Hey guys! Wow! I haven't updated in like...5 weeks!?? Well, over a month! I'm so sorry! I had MAJOR writers block. But now, I'm back with a collab story with the amazing 'Ella1210'. She came up with the actual idea for this story :D And I helped write it :D

So this will be in chapters, and we are aiming for 1 chapter up a week, but if you guys REVIEW more, we will get chapters up quicker! Sound like a fair deal??



Now, the news! haha.

JEMI ARE OFFICIAL! :D Sooo amazing :) I knew it would happen one day! :)

Follow me (Maddie) on twitter: MaddiBabbi

And follow Ella (Ella1210) on twitter: EllaDennerley

Thank you :D

Summary: Every year, when Mitchie Torres goes on holiday, she sends a post card to three people. 1) Her best friend Caitlyn. 2) Her other best friend Sierra and 3) World phenomenon Shane Gray. For the five years she has been writing to Shane, she has never had a reply. But could this year be different? Will Shane Gray reply to Mitchie Torres? Or will it be the same as every other year, no reply? Jemi/Smitchie

The sun is so beautiful as it sets. It never seizes to amaze me.

I was walking along, dawdling in fact, my feet delving into golden sand, my tiptoes at the waters edge.

'Mitchie!' Mum was calling me for dinner, our famous Torres burgers again!

As I walked back to our holiday home, I thought about what I was going to write on my postcards for Caitlyn and Sierra, and most importantly, Shane Gray the amazing rock star from Connect 3.

'Dear Shane,

This is Mitchie Torres, writing to you, again. I always hope you reply, but you never do. I'm sure you will one day because you're such a nice person.'

'No, sounds too cheesy', I thought.

I never get a reply. I always hope I will and I always will. I know he will. Won't he?

'Okay then Mitchie, can you set the table for me?' Mum asks when I get there. 'Dad's just getting changed, he won't be a minute, so hurry up.'

'Yes, Mom.'

'You're back then, Mitchie, nice walk. Want to stay away from us?' Dad asks jokingly.

'Very funny, Dad!'

We sat down at the cluttered table.

'Written your postcards yet, Mitchie?' Mum said inquisitively.

'No' I looked glum. 'I don't know how to start it.'

'Aw, I'm sure you'll figure it out, a clever girl like you.'

I smiled and looked at Dad. Typical, no advice from him, he was too busy stuffing his face!

'Dad! There's no rush, no one's going to take it from you!'

'No idea what you're on about' He smirked.

'Dear Shane,

I love you. I really do. I wish one day in a magical world we could meet.

Is it possible? Can I ever find you? I gotta find you, one day I will.'

'No' I thought. 'I can't say that. Every year I think of the perfect thing and now, well, now, this year I can't. Everything seems too real; this isn't a fantasy, a crush. This is obsession. But I can't help it. I really love him'

'Mom, can I tell you something?'

'Of course, sweetie. What is it?'

'I, well, I don't know.'

'Mitchie, I can tell something's wrong. What is it? Just tell me, I was a teenager once.'

'Mum! That weird, like wrong!'

'Hey, Miss!'

'Anyway… You know Shane Gray?'

'Not personally but you go on about him enough, yes?'

I laughed 'Well, I really like him and I write to him but I never get a reply, but that's beside the point, each year, I've written, quite easily but this time I don't know what to say! I have no idea, everything seems so real!'

'Well, maybe you're growing out of liking him.'

'NO! I will always like him. Things are just different now.'

'Okay, maybe you will always like him, but you don't have to write to him!'

'I do! Mum, I really do! What if he wants to reply but can't because I haven't written, what then?' I stormed off.

I ran upstairs and flopped onto my bead. I lay there for a while and then got up and sat on the chair by a small table.

I got out my expensive pen and a postcard with the sea pictured on it.

'Hi Caitlyn,

Hope you're missing me!

Having a good time here; swimming and stuff. What have you been getting up to?

With love, Mitchie x'

'One down, two to go.' I thought.

I got out a new postcard with some orange flowers on, Sierra's favourite colour.

I wrote pretty much the same as I did to Caitlyn.

'Should I try writing one to Shane? Or will I get too stressed out? No, I will try, the only reasons I wrote the other two was so I could write this one!'

'Dear Shane,

This is Mitchie Torres again.

How are you?

Wrote any new songs with the band?' I stopped my self.

Thank God this was only on paper; I was running out of postcards!

I got up, off of my bed and slipped on my lime green flip-flops. As I walked down the stairs I shouted out to my mom and dad that I was going out for a walk. Without waiting for a reply, I walked out the door.

As I walked along the beach, the gritty sand stuck between my toes. I daydreamed about becoming a musician just like Shane Gray. You may have guessed, he's my idol, I look up to him for everything, I just wish that one day, I would meet him.

Yeah...this chapter is fairly short, but TRUST ME! The next chapters a longer :D

So PLEASE review, and when Ella has the story up on her page, go review on that too!

Okay, so remember the more you review, the quicker we will update :D

And follow us on twitter :D

Love Maddie and Ella x
