A/N: This is for my lovie lizardgoddesss. She's a lover of Sookie's shifter boss, Sam. He doesn't get much love so I decided to help him out. Hope you like. Of course, thanks to hearttorn for being my awesome beta, and lover of Sam. I had to throw Eric in here somehow because I just had to. Link to Sookie's dress is in my profile.

Enjoy! Please be so kind as to review. I'm dying to know what you think! xoxo

Sam's my boss--has been for quite a while. I guess I've worked for him a little over five years now. I couldn't ask for a better boss. He's funny, friendly, cares about his employees and isn't too hard on the eyes either.

Okay, I'm not being entirely truthful there. Sam is gorgeous--his strawberry blonde hair is clipped short but long enough to run your fingers through--not that I've thought about running my fingers through it. He has bright blue eyes that you can get lost in for days, and stubble that gives him a rugged appearance.

I love the stubble on his face. I've always had a thing for facial hair but I would never admit that out loud. He looks like he can do a hard days work if he needed to but can also be the sweetest thing. When I'm not too busy I stand watching Sam mix drinks behind the bar.

The way he moves is like a dancer in a ballet. Every time he reaches for a glass, places it on the bar, lifts a bottle to pour, it's like he's choreographing a masterpiece. If Sam ever caught me staring at him I'd be mortified.

My brother Jason helped me get the job here at Merlotte's. I'd told him how I was looking to get into something new and he said he knew just the thing. Of course, I was thinking something outside of the food service industry, but that's Jason for ya. See he and Sam have been friends for a while now and he knew that Sam was looking for a new waitress. I had never worked in a bar before, but I'd worked in restaurants so I figured it should be about the same, right? Wrong.

The first week I waited tables at Merlotte's was quite the experience. I have never had my ass squeezed so much before. I know alcohol loosens the inhibitions but my goodness. Some people act like they have no control over their hands around a lady. I'm not complaining though, because I love my job, and I'm good at it. Once I got over the initial shock of how folk welcomed the new girl, I came to love the place.

It's taken me a while but I've gotten a system down and I know how to handle the hands-on customers: they touch me, my tray touches them. Usually a swift smack to the head gets the job done. They don't mess with me much after that. I have to admit, its usually the out-of-towners who get touchy feely with us girls. Oh, and if Sam catches them manhandling his employees, they get the boot. He won't allow it.

Arlene, my co-worker, once told me that Sam didn't usually boot customers. He'd just give them a warning and they'd back off. But she noticed since I'd started working here if they touched me, they'd have to leave. I didn't believe her because Arlene is known to tell a fib or two, but I decided to pay more attention the next time it happened. I didn't have to wait too long either.


Two nights after Arlene revealed that information to me, we had a visitor to the bar that I'd hoped to never have to see again. Ever. He was tall, dark and bald. He was handsome in a different kind of way. He had full pink lips, beautiful white teeth, and the strangest eye color I'd ever seen. They looked almost purple.

He had a commanding presence about him. You know those movie scenes where a guy walks into a bar, the music stops, and everyone turns to look at him? Yeah, that's exactly what happened when he walked into Merlotte's. The jukebox shut-off, everyone turned on their stools and chairs toward the door. Even I stopped to look at what had caught everyone's attention.

The guy was huge; I'd never seen muscles like that on anyone before. Well, not in person anyway. He was built like a professional wrestler--muscles on top of muscles. The first thought that crossed my mind was if he were trouble, we'd really be up shits creek without a paddle. There's no one here that could stop him.

He grabbed a table in my section, which was just my luck I guess. I walked over, placed my sweetest smile on my face, and brought out all the Southern charm I could muster for my hello.

"Well hello there. My name is Sookie and I'll be taking care of ya tonight. So, what can I get ya?"

"Ooh, Sookie. Sweet name for a sweet girl. I'd like a beer babe, whatever's on tap."

"I'll be right back with that." I walked away smiling but on the inside I cringed. He called me "babe." He doesn't know me well enough to give me nicknames. Ugh!

"Hey Sookie. How you doing tonight?"

"Just fine Sam. I need a beer for the big guy over there." I turned to point him out to Sam.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be keeping an eye on that guy tonight. You holler if you need me."

"Expecting trouble Sam?" I winked at him and threw him a little smile. He returned the smile and chuckled.

I put the beer on my tray with a napkin and headed over to Big and Bald's table. I didn't notice before but he had been joined by another man. He must have come in when I was talking to Sam. This one was tall and blonde and gorgeous. I had to watch myself because I almost dropped the beer I was carrying to the table. His piercing blue eyes caught a hold of mine and it was as if I was being drawn to him. I could not look away.

