Eustass Kid always thought he could not be defeated, even though it sometimes happen… on occasions.

But it wasn't until the day he chose to sneak out on the deck of the ship he was visiting that he realized there was one person capable of breaking his spirits.

"Aaannd STAY DOWN!!!" she shrieked, orange hair flying around her face as she held up a fist at the crimson captain in rage.

He groaned as he turned onto his back and gently stroked his abused nose. Even though he had been punched, the pain wasn't major, so he was actually grinning at the situation he was in. "So do I have to endure a hit from you every time I want an orange, Miss Cat Thief?" He teasingly jeered at Nami, one red eye trained at her.

Next time he chose to do this again, he'd make sure she wasn't wearing any pointed boots either.




Short, because my time on the computer is short. Plus, this just came on a moment's notice. I'll try to update more later.C: