Sorry for the delay. I flip flopped with the end of this chapter for ages. I think that there'll be one more chapter after this one…

Chapter Three:

The doctor had come in less than ten minutes, checking over Toris and the bandage on his head with cautious eyes. Alfred was only there for a few seconds before departing again, leaving the doctor he trusted to take care of his patient.

"If you weren't a nation I wouldn't believe it," Dr. Stevens remarked, more so to himself than to Toris.

"How bad is it?"

"Well," he cleared his throat as he rolled Toris' wrist around, checking for something. "Since you're a nation and you've woken up you're fine, but the bullet went through your eye and out the other end. Considering the re-growth rate that you've shown thus far you should be alright within a week or two, although I don't know about your eye." He set Toris' hand down and moved onto the other, checking the arm first and then the wrist. "But, if you heal like Mr. Jones does I don't think you'll have a mark left on you."

And so far he'd been right. It'd only been a week but Toris was already out of bed and moving around the house, much to Alfred's distress and relief. Toris was normally a person who was content to stay in one place for long periods of time but there was something about the house that caused him to want to get up and move.

Maybe it was because of the old memories that he had (even though this was not the same house that he'd shared with Alfred before), the fact that Alfred was making Toris stay in his own room and sleeping in the guest bedroom or maybe just being around Alfred had that effect on him. He'd been admittedly stressed the first few days, trying to recollect himself on what had happened and calling Felix and his boss to let them both know that he'd be extending his "vacation" much longer than a few days. He didn't say much, not wanting Alfred to get in trouble; however he could tell from Felix's tone that he wasn't entirely believing Toris' story of just wanting to catch up on old times. Or maybe he was amused. Sometimes it was hard to tell over the phone.

He was also finding that the tickling warmth that had harassed him back when he'd first been living with Alfred had returned. It was that sensation that had often been responsible for Toris caving in to most of Alfred's requests back then, big or small. It wasn't as strong as it had been back then however it seemed like every day that passed it only got stronger. Toris did his best to ignore it, turning his head to look away from Alfred when he felt his chest grow too warm and trying to catch both his thoughts and eye as they habitually drifted back to the blond who still seemed a little uncharacteristically somber.

It was Thursday evening when Toris was mulling about the kitchen and Alfred was in the living room scrubbing the blood out of the carpet. Toris had offered to help but much like before Alfred had pushed off his assistance and told him just to get some rest. Instead of doing that, however, Toris had set himself to the kitchen. Alfred's kitchen was unsurprisingly devoid of cooking goods and judging from the contents of his trash bin the nation spent a lot of time eating out. It simply amazed Toris that Alfred was able to keep such a fine frame. Most people would've turned into a shapeless blob on this diet, yet Alfred still had a firm chin, well-cut muscles that were wired with strong veins underneath tanned skin that glowed under the-

"No," Toris cut his train of thought off with that word, rubbing the spot right between his eyes as he let out an aggravated sigh. He shooed the image of Alfred's arms and torso from his mind, reopening his eye and looking back at the malnourished pantry. 'Potato chips, soda, cereal, popcorn, Hershey's… how is he not suffering from diabetes?'

A sound from the sink made Toris jump and quickly spin around. Alfred was standing there, harmlessly dumping water out of a Tupperware bin and turning the faucet on to rinse it out. He looked and blinked at Toris' startled expression before reaching up and shutting the water off. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," the brunette responded, glancing back at the pantry before shutting it and walking over to where Alfred was standing. "Do you need help?"

"No. Were you looking through the pantry because you're hungry?" Alfred asked as he started scrubbing his hands with soap. Toris shook his head, turning his gaze to avoid looking at the small gap Alfred's shirt had at the top of it. His eye landed on the picture he'd been looking at the first night he'd been at Alfred's house and he tilted his head as he recalled the memories that had come along with it.

"That's very old."

"What? Oh, that?" Alfred dried his hands on a small towel before reaching out and picking the picture up. He brought it closer, looking down and letting out a low chuckle as his thumb grazed over the glass. "Yeah, it is, isn't it? Damn, I can still remember how much my mouth hurt from smiling for so long. I'm so glad that cameras nowadays don't take so long to take a picture. It's instant." His baby blue eyes flickered over it, lips quirked upward in amusement. "Do you remember this?"

"It was the first picture we took together." Toris answered as he reached up and touched the back of his neck lightly.