"Here's your beer. Can I get you something?" I nodded toward Tall and Blonde.

"Jag kommer inte vara här länge. Beundrar utsikten för nu. Tack." I had no idea what he just said as it sure wasn't English but it sounded sexy as all hell. Big and Bald laughed. I think I may have blushed.

"My friend won't be staying long. He just dropped in to chat with me. I'll let you know if he changes his mind though. Thanks babe." I shuddered.

"Sure. You just let me know if you need anything else." My eyes still locked with Tall and Blonde, as I could not look away.

"Will do. You can scoot along now sweet thang." He shooed me away with his hand but not before smacking my ass as hard as he could. It was so hard in fact I jumped from the force of it, then whipped around with my tray ready to land on his head. Tall and Blonde was up before I could see and stopped my tray from reaching its intended target.

"I apologize for my friend's rude behavior and I assure you it will not happen again. Please, no trouble." His accent was very thick and it made my lady parts clench. There's a first time for everything.

"S-sure. I'll be back to check on you later."

I walked away, my head held high. Our little exchange must have been so quick that no one else noticed. I wasn't being watched as I would have been during an altercation. Sam nodded at me as I walked past the bar but he didn't say anything.

I glanced over at the two Talls every now and again. About fifteen minutes later Tall and Blonde left. I wasn't too happy about that for some reason but had no idea why. I walked over to the table to see if Big and Bald wanted a refill.

"Can I get you another…?"

"I want to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean any harm. It's just I couldn't help myself. I'm Quinn by the way." He put his hand out for me to shake although his eyes never left my bosom. I obliged him since it meant his hand wouldn't be on my ass, and he did apologize, even if he couldn't look me in the eye.

"Apology accepted. Now, how's about another beer or something else." I regretted those words as soon as I'd said them. I didn't need to give him any more encouragement.

"I will take another beer, a shot of Patrón and your phone number."

"I can get you two out of three and one of them ain't my phone number."

I turned to walk away and get his drinks. Being a little more wary of him now, I discreetly dropped my tray behind me to cover my rear. I got my order filled by Sam and headed back to the table. I placed his drinks down and turned to check on my other tables. He reached out to grab my wrist before I could take one step away.

"Hang on there babe. How's about that number? A pretty little thing like you looks like you'd be a good time."

"Oh you best bet your ass I am a good time, but you won't be finding out. Now let go of me before I hurt you." He laughed.

"You, hurt me? You can't be serious. Don't you know who I am?"

"No I don't and I don't give a shit. I will tell you this, if you don't let go of me you won't know who you are by the time I'm done with you."

He just laughed at me again. He was not taking this seriously. I figured I would have to pull his card.


I didn't have to turn my head to see Sam come flying around the bar, baseball bat in hand. He came over to the table and calmly asked Quinn to get his hands off me.

"Now I believe the lady asked you nicely. I'm telling you nicely. If that doesn't get through to you then I'll have to show you--nicely, of course." Seeing Sam stand up to Big and Bald made me kind of hot and bothered. Ungh

"I don't take being threatened too kindly little man and if you think that baseball bat scares me, you got another thing coming." Sam took a second to look around before turning back to Quinn.

"Well, how about this baseball bat, his pool cue, those beer bottles, and…"

"…a junk punch from me!" I had to throw in my two cents.

Quinn shook his head and looked around the bar. He hadn't noticed all of the other patrons who'd stood up once they saw Sam come over to my rescue. He let go of my arm and pulled his hand back into his lap. He finished off his drinks, got up slowly, dropped a few bills on the table and made his way out of the bar.

Well, I guess Arlene was right. I'd just witnessed for the first time, Sam wielding his baseball bat. He rarely ever brought it out.

"Thanks Sam. I was hoping I wouldn't need to call you but…"

"Don't ever hesitate to call me cher. For anything. I'm always here for you." He squeezed my hand and walked back behind the bar.

Everyone had settled down and the rest of the evening passed without another incident. I had to say that day was pretty normal aside from Quinn coming in. Well, as normal as it can get for a bar.


My shift ended around two and I was doing my tidying up before heading out. Sam caught me as I was leaving his office after grabbing my purse.

"Uh, Sookie, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure Sam, what's up?"

"Well, I uh, there's something I need to ask you. I'm not sure how to say it so I'll just come out with it. Sookie I like you and I was hoping you'd go out with me tomorrow night. I know it's your night off and you like to relax but I'd really like to take you out, to dinner, maybe dancing. What do you think?"

