A/N: This'll be updated whenever I feel. I don't own any of it. This is a reaaallly long smut. Enjoy!


"Oi, Mudsy, why yew gotta be so mean sumtimes?" the singer asked suddenly, and Murdoc was suprised that he could even form words through the haze of his new painkillers. Murdoc frowned. They were in the carpark, and 2D's eerie voice echoed around him, and he shuddered. They had just finished recording a remake of Dirty Harry, and the bassist had been especially cruel to 2D during the session. But he knew 2D wouldn't say anything against him, not in front of the others.

"Wot'd you say, faceache?" he said in a voice that would surely scare the singer off, turning to face 2D, keeping his hand on the handle of the Winnie's door. 2D didn't move, continuing to stare at Murdoc with large, hollow eyes.

"I... uhm, er, wot I meant was..." he trailed off, twiddling his thumbs.

"Nothin. I thought so." Murdoc hissed and opened the door, his foot on the first step, when 2D grabbed his forearm and stopped him. He turned to look at 2D. Are you completely off your rocker? I will END you. "Es'cuz me?"

The younger man frowned, defiance in his sunken eyes. "No! Not nuffin'! Wot I said was'at, why you gotta be so mean ta me all the time, eh?" Wot've I eva dun to you, Muds?" he asked, crossing his skinny arms. He took a deep breath. "I never try to do nuffink wrong, y'know that, but wot I'm wondering is... like... why it ain't good enough for ya? Why go gotta go hittin' me and switchin' me meds all the time, eh?"

He froze, and for once in his life, a pang of guilt ran down his spine. "Shaddup, dullard." he warned, clenching his fists. 2D let go of his arm.

"No! M'tired'a yew tellin' me wotta do all the time!"

"2D, you-"

"Shuddup and lemme talk, Muds! I give everyfin' I have inta being a good singer for yew, but-" he was cut off.

Because Murdoc punched him in the face.


2D went rocketing backwards, falling on the cold concrete with a loud 'crack' of his spine. He arched at the contact, but it seemed like it didn't affect him, and he got right back up. He glared at Murdoc. The new meds must be working wonders.

"See? Now wot'd I do then? Speak my mind! An' yew gotta go be all punchy on me for'at!" he said and pouted, looking away, and it seemed like he knew he was fighting for a lost cause. "I'm tired'a tellin' everyone that my, uh, scratches an' bruises are from me birds. 'Oh, no, these, uh, aren't from 'ny fight or nuffin, the.... blonde girl and her sister last night, haha.' I can't just tell them the truth and be all like, 'What? Oh, yah, I dropped a glassa tea so Mudsy here decided'ta beat the mickey outta me!'" Immediately Murdoc stepped forward.

"And why can't you tell 'em, hmm?" he asked, smirking. "Go 'head and and whine to ever'one. I dun'care."

"Yew... yew aren't gonna stop me?" and Murdoc couldn't help but notice that he sounded a little... dissappointed.

"Nope. Go ahead."

"You dun'care?"

The older man rolled his eyes and stepped back. "No one is goin' to believe you, faceache! Russel messes with you all the time!"

2D bit his lower lip. "But I know 'at he doesn' hate me! And he doesn' leave me unconcious for days at a time..."

Murdoc grit his jagged teeth. He was getting pissed. "Leave me alone, I've got work ta do." he growled, turning and opening the door to his Winnebago and stepping inside. He slammed the door shut behind him, and ignored Cortez when he started sqwuaking in his ear. "Shaddup, you stupid bird." he dismissed, getting a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. Murdoc took a drag, and felt satisfied that 2D wouldn't be bothering him anytime soon, he's too scared. He went to the other side of the trailer and sat down on his bed. And then the door opened.

"Stop tryin'ta ignore me, Muds!"

