AN: Yes. I am writing a new fic. Shoot me. This is my attempt at Icey!Eric. I am so excited! I'm not too familiar with skating and ice dancing in general but I'll be doing some research on it. I hope you guys enjoy and nicely review for my new story! Thanks!

Thanks to elbly for being a great beta! and who knows a thing or two about skating. Like Eric and Sookie -- we are a perfect match.

On Edge

Eric found himself sitting in an empty hockey arena, watching his sister coach her new prospects. A young woman who had already competed in the Olympics, by the name of Sookie Stackhouse, and a man who was trying to gain the on-ice chemistry with his new partner, Sam Merlotte. His sister, Pam, was so focused on Sookie – she was all she could talk about. "Sookie does the best triple-axel you've ever seen...Sookie can bend in any way, you should see her when Sam lifts her over his shoulder and her back folds over..."

Today he was picking her up for the two of them to go to dinner. Pam had been trying to get him to see this Sookie practice for the three months that Pam had been their coach. Making him wait in the stands was the only way she'd get him to see it.

He'd given up on figure skating.

Sookie's old partner, a man by the name of Bill Compton, had recently died not six months ago. Instead of wallowing over her loss, she searched for a new coach and a new partner, and found both. Between Pam's dominant, controlling personality and Sookie's apparent stubbornness there was a lot of clashing between the two, as much as there was fawning over the others talents. Pam loved Sookie's fluid movements on the ice. Apparently Sookie respected Pam's firm determination on what she thought was right. Either way, from what Eric could tell, it was working awfully.

Not Pam. Not Sookie.

But this Sam wasn't very good.

He snorted, shaking his head and putting his forehead in gloved hands. Sam fumbled with Sookie, he skidded across the ice – there was no chemistry. Sookie, for all she was worth, worked her ass off each time they restarted their routine, Sam was lazy and awkward. Eric could tell the guy was trying, but he just wasn't good. That was all there was to it. Sookie wouldn't win any competitions as long as she had this asshole as her partner.

His sister was losing her patience. She was becoming short with everything Sam did. He watched her move over to Sookie and demonstrated how he should be holding her. Eric shook his head when Pam blatantly grabbed Sookie's ass. That was his sister.

He was getting sick of freezing his ass off in the cold stands. He'd been waiting for almost forty minutes. He hated ice dancing.

"Pam!" he snapped across the ice, his voice travelling. The three looked over to where at him. He was, impatiently glaring at his sister. He saw Pam mutter something to her team of two and skated over to where he was in the stands. "You're taking too long," Eric stated, his eyes flickering over her shoulder to at Sookie was trying to instruct Sam on how to twirl her.

Pam had that evil glint in her eye that had Eric recoil. "You know, Eric..."

"Pam, get your ass off the ice or I'm leaving," Eric hissed before she could finish that thought.

Pam rolled her eyes. "Fine. Bye."

Eric scowled, hating that he had come down here for the very reason she wanted. Her attempt at getting him to see Sookie had been successful. "Goodbye," Eric said snippily, not falling for the bait. He stormed out of the arena faster than he knew his sister would have liked.

There was no way he was taking a step back and returning to that god-awful sport.

He angrily pushed open the doors of the arena stepping out into the snowy night. He had his toque on and his winter boots – the weather man had said there would be ten inches over night. He strode over to his car feeling incredibly pissed at his sister. He slammed the door shut and started the car, waiting a few minutes for it to warm up. He noticed his windshield was already thick with snow and he got out, grumbling, bringing the brush to dust it all off.

There was no way he was going to be suckered into this with the insistence of Pam's mind games. He was too old for the ice unless he was playing hockey with his friends. He got back into the car and rubbed his gloved hands together warming up his fingertips. Unbelievable. He was driving off down the snowy, deserted side street. His phone was ringing. He dug it out of his pocket and slid it open, which was difficult to do with gloved hands.


"Sookie likes you," Pam teased, whispering. She was making this call while she gave her skaters a ten minute break.

"Pam, shut the fuck up," he found himself sighing, stopping at a red-light, despite the empty roads.

"I told her about your ice dancing past. Despite you're awkward height, you are surprisingly graceful, big brother. She even said she remembers watching you perform."

"Is that when she was in diapers?"

"Oh come on, you're not that old. And you and I both know you miss it. Admit it," she continued.

"Bye, Pam," he said firmly, snapping the phone closed and tossing it onto the passenger seat.

He hadn't skated in three years. Why should some girl change his mind? Why was this such a big deal to Pam? He groaned feeling guilty for not helping his little sister out. But then he realized that's exactly what she wanted and he shook that thought right out of his head.

He had a good job now. He was a carpenter and had good steady work that was a hell of a lot more manly then being a fucking figure skater. He hadn't exactly woke up at a young age and told his parents his dreamed of wearing flamboyant costumes and choreographed routines, that it was all he wanted in life. His mother was one. He grew up on the ice.

His phone buzzed again. "No," he said aloud to himself. "No," he whispered fiercely.

