I followed two girls to my first class, as I had no idea where it was even in this tiny school.
They went into a building labeled '3,' and I followed suit. Hanging up their coats on a long row of hooks beside the door, I did the same and surveyed the small room. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized I didn't stand out here much with my especially pale complexion.
I went up to the teacher with the slip for him to sign. Mr. Masen his name plate read. He greeted me dully with little enthusiasm, and signed the paper in a quick scribble, sending me to a seat in the back of the room with a reading list. I scanned over it quickly, and read the various authors: Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner... Basic things. I read most of these authors in ninth grade back in England.
The day went on uneventfully without much interest. Each class was turning into a bland routine, I went in, met the teacher, got the slip signed and then sat there until the bell rang. It was dreadful and I missed my home already. Peter was in my Trigonometry class at least. We'd made friends with a girl named Jessica, quite the chatterbox she was. It turned out she was in my Spanish class as well.
I met many others who were brave and considerate enough to introduce themselves and walk me to my next class. I dozed off for the most part when they started talking, unable to help the track of my thoughts drifting to the impossibly beautiful family I saw this morning. At the end of Spanish I was going through theories - of different humane creatures I met in Narnia that somehow looked like the batch of students who seemed as if they belonged on the cover of Vogue when Jessica interrupted me.
"Hey," she said. Her voice seemed far away. I slowly turned towards her to see her expression conveying worry, and I wondered if something had gone wrong. "Are you okay?" she asked.
I blinked, and to my surprise realized the class was mostly empty. I must have day dreamed right through the bell. I sprang up from my chair and started gathering my books hurriedly.
"Bella!" I heard Jessica's voice close beside me now. Worry lines creased her forehead.
"What?" I asked. She sighed and rolled her eyes as if she'd already stated the obvious. "Do you want to sit with us at lunch?"
"Ummm..." I hesitated. Did I want to sit with her? Surely not without the rest of my lot... "Well, as long as Peter and Susan - my siblings, I mean - can sit with us too," I bargained. I didn't want to leave Peter and Susan out in the cold.
Jessica smiled enthusiastically. "Sure they can! We have a lot of space, now let's go." She looped her arm through my own and pulled me out of the classroom.
The cafeteria wasn't as big as the one we had in our boarding school, and not nearly as large as the dining hall in Cair Paravel - but I hadn't expected that. It was decent at least, big enough for all of the students in the High School...for the most part.
I spotted Peter and Susan among the crowd and standing by the entrance of the cafeteria. I headed toward them and Jessica fell in step behind me without question. Peter frowned, his eyebrow furrowing and his eyes looking past me - at Jessica probably. Always so judge mental. I shrugged lightly, trying not to let Jess catch on.
"So, you're the rest of the Pevensie's?" She asked, raising her voice over the cacophony of chattering kids. Susan and Peter nodded, looking cross.
"Nice to meet you," said Jessica to Su. She nodded again and stretched out her hand.
"Susan," she said. Jessica smiled and introduced herself. She then looked back at Peter and smiled wider, a wicked glint in her brown eyes.
"I saw you before." She seemed excited. "In Trig, I mean." She laughed and then motioned for us to follow her to the table.
The table she led us to was half filled with some kids I had already seen before and some that were new to my eyes. We sat down, Jessica already starting to rattle on about us and introducing us to the students. I recognized a gboy from English who was the first to help me to get to my next class; Eric. There were 6 other people at the table including Jessica. Three boys and three girls. My favorite was a girl named Angela. She was shy and didn't ask many questions much to my relief. I knew we'd be great friends in time, she seemed the most honest in her personality out of most here.
I was in the middle of answering questions and exchanging annoyed glances with my siblings when I caught sight of something snow white in my peripheral vision. I turned to examine the source clearly and saw for the second time during the day those five god-like creatures. I couldn't call them human since they were obviously not, or so I thought.
