AN: Bella is now not the original Bella Swan, but Bella Pevensie. As the twin of Peter in the family she acts as the older sibling and takes care of the young when the kids move all the way from the outskirts of London to Forks, Washington. This chapter is just to get everyone started on the whole story which crosses Twilight and The Chronicles of Narnia. Hope you enjoy the tragic start, and this is my first fanfiction, so please don't be too harsh on me, otherwise review and criticize if you like.

Also thank you to my Beta, ImmortalObsession!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight (Stephenie Meyer) or Narnia (C.S. Lewis.)


"To those who will see, the world waits." - Libba Bray.


The sun was high in the sky and the rubble lying around us made it hard to walk.

I looked around me and smiled at the familiarity, but also the difference of it all.

Same magnificence, same place, just the times changed.

No one would have ever believed that this family of five would ever come back to our little magical world.

No one, not even me with my imagination could have fantasized us back here after the tragic move.

But nonetheless, here we are again, standing in between the ruins of Cair Paravel like those lonely, un-magical months never happened.

The only difference is the slight add on to our group of saviors-slight but prodigious as well.

I never liked long goodbyes. Today wasn't an exception.

Over the past year or so, my siblings and I grew fondly close to professor Kirke. Under the circumstances bound last year, we were to stay with him for the school year, and-fortunately-he was willing to comply. We knew that we would not be able to stay with him forever-after all he isn't the youngest person around-but none of us thought his end would be so soon. Standing by the window and looking out, memories of the good, happy days started flying through my head.

In the hot summer he would watch us play outside, complaining that we'd been holding the bat wrong or were simply "un-fit" to even play! Cold winter evenings spent by the crackling fire place, the glowing embers set the perfect setting as he'd recite stories of his youth, as he referred to them, "the Golden days."

Jubilant times, but they've passed-and as far as I know-are gone for good.

Outside the trees glowed a healthy green, birds sang in pure tune, and the sun set in a large bright-red sphere, multiple colors welling on the horizon in the clear blue sky. But somehow everything seemed too bright, as if the birds, and the cheerful setting were taunting me.

For the first time in my life I felt this way.

I always loved the sun, it was my harbor in all dark gloom. My mood dropped when the rain replaced the glowing sphere, the gray of storm clouds casting my face in a down-pour. But the sun did always the exact opposite, it's light filled a smile on my face, warming me inside and out.

Now, however, I did not feel happy. I felt sorrow and grief boil up inside me, the rock in my throat too heavy for the light atmosphere gleaming outside. Too happy, too optimistic, not suiting. I sighed un-happily, turning away from the window.

Lucy sat neatly on the sofa her hands folded on her knees, staring blankly at the opposite wall. Her green eyes were sad and welling with tears. Just before they reached their brink, she wiped them away stubbornly, refusing the tears to claim her. Light red rims circled her eyes from the long hours of crying and her lower lip trembled heart-breakingly. I could tell she didn't had any tears left, in such a fragile condition she made me want to run to her and scoop her in my arms, consoling her and whispering reassurances.

"This means we're moving again, doesn't it?" She asked out of the blue, her small voice cracking at every other syllable. It sounded thick from disappointment and sorrow.

I took a deep breath, wishing with all my heart that I could tell her, "No, don't be silly. We're staying right where we are," but the words were a lie.

"Yes" I whispered sadly. Lucy looked at me blankly, the unfamiliar, dark eyes void of thoughts and comprehension.

"Yes" She repeated mechanically, the confirmation crushing her. With a sudden jerk she hopped off the couch and briskly fled the room.

I frowned, raising my hand as if to reach out for her but I could already hear her pounding foot falls stumping down the stairs and turning various halls. She was a defiant, brave little girl. I knew she had fled to re-collect herself, not to cry. I never could understand how she held herself together in front of everyone. So alike to me, but also very different.

I imagined what she would be like when she was my age, and made a promise to myself to keep her safe until it was time for me to leave her. The clock chimed, the end of one hour and the beginning of another- the seventh without our beloved guardian.

My eyes watered but I fought the tears back. This wasn't like me but the sadness cast over me like a dark cloud, an unresisting nature force.

I went to my now old bedroom I previously shared with Susan and Lucy to find Susan leaning against the bed's backboard, her expression glum. Her breathing was loud, ragged and un-even.

"We have to pack, Su" I told her quietly, unable to raise my voice higher, afraid if I did that I would lose the small amount of control I had over myself.

She didn't acknowledge my presence, the only part of her moving was her chest, rapidly beating up-and-down. Growing and waning faster as the seconds passed. Sobs trembled through her lips harshly. I thought it best to leave her alone at that moment, so I slid through the door to check on the others.

In the library, Peter was leaning over a book seeming completely absorbed in the content. I guessed he was keeping his mind on something else, staying preoccupied. His head rose slowly as I entered, his blond hair spilling lightly over his forehead, and his expression utterly different from usual.

It was almost like he'd grown ten years older. He had dark circles burrowing under his eyes, deep creases marring his forehead, and his thin, pale face didn't make him look any better.

"Are you feeling okay, Bella?" He asked. As always playing the big brother's role, although he was older than me by a mere 47 seconds.

