A/N: This is my first fanfic! I know I'm awful, but please no mean comments!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny With A Chance or its characters…I wish!

Chapter 1: Season Break

Chad's POV:

Finally, we just finished shooting the season finale of Mackenzie Falls. I would miss my number one teen drama show, but I needed a break from these people!

I was in my dressing room and the rest of the Mackenzie Falls cast was seated on my couch. They were lost without me. How are they going to survive the next month when I'm doing other projects? Portlyn was the worst of all. Yesterday, she followed me into the bathroom. Man was she stupid!

Sigh. I wanted one girl to follow me, she's never get on my nerves. But that she was the one girl I couldn't be with. Our show's were rivals and she was my enemy, but the most beautiful, caring girl I've ever known. Her name said it all, Sonny.

Sonny's POV:

"Tawni!" I screamed as I ran into our dressing room. Of course, she was sitting in front of the mirror admiring herself. "Tawni! I have big news!"

"Sonny, if you don't mind, I'm busy! Can't you see it's my alone time!" she giggled and continued her conversation with her friend in the mirror. "So, anyway, I love your hair!"

"Yeah…I can see that, but I have huge news and I don't know how you're going to take this."

"What," she said it with annoyance.

"I'm going to be in the new movie, The First Step!" I was jumping up and down in excitement. Tawni's face went back to looking at the mirror. "Tawni!"

"What now!"

"Aren't you excited for me?"

"I am happy for you, I just don't express it!" And with that she went back to her mirror.

"Well, you do realize that I'm not going to do So Random for awhile since I'm filming a new movie, right?" She suddenly dropped her Coco Moco Coco lipstick and turned to face me.

"You're what!? Sonny, you can't do this to our show! It depends on your sketches! The show has gotten great reviews since you joined. You can't just abandon us!"

"Well, it will only be a month or two…" I didn't know she'd be this upset.

"A month!? Or two!? That's not gonna help our show! Who's gonna fill in for you?"

"Well, I heard that Mackenzie Falls ended their season, maybe someone from there could fill in for me?" I tried to mumble it, but Tawni heard it.

"No way! No way am I letting anyone from the Falls come onto my show and steal my spotlight! Plus, they're drama actors, they don't have the funny bone to come onto So Random!"

Just at that moment, Chad walked into the room. I guess he heard what Tawni said because he looked pretty mad.

"Well I suppose you Randoms know about funny. But you have no right to insult the Falls!, his voice cracked, "We can be just as funny as you. And I bet that you don't know how to bring drama onto the screen."

"Oh please Chad, as a matter of fact, I just got the leading role in The First Step! It is a very dramatic, serious role." I was sort of bragging but it was indeed a drama movie.

"Oh really Munroe. What a coincidence, I just ended the season finale of Mackenzie Falls and I need to take the next step in my career," he paused to think--that's the first. "Yeah, I'm gonna audition for it too! You just wait, I'm gonna be your new leading man! I mean why won't I get it, I'm the best actor of our generation!" he said as he flipped his beautiful blonde hair.

"Oh no you're not!" I defiantly said, "This is my movie and I don't want you in it!" It was too late, Chad had dialed the casting director's number and was setting up an audition already.

"Yeah hey, it's Chad Dylan Cooper and I would like to set up an audition for Steve, Alice's lover," he smiled as he listened to the casting director's response. "Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow!" He hung up the phone and looked at me with those bright, blue, dreamy eyes. "Well, looks like I've got an audition! Thanks Sonny, I'm one step closer to Zac Efron's level!" And with that, he left the room laughing.

Well what do you think?! Please R&R so that I can write more!!!