Maybe they looked like ones, but living for years in the midst of fantasy species... Well, I knew one when I saw one. They were different from what I was used to, but definitely not human. They sat at the table contentedly, and their food untouched in front of them: not eating or talking or moving at all. I looked at Peter beside me who was talking to one of the boys. I forgot all of their names already. I decided not to share my observations with them just yet. They'll surely catch on sooner or later.
Just have to play cool, Bella. Don't let yourself look suspicious.
I unwillingly looked away from the infatuating family at the far end of the room, but it was hard to do. Their very presence mesmerized me and drew me. How could I resist?
"Yeah, so she told me that I would have to spend every free period in her room and..." Jess's irritated tone filled my ears and I fruitlessly tried to tune back into the conversation, but my mind kept on going back to them. Jessica was still talking about something. I decided to wait for a moment when she paused to take a breath and ask her about...them.
Jessica was staring rather oddly at me and I turned to scrutinize her. Her face was lit up with an appreciative smile.
"Impressive, huh?" she whispered. My eyebrows pulled together and I looked at her with misunderstanding in my eyes.
"Oh, come on!" She pressed. "Are you really that zoned out on your first day that you don't even know what you're looking at?" Her expression turned serious, but she was on the verge of dissolving into hysterics in my face.
I still wasn't understanding what she was getting at and quirked an eyebrow in question. "What?" I said.
She sighed, annoyed. "You were just staring at the Cullens for... nearly five minutes now," she giggled.
The Cullen's? I turned my head to look at the group of flawless teenagers. The Cullen's.
"So, who are they?" I asked Jessica, my curiosity piqued. I had to start asking questions when I had the chance. Her eyes lit up and the words started rushing out of her.
"Well, they're all adopted by the same couple. Dr. Cullen and his wife, Esme I'm pretty sure." She stopped and giggled. I turned my head to see the boy-ish one. The exact one I saw alone and leaning against the hood of the Volvo this morning. He stared at us with delicate golden eyes that seemed to drown a person in their infinite beauty with an emotion I couldn't decipher, I forgot how to breathe for a moment and looked back at Jessica.
"That's Edward. Next to him is Jasper and Alice. And then on the other side - Rosalie and Emmett. The blonds are twins, the Hale's."
I observed the rest of them. They didn't look alike at all, except for their pale skin and color of eyes. Each one had a different kind of exotic beauty that was somehow exactly the same, but all were simply breath taking. The... females were the most different. The girl Jessica called Alice was a small, pixy-like creature with black, spiky hair. I spotted her getting up to throw away her lunch and... dance her way to the trash can. The elegant moves of her feet and hips could bot be mistaken for walking whatsoever. She glided back to her seat and sat back down into the same position she was in earlier.
The blond girl, Rosalie, was extraordinarily angelic. The long, wavy locks framed her face in the most perfect way imaginable. Her face was hard, but that only added everything else.
The boys looked fairly the same in complexion. Their muscles showing through the shirts, especially on the one next to Rosalie. He was built like a giant, reminding me of the ones in Narnia; big, heavy, strong, but stupid. Maybe he wasn't the latter, but the rest fit him pretty well. I shivered and turned my attention to the others.
Jessica noticed that I was staring at them again, the boy-ish one she called Edward in particular. "They don't date, so don't waste your time," she sighed wistfully.
She turned away back to the group at our table, throwing occasional glances at the Cullen's as well. They looked isolated and horribly bored, which only made me feel better and worse. Because I wasn't.
Suddenly Edward raised his head again and looked at me straight in the eyes. For a heart-stopping moment I was startled and couldn't take my eyes off of him, his stare glued me to place. My embarrassment of being caught staring catching up with me, I turned away, blushing beet red. Peter was still talking with one of the boys, but he looked worn out and tired. I looked at Susan. She was quietly chatting with that shy girl, Angela. I smiled.
No one had caught my observations and exchange of knowledge with Jessica so I didn't have to worry about making up a lie at least.
The bell rang, a dull sound in the midst of all the talking, signaling the end of lunch and the start of the next hour. I took my stuff and went out of the cafeteria, Susan and Peter by my side.
