Jaina had sort of been hoping that she'd be able to avoid running into – well, anyone.

"Not a word," she growled, tugging at the hem of her tunic.

Kyp raised an eyebrow and definitely didn't smirk. "I didn't say anything."

"Good." She pushed past him, but not fast enough that he didn't catch the faint flush of red decorating her cheeks. "Keep it that way."

Kyp stayed where he was for a moment, tilting his head to the side slightly as Jaina stormed on ahead. "So I'm not allowed to say anything at all, then?"

She stopped so abruptly that he half expected to hear the squeal of brakes. She didn't say anything, but with a glare like the one she was directing at him right at that moment, she didn't really need to.

His mouth curled into a grin as he took the few steps required to reach her and then kept going, hand brushing accidentally against the edge of the Jedi tunic where it hit her at mid-thigh. A beat passed before she fell into step with him; glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, Kyp saw that she'd managed to mostly school her expression into something the rest of society could face without feeling a sudden need to run screaming for the hills. Mostly.

"Why were you standing outside my door?" The question came almost out of nowhere.

He gave her another glance, but said nothing. There was a moment's startled silence before she swore under her breath and kicked him in the shin.

It hurt, but it was nothing Kyp Durron couldn't handle. "So I can talk now?" he asked curiously.

Jaina looked like she was contemplating kicking him again, but she couldn't deny that he had a point. "If you keep up," she decided on eventually, picking up the speed.

It probably would have been more intimidating if she hadn't been five foot nothing and not wearing pants. "So you didn't have a change of clothes, then." It wasn't a question because the answer was clearly right in front of him.

She kept walking, trying to maintain some fiction of dignity. It almost worked, too, except for the faint hint of red decorating her cheeks. "...This is Uncle Luke's," she said after a moment. "He came by ear—" And she stopped again, so suddenly that Kyp almost walked right into her. "You."

Uh oh. Looked like something had clicked. "Who, me?"

"You knew about this!"

Kyp backpedalled, holding his hands up. "Only after they did it." He really was trying not to grin. It was to his credit that he almost managed it, or so he thought.

The fist slamming into his shoulder bespoke just how much she appreciated his efforts. "They stole my clothes!"

"Hey, they took Fel's last week," he pointed out, ducking another punch. "You even helped. You should be honoured that they thought your reaction would be more terrifying than his."

"Or more entertaining," she growled. "We were sparring. You ruined my clothes on purpose."

He managed to catch a hold of her wrists. They twisted in his grasp, but he was still stronger than her even when he was trying not to hurt her. Their eyes met.

"Hey," he insisted. "I wasn't in on it."

She blinked at him, hands flexing slightly but not trying to pull from his. "Fine," she said after a moment. "But you're lending me some pants."

Kyp stared for a moment before the corner of his mouth lifted into a smirk. "Sure," he agreed easily, letting her wrists drop. "You'll look good in my pants, anyway."

In retrospect, he really should have seen that broken nose coming.