"Do you 'AVE a death wish, 2D?!" the bassist roared, jumping up and darting over to him as 2D shut the door behind him and locked it. Murdoc didn't care, and slugged 2D right across the jaw, sending 2D stumbling back against the door. Murdoc's cigarette fell from his lips to the floor and quickly extinguished itself. He wasn't done, moving his arm in a swift uppercut, and he felt a sick satisfaction when the back of 2D's head hit the metal door with a loud 'thump'. "I don' want anyone botherin' me today!"

He watched as the singer slid down the door into a crumpled heap, a heap in which Murdoc landed his foot in it's stomach with a barking laugh. 2D coughed pitifully and stretched his neck to the side, then looked up at the bassist, black eyes still defiant. Murdoc just growled, bending at the knees to sock in him the face again, cracking his knuckles against 2D's temple and creating a whimper from the other's lips. There was a pause, before 2D looked at the floor, bowing his head in front of Murdoc. He felt like crying, but didn't. He would never cry in front of Murdoc. All he said was, "... I-I'm sorry, Muds."

The Satanist straightened up, staring down at his vocalist with a grin, but it slowly fell. Something very akin to guilt had struck him when he noticed that 2D was already beginning to bruise. 'Oh, you fragile ponce, I barely even scratched ya...' he thought to himself as he sighed and leaned down to extend his hand to 2D. "Eh, is'awright, I fergive ya. C'mon, let's smoke a bowl 'n throw down sum tunes, yeah? You'll feel bett'r in no time."

He couldn't help but smile.


One bowl turned into three, before Murdoc put the pipe down to pick up a pack of cigarettes, lighting two cigarettes and handing one of them to the vocalist. He thanked Murdoc as he put it to his lips with a relaxed sigh. 2D gave him a rather goofy grin and giggled. "You're high, mate." Murdoc said to him.

"Mmhmm. It's nice."

"I like yew bett'r when yer high, anyways."

2D paused. "...Why's 'at?" he asked, taking a drag and looking over to him. They were sitting next to eachother on his bed, with the endtable pulled infront of them to hold their things. The singer was cross-legged, twiddling his thumbs.

"Well... yer jus'... easier to deal with. Not s'much of a spaz, y'know?" Murdoc said, looking around with glazed, bloodshot eyes. "Which is weird, cuz dun'your meds calm you down? I'd hate ta see you without them."

"I... I ain't much different, really." he said with a shrug, and a small giggle.

Murdoc paused for a moment, letting out a puff of smoke as he started laughing. "W-What? I don' believe it."

"Believe it."

Murdoc burst out laughing, reaching to put his cigarette out in the nearby ashtray. "Holy shit!"


"Uh.... nuffin'. I'm stoned."

2D giggled and nodded, understanding what Murdoc was talking about, and his black eyes squinted to see Murdoc clearly through the haze, the smoke still curling around them slowly, through the air. They had fishbowled the whole Winnebago, and 2D was starting to feel a little more then giddy. Pot had always given him a sort of calm, though, and he was content with that. Murdoc was bent over, fiddling with the radio and connecting it to his iPod. He growled in frustration as he tried to figure out the wires, but quickly did it, smirking when he did and music began to fill the small room. 2D didn't recognize it at first, and flicked his cigarette against the ashtray. "What're we listenin' to, Muds?" he asked.

"Playlist I made ta listen to when I'm blazed. It's the best, r'lly." he said with a sharp-toothed grin. He closed his eyes to rock his head with the beat. "You'll know it, luv."

2D noticed the 'luv', but decided to shrug it off as Murdoc teasing him. He listened closely, as the vocals started up. It took a few moments, but he then recognized the song as 'Zydrate Anatomy' from 'Repo!, The Genetic Opera.' He had never heard the full song.

~ I can't feel nothin' at all ~

Murdoc finished his cigarette (2D wasn't even half-done) and put it out in the ashtray. He reached for the pipe again, knocking out the ash against the table, and grabbed the grinder and put some kush into it. After a few moments he poured it into the bowl, packing it tightly. He leaned over, and 2D sputtered when Murdoc took the cigarette from his lips, handing him the pipe instead. The vocalist paused for a moment, grinned, and took the pipe to take the first hit.

