same Disclaimer: i dont own Naruto.... which is Probably a good thing

Sasuke Stormed down the darkened halls of the Akatsuki citadel, the new one built in the most recently enslaved Konoha. His eyes slid over the almost lifeless streets; watching but a few of the Konoha civilians being moved out from their homes to continue their work within the walls of the citadel.

Ever since the death of Danzo, the Akatsuki had moved into action immediately. Kisame, who was still alive during this, had completed his mission and managed to kidnap the Hachibi jinjuriki and, along with the rest, extracted the demon from its host. Soon after, the promised battle between Sasuke and Naruto had finally begun. Sasuke – powered by his dear eldest brother's eyes; Naruto – with the Kyuubi and Sage power – fought against each other for what Madara had told him to be a week, though to him, it felt more like a few hours.

But it had ended. He could still remember watching as Naruto's almost lifeless body being taken away from the battle field by Zetsu, his following him until he was out of view, leaving him to follow Kisame into the base to get healed. He never heard about what happened to Naruto after the Kyuubi was extracted from him, he had assumed that Naruto simply died like the other hosts had, but one thing he did know was that after it was extracted, the Akatsuki took over everything.

From the Rain Village, to Konoha, all the ninja villages, great and small, fell in flames as the now jinjuriki powered members broke through their defences, destroyed the leading Kages and council members – something which Sasuke took great pleasure in when they had reached Konoha and Madara had left the task of destroying the traitorous council to him – the Akatsuki finished their take over by reviving the dead members, leaving Madara to give each their won country to rule: naturally Sasuke, Itachi and Madara had control in Konoha.

Sasuke broke from his inner thoughts and continued down the hallways, the first day he, Madara and Itachi took over, his old friends were found and forced into slavery; he still saw but a few of them, the likes of Kiba, Shino and Neji around the citadel once In a while, but it wasn't the same as before. Whilst most of the jounin were either mangekyo – controlled guards or killed, the kunoichi – ranked from genin to Anbu – had the worst work by far.

It had been decided that as the three remaining Uchihas now controlled Konoha, it was time for the clan to be repopulated, again something which Sasuke took advantage of, as well as Itachi and Madara. Hence, to date, every woman that was seen within the area was taken to a section of rooms and, for lack of better words, raped.

At first, bit Itachi and himself appeared guilty for the many times in which they would participate with those acts of barbaric inhumanism, but when they saw the first few women with baby bumps it was soon gone and they continued as the pleased in the faint hope that they will conceive powerful heirs to continue their work after they die. However, it was shortly after the first few girls that had gotten pregnant that the true problems happened.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as the memories flashed to the front of his mind. He was present when his first child was to be birthed; he was excited at the time – what father would not? He could remember when he saw the child... no. Not child, creature. That was what left the girls womb. It was so deformed; the child didn't have a proper face or body. It looked like a wrong mixture between his beautiful features and the Kyuubi's – to which he now had control over – body. At the time, he couldn't handle the sight of the impure child. It wasn't just him. Madara and Itachi too found that their own children were becoming deformed.

Sasuke shook his head; it was after the first child that Sasuke stopped going after women, and instead went after the male population. Even after Madara had discovered a way to prevent the deformities occurring in the children, he decided that the pleasure of men had made the experience far more intense that any women. Oh yes, he would now rather thrust into the pure ravines of men than of the many other women that tried to grab his attention.

He withdrew himself from his thoughts. Sasuke knew that if he was going to continue, he would begin thinking about his newfound, homoerotic obsession: his old, missing or dead best friend, Uzumaki Naruto. He looked up to the grand Oak doors, the Uchiwa Fan ablazed upon it, separating the hallways and the grand throne room. He gave a heavy, melancholy sigh before methodically pushing open the doors.


Contrary to what he would have many believe, Sasuke rather enjoyed ruling over Konoha. That feeling of knowing that at the snap of his fingers, he could have anyone killed was reinforced in the throne room. The combining colours of black, red and gold created a state of regallity to which the remaining Uchihas had become reknowned for. The different shades surrounded the room in different forms, shapes, sizes and furniture as Sasuke took the sight in. Anbu – turned Akatsuki guards lined the wall near the grand doors he just walked through, the Akatsuki clouds on the armour and sleeves of their uniforms; Sasuke paid them no attention as he strode down the towards the thrones at the end of the room.