"Um, well Sam, I uh…I'm flattered and I'd love to but you're my boss and I'm not sure if that's such a good idea."

"Don't worry about that. When we're outside of Merlotte's, you're Sookie and I'm Sam. Think of it that way and we should be okay. I don't want to be your boss tomorrow night Sookie, I want to be your date." He licked his lips just after he said date. Mmm…

"Um, okay. I think I can handle that."

"Look, if it gets too uncomfortable for you then we'll call it a night. I would like to try though. Just to see if maybe we have something."

"When you put it that way I can't really turn you down now can I?"

"Good, then I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. What should I wear? I mean, where are we going?"

"Dress casual. We won't be going anywhere fancy but we will be dancing so…" Sam ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it a little. He's so cute when he's nervous.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow night then. At seven."

"Good night Sook."

"Good night Sam." I waved goodbye before heading out the door to my car.

I couldn't believe I agreed to go out with my boss. I couldn't wait to call Tara. She was gonna flip! She'd been telling me for the longest time that Sam had a crush on me but I didn't believe her. I was having second thoughts, for sure. I liked Sam too. I mean, I never thought I'd go out with him because he is my boss, but I do admit to checking him out when I thought he wasn't looking.


I was so excited for our date that I completely forgot to call Tara that night. I rushed home, showered and went straight to bed. Gran was already asleep so I wasn't worried about waking her. I didn't want to get her too excited anyway. She really liked Sam and would be just as worked up about our date.

I decided to take a bath so I could shave my legs without having to rush. He said to dress casual and I think I have just the outfit that would work for tonight. I picked out a beautiful scoop neck, spaghetti strap, grey and beige dress. There was a thin stripe that broke up the color blocks giving it a little hint of a pattern on the skirt. It stopped about mid-thigh which was fine with me.

I was used to showing off my legs everyday at work--the Merlotte's uniform was shorts and a short-sleeved shirt--and that night would be no different. I hoped Sam liked it. I thought it was casual enough for wherever we were going, and I'd be able to dance in it comfortably. I did a little jig as I got ready just thinking about dancing.

Sam was right on time. I'd just finished up with my makeup and hair when Gran called me out into the living room. She'd let Sam in and they were talking for a bit. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw me. I guess that meant I made a good choice with the dress.

I'd left my hair down, since I always wear it up for work. I was going for a relaxed look to fit with my relaxed mood. I didn't think I'd be too nervous with Sam, but considering that I'd never sat across from him to eat dinner for a couple of hours, I was a little anxious.

"Wow, Sookie you look great." I blushed and dropped my head to hide my smile.

"Thanks Sam. You look good too. I like your shirt." I'd never seen Sam in a button down shirt before. He always wore the standard Merlotte's tee. He cleaned up real nice.

"It's new. Bought it just for tonight. I hoped you would like it. So, are you ready to go?"

"Yes, um, Gran, I'll see you later." I pulled Gran in for a hug and kiss and we headed out the door. Sam said goodnight too as Gran shut the door behind us.

"So, can you tell me where we're going now?"

"Oh, can you wait till we get there? I kind of wanted it to be a surprise." We were headed to Shreveport.

"Good thing for you I like surprises."

"Yes, that is a good thing."

We pulled up to a restaurant I'd never been to before; it was your typical chain restaurant--the outside was tan with white trim, a huge red neon sign flashing its name. I couldn't wait to eat because I was starving. I was so excited about our date that I had completely forgotten to eat anything all day. I couldn't wait to get inside. The hostess greeted us at the door.

"Welcome to Copeland's of New Orleans."

"Hi, uh reservation under Merlotte."

"Yes, Mr. Merlotte. Right this way."

The hostess led us back to a nice quiet booth in the rear of the restaurant. I really appreciated being away from the hustle and bustle. It was a Saturday night and the place was busy. Sam looked calm so I took a note from him and relaxed a little more myself.

"You seem a little tense Sookie, I won't bite."

"I know I just uh, never thought we'd be on a date."

"Remember what I said yesterday--I'm Sam and you're Sookie. That's it. We're two people who like each other and enjoy one another's company."

"I remember. I'm good. I'm relaxed."

"Good." He reached across the table, grabbing my hand, rubbing soothing circles on the inside of my palm with his thumb.

We had the artichoke and spinach dip as an appetizer. Actually, I had the dip. Sam sat and watched me eat it. I think my moaning while eating may have distracted him a little. It's something I can't control. Let's just say I know how to enjoy my food.

Dinner was delicious. I had the Jambalaya pasta and Sam had a steak with smothered green beans, which of course, he shared with me. I think he wanted to hear me moan some more. Dessert was phenomenal. I ordered a slice of cheesecake with a triple caramel topping and it was heaven on Earth.