Since their mother died three years ago, his desire to pursue the career vanished along with her life. She had been such a presence, such a force that her encouragement and her belief in him had inspired him in winning a gold medal at eighteen at the Olympics and winning the World Tournament twice before he was twenty-two.

Figure skating wasn't part of his life now and for that he was glad.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was eight o'clock on a Friday night and he was heading home. It was sort of like when he was back skating; early to bed, early to rise. He picked up his phone, ignoring his missed calls and dialled his friend Alcide. He was at their regular bar and Eric found himself saying he'd be there soon.

He walked into the bar, like every other night, and left it with a girl, like every other night.


His home phone was ringing. He groaned, lifting his head off the pillow. He felt someone's legs tangled with his, he pulled away and sat up slowly, the phone still ringing away. He checked the time. It was nine-thirty.

He picked up his cordless and yawned a good morning. "Eric," Pam said. "Could you go get me and my skaters some coffee and doughnuts?" He could not believe she was doing this. He saw them once, and she thought she already had him by the horns.

"Pam, what the hell?" he snapped. He may as well get up. He wandered out of the room, not even glancing at the stranger in his bed.

She was silent on the other line. "I want you to help Sam. If it doesn't work out, I'll never even talk about any of this ever again," she said. "Please?, Ffor me."

He opened his fridge and stared at its empty contents.

Despite his denial, he was curious and he hated himself for it. He didn't want Pam to think he was caving in to her wishes. Here he was about to have another deliberate talk with another girl and tell her that it was fun, but he had to go. Why lie this time? He told Pam he'd do it, against his better judgement. His body was already revolting at the idea of getting back near the ice.

It was all he could think of. His compulsion to be in the arena again was aggravating. He was like a drug addict after a long lapse of nothing; he was crawling back, distracted for another taste.

He walked up the stairs to his room and shook the girl awake. She looked up at him with a lazy smile, looking pleased as punch.

"Hey, listen, I have to go meet my sister in like ten minutes, so do you think maybe..." He rarely had to finish that sentence before the girl was scrambling out of bed, waking herself up as fast as she could.

He put on some deodorant in his washroom and fresh clothes before he was waiting at the front door for the girl. She came down the stairs with a guilty expression on her face.

"So, will you call me?" she asked slowly. Couldn't he ever find a girl with self-esteem? Nope that would require looking for a solid girl who needed dates before she put-out.

"Yeah, sure, I have your number on my phone. It was fun," he said as he ushered her out the door locked shut behind him. He went to his car in his drive and she helplessly found herself in a neighbourhood she was unfamiliar with. He waved and drove out to a coffee shop.


Pam skated to the stands stopping right in front of Eric who held out a tray of coffee and a box of doughnuts.

"I knew you'd come," she grinned. "Now get on that ice."

"Don't have skates," Eric smirked. Eric one, Pam zero.

"I have them." Losing...

His's face fell. "What?"

"Well I wasn't going to let you just throw them out! You worked those things in. It was drenched in your blood, sweat and tears. So when I told you I was throwing them out, I lied. Get on that ice, pastry boy," Pam pointed. Eric looked across to see Sam nearly drop Sookie. He rolled his eyes to the ceiling, not believing what he was about to do.

"I'm not putting skates on," he muttered. He opened the small door and walked onto the ice, careful not to fall and look as much as a fool as Sam. He had lived on the ice for twenty-three years of his life – being back on it, without skates, felt so normal and so good. He shook his head at falling into this again. He glanced over his shoulder to where Pam was looking triumphant with her coffee clutched in her hands, an evil grin on her face. Bitch.

He saw Sookie and Sam finally notice him, a small blush of surprise reached the young woman's cheeks. He did not have time for this. Sam had his arm around Sookie's waist about to try and lift her up on his shoulders and spinning her around his neck and under his arm. Eric knew Pam had hired swing dancing instructors to help them out with that move. Eric hadn't done it before, but he could figure it out without having seen it properly.

Without saying a word he yanked Sookie from Sam's weak hold and did the exact move that Sam had been practicing for weeks, in one shot. He gracefully held Sookie in his arms and settled her back on the ice. Like the expert she was she kicked her leg out and extended her hand out as she pulled away from him, their clasped hands far out. Eric let go and gave Sam a 'really?' look. He heard Pam skate over, a look of awe on her face.

"Sam," she breathed. "That's what I want to see." Sam was glaring at Eric, but nodded at his coach respectfully.

"Wow," Sookie uttered, her blue eyes bright. "Do you have skates? Maybe you could help me and Sam out some more. Pam can only do so much. She can't lift me."

Eric really didn't want to. He raised a brow and saw how much Sam did not want him to help them and that made the proposition a little more appealing. He found he didn't like the short, scruffy man.

"Eric," Pam gripped his arm tightly as if to say you're not going anywhere you bastard. "Can you lift Sookie high above your head? Sookie arch your back, grab the bottom of your skate if you can. And look into each other's eyes," Pam hissed dangerously. If Eric knew anything it was to not go against Pam's wishes at the moment, or murder would be on her hands.