Drug market, sub market

Sometimes I wonder why I ever got in

Blood market, love market

Sometimes I wonder why they need me at all!

Zydrate comes in a little glass vial...

A little glass vial?

A little glass vial

The older man tapped his foot against the floor with the beat, watching as 2D took as much of the smoke in as he could, and held it there. Murdoc took the piece he was offered and lit up, 2D's cigarette wasting away in the ashtray. Murdoc noticed 2D was also getting into the music. Two loud, sex-driven moans came from the speakers, and 2D coughed violently, smoke filling the space in front of him at odd intervals as he bent over and coughed some more. Murdoc couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Never heard the full song? There are alot of noises like that."

They passed the piece between them a couple of times, listening in content, blazed peace, a rarity when the two were together. 2D was looking at Murdoc when the bassist suddenly got a gleam in his mismatched eyes. "Ey, 2D, ever had a shottie?"

"A wot?"

"A shottie. Y'know, a gypsy kiss."

A confused look slid onto his pale face and he shook his head. "Wot's a gypsy kiss?" he asked.

Murdoc smirked and grabbed a lighter from his pocket, bringing the bowl to his lips. "I'll show ye. Just go with it, a'right?" he said, and 2D nodded was Murdoc lit the bowl and took a big hit. 2D moved to take it from him and Murdoc shook his head and lifted a finger. After a moment, Murdoc still hadn't exhaled, he leaned in close to the singer. 2D froze and gulped, looking up at him. He didn't know what to do when Murdoc's lips hovered his own.

"M-Muds, what're yo--Mmph!" he cried out, being cut off by Murdoc's lips pressing flush against his. He tried to pull away, a bit nervously, but Murdoc put down the pipe and quickly grabbed the sides of 2D's face and kept him still with a terrifying show of strength. He moved his lips against 2D's, nipping at his bottom lip, soothing it with his tongue and tilting 2D's head to the side to pull him closer. With nowhere to go and being kissed with a skill he hadn't seen in years, the singer melted into the kiss. When 2D parted his lips for air, Murdoc took the opportunity, pushing close and exhaling the smoke into 2D's mouth. 2D squeaked and was about to cough when the bassist clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Hold it in fer a sec'."

2D glared but listened, taking in the smoke. After a few seconds, Murdoc took his hand from 2D's mouth, and 2D immediately blew out the smoke. He swayed a bit, blinking for a moment. "W-Wot the hell was that?" he panted, cheeks red. Murdoc rolled his eyes.

"A gypsy kiss. The best way to smoke."

"B-But yew.... ya kissed me!"

"No way, really?" he said sarcastically. "It's called a gypsy kiss, dullard."

"I... I..." he trailed off, suddenly feeling as if he had been hit with a dull brick. His face felt warm, sunken eyes half-lidded. "O-Oh.... wow." he breathed, becoming higher with a wave of light-headedness. He put a hand to his head and blinked dumbly. Murdoc laughed.

"Hits ya hard, dunnit?"

2D nodded slowly. "F... 'fanks, Muds. That was kinda cool." the singer grinned, looking up at Murdoc, not aknowledging that he hadn't moved away.

The bassist chuckled, picking up the bowl and putting it on the table, moving back to lean over 2D. "Ya liked that?" he purred, eyeing the younger man. He saw 2D tense and look away. He shrugged sheepishly and nodded. "Ya didn't mind kissin' me?" Murdoc paused for an answer, and he was rewarded with a small shake of his head. Moving his head to hover his lips next to 2D's ear, he whispered, "Now why is that, faceache?" Despite the insult, his voice held no malice, just teasing sarcasm.