Sam decided he didn't want any since his steak was so huge. I think he just wanted to watch me eat my dessert, especially since I had caramel sauce all over my lips. I was able to use my napkin to get most of it off, until I took one final bite of cheesecake, which sent caramel dribbling down my lips to my chin.

Sam leaned forward, stopping an inch away from my mouth. He parted his lips, moistening them with his tongue before moving a little closer to me. I could feel the warmth of his breath ghosting across my skin, as he ran his tongue up my chin, over my lips--stopping to suck on the bottom one--before he placed a toe curling kiss on me. I could feel how warm his tongue was, how soft his lips were as they pressed against mine.

I pulled back a little out of shock; not because he kissed me, but because of how good a kiss it was. How was I supposed to know that Sam was a great kisser? I thought about dancing then I thought about kissing Sam again. I could go dancing another time. I was ready to go.

"Sorry Sookie, I couldn't help myself. Your lips looked so inviting with that caramel running down your chin. I promise not to do that again." Sam looked flustered. I wanted to ease his conscience.

"Don't worry about it. I um, enjoyed that, very much." Damn my cheeks for turning red on me. I couldn't hide my reaction if I wanted to.

"You ready to go? We can head out to…"

"I'm not really in the mood for dancing right now. Is that okay?"

"That's fine, we can do whatever you want. Let's go." Sam paid the bill and we left the restaurant.

The ride to his house was spent making small talk. He asked about Gran and Jason, I asked about his family. I felt like such a dork because I didn't know what to say to him. That kiss was on my mind. I was a bundle of nerves but I was excited. I could not wait to kiss Sam again.

We walked to the door of his little house behind Merlotte's hand-in-hand. It isn't huge but just the right size for a single guy. I know he takes real good care of it because I've caught him outside painting the siding once or twice. That kind of fueled one of the many fantasies I've had about Sam. Seeing him shirtless with tiny beads of sweat rolling down his back…

"Would you like some coffee, water or…?"

"Um, I'll take a glass of water. On second thought, how about tea?"

"Tea? Hot or cold?"

"Hot. Definitely hot." I couldn't help licking my lips at the thoughts that passed through my mind.

"I'll just put the kettle on and be right back."

"Oh Sam, do you have any honey?"

"I do. Did you want honey with your tea?"

"Yes." That wasn't all I had planned for the honey. Sam gave me the idea with the caramel and I hoped I was brave enough to go through with it.

Once the kettle started whistling I made my way into the kitchen. It was galley style with a little table for two off to the side. It was all very Sam. He'd unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows.

I watched him reach up for a mug for my tea, his muscles flexing and stretching under his smooth, tan skin. My breath hitched in my throat, catching Sam's attention. He turned to face me, smiling that brilliant smile of his. He reached into a cabinet, pulling out a box of tea. I pulled out a chair to sit at the table and he joined me.

"Well, I have black tea and…black tea. Sorry, I'm not much of a tea drinker."

"That's okay, neither am I. black tea's just fine."

"Here you go and here's that honey." He handed me a jar that looked like a bear with a honeycomb on its belly. How cute.

"So, since you didn't want to go dancing tonight do you want to watch a movie or we could just sit and talk?" I hadn't looked up from my cup.

"Either one sounds good. Oops…" I had 'accidentally' spilled some honey on my index finger. "Clumsy me." I put my finger into my mouth slowly, sucking the honey off. Making sure Sam was watching, I licked all the way down my finger to my palm, and back up again. I saw him shiver.

I held the jar out to him asking if he wanted some. He took the jar from my hand and pulled my leg up onto his thigh. He turned the bottle upside down and squeezed, the golden liquid warming as it spread over my knee. Sam fashioned a little trail up my thigh to the hem of my dress. He placed the jar of honey back onto the table.

Keeping his eyes on mine, he bent his head to my knee, sucking and licking his way up the honey trail to my inner thigh. He looked up at me again, moving in close to taste my lips. I sat still, waiting to feel the warmth radiating from him cascade over my skin like a warm blanket.

He kissed the corner of my mouth, the tip of my nose, then the other corner of my mouth, lingering there for a second. He pulled on my bottom lip, nibbling and sucking it until he claimed my mouth entirely. His tongue crashed against my teeth as it sought entrance to my mouth. He moaned and I moaned with him. I pulled back a little, reaching for the bottle of honey. He smiled at me and I pushed him back into his seat.