"So, I guess I'll see you at the parking lot?" Susan said. I remembered that she currently didn't have a ride.
"Isn't Charlie picking you up?"
"No, he said he'll put in the seat while we're at school so I'm riding with you." I nodded and looked down. I looked at my schedule. Next class - Biology.
I nodded in confirmation. "See you then," I said and walked in the direction of where I hoped was the room.
"Bella," I heard someone call behind me. I turned around and saw Angela clambering to me.
"What class do you have next?"
"Hello." I smiled. "Biology."
She grinned and nodded. "That's my next class too. We can go together, how's that sound?"
We walked in comfortable silence. She was the only person so far that hasn't bombarded me with questions, and I hoped it stayed that way.
We finally reached the room and walked in, hanging our coats on the hooks. I looked around the classroom for the teacher. He wasn't the first thing I spotted though. Something pale caught my eye and I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew that little flash of white already having encountered it twice during the day. I slowly turned to see the source and my heart skipped a beat, although I already knew what I would find there.
Edward Cullen was sitting at a table in the front of the classroom alone and unconcerned. I took a deep breath and walked toward the desk behind which the teacher stood looking through some papers. He signed my sheet, Mr. Banner, and looked round the classroom.
There were no other empty seats except for the one next to Edward. Tough luck.
"You will be sitting next to Mr. Cullen there," he decided. I walked slowly, trying not to trip, towards my new seat. At least this was a chance to learn more about the Cullens.
Although I tried to walk as gingerly as possible, I still managed to trip over someones books which were on the floor in the middle of the aisle. I spread my hands out in front of me to catch my self and landed right in the seat which seemed to be pushed out of the desk right there to catch my fall.
The room fell silent, twenty pairs of curious eyes staring in my direction and a single boisterous laugh from the girl across from me. I looked down, blushing deep red and spread my books on the table. Pushing my chair back to the desk in the right position I felt a stirring next to me. I looked up. Edward Cullen was on the very far edge of the desk and looking in my direction with an expression that made my heart race and a chill go down my spine. His face was contorted in utter hatred and rage, his top lip curled slightly - animostically, and my eyes widened. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights and I whipped away from the sight of him. He scooted his chair even farther away from me, if possible, and I wondered what I could have done wrong.
I stole a glance at him to see he still glared at me in all of his iron and hating glory. His nose scrunched as if he'd smelled something horrid.
His irises were black - coal black.
I blew out a gust of air and suspiciously sniffed my hair. Strawberries. I couldn't smell bad so what was his dilemma? Edward stirred beside me again, but I didn't pay him any attention this time. Or I tried not to. This day was getting more and more out of hand every second. I considered the idea of telling my siblings again, but decided against it once more.
Whatever the reason for this strange behavior, I wanted to find out by myself. Not because of selfishness, but just because knowing Peter, he would want to go right out and ask them what was their problem and who were they, the Cullens. Susan and Edmund would probably say I'm delusional or something. That leaves Lucy, but she's too small and she haven't even seen them before.
Mr. Banner started class at that point, looking oblivious to everything that had just happened. The class was focused on cellular anatomy, something I already studied, but I took notes obediently to keep from looking at the livid Bronze God next to me.
I don't know how I made it through the entire period, but somehow I was still sitting in the tensed position I'd begun in when the bell rang. Edward flew - and there was no other way to describe it - out of the door before anyone else was even out of their seats. I stared after him, stunned by his ferocity and eagerness to escape. Like a bat out of hell.
Was I really so horrible he couldn't even stand to say "hello," or at least slow down a little?
Anger filled my veins, an explainable feeling, something I had experienced many times before. I started gathering up my things getting up slowly from my seat.
A boy came up to me, I recognized him from the lunch table. I smiled politely, trying not to look annoyed.
"You're Isabella, right?" he asked. His boyish face lit up with a wide grin. I smiled again.
