Summary: "Last one back to Sai's house has to kiss Sasuke!" Kiba would yell as the guys took off running toward the house, none wanting to kiss Sai's stuck up cousin, yet laughing how Naruto would undoubting have to since he didn't know any of their short cuts. Yet it was unexpected when after being tied to the bed, to the raven, to have to kiss him with tongue that the blonde started losing on purpose.

Shelly's Note: I own nothing, enjoy

I'm starting this story though I don't have my usual outline, I do have a basic idea of what I want to happen in this story...I'm finding that my usual ways of producing a story aren't coming up successful so I'm just going to let the ideas flow out of me and see where this goes and hope it's good

I know that Sai and Sasuke aren't related but for the purpose of this story, they are cousins and Sasuke is a year older

Chapter 1: The Game

Kiba's POV:

June tenth was known as the best day ever. Okay, so it wasn't June 10 every year but this year it was. Why, you may ask, because it was the first day of summer. The sun was shining, school was out, and the guys and I were finally fifteen, which meant we have to have some freedom! Though none of us could drive which meant that we couldn't have that much freedom. However, when you're staying a place like Sai's Uncle's beach house for the summer, let me tell you, you want at least some freedom.

Now, we had been going there since we were kids since all of our parents were good friends and yet the Uchiha's still scared me whenever I saw one of them in a dark hallway. Yes I know, they are just humans right? Wrong. I think they are from some kind of underworld and that is why they never go outside. I mean really there has to be some reason Sai's cousin Sasuke never comes with us. I know that he's a year older than we are but really is that isn't an excuse.

"Kiba are you coming?" Sai yells with an evil laugh and I know what he's thinking.

You see, when I said "we" I meant Sai, Shikamaru, Shino, Gaara, Neji, Lee, Chouji, and I. Naruto on the other hand, has never been out here, and therefore doesn't know the area very well. Let me tell you, the area is difficult to navigate if you don't know it. Therefore, he will be the victim of a game we like to call Last One Back.

I looked at Sai and grinned with a nod before yelling, "Last one back to Sai's house has to Kiss Sasuke!"

We took off running, using every short cut that we knew, leaving Naruto in the dust to take the long way back. When we ran into the house Sasuke could immediately tell that something was going on by the way that we were all out of breath.

"What are you up to," he asked with distrust in his eyes as he looked up from the book he was reading. After all these years I still don't understand how he didn't get that when we came running through the door, it meant we were playing Last One Back and that he would be tortured in a mere matter of seconds.

"Nothing," I smirked. "We're just playing a game."

"Stay the hell away from me," he said as we moved closer to him.

"What are you talking about?" Sai asked innocently.

"Shit," Sasuke cursed under his breath as he quickly got off the couch and took off in the opposite direction, jumping over the couch, toward his room.

"Running to your room will do no good," Sai yelled as we all chased after him.

Before he could shut his door, we pushed our way into the room and piled on top of him. As he struggled to break free from our grasp, we tied him to his bed.

"You are so dead when I get free," he said to Sai with a glare.

Sai just smiled, "We out number you."

"I don't care," he growled. "That doesn't mean I can't beat the crap out of you." I knew the comment was directed mainly toward Sai, so I just laughed.

Naruto POV

I was out of breath by the time that I managed to make it to the Uchiha beach house. The guys obviously knew ways that I didn't, so I was the last one there. I had no idea what losing entailed, as this was my first summer at the house. They all just looked smugly at me as I looked at them, wide-eyed, wondering what was going to happen to me as they all came at me.

"What are you guys doing to me?" I yelled as they pulled me toward a room.

Kiba just laughed and said, "What we said, last one back has to kiss Sasuke, it's all part of the game."

"What kind of game is that?" I yelled.

"A highly entertaining one if you're not the victim," Neji said.

"Lee, you're too nice to let them do this to me right?" I asked, knowing that Chouji, Shino, Gaara and Shikamaru wouldn't save me.

"It's a youthful game, you just have to learn to run faster," he said.

"Lee," I whined.

"Just kiss him and get it over with, dickless," Sai said.

"I can't believe he would agree to this!" Naruto said.

"Who said he did?" Kiba laughed

My eyes widened as we walked into the room and I saw Sasuke tied to the bed. I panicked because I already doubted my sexuality; I didn't want this handsome stranger to be the one to confirm it. All I needed was to be attracted to Sai's cousin, who obviously had no interest in kissing me by the way he was glaring at me with his intense black eyes.

I was roughly pushed onto him as they quickly tied by hands to his. My face was so close to his I could feel him breathing on me, to fight at that moment would be stupid as it would probably cause one or both of us pain. "We'll untie you when you kiss, with tongue," Sai said.

"What!" I said, or more yelled.

"Sasuke knows the rules," Kiba laughed.

"Because you force them on me," Sasuke growled as he glared at Kiba.

"No need to glare Uchiha," Kiba said.

"Then stop forcing your homosexual tendencies out on me," Sasuke said.

"I'm not gay," Kiba said as he crossed his arms.

"Weren't you the one who came up with the idea of this game?" Sasuke asked, with a smug look on his face.

"I thought I could beat everyone back," Kiba mumbled.

"I'm sure," he said.

"Stop talking to me and just kiss him already," Kiba said with a glare of his own.

"Trust me, they won't let us up until we kiss," Sasuke said. "I've laid here with people on top of me for hours hoping they'd get bored, it never works."

"Fine," I said as I looked at Sasuke. It almost felt like fireworks when our eyes met. It was probably just me, but I was somewhat excited about having to kiss him. We both leaned in, causing a tingle to go down my spine when our lips met. Soon enough his tongue was in my mouth and it was an entirely new sensation that I never wanted to forget. One thing was for sure, I wanted to make sure I lost Last One Back every time I was here; no one else would be kissing Sasuke Uchiha if I had something to say about it.
