. "Should I open it here or should I wait to open it with the misses," Finn asked cutely.

"Wait till you get home, then you can tell us all about Rachel Berry's reaction to our awesome present," said Jessica, still filled with excitement.

"Okay. But now we have to get serious. I have been thinking. I want to add one more song to our performance for the Spring Concert," Mr. Hudson starts to explain. "It's a folk song that is soft enough for our stern, parental audience to not freak out over, but the lyrical content is something that you as adolescents can identify with. It's called 'Thirteen' originally composed by Alex Chilton, but it's been covered several times." Finn starts to go into his bag full of papers, that's resting on the table, to get out the sheet music.

Anna walks up to him; a ball of nerves. "Mr. Hudson?" she asks, getting his attention.

"Oh, hey Anna. What's up?"

"Hi," she says taking a deep breath. "Um, I know that you are probably really busy, but I wanted to know if I could speak to you for a few minutes after class. It's important." Anna has a look of uneasy horror when she awaits his answer.

"Yea, sure," Finn replies in a somewhat reassuring tone.

Anna takes another deep breath. "Thanks," she says as she goes back to her seat and Finn starts to hand out the papers.

Mr. Hudson was right. The students did relate to 'Thirteen'. They all actually really loved it once they started to sing it. There was a spirited energy in the room when the club was rehearsing the new song, as well as the others for the concert. It also got the group's minds off the fact that their music teacher had just married a celebrity. For Anna, the practice flew buy. She was so unsure as to what was going to happen when she told Mr. Hudson who she was. Would he even care? It was unsettling.

"Okay, that's a wrap for today. See you guys Monday," Finn said, as the students gather their items to catch the late bus.

Anna sat stoic, watching Mr. Hudson put away his belongs, as Ryan walked up to her. She stood up as Ryan gave her a reassuring kiss on the cheek. "Good luck," he whispered in her ear before he slowly walked out of the room; knowing this was going to be one of the hardest things Anna will ever do in her life.

Anna remained standing still, like a statue. She was tense and her breathing was heavy. "Mr. Hudson?" she said again, trying to remind him about their meeting.

"Oh, yeah, Anna," Finn replied standing on the other side of the room, putting his bag full of papers down on the edge of the table. "You wanted to speak about something. What's up?" and as he finishes his sentence, his bag falls off the table, spilling papers all over the floor, mainly underneath the table. Finn gets on his knees to pick them up as Anna starts to speak, in a slow, soft tone.

"Um, Mr. Hudson, did I ever tell you I was adopted?" she begins, not really knowing where to start.

"I don't think so, why?" Finn asks, not really paying full attention as he looks down at the ground, collecting the papers.

"Well, see, my parents are awesome and love me so much that they were willing to let me meet my birth mother..." Anna's hands toying with the hem of her shirt as she speaks to the tiles on the floor.

"Uh, huh." Finn starts to crawl under the table to get the rest of the paper.

"…In Lima, OH," she finishes and Finn pops his head up fast at the last remark, banging it hard against the table.

"Ow," he says as he slowly rises from the floor, rubbing his head. They each walk a few paces towards each other, but they're still kind of far apart from one another. Both take deep breaths, appreciating the awkward silence.

"I'm…I'm…" Anna beings to speak.

"You're Drizzle," Finn says with a very deep breath, finishing her sentence.

"Did you really want to name me that?" Anna asks quickly, surprised that he just called her that.

"Hey, I stand by that name. It's a good name" Anna lets out a chuckle, relieving some of the tension. Finn extends his right hand. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," he says, flashing his trademark smile.

Anna extends her right hand and shakes. "It's a pleasure to meet you too," she smiles back.

"So," Finn says unsure of what to do next.

"So," Anna repeats. Both taking seats as they contemplated the situation a foot.

"You look like them," he says; Anna knowing he's referring to Puck and Quinn.

"You think?"

"Yeah. I can see Quinn, but I can definitely see Puck in there too. But, if you don't mind me asking, how did you figure out my part in this equation. Did Quinn tell you?"

"Not really," Anna starts to explain. "See, I went to your old school with Ryan, because Quinn is the head coach of that cheerleading squad, and while I was meeting Quinn, Ryan found a copy of your yearbook and between the two occurrences, the story kind of spilled out, and Quinn filled in the holes."

"Oh," said Finn, nodding his head. They're both speaking softly, hardly above a whisper, respecting the delicate situation.

"And don't worry, Ryan won't tell anyone." Anna was getting flustered, and started to speak fast. "I just thought that you should know who I am and that you are a really amazing person and a really amazing performer and…"

"Wait, when did you see me perform?" he asks cutting her off.

"Well, Quinn showed us the video New Directions made for Nationals."


"And well, I just wanted to say thank-you for everything and I can only assume thinking your someone's father when you're not must have been hard and well, yeah…" she trailed off.

"It was hard. I used to sing to your sonogram DVD."


"Yeah, I would sing your DVD as a way release some of the stress of knowing that I was becoming a teenage father. I mean, I always respected whatever Quinn wanted to do when she found out about you, but it was still very scary and I wanted nothing more than for you to know that I was going to be there for you."

Anna smiled at the sweetness of the situation; Mr. Hudson looking so uneasy. "So, what did you sing to me?" she couldn't help but ask.

"'I'll Stand by You' by The Pretenders," he says with a smile.

