Percival's Revenge

Chapter 1

"Hmmm, what to do, what to do." Phineas wondered out loud. We were all relaxing under the shady tree while my owners were thinking of what to do. Phineas turned to his stepbrother.

"Gosh, Ferb." He said. "I can't think up a single thing we can do today. Any ideas?" Ferb shrugged. "Hmmm, maybe Perry knows." Phineas turned to me.

"Hey buddy." He told me. "What do you think we should do today?" I looked at him without a word. Phineas, I don't care what you do today. You can discover the biggest milkshake for all that I care. As long as you and Ferb stay out of my agency stuff, and don't find out I am one, I'm cool with it. Phineas looked at his stepbrother again.

"Honestly Ferb." He told him. We usually are doing bizarre things right now, but this is getting redicelious. We got to think of something, come on, think!" He and Ferb started to think again. Candace came outside. She stood in front of us, hands on hips.

"Look weirdoes!" She snapped. "Stacy and me…"

"Stacy and I!" Ferb corrected.

"You got to have good grammar sis." Phineas told her. "Otherwise you sound uneducated."

"Oh whatever!" Candace said. "Anyway, we are about to watch a IMary marothon, so you two butter not do anything wracko that will make me want to tell mom and bust you!" My boy owners just looked at her.

"Okay!" Phineas said, unsure what she meant. "We'll just sit here until we think up of something."

"You better be!" When all said and done, Candace went back in, and closed the sliding see view door. She gestured with her fingers that she will be watching them, and then joined with her friend with popcorn and the TV.

I sighed. With all the crazy teens in the world, I had to deal with her! Suddenly my watch went off. I stood on all fours, and went off.

I heard some loud girly laughs and shrieks as I went. I sighed again. Seriously, what does Candace see in that lame show? The talking kitchen sponge that Phineas and Ferb watches is ten times better then this show. Why can't she see that? Oh well, it's a teen thing I guess. I got to go and fight with my nemesis, but not how Samantha does it. I went to the side of the house, put my fedora on, accuvated the hideout, and slipped inside. I closed the door behind me, and went down to my secret base.

I sat in my chair, and pushed the monitor on. My boss appeared. He was singing with a mike in hand.

"Crank it up Carl!" He shouted excitedly. Carl turned it louder, I wasn't amused.

"Who ever thought that," He sang. "That a platypus like me, would double as a secret agent!"

I sighed again. Another teen related show? Come on Monogram, get real here will you? He continued, I folded my arms across my chest looking rather displeased.

"You get the best of double worlds!"

"Uh sir." Carl noticed me.

"Take it slow then you rock out the show!"


"You get the best of double worlds." Carl unplugged the karaoke machine.

"Mix it all together and…" Monogram stopped and looked up.

"Hay, what gives? I was rockin' and…"

"Sir, Agent P's here."

"He is?" Monogram looked at me. "Oh, did you like my singing there Agent P? I wrote it for you, how was it?" I rolled my eyes at him. He realized my expression.

"Too girly for you?" I looked at him. You think? Realizing what I was doing, I collapsed, and banged my head on the counter. Oh great, I was mimiking the show just now!

"Okay Agent P," Monogram continued after putting his guitar away. "Today Dr. Doofenscmirtz has just…" Suddenly Carl screamed in the background. Monogram sighed with disappointment.

"Carl, please would you mind?" He asked. "Not when I'm giving missions to the agents."

"But sir…"

"Not now Carl." He turned back to me. "Anyway Agent P, Dr…" Carl shrieked again. Monogram turned around.

"I told you Carl, no…good gravy! Carl, why did you let that jumbo creature in?"

"I didn't sir. He came in himself." He turned back to me quickly. Fear on his face.

"Agent P! Danger at the agency, come quick!" He then ran, screaming in panic. The screen turned off. I began to sweat with worry. What is happening over there?!

I quickly jumped out of my seat, ran to my hovercraft, and hopped into it. I turned on the engine, and flew off to the agency.

As soon as I parked the hovercraft, I jumped out, and went inside.

"Agent P!" I heard Monogram scream when I ran inside. I looked up, and was shocked at what I saw. "Forget about Carl and me, protect yourself!" Monogram and Carl were in the grasp of a vary large snake. An anaconda, but not just any anaconda. This anaconda was my greatest childhood nemesis, my nemesis before I met Doofensmirtz, a anaconda I dreaded to see ever again. It was no other then Percival! Percival cackled to himself.

"Speechlssss platypusssss?" He hissed. He then lowered his head and our eyes met.

"SSSSurpized to ssssee me?" He asked, hissing. I still was lost for words. The giant anaconda looked around.

"SSSo, this is your secret hideout? Interessssting!"

"Agent P, you know this anaconda?" Monogram wanted to know.

"Of courssse he doesss." Percival answered him. "I was part of his pathetic childhood."

"Wait a minute." Carl realized. "You're the one Agent P wrote about in his biography, the one who killed his parents right in front of him and his siblings!"

"Oh he wrote about me? Precisssely, I'm the one!"

"That's awful!" Carl scolded. "You know if you were a human, you'll be put in jail and sentenced for death for this." Percival cackled again.

"Then I'm glad I'm not those pathetic humanssss then." I then dropped the fear on my face, and was ready to fight.

"Let them go Percival!" I ordered. "I'm much stronger now then I was back then." He looked at me.

"Oh you are, areyou?"

"Yes I am. Let them go or else!" Percival laughed.

"Uh, not to intrude or anything," Monogram butted in. "but, how you talking? And how can we understand you, and how did you get so huge?"

"I know anacondas are supposed to be big and all, but not this big! You're jumbo sized!" Percival laughed again.

"Glad you asked." He sneered. "I was passing by this idiot human's habitat, and I saw him working on these crazy inventions. I thought to myself, hey, why don't I persuade this guy to let me use his inventions for my use? I forced him, he then gave in, and here I am. That is how I can talk, and became jumbo sized. Any more questionssss?"

"Yes." Carl said. "How did you know where we are and what did you came here for?"

"This guy built me some sort of contraption that goes around my tail see?" He showed a watch like mine on his tail. "That's how I found this here location. I am here to ssseek revenge on this platypusss once and for all!" He laughed. "So, anyone know this platypus'ssss weaknesss?"

"Nope, not that I can think of!" Monogram quickly lied.

"Well there is Agent P's human family but…" Monogram and I quickly gestured him to stop talking, but Percival had already heard.

"Playpus'sss human family huh?" Carl realized what he said.

"No, no! That's not what I meant. I…" Percival released Monogram and Carl; they fell to the floor. They got up, dusted themselves of while Percival checked the watch.

Monogram and I eyed Carl madly. Why Carl why? Why did you tell him that?! That stupid pet cone I once had to wear, I could live with that. But this, why? Carl looked embarrassed.

"Oopse. Sorry Agent P, it slipped out. But at least he doesn't know how to find where you live."

"Excellent!" He then went towards the exit. "I'm off to harm your precioussss family platypusss. You may want to join me, it may be the last time you'll ever see them." He exited the building. Monogram and I eyed him again.

"He just got lucky I guess." He blushed. I quickly ran, put on my jetpack, and flew off.

"Good luck Agent P!" Monogram called after me.

I put my jetpack away in the bushes by the house, and went to the backyard. I froze when I got there; Percival had already captured Phineas and Ferb in his grasp!