Fifteen years I have spent in Narnia. Fifteen wonderful years I have spent in Narnia. Six months after the crowning of the Pevensies', my beautiful baby girl was born. I laughed as I watched Jaden Karin run through the gardens with three wolf pups. She may be fifteen but she has the spirit of a child. Then again, she was really close with her Aunt Lucy which could explain a lot…
I was sitting in one of the garden chairs and reached for my glass of water when I saw my ring sparkle in the sun. Two years after Jaden was born, Peter and I started to court. A year and a half later, he proposed. Of course I was more than happy to say yes to Peter. The only thing was that we were still engaged. Peter was always busy with duties and I was busy with Jaden. However, Peter and I were ok with that. I was in no rush to become a High Queen. A sharp cry of pain snapped me from my thoughts.
"Jaden?" I asked worriedly.
I saw my daughter poke her head over one of the bushes.
"Don't worry mom," she said. "The pups are playing and Bruno bit Brim a little too hard on the ear."
"I did not!" I heard Bruno shriek.
"You did too!" Brim shot back.
Just then, the two wolf pups came tearing through the garden. Before Bruno could pounce, Brim quickly jumped into my lap. I scratched the pup behind her ear and chuckled when she stuck her tongue out at her brother.
"Hey dad!" Jaden said as she walked over to me with the other pup in her arms.
"Jaden," Peter said, "don't you understand what it means when I put my finger to my lips? It means don't speak, I am going to scare your mother."
"Duh!" Jaden said. "That's why I greeted you."
I laughed as Jaden moved out of the way before Peter ruffled her hair. When I first found out I was pregnant, Peter was with me every step of the way. When I asked him if he would be the father of Jaden, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he would be more than honored. Peter and I never told Jaden that Peter was not her real father; it was just something we felt would be better to keep from her. Peter gave me a quick kiss on the lips but I pulled him back down when I heard Jaden pretending to gag.
"Ew mom!" she shrieked. "Is that really necessary?"
I smirked and looked at my daughter.
"Just wait until you fall in love."
"Which won't be until you're at least thirty," Peter remarked.
Jaden and I both just rolled our eyes. Brim jumped out of my lap and joined her siblings' who continued to play with Jaden.
"What brings you out here?" I asked Peter when he sat down beside me.
"A stag has been seen in Western Woods," Peter answered. "Lucy, Edmund, Susan and I were going to go hunt after it. Would you care to join us?"
"That's alright dear," I smiled. "I am going to stay with Jaden in the garden and play with the wolf pups."
That was only half true. The real truth is that I am pregnant.
"Alright," Peter said getting up, "have fun."
"You too," I said.
Peter gave me a quick kiss before leaving towards the stable.
"What do you mean they're gone?" I hollered as I paced the marble floors of the castle.
"Mom," Jaden whispered, "it's ok. Maybe they're just lost."
"Your Uncle Edmund knows those woods better than anyone," I snapped. "They're not lost."
I quickly apologized to Jaden when I saw her flinch at my tone. She nodded her head slightly letting me know she forgave me. I sighed and flopped down into a chair. I ran my fingers through my hair and then rested my hands in my lap.
"Mom?" Jaden asked as she sat down in the chair next to me.
"Mmm?" I mumbled.
"Everything's going to be ok," Jaden smiled.
I returned the smile (a forced one but a smile nonetheless) and put my hand on Jaden's cheek.
"I hope so," I said quietly.
"Lady Monica," I heard a voice say.
I turned my attention away from my daughter and looked at the faun. He bowed before he continued.
"Aslan is here," he said.
"Oh!" I said jumping up from the chair.
I quickly snatched Jaden up from her chair and before I was able to explain to her what was happening, Aslan appeared in the door. I gave him a quick bow and bit my bottom lip as to not laugh at my daughter. Though I was slightly embarrassed that she didn't bow to the Great Lion, I couldn't really be mad. After all, she only knew of Aslan; she didn't actually know him. So of course the fact that her mouth was a tad bit gaped, I couldn't really scold her. Aslan seemed to understand the position that both Jaden and I were in and reassured us that a formal greeting was not necessary.
"There are more important matters to discuss," he said.
I turned to Jaden and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Can you give me just a minute?" I asked her.
"Of course," Jaden whispered.
She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.
"Is everything alright?" I questioned Aslan worriedly.
Aslan's eyes were sad as he let out a small sigh.
"They have returned to your world," Aslan stated.
He didn't need to say who. My knees buckled and I collapsed onto the floor in front of him. I shook my head no wanting to believe what I had just heard.
"What about me?" I asked.
I came into Narnia with them; why did I not leave with them?
"Monica," Aslan said, "you did not leave with them because of the child that you are carrying."
My hand automatically went for my stomach. I chewed on my bottom lip as to distract myself from letting the tears fall out of my eyes.
"You are in Narnia for a greater reason that you have yet to complete," Aslan said.
I looked at the Great Cat, puzzled.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"In time you will know," he said before walking away.
When he was gone, I continued to sit on the floor trying to comprehend everything that I had just learned. I was starting to get frustrated and even more upset but then Jaden walked in.
"Mom?" she asked worriedly as she rushed to my side.
"I'm alright," I reassured her. "At least, I will be."
I'm so sad. I have enjoyed writing this story so much and now it's done.
However...there will be a sequel! ^_^