Anna lets out a chuckle and a sweet grin. "That's awesome," she says.

"Thanks. So, have you met Puck as well?" Finn asks, changing the subject.

"Not in person, but Quinn gave me his contact information, and I spoke to him over the phone for a little while. He seems like a good guy."

"He is," Finn concurs, nodding his head. "Well, I really need to get going."

"Yeah, me too."

"But it was nice talking to you. I'm glad you told me."

"I am too," and just as they start to gather their items to leave, Anna says: "And if you want to, you know, tell Rachel Berry about me too, that's cool as well." Finn lets out a laugh. "You know it's funny, I would always tell people that when I would listen to Rachel Berry, that she always sounded familiar to me, and now I know it was because for a portion of my life, I heard her singing all the time."

"I guess that's true. And I probably should tell her considering she's my wife and all," Finn can't help but think that Anna's fan girl obsession is cute.

"And because she mentioned me in Vanity Fair," Anna said with a little bit of a swagger. Finn just let out another laugh, not needing to respond with words. "Oh, and just so you know, you two are amazing together when you sing. It's pretty breath taking," Anna was giving a genuine complement.

"Thank-you," Finn says back sincerely.

"You know, I have to ask, did you get any royalties from Boyfriend Sweater, I mean it is all about an item of clothing you gave her," Anna asks jokingly.

"Well, she's going to be my Suga' Mamma, so I guess it all worked out," he says with a laugh. And with that they exit, knowing that they now share a special connection, which will hopefully last for a while thereafter.

"So, how did it go?" asks Ryan via text message as Anna walks home.

"Good. Surprisingly great actually," she texts back.

"I'm glad. Mr. H is a good guy," he writes back.

"Yea. TTYL"


Once at home, Finn plops down on his couch, his whole body running against the pillows as he opens a beer and turns on the TV, hoping to suck himself in someone else's made up world for a couple hours. His phone rings.

"Hey baby," he says, elated to speak to his spouse.

"Hey to you too. So, did anything interesting happen today at work, Husband?" Rachel asks in a cute tone from her dressing room, getting ready for one of her final performances.

"Well Wife, I found out one of my best students is Quinn and Puck's love child," he says in a blissfully sarcastic tone.

"What?" Rachel snaps back.

"I'll tell you about it later. Have a good performance. Bye." Finn says quickly enough, hanging up before she can respond, letting Rachel contemplate this conundrum for the rest of the day.

Finally, after a few more months of tedious rehearsals, and vocal training, and so forth, it was the May evening of the Spring Concert. Although there were some who saw Ms. Berry around town, running errands and such, pretty much everyone on the Ossining High School campus that night – students, parents, faculty, staff, and others – were curious whether or not Mr. Hudson was bringing his wife. The pregnancy had already been tabloid fodder for a few weeks now, not that Rachel ever denied it, especially once she started showing. The chorus club all waited together for their big moment, as they were opening up the musical showcase that evening, when they heard the clacking of heals coming down the hall from the back entrance of the school.

Mr. Hudson and his wife walked into the room hand in hand, inciting wide smiles from the small group of elated students. Rachel Berry was just like you would expect a star to be. Perfect. She glowed and Finn glowed when he was with her, even with her enlarged abdomen.
"Hey, everyone, I just wanted to see how you all were doing." Finn asks the star-struck students. No one responds. "Anyway, this is my wife Rachel."

"Hi," Rachel says nonchalantly. Sill no one answers.

"Okay, so I just want to make sure everyone is ready with the songs and that you guys have been doing your vocal warm ups. And just try your best out there, okay?" Finn says reassuringly.

"Yea, because if you do a good job, Mr. H here will sing for you," Rachel says teasing him, wrapping her left arm around his back.

"No." Finn was starting to blush.

"Aw, c'mon. We could both sing for them. I bet they would like that." Rachel was really starting to press Finns buttons, noticeable by the beet red complexion of his face. When hearing the remark, Anna looked over to Ryan a few yards away, both sharing a smirk knowing that they have seen Finn and Rachel perform. The rest of the students just admired their playful banter in awe.

"Okay…so we have to take our seats now. Relax and have a good time. You have earned this," Finn says as he slowly starts to move Rachel out of the room. Sill no comments from the peanut gallery.

"Good luck," Rachel says wistfully as she departs with her husband, their arms wrapped around each other's backs. Once out of sight, the entire group gushes about 'how cool that just was'.

After Finn introduces the audience members to tonight's musical festivities, the chorus club performs their songs to perfection. They receive an even louder reception than their winter performance. Once they start to perform their closing number of 'Just Say Yes', the club all notices Rachel in the front row, leaning against Mr. Hudson, her head against his chest, mouthing the words to the song; her body rocking along, her foot tapping to the beat. Finn's arms are wrapped around her small frame. Both were moved by the moment, taking in every word of the song. They watched the students with abundant joy and the students felt privileged to witness them together in such a way. Anna thought about her relationship with Ryan and how much she has grown as an individual because of it. She couldn't help but hope that she could have with Ryan what Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry have. As the song finished, Ryan thought the same thing.

A/N: Hello, again. Thanks one final time for reading this story. What did you think of the conclusion? How did it make you feel once all was said and done? Please let me know because I am honestly very curious. I truly love hearing back from you. Thanks again!