Alright~ I'm back! xD

Sorry for the extremely LATE update. Again!

I'm unforgivable. ;^;

But I think I can update slightly faster now…
Plus my crappy-ass laptop was finally repaired! Nyaaa~! xDD

Please ignore any grammatical errors…
On with the story. xD

[ Axel's POV ]

'I hate Science.'

That's the first thing that popped in my mind when we're late in our Science class and getting a ridiculously long lecture from Mr. Vexen. After the lecture, well, we were given extra works to do. Roxie ignored my complaints throughout the whole lesson. Ugh… Damn that psycho scientist and his obsession for Science. Ah, so anyway, here I am, dying in boredom in my Business class. Roxie had Biology though. So, here I am, again. I let out a yawn and rested my head on the table. Good thing I sat at the last row of the class.

After what it seem like forever, the bell rang; signaling that it was the end of school. I quickly grabbed my back and ran all the way to the lockers. I saw Roxie just unlocking his locker and started grabbing books for... Well, studying I guess.
Smirking, I walked casually towards him, just behind the 'opening' of the locker (Well, I don't really know what to call it…) and leaned on the other locker. As he finished taking all the books, he placed it inside his bag carefully before closing the locker, jumping in shock, startled when he saw me grinning ear-to-ear at him.

He clutched tightly at the fabric of his t-shirt on the spot where his heart should be. Breathing heavily, he half-heartedly glared at me and snapped at me.

"Axel! What are you doing here!"

I pushed myself off the locker and smirked at him.

"Just seeing my favorite blonde.", I replied calmly, before looking at the huge-ass amount of books he placed inside his bag.

"Damn, you're gonna study all that?", I asked in disbelief, stared at the bag as if it was filled with dangerous crap.

"Of course. Why do you ask that?", He asked obliviously, adjusting the strap of his heavy bag.

'I got a feeling he's going to be so into lesson that he'll forget about me…', I thought absentmindedly. Annoyed with the thought in my head, I shook it off.

"You sure you can carry it home all by yourself? It looks pretty heavy.", I told him, and mentally slapped myself in the forehead. 'Of course it's heavy you idiot!'

"No, it's not heavy. And you're not an idiot.", He smiled and locked his locker, then be on his way. I stood there, stunned before I ran after him.

So, I found out that his house was just 6 blocks away from mine. You can't imagine how fucking happy I am. That means I can see him anytime I want! ..Whenever he's home at least. Wait, that makes me a stalker… Fuck. Who the hell cares anyway? Argh, I'm acting like a love-sick teenager. Fuck.

[ Roxas' POV ]

"Math. Why does it must be Mathematic?", I whined softly as I took out his Mathematic textbook and began flipping pages after pages, studying each equations.

I never had a fetish for Mathematic. They're so confusing and annoying. But I think I can keep up with the current lesson…

As I flipped the last page of the chapter, my eyes caught something red on the far corner of the page. Oh, it's just some text…


My mind darted towards a certain red head I met this morning.

That Axel guy is pretty friendly for someone who looks like a murderer…

That's not really nice…

I smiled to myself when I imagined his face smiling at me.

Am I falling for him?

I blushed crimson red and frowned.

It's just the first day of school! And you just met him, Roxas. Don't be silly.

He might be straight…

With a groan, pushed that thought out my head and took out my mp3 player from my drawer. I scroll down until I reached my favorite playlist named 'Big Bang'.

I plugged the earpieces into my ears and listened to 'Sunset Glow' as I continued studying, singing some of the lyrics.

As the chorus came, I heard Sora singing along. I pulled out an earpiece and turned to look at the brunette who came into the room and singing the chorus of 'Sunset Glow'.

"Nan neoreul saranghae i sesangeun neo ppuniya
Sorichyeo bureujiman jeo daedap eomneum noeulman burkge taneunde~!", Sora sang happily and I laughed softly, singing along with him.

As the song ended, I turned to face him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"When did you learn to sing 'Sunset Glow' fluently? You always fumbled the words out before.", I chuckled, remembering the time when my sibling tried singing the lyrics properly and failing miserably.

Sora stuck his tongue out at me childishly, placing his hands on his hips and pouted at me. "Do you have any idea how Korean words are hard to pronounce and memorize?"