I straddled his lap to get closer to my intended target. I unbuttoned a few more of his shirts buttons until I could see the reddish brown curls on his chest. I playfully nipped at his earlobe before squeezing a drop of honey on the curve where his neck meets his shoulder. I licked and sucked the honey off before moving further down his chest.

Sam groaned at the loss of contact when I got off of his lap. I got down on my knees in front of him, pushing his shirt open a little further. I drew a small circle of honey on his chest, tracing the shape of his nipple. It started to drip a little and I quickly darted my tongue out to catch it before it could fall onto his pants.

He jerked at my coming so close to his nipple but not quite touching it. I smiled thinking this was better than I had imagined. I wanted to tease him a little so I licked the honey from around his nipple, not touching the little bud that had puckered at my attentions. I saved it for last.

I squeezed a small drop of honey onto his hardened nipple, flicking at it playfully with my tongue. Sam was moaning and moving his hips like crazy. I wrapped my lips around his nipple and sucked until he pulled my face up to his, ravaging me with kisses.

The next thing I knew I was in his arms being carried toward his bedroom. My dress was over my head in a flash, his shirt ripped off, pants down at his ankles. He'd forgotten to remove his boots. We laughed at the situation before plopping down onto the bed. I crawled my way into the center to get comfortable, Sam right behind me.

His hand landed on my stomach as I flipped over to face him. He looked at me with hunger in his eyes. He moved to kiss my lips once more before making a trail of open mouth kisses down to the waistband of my panties. He paused for a moment, looking up at me, asking for my permission to continue.

I nodded at him and he yanked on the tiny scrap of fabric, ripping them from my body in a flash. Without warning, his head was between my legs. I felt the warmth of his breath radiating over my dripping wet center. His tongue slowly licked up my slit, over my folds, separating them to find my nub. He flicked, licked and sucked at the little bundle of nerves. His hands holding onto my hips, which bucked up repeatedly, in search of more pressure.

"Ungh…oh…unh…" I couldn't control the sounds I made. He unleashed another side of me and I felt wild and out of control.

His finger found its way into my core, pumping in and out at a slow pace. It was more than I could handle and before long I screamed out his name, gripping at the sheets on the bed, as I came. I hadn't let go of the sheets as he kissed his way up my thighs to my stomach. I felt him get off the bed and come back a few seconds later. He'd placed himself between my legs and called my name, claiming my attention.

"Sookie…" I opened my eyes looking deeply into his as he placed his tip at my entrance.

He shifted his hips a little filling me to the hilt in one thrust. We both groaned at the sensation. I was completely relaxed and felt as if my limbs were no longer attached. Sam moved over me in smooth, languid motions lifting my legs to his shoulders to go deeper. The new angle giving him access to my g-spot, which he hit over and over as he pumped into me.

My fists gripped the sheets so tightly I pulled them from the bed when he moved me to sit on his thighs. We were face to face, Sam sitting back on his heels, my legs wrapped around his waist. He controlled my jerky movements with his hands on my hips. I arched my back giving him better access to my quivering breasts. He leaned his head down to take one of my nipples into his mouth, his hands still on my hips guiding me.

I moved with him, pushing back against him harder with each thrust, squeezing his hard, throbbing cock encased in my sheath. We moved together like we were made for one another. I pushed Sam down to lie on his back and straddled his hips. He moved his hands to my breasts rubbing, squeezing and tweaking my nipples with his fingers.

I placed my hands on either side of his head moving up and down on him with so much force that we moved the bed. I loved the groans that I elicited with my movements, so I sped up a little, twisting my hips and clenching my walls. Sam threw his head back, closed his eyes and bit into his lower lip.

He moved one of his hands down to my clit and began working it in slow circles, applying a little more pressure with every stroke. I felt the beginnings of my orgasm and sped up my thrusts. Sam flipped me over in one quick movement, throwing my right leg over his shoulder, pounding away at me until I came screaming something completely incoherent.

I'd never been so thoroughly fucked before; I hadn't known what I was missing. Sam came not long after, falling off to the side of me. He pulled me into his side, kissing my temple, muttering "cher" over and over. He got up and went to the bathroom, coming back with a wet washcloth. I watched his ass as he walked away from me. I was smiling when he came back. He just shook his head and laughed. He cleaned me up a little before laying back down to snuggle me into his chest.

"So much for dancing tonight, huh?"

"Well Sookie, I'd like to say what we danced beautifully tonight. Wouldn't you agree?"

A/N: Sorry, forgot the translation for what Eric says to Sookie.

Jag kommer inte vara här länge. Beundrar utsikten för nu. Tack. I won't be here long. Admiring the view for now. Thank you. (and yes, Sookie is the view)