As he got closer, he began to hear the sounds of muffled screams. He looked ahead and saw Madara near his own throne, kneeling over a set of many cushions that lay on each side of the three thrones. Upon further inspection as he reached the ascending stairs to discover that is was Hyuga Neji, bound by chakra ropes and gagged by what looked to be remaining piece of his uniform. He was screaming louder despite the cloth tied between his lips as Madara thrust harshly into him, tears of shame flling from his eyes. Sasuke simply stood there, watching the older Uchiha continue raping someone who was once an acquaintance, until he heard and saw Madara release with an unearthly roar, leaving Neji shaking from the experience.

It was then that Sasuke coughed, getting the attention of the previously busy Uchiha. Madara looked behind his shoulder to the source of the cough to see Sasuke standing there; he simply smirked at the younger man, looked back down at the boy he was still sheathed in and then roughly withdrew himself from the abused hole, leaving Neji to fall onto his side and slowly trying to crawl away from his rapist.

"You know, if you keep doing that, we'll run out of servants" Sasuke told him nonchalantly as he moved to sit on his own throne. Madara shrugged his comment off as he moved to grab the slow crawling Neji by the ankle, yanking him back towards him. Neji released a startled squeak as he tried harder to move away, but because of the pain he was feeling, he couldn't muster the strength and was over powered, making him follow the direction he was being yanked, and soon felt the heavy coldness or a chain collar wrapping around his hickey covered neck.

"I think I will keep this one." Madara contemplated as he pulled on Neji's Hair, forcing him to raise his head up to look at him, a small whimper of pain released from Neji's still gagged mouth, "he was so much more fulfilling than the last boy. What was his name again? Lee?"

"What about the young girl you have locked away in your room?"

"Kairi? She's already pregnant so I don't want to chance another miscarriage or the sex missing with the medicine. Besides, he looks similar to her anyway, so it won't make much of a difference" Madara commented as he pulled Neji onto his lap, again forcing his member in his already abused hole.

Sasuke simply shook his head, not caring at the display that was before him. Instead he got down to his summons.

"What did you want? I was busy (thinking about my beautiful Naru-chan)."

"Oh yes." Madara said as he continued to bounce Neji up and down his shaft, "Itachi and I have a gift for you. In fact he should be here about now."

With that being said, the grand oak doors burst open, and in strode Itachi, cloak fluttering behind him like a cape, a chakra – enforced chain being pulled by his right hand as he strode over towards the still – fucking Madara and Otouto. Sasuke gaze, previously focused on his brother's intrusion, was now focused on the body that was attached to the chain, which was being dragged along by his brother: the cloth which covered the head made it possible for the person to breathe, but for no one to identify who it was. The body itself was wearing a small, above knee high, pale blue kimono with a red obi. The more Sasuke looked at the person, the more the sense of familiarity set in: he was so focused on the body that he didn't break from his daze until Madara, now finished once again with Neji, who was set down unconscious against his throne, had tapped his shoulder, bringing him out of his stupor.

"we found him trying to escape the forests, but I was able to capture him just for you, foolish little brother" ~Itachi spoke, releasing the chain from his grasp and pushing the body towards Sasuke before he had a chance to try and escape, causing the now revealed boy, to fall at Sasuke's feet.


Sasuke moved from his throne to stand before the fallen boy. He continued to watch the boy as he started shaking in confusion and fear, until he bent down, grasped the chain and effectively dragged the boy from the throne room, Itachi and Madara's ever vigilant eyes following his movements with the same smirk on their faces.

End of Chapter 1

okay so some people are probably gonna hate me because i had Neji raped. yea i know, i like Neji but this will be linked in the future chapters

and on an additional note, with concerns for 'The Snake Bride', 'Sasuke's Pet Treaty', 'To Guild a Cherry Blossom' and 'Make You Mine', i am trying to work on the next chapters for them all, but im having a bit of writers block of where to take them and im also starting the busy period known as EXAMS!!! and as most of you would know, im applying for university so i need to do well in miy exams. BUT FEAR NOT!!!

i will try and update between now and after the easter holidays to update.

so please guys, have faith, dont groan and keep watching me kk

you all know the drill

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