Title: Return
Pairing: Tarrant Hightopp/Alice Kingsley
Rating: T
Summary: Alice could remember her dear Hatter, and she was more than willing to meet him again. Upon her third trip to Underland, could her feelings for this man turn into something more?
Disclaimer: I do not own Wonderland or its habitats, or Alice. Thought I really would love to.
A/N: Another story based on Burton's version! I'm so inspired at this moment 'bout this pairing, so I had to write, thought I should be reading on my exams… This chapter probably won't be very long, but next ones will be longer, I promise! ;)
Anyways, enjoy the story!
A light breeze blew waving Alice's blond curls. She would already see the shore. Soon she would be home again, in England, London. After her long trip in China, she finally was returning back. Alice had been only nineteen when she left, now she was twenty-five years old, a beautiful grown woman with long blond curly hair. She hadn't grown in her height, luckily, after her second trip to Underland, she really didn't like the thought about growing taller.
''Why is it you're always too small or too tall?''
That's what her dear Hatter had told her. Alice smiled at the memory. This time she would come back to him, she was sure of it.
''Alice, how wonderful to see you!''
Her mother, Helen ran to hug her daughter. Margaret, her sister run to hug her too.
''How have you been, I haven't heard of you for months!''
''I'm doing great. How about you and Elisabeth'', Alice asked her sister about her niece.
''Oh, she's fine and more than willing to see you! Come, you must meet her'', Margaret said happily and took Alice by her arm.
Alice sat on her bed. She was back at the mansion, and the place where Hamish had proposed her four years ago was near. She lay on her bed and tried to sleep, but nothing came out of it, so she took her shoes and decided to go for a walk, it usually helped.
The night was very cold, but she didn't really care, since she was going to return inside soon anyway. Alice walked to the garden, where white roses still bloomed.
Something snapped in the bushes. Wait, this was almost too familiar.
''The White Rabbit'', she cried in a loud voice.
She had been right! A White Rabbit came out of the bushes and ran and Alice followed.
It didn't. She could see it running to a big tree. When she finally had made her way to it, the rabbit was nowhere to be found. Then she saw a hole. It was pitch-black and big, even enough big for her to come in.
She sat to the ground in front of the hole, and looked in, but she really didn't see anything. It seemed bottomless.
Something clicked in her head. How could have she forgot? It was the way to Underland, the same rabbit-hole she had fell twice!
''Think Alice, you can't go yet, the others wouldn't know where you are'', she said to herself.
''But haven't you kept them waiting for too long even now''?
She waved back and forth for a moment, and then, she let herself fall.
''Ow! Now, that hurt'', she said.
Alice stood up from the floor. She saw doors and a table with a key and a bottle on it. She was back. Alice walked to the table and grabbed the key.
''There's no way I'm going to do the same mistake three times'', she said and rolled her eyes.
Then she took the bottle and read ''Drink me''. She opened it and drank.
After some seconds she was small enough to walk in of the tiniest door. She placed the key she had in the key-hole, and turned it.
She stepped in to the lovely garden that was behind the door. After couple minutes of walking, she had made her way to a forest.
''Well well, look who it is'', said a familiar voice behind her.
Alice turned around to see a smiling cat.
''Hello, Alice. I'm hoping you're still doing well'', the cat said with a wicked big grin.
''I'm well, thank you. I'm glad to see you after these years'', Alice smiled back.
She looked around herself. The garden looked rather ''normal'', if you could call it that. She opened her mouth to ask:
''Is everything right in here?''
The cat's grin faded.
''Actually, not so well as it could be'', it said with a serious tone.
''What happened?'' Alice asked worried.
Cheshire spun around in the air and answered:
''The White Queen is sick.''
''But that's only normal!''
''Maybe in your world, but not in here. We don't get sick, we're always healthy.''
''That is why we don't know way to heal her'', it continued.
Alice remained silent for a moment.
''Can you take me to her?''
''I will escort you to the March Hare and the Sad Hatter, not longer'', the cat said grinning and vanished for a moment.
''Chessur, don't you mean the Mad Hatter'', Alice asked slightly worried, and a bit surprised.
''Ah, that's not what we call him anymore. He has been, how to put it, extremely sad after you left this world the second time'', Cheshire answered without a mad grin this time.
''How… sad do you mean?''
''He doesn't speak so much, and he's gone … sane'', the cat whispered the last word.
''Sane, but isn't it a good thing?'' Alice asked again.
''Again, it would be good thing in your world, but in here, it's not normal, since we are all a bit mad. He usually lays on his bed staring the ceiling, and the March Hare told me, sometimes in the night when he's staring it, he's whispering your name. But the worst thing is, he doesn't even drink tea anymore, it used to make him happy and more mad, but since he doesn't drink it anymore…''
Cheshire stopped because the girl looked like she was close to tears.
''Oh, poor Hatter… I'm a horrible person for doing this to him'', she whispered.
The cat touched her shoulder while floating in the air.
''I think you are the only one who can make him to be himself again, Alice.''
Alice looked at the cat.
''Please Chessur, let's go quickly. I don't want him to suffer anymore because of me.''
Cheshire grinned widely.
''You read my thoughts, the Alice.''
A/N: Okay, that's the first chapter! I tried to get it enough long, I hope you enjoyed at least a bit. ;)
I had fun while writing this, I try write more as soon as possible. Actually I should be sleeping already, but when you have an inspiration, you just have to write, some of you probably know what I mean. :D
In the next chapter, Alice will meet our favorite Hatter again! Anyways, review please, it really would made my day. *wink wink*
Edit: Corrected some sentences and typos.