"Bella," I corrected.
"Do you need help finding your next class?" He looked helpful and nice enough so I gave in. I checked my schedule and looked back up to the boy.
"My next class is gym," I said, and frowned. My favorite class of the day.
"That's my next class too!" He seemed very pleased by the idea and added. "I'm Mike."
"Hi Mike."
He beckoned for me to proceed out the door. We walked together to our next class. He was a chatterer, supplying most of the conversation which gave me time to think. Anger was still boiling up somewhere deep inside me, but otherwise I felt well. I was sure when I came home, my irritation would come back to me though.
We passed Peter on the way and we exchanged a small greeting. Mike smiled at Peter who smiled back. I guessed they found something in common during lunch.
The gym coach, Coach Clapp, luckily didn't make me change today. It's better when I'm angry that I sit, if anything, not play volleyball. Edward's unexplainable behavior brought up a spark of the life we had a year ago; of royalty and power. It brought back the adventures that we've faced to come to that royal stand. I squared my shoulders and tried to focus on the games. If I was to spend time thinking about the old days and bringing back memories, this was not the place to let it go.
I was starting to question myself. Why did I even think the Cullens were something extraordinary and not human. I remembered the eyes, the pale skin, and unrealistic beauty. Who knows, maybe they had surgery or something. But I knew deep inside me that that was just an excuse to thinking that this world contains only human beings and regular, speechless animals. I couldn't bring myself to think that Earth, as in where I am now, has anything alike to the Narnia world.
The final bell rang at last. I walked slowly to the office to return the slip with signatures all around it. Peter and Susan were not yet in there, but something else made my breath stagger and my heart beat increase. Edward was standing by the desk talking to the receptionist.
His back stiffened noticeably when he heard me come in and he turned around to glare at me with hate-filled eyes. He scowled and looked away.
"Never mind then," he said to the receptionist. "I can see that it's impossible. Thank you so much for your help." He turned around rather too sharply and walked swiftly out the door without another glance at me.
For the second time I stared after him with a confused and startled expression. I locked my jaw and turned towards the receptionist. The anger inside me took on a new course, running laps through my veins. It accelerated and caused the fire inside me to grow larger and larger. Whatever excuse I had before, has now vanished. I didn't care anymore if this world consisted of fantasy creatures or not. The only thing that I felt right now, was pure and unmarked anger.
The receptionist was still looking after Edward, but when she spotted me she pulled herself together and smiled.
"How was your day?" she asked. The door opened again behind me as Peter and Susan walked in to the office. The woman repeated the question to my siblings and after getting an answer from them turned back to me.
"Fine," I spat at her. I shoved her the slip rudely and glared at the wall as if looking through it. The woman flinched, but didn't say anything in response. I waited for Peter and Susan and stalked out of the little room into the chill air of the afternoon. I took a deep breath through my nose and tried to calm myself. Just another 5 minutes and I can let my anger out at home. A hand touched my shoulder and I whipped around with a hiss. Peter was looking at me with a confused and worried expression.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
I glared at him and walked swiftly to our truck. I climbed into the passenger seat and leaned my head against the window. It was cold which felt good on my heated forehead. I heard the door open and Peter climb into the driver's seat. It was quiet for a little while and then the engine started up with a sudden roar. I gazed out of the window at the passing pine trees, aching for street smoke and the buzz of England with a fierceness.
Internally begging to be away from this circle of hell.
The bed was soft and slightly chilled because of the open window. It felt comforting and reassuring, something I didn't have to share anything with, but yet it knew everything. My feelings, my thoughts, it soaked them into itself and left me empty. That was better than the fullness of fire at least.
I lay there like this for probably almost an hour, barely moving. The already familiar pattern of the ceiling was the only thing that was in my field of vision for this whole time. I was starting to feel guilty that I left everyone for so long, but I couldn't move, it seemed like I was stuck in this position forever. I felt the sudden urge to check the time, that was a good sign. That meant I was getting back to reality, back to the world of movement and action, not boredom and stillness.
