AN: I dont own InuYasha or Naruto Character, nor do i make funds from the online publication of this story. This is not beta'd. - MPB

Pairing: Itachi/Kagome

Rating: T, probably going to go up in the future.

Warning: I like to write fighting, there will be cursing, there will be OOCness, eventually there will be perviness, and probably eventually lemons. :3

Title: Unlikely Happenings.

Chapter 1

There was a lot of strange things happening as of late. The village hidden in the leaves though was in for a large shake up. Some how or another the truth of Uchiha, Itachi's supposed betrayal was not only leaked out, but broad cast for anyone and every one to hear, that included the whole village and pretty much everyone in the ninja world. The result of this was that a week later, a nearly dead not-so-dishonored son of Konoha stumbled back into their mitts. Apparently the news had not only traveled, but had placed him in more danger with his current group and side infiltration mission. Tsunade was appalled and amazed to find out that Itachi was actually Jiraiya's main inside contact on Akatsuki.

Either way, the slowly-going-blind-not-so-dishonored-clan-killing-because-he-was-ordered-to-do-so-Uchiha was home, the prodigal son had returned.

The fall out was staggering. He blew up on Danzo, still nearly blind Itachi had been and was still the Uchiha prodigy, skills like his didn't go away because he could barely see. Shusui had been his best friend, he didn't take lightly to the older shinobi stealing his eye and arm for his devious plots. His brother had come home too when he had heard, no he wasn't happy to find out that his vengeance was misdirected but he still loved his brother. And though the Snake-sannin was still out there, and apparently pissed, the brother's reunion wasn't all sunshine and roses but none expected it to be, save possibly Naruto. Either way, Konoha was basically being shaken up, and unbeknown to all of them, it would be more shaken before long.



Tsundae looked over papers that had apparently gotten lost between so many attacks on the village. It appeared that two missing nin that had been gone for just over twenty years. All and all it wasn't something she'd really worry about except for the fact that one of them had been an Uchiha, and the other a Hyuga. The two had reportedly been in love but of course it wasn't just frowned upon it was like starting a miniature war between clans.

Some how in the shuffle between the Kyuubi's attack, the end of the third great war, shuffling of Hokage's and the attacks that had come here and there, they had been all but forgotten. In fact if it wasn't for the fact that the file on them had been found she was certain that they wouldn't have ever been a thought again. But that was a problem. The Uchiha wasn't anyone of real importance, he wasn't a clan head, nor a relative of him directly, in fact if records were correct he was the uncle of Shusui.

The Hyuga on the other had been the previous hime of their clan, the younger sister of both Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuga, Hizako. Looking at things, the way they were she really didn't want to bring this situation up. To her, it was obvious that these two for whatever reason had left, and were not coming back, but with everything happening to the village and in the village, they really couldn't afford to have loose ends out there like this. Sadly she knew she'd have to have the hunter nin's bring them back. She would prefer alive just so that she could have them interrogated, but after that, depending on their answers more than likely they would be put to death.

She sighed.

Sometimes, she really wished Jiraiya had taken the job rather than her. Sure she'd protect the village no matter what but sometimes, it was hard to put personal issues aside, and be the boss. Either way, Uchiha Kage, and Hyuga Hizako would be brought back. Quickly she set out an empty scroll and got a mission order ready. Unlike most times, they would be bringing them back alive, this would be far more difficult than just bringing them back dead or proof of the kill. As hokage she had to insure that information about their village was not just left out there in the world.

This was a mission long overdue.



Hizako sat in her kitchen at her table, a small frown on her face as she looked at the tea cup in her hand. A crack had appeared in it, a bad omen of things to come. The thought that it was ninja related did not cross her mind as she worried once again over her teenaged daughter that currently traveled some five hundred years before then.

While she was a sensible female, she was not at all stupid, and knew that Kagome didn't let on to near as much as was really going on. That she often hid bloodied clothing, and that scars that had not been on her body before, and these things were showing up more and more. But at the same time, she trusted her daughter, and had taught her well. While Kagome was under strict orders never to use either her Byakugan, or her Sharingan, she did know how to use them, as well as chakra. In both defensive, and offensive as well as in healing ways.

A sad smile filtered across her face as she thought of her late husband, he had died in a very non-ninja way, living longer than he had thought he would as the life expectancy of a ninja was low. She sighed as the crack of the tea cup deepened, and thought perhaps things to come had nothing to do with her daughter gallivanting in the past. Deciding she would tell Akira, the older man that she called father, who had taken them in some nearly twenty years before, and given them his last name and a place to stay.