"I-I-I'unno, 'cuz it ain't really...a... a kiss, didn't seem like one, w-wif the smoke 'n all..." the singer mumbled. Suddenly he was pushed onto his back and elbows by the weight of Murdoc's clothed chest against his. 2D felt he needed more room to breath, although he knew he was breathing fine, albeit shallow. He took a breathy gasp.

"Didn't seem like a kiss, eh? Yew sayin' it was bad?" he whispered, and his voice held a dangerous tone, smirking.

He blushed. It was the exact opposite of bad. 2D didn't want to think on it, but in the back of his empty head he knew that he enjoyed it more then he should have. Not wanting to insult the bassist, he shook his head. "N-No! Of course not! It was really good, I jus--"

"-Really good, then?" came the low voice, cutting him off. 2D could feel the heat radiating from the other man, conjuring a nervous feeling in his throat that made him want to pull closer, but fearful to do so. He felt Murdoc's breath on his ear and shivered. "How good was it?"

Blinking, he concentrated through the fog of weed and medication to give an answer. 2D didn't want to say the truth, that (although suprising) it was one of the best kisses he could remember. He didn't want to lie, either. "I-I... I dunno." the singer finished lamely, grinning a bit. "I can't ev'n rememba five minutes ago, Muds, haha..." he added, hurriedly.

Murdoc moved to face 2D now, looking down at him with gleaming mismatched eyes. It took a moment to realize that Murdoc was much closer now, nose-to-nose. His voice has a scratchy purr to it when he spoke, one that made 2D think the bones in his legs had disappeared and been replaced with jelly. "Mm, is that so? Let me refresh that useless memory of yours..."

And then Murdoc's mouth was on his once again.

2D didn't know how Murdoc could make an insult sound so attractive, but he did. He wasn't as suprised as he thought he would be at the kiss, but he was suprised that his heart jumped enough to beat through his chest when the kiss came. The other man was pressing closer before 2D had time to properly react, and he pulled the singer's bottom lip between his teeth to suck at for a short moment, giving it a nip before moving in again. This time, as their lips connected, their eyes slid shut and 2D lifted his chin to meet Murdoc halfway. The bassist let out a satisfied hum at this, resting a caloused hand on the younger man's jaw to bring them closer. The singer arched against the satanist when he felt the tip of his long tongue swipe across the seam of his lips, and a threat of caution flickered in the back of his head, warning him of who he was with, where this could lead do, what they were doing, but 2D was still too high to focus on thought much right now, so he ignored it easily. Instead, 2D parted his lips for Murdoc's questing tongue, tasting pot, cigarettes, and cinnamon when they deepened the kiss. Their tongues brushed against eachother, sending electric shocks down 2D's spine. Lifting a hand, he clutched at Murdoc's chest, fisting a hand in the dark fabric of his shirt. Murdoc seemed to encourage this with a throaty growl, kissing him a bit more fiercely, biting his lower lip just enough for it to hurt before soothing the area with frequent, hurried pecks and kisses. He traced the inside of 2D's cheeks with his tongue, and the younger man moaned into the bassist's mouth. The blue-haired man felt his face heat up when their jaws locked, and he tried to pull his head back to take a needed breath, but Murdoc literally stole it from him, breathing in as they parted, leaving 2D gasping.

There was a devilish smirk on his lips as he slid his hand down 2D's side, playing with the hem of his shirt. He felt the bassist's fingers creep up against his skin and he shivered, moving a hand to grab Murdoc's wrist, but instead grabbed onto his upper arm when his cold hand ghost over his ribs, a shallow gasp escaping him. "M-Murdoc, we can't-"

"-Yes, we can." he said simply, kissing a short trail up the singer's jaw, biting at his earlobe. 2D let out a soft moan, making no move to escape.

"Well, we shouldn't-"

"-Yes, we should."

"But I think w-"

"-Then don't think, dullard!" Murdoc snapped, getting a bit irritated. He gave a sharp nip to 2D's neck, pressing his weight onto him. "If that's too hard of a concept, I'd be happy to distract you."