"So get it memorized!" I stuck my tongue back at him, making him grin. "So anyway, what do you want now, Sor? Now that you finally sang 'Sunset Glow' oh-so-fluently.", I said sarcastically, smiling as well. I was joking, of course. But unfortunately Sora thought I was being mean to him.

"Huwaaa! Stop being mean to me, you bad little Nee-chan!"

. . .

Well, yes…

I am the smaller one.

Why is Sora acting like the smaller one, you ask?

I wonder the same thing.

Maybe I stole some of his… adult behavior in mom's stomach back when we're still in her stomach.

"Act your age, Sor. Aren't you the oldest one?", I leaned back on my chair, staring blankly at him.

"But- But-! Ugh, fine!", He gave up, pouting instead at me and folded his arms.

"No pouting."


"Don't pout."


Ordering your older twin around is fun.

"Anyway…", He started, a slight blush appearing on his cheek as he closes the door to my bedroom and walked towards my bed, sitting on it, cross-legged. What the heck? Sora? Blushing? Did he get struck by lightning yesterday? It was raining heavily yesterday… Sora went out yesterday too. Hmm… 89% he might be struck by lightning yesterday. I stared suspiciously at him. This is not the Sora I know. I'm extremely sure of it. He would jump on my bed any time he has the chance to and he never blush. And I mean never. Even if he wore a bikini to school. Okay, now I'm imagining the most absurd thought ever. Shoo, absurd thoughts, shoo.

"-should I do?", I blinked twice before realizing I missed everything Sora has said while having a crimson blush on his cheek now. It's turning crimson. Oh, apocalypse is near.

"Repeat yourself, Sor?"

"Argh! Roxas! Do you know how much I suffered when I said those things!", The brunette exclaimed in frustration, falling back onto my bed and pulling a pillow, hugging it and hiding his (must be) extremely flustered face.

"Aww. Come on, Sor. I was spacing out. I'll listen now. Promise.", I leaned towards him slightly, assuring him that I won't space out anymore.

Sora sat up again, hugging my pillow tightly and looked up, his face was redder than ever. Did pigs fly or penguins fly today?

"Ugh, fine… It's about myself lately. Every time I hang out with Riku, or he'll come closer to me, my heart would thump thrice faster than usual, my face would go all red and I would always stutter a-and there's some kind of warm, fuzzy, weird feeling inside my stomach! When he smiles, which he usually didn't do lately, I would grin at him happily, even if he was making fun of me! What's happening to me! What should I do!", The red-faced brunette took a deep breath after his long explanation about his oh-not-too-weird behavior when he's with his best friend.

Sora's in love with Riku? Hah. Saw it coming.

"Sora, do you know anything called 'love'?", I asked him, silently hinting him what he's feeling, although he's dense as a rock.

"'Love'? 'Love Like This', 'Love Ya', 'This love', 'Make Love', 'Love in the ice'-"

I slapped myself on the forehead. Hard. He's too dense. Riku's gonna have a hard time asking him out. Not that I don't know of.

"Idiot. I meant your feelings, idiot. You are in love with Riku.", I stated calmly after stopping my siblings sentence.


Wait what!", He stared at me, wide-eyed after he processed everything I said in his head. He took quite the time though. Oh, he turned red again. Maybe guinea pigs' the ones who's flying today.

"Yep. You're absolutely, with no doubt, in love with Riku. And don't even try to deny it.", I stopped him before he even denies his love to the silverette. They've been best friends since we were just babies. I still remember a 3 year-old Sora tackle hugging a 4 and a half year Riku into the swimming pool. Good thing the water level is shallow enough that they still can stand.

"Ahahahahaha… You're serious?", He stopped laughing sheepishly after looking at my serious expression. I nodded.

I already have plans on how to get them together in my head. I silently congratulate myself for formulating the plan myself. Am I being too full of myself? In that case I apologize.

"Is that all?", I asked, stopping him from diving under my covers, wanting to hide his even redder face. He, (without doubt) must be thinking about Riku.

"What's all?"

Sometimes I want to whack him on the head for being such a dense sibling.

"Never mind…", I muttered, turning back to my desk, studying some of the stupid mathematic problems again. It is soon halted as my gaze was stuck on the red parts of the page.

No, I'm not thinking of Axel. Nope I'm not. Don't even try to think about it.

I wonder what he is is doing now…

Wow. Talk about irony.

I know it sucked. :C

But I'll do better next time! "