She made ready for what she felt was to come. She didn't think this omen had anything to do with Kagome. The past was catching up with her, with them, and she would prepare them for anything that could happen as best she could.



A few days later, not that the miko knew, Kagome at nineteen stood covered in blood and gore. Her hair was longer now, and still as wild as ever. Her eyes were a dark milky slate gray, they were not really as dark as her father's blackish gray eyes that everyone assumed were just dark brown, or the milky white of her mother's who hid them with a low powered genjutsu. But a fine mixing of the two that left her with stormy looking gray eyes full of life and fury. Luckily enough even though she didn't have a pupil like Souta did, no one ever seemed to notice because of her genjutsu. Ignoring that thought, the miko thought about the war she'd been fighting for the last four years.

It was over.

It had taken so much time, sadly there were few left at this point that were still standing on the side of the right. Naraku had not gone down without a fight and while he had eventually gone down, he had taken, in one way or another, almost everyone that Kagome held dear to her. Miroku had long died from his curse, years before in fact. His death had been a turning point for her, a driving force to make her learn her miko powers. Her sudden need to know how to use this kami given power had made a bit of a rift in the tachi, and the change in her behavior after she'd learned, had allowed Sango and Inuyasha to find comfort in each other's arms. While that had upset her, Kagome had realized at that point, she was never ment to stay in this time, so she accepted it.

Kouga had died in the battle, and Inuyasha might never walk the same as he had before hand. But at least over time, he and Sesshomaru were on much better terms. Speaking of him, the demon lord was her sensei, though there had always been a little bit more to it, something unknown and un-pressed. Not that she didn't know how to do something's with weaponry or her other abilities, but she would never, ever show off those skills here. She was wanted enough for her miko powers, her 'alluring beauty,' the shikon or something else she usually had no idea about, because most demons just wanted to eat her, mate her or destoy her; She didn't need them coming after her for the fact that she was a ninja the likes of which they had never seen.

Either way it was all said and done, and once she bathed and made the wish, she would return from wince she came. Shippo had found himself a place at Sesshomaru's side as a protector and playmate to Rin, so he would be taken care of. Sango was soon to be mated to Inuyasha, not that they told anyone but she could already feel the new life growing within her friend. Yes, it was hard at first, but she had long since gotten over the fact that they had ended up together. Kouga was dead, so was Miroku, and short of Keade who was not long for the world, Sesshomaru who didn't need another human laying around - no matter how much she might try to talk herself into other wise. Rin who was now staying in Keade's village under the tutelage of the elder miko, or Shippo who would long outlive her, not to mention she and Inuyasha were never going to happen, and he had Sango for that matter, Kagome was alone and had no reason to stay.

As celebrations that night from those who had lived through it all raged on, Kagome found herself in the presence of Sesshomaru as she looked out at the stars, taking the sight of them from this era and without the pollution of her own time for the last time. They never had to say much to one another conversationally, he was one that made his way in life and didn't wish to know the future, and she was nothing lordly. Either way as it had come about they somehow found comfort just being in one an others presence, perhaps that was why there had been a building tension between the pair of them. Yet no matter what, she was a human miko, and he was a daiyoukai and lord. They could never be anything intimate, but they took what comfort the other could offer without pause.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow, I'll make the wish from my side ...the well probably won't work... I don't belong here anymore." came her matured voice. Silently he sighed.

Sesshomaru could only breath in as acknowledgment, he would not lie, he would indeed miss her, he'd gotten used to her in every way, even if he couldn't keep her he would miss her. And though he knew they could never be more than the moment, he still wanted her if only for the night. He wondered if she would allow that. The great demon Lord sat down beside her gracefully. The slight sexual tension that had been between them since they had started training years before - not long after she'd just turned seventeen and the monk had just passed, was more strong as of late and at a head.

He knew she was innocent to a males touch, and that only his hands had ever been anywhere close to her body in any way that could even be considered sexual, save for the few times the monk had groped her in his life time. But right now, he didn't want to be the great and terrible demon lord sitting near a human Shikon miko. He wanted just to be a male, sitting near a female, he wanted to allow, them just this once. He wanted her, even though he knew he couldn't keep her.