A bit dazed, 2D closed his eyes, not having the motivation to push his friend away. He didn't think he could, he was feeling so weak, and Murdoc seemed to realize this, judging by the smug, satisfied grin on his face. The singer wanted to blame it on the drug, wanted to say that was the reason he was feeling so hyper-sensitive, but he knew it wasn't true. This wasn't the first time he and his best mate had smoked, but this was definately the first time anything like this happened between them. Sensing his apprehensiveness, Murdoc spoke again.

"No one has to find out, yeah?" He breathed against the younger man's neck. "I won't tell if you won't?"

This seemed to ease the other a bit and he nodded, lifting a hand to run his fingers through Murdoc's dark hair. He couldn't help but tug on the strands when the man began to push his shirt up, raking his jagged nails lightly on 2D's skin as he revealed more of the pale man. A low growl left the satanist's throat. Tracing over the singer's ribs, Murdoc marveled at how thin he was. He wouldn't say anything, but Murdoc was fascinated with the way his skin stretched over bone, all sharp lines and hollow dips. 2D let out a soft moan when the bassist bit at his collarbone in a suprisingly gentle fashion. "Ahn..."

Murdoc could see 2D try to ground himself, but he was too high, too shaky from the tingles down his spine that ran hot every time the older man touched him. Pushing the pad of his thumb into the dip of 2D's hipbone, the satanist's heart raced at the sound it elicted, so close to music, but not quite there yet.

He'd get 2D to sing.

He repeated the action on both sides of his hips, a bit harder, and the blue-haired man's hips arched up involuntarily. Murdoc slid a hand to the small of the other's back when he did, holding the other against him. Looking down, he whispered, "You tryin' to turn me on, 'D?"

Turning bright red at this, he didn't say anything, instead staring up at his friend with sunken eyes and reddened lips. The bassist grinned, pushing 2D back down onto the mattress with his weight, pinning him. 2D lifted his chin to kiss the other again, although he looked rather embarrassed, and Murdoc accepted the kiss with fire. He slid his tongue against the singer's when their lips parted, and 2D fisted a hand in his mate's hair and tugged, making him growl into the kiss. Murdoc bit at the other's lips and pulled back.

He kept close to the singer even though they parted, mouths inches apart from eachother. 2D didn't think he could catch his breath even if he tried. He licked his lips, and Murdoc's sharp eyes followed the movement with hunger. He blinked and looked up, a heavy breath leaving him when Murdoc pressed the pad of his thumb against 2D's lower lip.

His hands began to creep up the younger male's chest again, tracing fingers against bone and causing 2D to shiver. Murdoc ran his thumb over one of 2D's nipples, evoking a breathy gasp of the bassist's name. "Murdoc, I-, err, c'mere..." the singer stuttered softly, grabbing at Murdoc's shoulders and pulling the man down onto him. The cold of the room made his skin tingle when Murdoc pushed the hem of his shirt up, followed by warm, rough hands and greedy looks. Nuzzling against his cheek, the satanist purred.

"Let me take this off." was the sentence, followed by a tug on the shirt 2D was wearing. He nodded and lifted his arms, letting Murdoc slide it over and off of him (and taking his damn time, ghosting his nails down the other's arms as he pulled away.)

2D, despite still being rather high, saw where this was going. He felt the heat from Murdoc's eyes, and he sure as Hell felt the bulge of Murdoc's covered erection pressing insistently into his thigh. It drove him crazy, made his vision swim and made him want to thrust against it. His neediness made the bassist laugh, a low rumble in his throat, and he pushed his hips forward, crashing into 2D's.

The younger man cried out, a little suprised, rolling his hips up against his. "M-Muds, nngh!"

His fingertips grazed over the singer's nipples again, slowly rubbing them in circles until they turned into hard, rosy peaks. 2D's breathing quickened to panting, squirming a bit as he tried to deal with the rather new sensation. He was moaning quietly now between breaths, reaching up at Murdoc, clinging to him to keep himself from shaking.