The burn in my chest ceased completely, leaving a dull, vibrating sensation.
Susan came to check on me once, but the rest were already used to this. I checked the clock and it showed six o' clock in glowing, red numbers. I tried to remember what had made me come to this in the first place, but that was the whole point of it. So I would forget.
I laid like that for several more minutes, recovering my senses completely. After a while I propped my torso up on my elbows; the move felt perfectly fine. I put one leg over the edge of the bed and stayed like that for a moment. Then I brought the other leg over and sat up on the edge of my bed. I looked at the clock again: 6:12.
I stood up and stretched my arms. It felt good and reassuring; I smiled. The thought of whatever caused my anger was slipping away and I felt renewed, like a car refiled with gas to the brim.
I walked slowly out the door and to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water and looked at my self in the mirror. I gave out a little laugh. Was I really laying down for a whole hour?
I started slowly walking down the steps to the first floor. I heard the sound of forks and knives clattering against the plates and low murmuring voices. I missed the beginning of supper. This wasn't the first time in my life, but I still felt ashamed. This kind of behavior was not allowed at home even under the most extraordinary circumstances.
When I entered the kitchen, the clattering and murmuring stopped and four pairs of curious eyes looked up at me. Peter gave me the "look" and Susan started getting my spot ready. Lucy looked sympathetic while Edmund just went back to eating. I sat down, but noticed one thing before I started eating.
"Where's Charlie?" I asked. Our new guardian was missing from the already crowded table, which for some reason made me uneasy. Peter looked up at me with scorn in his eyes and answered acidly.
"Still at work."
I stared at him for a moment before putting a spoonful of spaghetti on my plate. I didn't really do anything wrong and my anger was not my fault. It's just the way I am and he knows that. Why does he always has to over-react about me missing the beginning of supper? I resisted the anger aimed at him building in me with the force of a subway train. I held it back as hard as I could, I knew I couldn't afford another...whatever it is.
The meal was silent and not at all fancy. I guessed Susan tried an attempt at cooking while I was in my "trans." I owed her one now. I went upstairs again when we finished to work on my homework. I was a couple of minutes into it when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in," I said. The door opened slowly and Susan's brown-haired head popped in the opening.
"Are you busy?" she asked in a small voice. I smiled and shook my head. She came in carefully and sat down on the corner of the bed.
"What did you want?" I asked, trying to sound pleasant. Susan looked at me with eyes filled with sadness and a look that showed she had been thinking a lot on whatever she was going to say to me.
"Well, you know that we haven't been to - you know where - for almost a year now." She looked around cautiously and lowered her voice. "Well, I was thinking if we would ever get a chance to get back since we moved and the wardrobe is now closed for us." She looked at me with even more sadness. "And Peter," she paused. "He is going out of himself because he says that he's tired of being treated like a kid."
I looked down and shook my head. Of course, Peter, always the impatient one. Why can't he just take it in that we're in the real world now. I took a deep breath before responding to Su. I knew this was coming, we would have to discuss this sooner or later.
"I'm sure we've all been thinking about that no less than you have, but we can't focus on this right now, especially in a new place with many new people that shouldn't know about it." I quickly back-tracked when I saw her eyes starting to fill with tears.
"But I'm sure we'll find a way to get back, even if it will cost us our lives or to let the secret out to someone else," I added quickly.
Susan looked up at me, narrowing her eyes and wiping her tears away. She hunched her shoulders and leaned against my shoulder.
"I really hope we don't have to do either," she muttered quietly and closed her eyes. Casting me under sleep's drowsy spell as well.
AN: Yeah, my attempt to update faster obviously failed epically and over the summer it won't be too good either since I am going to this place where I don't have any Internet access, but I'll work something out...Anyway, here's the chapter where Bella meets the Cullens and you also find out her new characteristic left over from her life in Narnia. Which by the way should be coming back more in the next chapter!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight (Stephanie Meyers) or The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis)