Troubled Love

Chapter One

Bella's Point of View

It had been a dreadful two weeks for all of Fairy Island Kingdom. We had all fought with the largest vampire coven and had lost. My father had been lost in the fight. Killed, by the thing we hate most. My sisters and I wanted to go after them right away but my mother wouldn't let us… she said, "I had already lost your father, I'm not losing you too!" So we were dragged away from our old home that was closest to the kingdom and dragged half way across the world. We are now living in a little town called, Forks, Washington. Strange name but it represents that it is unique. And it must be unique now, considering they have fairies living there now.

"Bella, It's time." Alice said, in her unusual soft voice.

I sighed, got up and left my new room. I had decorated it with vines and flowers already so it looked something like my old room.

My family has powers. I am the fairy of earth, which simply means that I get along with nature well. My sister, Alice, has the power of the water fairy. She can control water. My other sister Rosalie is the fire fairy. I guess the easiest thing I can say is, she plays with fire. She was unusual child, but the most beautiful out of us all. My mother, Renne, is the air fairy. She loves the wind.

I made it successfully out of the house and into Alice's new Porsche. This is our first day of school.

I know what you are thinking, 'how can fairies go to school with humans without them finding out who they are?' well, that information on fairies is fake. We can easily hide our wings, they only show when we allow. So we have always lived with humans. My parents wanted us to grow up semi normal. We were royalty on Fairy island so it wasn't wise to put us in a public school there.

"Bella, c'mon we have to go get our schedules." Rose said before getting out.

"Alright." I said, got out and smelled something off. It was weird, but it smelled good at the same time. I just shrugged it off and walked to the main office to get my schedule.

"Why hello there. I'm ms. Cope. How can I help you?" She asked in a chipper mood.

I smiled and said, "I'm Isabella Swan and these are my sisters Alice and Rosalie. We're new here." I said.

"Oh why of course. I should have known considering I have never seen you girls around here before. You are the talk of the town." She smiled, gave us our things, explained what we had to do and then said, "Good luck. See you later."

"Thank you." I said before leaving the office. I smelled that smell again.

"Do you girls smell that?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, at first I thought I was going insane!" Alice said.

"Same here." I replied.

"Where have I smelled that before?!" Rose said, getting angry.

"I don't know but, we should be going or we'll be late." I said and we a took off to our first class. I was glad I had them all with my sisters. Mom made sure we were together just in case we had any problems.

We walked into the classroom and gave our slip to the teacher. He greeted us politely and got us to sit in three seats in the back. Only a few people were there so we didn't get the stares until after the bell rang and everyone piled in.

I sighed inwardly. I hated attention.

"Hello. I'm Jessica. What your name?" She said to Rose, Alice and myself.

"I'm Alice and these are my sisters, Rosalie and Bella." Alice replied.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled before turning back to the teacher.

The class was boring. We had already learned everything the teacher was teaching. And that is surprising considering we had taken two weeks off of school because of the war. This school was really behind.

When the bell had finally rung for the next class, we had gotten up and walked to math. I hated math. Although I will know everything for at least another two or three weeks because of the lack of educational progress here. I don't mind that though. It just means I don't have to do anything except be there.

We walked in the classroom and immediately became curious. The smell was really strong in the classroom. Al the humans smelled the same, but there was something in this room making it smell this way.

The teacher told us where to sit and we agreed politely. It was again at the back of the room. The smell was strongest there. I sat down and then immediately knew what it was coming from. Let me rephrase that… then immediately knew who it was coming from! It was coming from three gorgeous guys in the back row also. I started thinking over the possibilities of what they might be and then it hit me like an avalanche… Vampires!

I Looked at my sisters and mouthed, "Vampire" They tensed up.