"Mmmm-hm." He nodded, looking at the picture for a few more seconds before he set it back down on the windowsill but didn't let go. "I should move it somewhere else where I can see it more often…" he mused, idly rubbing his chin as he lifted it back up. "Then again if I put anywhere else I'd probably break it. Ah well, least I tried." He returned it to where it'd been, releasing it and then turning to face Toris. "Hey, Toris. How did you do that thing?"

"What thing?" He repeated, resisting the urge to take a step back.

"That thing, with the broom." A small pause settled between the two of them as Toris blinked back in confusion. "You know," Alfred held his hands up as though he were gripping a broom and made a small swinging motion. "When you used the broom?"

"You mean to defend myself?"


"I'm confused, what 'thing' are you talking about?"

"You had the broom and then you hit those guys with it like a staff or something. Was that kung fu?"

"Oh," Toris started before he held his hand up to hide his mouth and started chuckling. "No, that wasn't kung fu. That was just me fighting."

"Whadda you mean?"

"Fighting… like… with a staff or a sword," Toris explained as he clenched his hand as though he were holding a blade.

"Whoa! You know how to use a sword?"

"I was around in medieval times." He bemused, smiling shyly back at Alfred's awed expression. "I used to use a sword and a few other weapons back in my early days."

"Seriously! Oh, dude, can you show me?"

"It's been a really long time…" Toris laughed quietly as he looked down, smile growing faint. "I can't really fight with blades like I used to. I only remember a few things. It's all about guns and technology now, so that's what I know."

"But you used to use a sword?"


"With a shield?"


"And armor?"

"Of course."

"Dude, you were a knight! That's amazing!"

"Most of the European nations were 'knights'. I'm sure I've heard England tell you before…"

"I don't really listen to what he says, most of the time it's just him bitching a lot." Alfred responded easily as he waved his hand off to the side, still giddy with excitement. "So how many weapons do you know how to use?"

Toris tilted his head, unused to someone taking a high interest in his fighting ability. It'd been so long since he'd even thought about sword play… "Most of the weapons that were used in medieval times. Bows, long swords, glaives, morning stars, daggers… I really can't remember; it's been too long."

"I could teach you some American boxing if you show me how you used that broom to own those guys." Alfred was beaming now, eyes shining brightly through his glasses. "You teach me old school and I'll teach you new school."

"You'll teach me boxing?"

"Yeah, like you see in the movies, except better. You just make a fist…" without asking Alfred picked up Toris' hand and wrapped his fingers around Toris' to make it into a fist. Toris nodded, biting his lower lip as he felt his insides start tickling. "Just like that. Then you duck your head down and pull your shoulders up- so you can protect your neck. Then you bring your arms in close, like this," Alfred demonstrated without letting go of Toris' hand. "So that way you protect your chest. Boxing is a lot about protecting your front and your head. It's not the same as the Asian martial arts because usually Asian martial arts is about guarding your sides and avoid getting hit in places like the ribs…" he grabbed Toris' other hand, made it into a fist and then moved so close that there had to have been a foot of distance between them at most. He put Toris' fists up close to the brunette's face, smiling. "See? If you just spread your legs out a little and hunch over you'd be in the boxing stance."

Toris nodded, slowly, heat rising from what seemed like nowhere and spreading through his body. Alfred seemed to notice, leaning over just a little so that he could look closer at his face. "…Dude, your face is getting red."

"I'm fine," he lied, sliding his feet against the floor so that he could take a step back. He was surprised when Alfred didn't let go, effectively keeping him stuck in place. "…Alfred?"

"Um, are you mad at me or feeling sick?" Alfred asked; the amazement and wonder suddenly gone from his face. "I know I'm kind of dense, and maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like you're avoiding me or something for the last week."

Toris felt his stomach drop along with his eye, wishing to heaven that Alfred hadn't noticed. Had he been that obvious? In his experience Alfred remained oblivious to multitude of things. From the weather to money and more than once Toris had seen him be completely ignorant of other people's feelings without meaning to. It didn't help that Alfred wasn't afraid to ask what was going on. How many times had Toris seen him inquire on delicate subjects with sorely blunt questions?

"I'm not."

"So why won't you look me in the face?" Alfred lowered Toris' hands so that they weren't between their faces anymore, brow furrowing. "Every time I'm looking at you you're always lookin' somewhere else."

"I'm not angry at you."

"Then look at me."

Toris managed not to swallow as he lifted his head up to do as Alfred had asked. His gaze got stuck on Alfred's collarbones for a few seconds before they finally looked up and into Alfred's eyes. Toris could practically feel his heart stop in his chest, nerves too rattled from the feelings that had resurfaced in the past few days and being this close to Alfred with their hands touching. He felt a damned idiot, acting as though he were some stupid child with a crush like this.