"I'm fine, I guess. What about you? You don't look too well."

"It's okay, don't worry about me. I got something to keep my mind occupied," He laughed without humor in his voice or features. I rolled my eyes.

Great, everyone's feeling down already.

At least I felt helpful when I tried to make someone feel better, but now that I didn't have to worry about even Peter-I felt misplaced again.

I held back a sigh, leaving Peter alone with his book. Sure, he was the best twin anyone could hope for, more or less, but sometimes the extra-caring about everyone else, and the carelessness to himself got on your nerves.

Drenched in my thoughts about my now wrecked family, I accidentally bumped into Mrs. Macready in the hallway, stumbling backwards in pure clumsiness.

"Watch where you're going, young lady" She snapped. Her voice was too fast, a sign that something was wrong. "What are you doing, roaming about the halls? Go off and pack your things. Oh, and help the youngsters as well. The plane leaves in less than three hours and none of you are even in the question of being ready!"

I looked at her questioningly, mystified.

"Ma'am, where are we going exactly?" I asked curiously.

She'd never notified us of the whereabouts of our move. She'd just been off mumbling about how we "should be out of here as soon as possible" as she put it.

"Across the ocean, somewhere far away from this place. I thought it would be more peaceful for you there," she answered.

Across the ocean? I felt the shock cross my face. That wasn't possible, she must be barking! How could she send us across the ocean to some foreign country- and so far away from our real home? Was this a crude joke, or did she really buy us plane tickets for a liner that would cross those deep dark blue waters and settle on a land completely unknown to us?

I was shocked and bewildered, and surely she saw it on my face. Her explanations started flooding out of her mouth, turning into a complete babblement filling the hallway.

"I swear Miss Pevensie, it is for the best. I figured if you were further away from the place where the tragedy happened, then you'd live in more comfort and peace."

She kept on going, but I wasn't listening.

This was completely impossible! The most heartless thing the old hag could've done to us! She didn't even ask if it were okay to move us out of the country. The risk of losing everything that reminded us of where the happy days of our lives were probably didn't even cross her mind.

But I knew it was now inevitable. The plane tickets were purchased, plus she'd do anything to have her way-practically abandon us in the streets I reckon-just to be rid of us! The only thing that put out the fire rampaging through my head was the fact that I would still be with the only people I loved or would ever love-my family.

Suddenly a question struck me. Where are we going to live?

"Hold on a minute" I interrupted her. "Where are we living? I surely hope we're not going to just be left on the streets somewhere...or are you going to send us to a boarding school?" I questioned suspiciously, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh no! Do you think me to be daft girl?" She asked incredulously, offended. She sniffed, "Of course not! You will be living with a very generous man who is kind enough to take you in at such a short notice." She put the emphasis on 'short' as it was our fault she had to get rid of us so quickly after Mr. Kirke's passing. "And I presume you will not let him forget his act of hospitality," she said severely.

"And where exactly does this man live?" I inquired.

"In Washington State, a small town called Forks... Nothing special."

She looked quite wary. Still keeping a careful eye on me she righted herself, adjusting her blouse.

I strained to keep calm. "I'll check up on everyone's whereabouts and help them well as myself," I said carefully, leaving her alone in the middle of the hall to ponder my collected reaction.

Proceeding down the long, bare hallway, I watched as my life changed right before my eyes. With every second I was traveling farther away from this house, and closer to some man in the States. I watched my old, happy-in some way-life fade away with every tick of the clock, something new flooding over me. The only thing I had now that some how resembled my past was my family-which wasn't full either.

*** ****

The airport was a small, crowded building.

It was hard to keep together with the youngsters fighting behind my back.

"I can carry it!" I heard Lucy whine indignantly behind me.

"Well, I don't have anything to carry," Edmund protested. "You're putting me out when you are supposed to be weaker than me."

"I'm more mature," Lucy disagreed.

"Oh, don't be such a gentleman,'" Peter interrupted him. "A bit of luggage is not going to put you very far you know." Edmund looked at him with accusation in his eyes, walking on ahead of us.

I grumbled and caught his hand as he walked passed me. "And where do you think you're going young man?" I asked, amusement in my voice. I smiled the slightest bit, my first smile since professor'

"Nowhere," he snapped, but he slowed, matching my pace to walk by my side. I smiled brightly and nudged his shoulder, he chuckled and shoved me a bit. I laughed loudly, the glee startling me as we approached the right gate. Peter gave me a hard look as if to say "are you nuts?",but I ignored him. Happiness was so hard to catch now-a-days, I was more than willing to savor it.

As we arrived a large, bulky man walked up to us wearing a very serious, but somewhat bored expression.

"Where are you kids off to?" he asked, his voice a booming thunder that mirrored his intimidating features.

Peter opened his mouth to speak as I stepped back, pulling Edmund with me. "We're scheduled to leave for Seattle in a half an hour," Peter informed him. "Is there a problem?"

"Not a problem, but I think there has been a misunderstanding. We were not informed that under age citizens were traveling alone on this flight. We can't let you on without the accompany of an adult unless one of you is 18." As he said this he looked very irritated, obviously showing that we just added another job to his already long list of occupations.