"…Tonight." he paused, his baritone voice dripping with uncharacteristic uncertainty, not really knowing how to breach the subject, because he usually just took what he wanted either because he could or by fighting for it. But he knew this would never work with her like that. Kagome though was an advanced study of the being known as Sesshomaru. Knowing she would leave in the morrow, knowing that she had never once felt his presence in the future, that this might be the last time she ever saw him. Kagome finished his thought, smiling shyly she said quietly to him…

"Tonight, are male, and I am female. Nothing more, and nothing less." She glanced at him then, her shooting lashes hiding her eyes while a blush worked its way to her cheeks, he nodded agreeing to her statement, still amazed that she could read him so, and again finding that he was wanting for more, but grateful for what could be. Slowly they leaned into one another. For her all that was to come would be her first - he would make it memorable, and for him, who usually took what he wanted, it was the first time he would ever 'made love.' Slowly delicately, lips met lips, skin met skin, under the moon lovers were made. Moans, groans, hisses and sighs musically coated the air, as the scent of sex penetrated around them like a thick fog.

Lost in euphoric bliss, there was no way to tell how many times either of them reached completion, but in the end, they had coupled well into the night and early morning and as dawn crept on them, the naked pair slowly woke. It was beautiful, and would never be forgotten, there was no shame in their action. Only a bit of a longing, and a heavy acceptance that what happened would always be treasured. As they got their cloths on, before parting though she had called to him, coming towards him and pulling him down by a lock of his hair, something she alone would be able to do, she pulled him into a slow, passionate kiss that said everything they could not.

When he pulled away from her, as reluctant as it was, his façade was back in place, but his eyes could never lie to her again, in one of his hands was a scroll. He didn't ask as he knew he would open it later, not sure of its contents, but he didn't bother to look into it as he watched her walk away, wondering if she would turn back even if in the long run it would hurt them.

Sesshomaru sighed softy, he really did want to keep her, …if only she'd been born a demoness.

Kagome made her way from him, holding back tears she could feel wanted to be made free. But they did not well up nor did they fall. Her heart felt a bit heavy, but free because she had him, if only for one night for all the rest of her life, she was loved. She was loved because of who she was not what she could do. She glanced back only once taking in the sight of him. Burning him into her mind, he would be a standard for all other's to live up to. She knew she might be alone forever, but perhaps he would read the scroll, and she would see him in the future, even if he did make his own future.

Turning back to the village of Edo, she made her way to gather her things, and anything she would need before leaving forever. Keade seemed to be the only one awake after the sake induced celebration from the night before. Gathering her swords, and all the things that she had saved over time in the little hut that had been given to them long before. Kagome made her way with the aging miko to the clearing with the well.

Her journey a little over four years in the making was over.

Taking the jewel from its resting place, the elder miko wondered what the younger would wish for to make the jewel vanish. Kagome lightly kissed the elder's cheek before saying she would make the wish once she was returned to her side. She didn't want or need anything going wrong. Agreeing, Keade watched the girl left them. Sad that she would not and could not stay, but knew that this place was not meant for her.

Making her way to the well, Sesshomaru's aura caressing her own, she took only a moment to take in all that was this time, to remember all those she had met and reflect on what she would never be able to have again. Taking it all in, and storing it in her memory, she stepped on the ledge of the well, catching only a glimpse of white and knowing it was him, she jumped. As the blue silken ribbons of time took over Kagome's fall a wish was made. For the most part there was a wish for happiness for all those she had left behind, and for those who had passed on during the time frame to find peace in the after life.

Unaware to herself as time allow her journey to finally end, darkness covered the well in the form of the hut's roof, all things at the Higurashi shrine were not as they should be. As she stood at the bottom of the well, Kagome took just a moment to memorize this place, knowing she would not jump down again. As the she took in her surroundings it was then that she felt the frantic aura of her grandfather, and knew something was not right.

Using skills that she'd never shown in the Feudal era, Kagome easily leapt up the walls of the well, chakra lacing her feet to keep her from falling, and enhancing the muscles in her body so she could even do such a thing. Running up the stairs, and throwing the door of the well house open, what Kagome found was not to her liking.

EndAN: Well tell me what you think? Should i continue this fic? note* Kouga is canon, Ayame is not so i knotcked him out of everything only b/c i didnt want to hafta write and ending for him. i beta'd this a bit more, and thanks to the 40 people that reviewed so far, i'm already nearly done with the next chapter. I'm glad this was well received.

EA2: A bit more edited... I'm working on Chapter 6 now 5/22/10.. I'm up to 7k i'm thinking about 2k more givertake... and i'll be giving you that chapter soon. I'm hoping today sometime!