As quiet settled between them Toris could still feel his insides twisting and turning. Alfred seemed to watch him, eyes unusually inquisitive. "Are you sure you're not mad at me?"

"I'm sure." He answered, feeling his resolve starting to crumble at the sound of his own quiet, shivering voice.

"If you're mad at me, Toris, then for… just, say it." His large hands tightened around Toris' thinner wrists, blue eyes imploring. "It'd make it easier if you would just say that you're angry at me."

Toris didn't answer, couldn't answer as one of Alfred's hands let go of his and suddenly touched the side of his face. When Toris didn't move Alfred moved his fingers across his cheek and into his hair. Toris sucked air in and felt his spine practically shiver at the feel of those rough fingertips against his skin.

"Why…" Alfred's fingers stopped as he pulled his hand out of Toris' hair, brow furrowing. "Why're you shaking? Are you scared?"

Toris could feel Alfred's confusion and worry starting to come out through his eyes would he was stuck looking at. Maybe if he could just tell Alfred- tell him that he wasn't scared or mad at him- and that…

'And what?' Toris asked himself as he could feel himself stop breathing. 'That just being around you makes me feel uncomfortable giddy? That I've memorized your smell without meaning to, that I love you so much that it hur-'



The sudden realization that hit him in that moment caused his head to spin and he could feel himself mentally swaying. Physically he remained still but his mind went straight into a whirlwind. It'd been years, hadn't it? It'd always just been a little crush, how in the world could he go off and think something like that?

"I…" he started, finally tearing his eye away and looking down at Alfred's shirt. "I'm not afraid of what you think I am."

"But… wait, then why were you shaking?" Alfred asked again, voice soft and low. "Was I hurting you?" Toris shook his head, drew in a breath to settle his nerves and brought his eye back up to meet Alfred's.

"I don't know how to tell you exactly," he tried to explain as calmly as he could. "But you weren't hurting me."

For once Alfred was the quiet one and Toris could see through his eyes that he was still confused. Then, he brought his hand back and moved to touch Toris' face but paused a few inches away. "If I'm hurting you or if you want me to stop, just say so."

Without saying anything more he reached out, hand touching Toris' cheek. Again Toris could feel his body's desire to shiver but he did his best to repress it, not wanting to make Alfred think he was hurting him again. Alfred moved his hand from Toris' cheek to his hair, stroking the brunette's locks this time as his eyes searched for a reaction in Toris' face.

That face remained unclear, however, and as soon as Alfred felt doubt starting to poke holes in his resolve he decided to keep on going. His hand slipped down to the back of his neck, fingers lightly running over Toris' skin. He stood there for a while, just petting him, feeling the silk of his hair as it got caught between his fingers. He let go of Toris' wrist, assured that he wasn't going to try to back out or run, and set it down on his shoulder.

"Does this feel nice?" Alfred asked quietly, smoothing his hands out on Toris' slim shoulder, a thumb on his neck.

"Yes." Toris answered faintly, eye still cast downwards with red painted across his cheeks. With those words of confirmation Alfred held onto him and leaned forward.

He kissed the top of his head first, then the side and then his cheek. He could hear and feel Toris take in a deep breath as he kissed his cheek and for a moment he stopped, afraid that he'd gone too far and that the other was going to tell him to stop. When no words came he kissed the cheek again, slower this time, before he kissed the area right beside Toris' mouth and cupped his cheek.

Toris' heart was beating now, loudly throbbing inside of his chest. He could feel Alfred's breath on his face, right near his lips, baiting him. Then, after what felt like a split second yet also eternity Alfred kissed him.

Alfred pulled away almost as soon as their lips had touched, putting distance between the two of them. He could tell that Toris' blood was pumping, just like his own, and emotions began bubbling excitedly inside of him. He leaned back in and kissed Toris again, insides melting when he felt the other kiss him back.

Alfred kissed Toris again and again, arms moving around his back to pull him closer. He moved his lips downward and went for Toris' neck. Toris tilted his head to the side to give him access as he wrapped his arms around him and Alfred could hear him breathing faster.

Finally he pulled away but kept his arms around Toris and so that he could pull him closer for a hug. Toris buried the un-bandaged side of his face into Alfred's shirt, trying to hide his face with his hand and breathe in Alfred's scent without making it too noticeable.

"I've wanted to do that for a really long time." Alfred told him a quiet but happy voice. "I… um, I, I really, really, really like you."

"I like you too." Toris replied; voice muffled but still audible.

"So you really like me?"


"Oh, thank god."

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