Suddenly, one of Murdoc's hands fisted in 2D's hair, and he used his grip to jerk his head back, exposing his neck. He scraped his teeth up the singer's throat, growling into the crook of his shoulder. "Let me hear ya, 2D. I love that fucking voice of yours." the man purred. He raked the nails of his other hand down the other's chest before reaching down to the waist of 2D's jeans.

2D looked down when Murdoc unbuttoned his jeans, a breathy gasp escaping him. The bassist cupped him through the fabric, squeezing his hardening length firmly.

"Oh, Murdoc, wait, I can't-- Ahhh..."

Murdoc could feel 2D's pulse fluttering wildly under his lips, and it was driving him crazy. 2D was arching below him, all bones and bruises and veins, fucking veins that he was showing off. The satanist couldn't resist the urge to bite down, latching onto the other's neck and working the skin between his teeth, sucking, quickly leaving a red, angry mark. That seemed to set something off in 2D's brain. He cried out, tilting his head to expose more of his neck to the older man, encouraging him.

Murdoc knew he was being rough, rougher then he should, but he didn't expect that 2D would react so well to the harsh treatment. He squeezed at the singer's covered erection, wanting to hear his voice again. It worked.

"Aah, fuck..." he moaned as he slid an arm around Murdoc's shoulders. Murdoc slid his hand inside the other's jeans and over his boxers, beginning to rub him with his palm. His breath was coming out in short pants now, and he closed his eyes when he felt Murdoc's other hand on his thigh. Murdoc bit harder, and 2D groaned. "Mm, yeah, th-that feels reall- Ah!"

Cursing loudly, the bassist lost his patience for 2D's jeans. He pulled back, and the blue-haired man let out a dissappointed moan, only to gasp in suprise when Murdoc yanked his jeans down his legs in a rough motion, tugging them off and tossing them back carelessly. He went to pin 2D again, but the singer sat up on his knees and reached for the hem of Murdoc's shirt. Smirking, he lifted his arms, letting the other remove it, quickly lost to the smoke of the room.

2D blushed at the revealed skin, extending his hands to splay over the satanist's chest. He was shivering but he felt like he was on fire, desperate for something, anything to cut the knot of want in his gut. Murdoc sighed and hooked a thumb into the waist of his jeans, dragging them down on the side of his hip. 2D's hollowed eyes followed the movement, bringing his attention to the rather large bulge in his pants. The singer's pale hands slowly inched down his chest, to his abdomen, hovering over his belt buckle. Excited and slightly nervous, his hands shook, and the bassist chuckled.

"You see somethin' you like?"

He didn't dare say anything to that, but in all honesty, 2D couldn't stop staring. He could feel the heat coming from Murdoc's groin, could feel the bassist's hungry eyes on him, and he needed to do something about it. He lunged forward, kissing Murdoc almost viciously, teeth clacking against his. The other didn't care, kissing back eagerly and dominating the kiss. Their tongues fought against one another, a hot, tantalizing kiss that made 2D dizzy. He let himself be taken over, succumbing to Murdoc when he pushed him down onto the mattress again, breaking the kiss but letting his lips hover over the singer's. 2D whined, wanting his friend's mouth back on his immediately.

Murdoc couldn't deny him, thrusting his tongue past 2D's lips and assaulting his mouth. The blue-haired man arched up, bare skin against skin, moaning into the kiss. He gained a bit of confidence back, now daring to hook his fingers in Murdoc's beltloops and pull him down by his hips. Catching on, the older man ground his pelvis into 2D's. His hips jolted up involuntarily, pushing their clothed erections together. Murdoc broke away from the kiss to let out an animalistic growl, continuing to grind against the singer.