The man looked at me, then at Peter. We were obviously both the same age, but sadly not yet eighteen. Lying would do us no good since they always checked passports and ID's. I took a deep breath. I hated arguing with officials but this was an emergency and my family would be stuck on the streets if this was not done.

"I'm sure you did get a notification," I started, smiling charmingly. "But if not then would it be too much to ask to find us someone right now that could supervise us during the flight?"

Edmund looked around, growing impatient and spotted something; the man caught eye of Edmund's sighting too. His expression grew annoyed and he grimaced stubbornly pushing out his lower lip. A group of flight attendants were standing in the corner, all of them ready to assist the passengers coming on board, with their small suitcases in hand. They were dressed in the same attire- a plain blue uniform. They laughed and talked obnoxiously loud.

I stared at the man expectantly, he continued to watch the group of slacking workers. Susan cleared her throat to speak for the first time in hours. I turned to look at my sister trying to encourage her.

"Couldn't one of those flight attendants accompany us until our arrival in Seattle?" Her voice was barely louder than a whisper, but rang with confidence. "Where our guardian waits for us, of course," She added quickly. I gave her a small smile, she looked in my direction and nodded as if to say, "yes, I know I actually spoke, but that is just to help us all out and you won't hear another sound out of me."

The official looked at Susan, narrowing his eyes to slits.

"Well if you think that's a good idea then I'm not the one you should be asking," he said sarcastically.

The man headed towards the group, motioning with his hand for us to follow. One of the attendants turned at the sound of our approach and nudged the one standing beside him.

"Is there a problem, officer?" The second flight tenant asked hesitantly. The group now stood at our attention, of course.

"I don't know if it is going to be a problem," The officer started grudgingly. "Is it possible for one of you to look after these five kids during their flight? They don't have a parent or guardian with them and I reckon none are 18 just yet," he said, eying Peter and I with a look of annoyance. The group of nicely dressed workers were appraising us now, some with hard glances.

A boy who looked to be around Peter and I's age observed us skeptically. When ending his inspection on me, his green eyes brightened and he nudged a friend of his, grinning cockily. His friend shoved back which resulted in both of them bursting out into a short laugh. When the official threw them a meaningful glance, they stopped and turned they're attention back to us. The one who first spotted me shrugged and stepped forward.

"Why not," he said, eying me. "They seem nice to me."

His friend who'd he had been talking to snickered behind his hand, biting his lip to keep from laughing again. The tenant glared at him coldly as if to say "you've already had your warning, so I'd shut up if I were you."

I smiled, grasping Edmund's hand. We weren't going to live on the streets! Peter glared at the boy but nodded, thanking him involuntarily. I stared at Peter with accusing eyes, what was his problem? The boy was just being nice. As on cue that I mentioned him in mind, he stepped around one of his friends and came towards the officer.

"Do I need a form to fill out or am I good to go with your permission?"

"I'll take care of it," the officer said glancing at us. " I just need to look at the children's tickets and passports and then you can settle aboard."

The man turned and walked toward a stand where two more officers were assessing the other passenger's papers. The attendant who volunteered to accompany us waved his good bye to the others and motioned us forward to follow the man. My siblings and I followed him to the stand, where one of the new officers conversed with the big man.

When he saw us, he held his hand out to Peter, as if asking for something.

"Your documents," he said as if it were obvious, with a strong Welsh accent.

Peter took out all of our passports and the pile of tickets out of his backpack and handed them over to the worker. He rifled through the papers, ripping off the ends of each ticket and handing them back to Peter.

"Have a nice flight, kids," he said, smiling and motioning for us to proceed. Our attendant smiled at the officer, and started picking up pace beside me.

"Bella?" Lucy whispered, I leaned my head down to her level.

"Yes?" I asked, looking forward, but watching her from the corner of my eye.

"Are they going to leave us alone now, or is that boy with the weird smile going to watch our every move?" Her tone was anxious, as if this plane was going to be terrorized by our temporary tenant.

With our luck, that could happen, I contemplated.

I looked back at the man who was now our supervisor. He didn't look like he was listening, but I still lowered my voice as much as possible.

"He doesn't look suspicious much, don't worry," I rubbed her shoulder in reassurance, smiling encouragingly. At a look of uncertainty I spoke again before she could object, "But if you want to keep a careful eye..." I sighed.

"Well, go ahead" I said, instantly regretting my words, pursing my lips as I glanced at the boy. He caught my eye and smiled broadly. He looked as if he were about to say something, but Lucy spoke up.

"Alright" She agreed reluctantly.

As we descended down the metal ramp to the entrance of the plane I grasped Lucy and Edmund's hands, smiling encouragingly at them. They looked uneasy but I had a little feeling that this transition might not just completely ruin our lives.

AN: Thank you for reading this first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. I admit it was a little boring, but there is some stuff that I'm sure you would want to know more about. Review please, and the more you do the more I'll think about writing more if you want. As you might have noticed the quote in the beginnig of the chapter says a lot about the story, so if you have the time and will to decipher it, go ahead! Thank you for reading again and review.