Title: Stay

Pairing: Mad Hatter/Alice

Rating: K+

Summary: Hatter asks Alice to stay. But would she?

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, thought I wish I would.

A/N: After seeing the new ''Alice in Wonderland'' movie yesterday, I fell in love with this pairing, and was hit with an inspiration to write this. My first story in here, so don't go hard on me please. ;)

I know lot of people have written about the different ending, but I just had to do it as drabble. Enjoy!

''You could stay''.

Alice turned around to see the Hatter. She smiled.

''What an idea. A crazy but a wonderful idea'', her smile disappeared.

''But I can't.''

Smile that had been on Hatter's face disappeared too.

''There are questions I have to answer. Things I have to do'', Alice said sadly.

She opened the vial of Jabberwocky's blood. Before she could drink it, Hatter placed his hands on her cheeks, just like she had done to him.


It was a hoarse, sad whisper that ached in her chest. His big emerald eyes were desperate and pleading.

He opened his mouth again:

''I don't think I could stand you leaving again''.

Alice's eyes widened. Could he possibly…?

''Hatter… I –''

She was cut off by his white finger on her lips. Alice stared the vial in her hands for a moment. She handed it to the White Queen.

''I'm not leaving. Not today''.

Strong arms pulled her into a tight embrace from behind.

''Thank you''.

A/N: Okay, that's it! Anyway, this would be the ending I imagine. Hatter was probably a bit OOC in this, but that's how I would imagine him to say. Tell me in your reviews what you think. ^^)