
He'd seen him there before, countless times. One could say the famed star Kuran Kaname was stalking the boy. That would be true. Kaname was fascinated, enraptured, but he couldn't work out why. The kid was far too young to be a possible 'toy' for him, and far too anonymous to people that he should catch the attention of the movie star. That perplexed Kaname. Why should he – the big name star - be following the likes of him? He was a nobody; a direct opposite to Kaname. Polar opposites shouldn't attract, in Kaname's strong opinion. Therefore... therefore this focus of attention had to be of a sexual nature. Kaname still had no idea why his lusts centred on the young photographer, but the only way of ridding himself of the ridiculous fixation was to slake them. So shrugging, Kaname rose from the park bench and strolled over to the silver haired boy who was kneeling to get a better angle of the pond in front of him. Well, at least the kid had a decent ass.

"Please move out of my light," the photographer requested curtly. He didn't bother turning around, which irritated the star.

Kaname didn't move. From his three second analysis of the photographer he concluded quite solidly that the only means to rouse his attention was to ruin his shot. This observation proved to be true, and the boy turned and met Kaname's amused gaze with his own two icy lilac depths. "Hello," Kaname greeted cordially, his lips melting into gentle smile. By now his prey would already have succumbed to his charm and ruggedly handsome good looks. However, this one was putting up a bit of a fight by maintaining his agitated stare which was new to Kaname, but no less thrilling.

The boy returned his focus to his DSLR camera and adjusted something on the zoom. "Can I help you?" he inquired, sounding bored. There was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Frigid little bitch, wasn't he? Kaname curbed his own twitch of annoyance from his expression. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment. Oh well, the guy was sure to submit to his moves eventually. The kid would end up in bed with him one way or another. No one had ever resisted Kuran Kaname. "I was wondering," Kaname started off coyly, "if you would dine with me this evening."

"No thank you." He didn't even bat an eyelash. An extremely long, curled eyelash... girlish even.

Kaname felt a strong burn within him. He'd been rejected. Kuran Kaname the movie star – rejected. His ego had taken a beating, but he was unwilling to admit to that. "I see." It took all of Kaname's strength not to grind his teeth together or scream. Quickly, like a wounded animal Kaname gathered himself together and trudged away. The kid was clearly insane. He'd be nuts to turn Kuran Kaname away.