"Yes," Sookie said abruptly. She looked about ready to wet herself from excitement. Sam crossed his arms a look of fury on his face. Eric rolled his eyes at the situation. It was pathetic.

Eric wanted to say no.

He saw the eager girl bouncing with excitement, saw the angry, ignored partner and his threatening sister. Without another word he picked Sookie up at the waist and raised her over his head easily. He angled her so that her head was facing the ice and her legs were high in the air. She arched her back and reached out and swiftly to grab her skate. He looked up and found her eyes already waiting for his.

As soon as they met, he knew he was screwed.

Everything clicked into place and the rarity of finding that with a stranger was too common. The chemistry between skating partners was as, often just as important as the routine itself. He felt it in his bones that he and Sookie would make a great pair. He just didn't want to be a part of it. He lowered her slowly, their eyes still locked and she elegantly relaxed back onto the rink. Even now on the ice, he searched her blue orbs hoping to find something that wouldn't work, but couldn't.

Her small hands were on his forearms and she squeezed them, gleefully.

"Oh my God," she whispered. Eric wasn't having this. He looked away to Pam.

"I have to go," he said. Sookie's nails dug into his skin.

"No! Please, don't," she said. She glanced at Sam and seemed to realize that she was being rather mean to her real partner. "Help us, that's all I ask," she said urgently. "Don't leave."

Eric felt his resolve wavering.

"Please," she said, bouncing slightly. "I'm desperate – we're desperate."

"We really are," Pam said, giving him a pointed look.

Usually if a woman told Eric they were desperate for him, he would not hesitate to comply to her wishes. In this situation, it wasn't about sex. It was about going back to the thing he thought he left behind for good. This wasn't progress. He was over skating...or so he thought.

"Alright," he said hoarsely. The smile that spread across Sookie's face caused his heart to leap erratically. He wondered how she looked when she won. He wanted to know.

"Thank you!" she said. "Watch me and Sam do our routine and then tell us what you think," she said quickly, her energy increasing ten-fold. She grabbed her partner's hand and led him across the ice.

She really had talent.

Too bad she had a shitty partner.

He heard Pam snicker. "Don't," he said.

"Eric," Pam said, trying to make her face serious. "You have intense chemistry with Sookie. We should ditch Sam and replace him with you."

"No," Eric said, putting his foot down. "I'm helping, that's all. I'll teach Sam how to handle her and then I'm out. You can take all the credit."

Pam rolled her eyes. "You're not coaching for me."

"Oh really? Why do you need me, then?" he gave his sister a sceptical look as to her intentions.

"I want you and Sookie to be mine. I don't want Sam. Sookie has a soft spot for him and I've already tried to convince her to ditch him. Now she's seen you, now that she's felt what you two have, it'll only be a matter of time before she drops him and comes crawling and begging for you. She loves skating more than being a decent person. She might pretend that she cares about Sam's feelings, but if it comes down to doing her best or feeling pity, she'll do what she has to. You're better for her. She felt it, you felt it, I felt it, hell, Sam felt it...imagine what a sympathetic crowd will feel when you two get your moves down and you get to know one another. The'll be fucking hot. People will want you two to fuck in front of them."

The nice speech turned into a dirty one like most with Pam. Eric couldn't help but feel convinced. He was going to do his best to stay away from becoming Sookie's partner. He couldn't go back on the ice, it reminded him too much of his mother. He couldn't even look at it before, but when he came last night to meet Pam and saw Sookie on the ice, he remembered why he loved it. She had a skill that was unique to any he had seen before. Her style was similar to his mother's and he couldn't help but feel...intrigued.

He remembered he was supposed to be watching Sookie and Sam and he looked out at them. Sam was doing his best to up Eric, but couldn't. Maybe he was nervous, but his arms shook when he tried to mimic the move Eric just did with Sookie. She hadn't been expecting it and Eric closed his eyes as he watched Sam drop Sookie on the ice.

"I'm so sorry, Sookie."

"No, no, it's fine. I've fallen before, believe me," he heard her sigh.

"No, oh shit," Sam's frantic words carried across the arena.

"Sam, please calm down. We just have to practice," he heard her skates back on the ice and Eric looked up again to see Sam trying to pull Sookie into a hug.

"Let's start from the beginning again, shall we?" she smiled genuinely. She was so sweet, Eric noted. He groaned in frustration.

"I can't work with him," Pam stated.

"You're going to have to. He comes with Sookie," Eric reminded his sister.

"Until you move in. Use that charisma you have with the ladies. Sookie will be putty in your hands. I'm sure you can get her to have you as a partner. It's only a matter of time," Pam tutted. Eric wondered how true that was. "Oh," he heard his sister jeer. "This is going to be good."

Hello. Yes. I like to make fun of Sam. If you want more of that. Click the green button. (Sam is too close to being Sookie's potential suitor for me to ever like the guy). SO REVIEW! ERIC FTW!