2D breathed in, closing his eyes and burying his face into the crook of his friend's neck. A whimper left his throat when he felt the other's nails digging into his hips, but it just made 2D tug his lower half back against him. With a sharp moan, Murdoc gave an incredulous look, surprised that his singer wasn't as shy as he expected.

Suddenly, there were hands on Murdoc's shoulders, pushing him up. He kneeled, watching in awe as 2D sat up and crawled over to him, eyes first at crotch level, slowly making his way up Murdoc's chest. It was shockingly sexual for 2D, and he could feel something tighten in his gut. "Freak." he teased. The singer blushed at the insinuation with the faintest hint of a smile, shaky hands moving to Murdoc's belt. Murdoc jutted his hips out with a cocky grin, looking at 2D expectantly. The singer unbuckled it, sliding the leather out of it's loops and putting it to the side. 2D tried not to show how nervous he was, how excited, but he had the sinking feeling that he was failing miserably. He had steadied his hands by the time he tugged down the other's zipper and undid his button, revealing the skimpy animal-print thong. 2D made a wanton sound in the back of his throat, curling the tips of his long fingers under the elastic.

Biting his lip, the blue-haired man glanced down, sunken eyes following the trail of dark hair from the other's stomach, leading down to eye the covered erection. He slowly began dragging down the waistband of Murdoc's pants along with his (barely-an-)undergarment, then looked back up to Murdoc. "Could I... I-I mean, can I....?" he trailed off quietly, inching down the Satanist's chest once again, lips ghosting lower towards his crotch to make his point clear.

2D jumped when Murdoc let out an almost insane laugh, twisting a fist into his hair and yanking hard, keeping him in place but forcing him to look up. "Can ye what, huh?" he said sharply, mismatched eyes wide.

He couldn't supress the shiver of fear that ran down his spine, nor the whimper of pain that left his lips, but 2D took a deep breath and answered anyways. Or tried to, at least. "W-Well...I-...uhm... I want to... to, uh..." the singer muttered, hands wringing to avoid just grabbing the bassist and throwing him down.

"Mm, I see. You wanna suck my cock?" Murdoc purred,sitting and using his grip on 2D's hair to push him down a little more, until he was level with his crotch. The singer gasped, letting out a heavy breath when the other pushed his clothed hardness against his cheek. Close-up, his size was already intimidating, and 2D ignored a small voice in the back of his medicated brain that asked him what he had gotten himself into.

His whole body was on fire, a tight knot in his stomach as he reached up, slowly pulling the undergarment down. 2D's breath caught in his throat when Murdoc's manhood was revealed, protruding from dark curls. The reddened tip nudged against 2D's mouth teasingly by Murdoc's thumb, and he parted his lips a fraction on instinct. The bassist chuckled.

"You little fag." the older man purred. The words registered faintly in the singer's ears, but he couldn't bring himself to feel offended when Murdoc said it like that, instead it made a spark run down his spine and gain a little confidence. 2D wrapped a thin hand around the base of his friend's cock, drawing a short, low moan from the man.

Murdoc was planning on surprising him, hurting him; He was going to hold the dullard's head in place and fuck his mouth, pull his hair, watch his face get red and make him choke. But he was the one who was surprised when 2D wrapped his lips around the head of his cock and sucked, moving down on him and taking in much more then what the bassist expected on his first try. An impassioned noise left Murdoc before he could stop it, and 2D went back to the tip and circled it with his tongue. He began to bob his head, sucking every time he pulled back. The hand still wrapped around the base of his member began stroking him, making up for what he couldn't fit in his mouth right then.

Suspiscion began to creep in Murdoc's brain and he tugged sharply on the singer's blue strands, yanking his head back and off of his length. 2D gasped, looking up at Murdoc and licking his lips. "Muds...? Wot's wrong?"

The satanist raised a brow. "This ain't the first time ye've blown another bloke, is it?" he growled, and 2D wasn't sure whether to be scared or excited and the sudden change in demeanor. Instead he opted not to say anything, but that apparently wasn't the right choice. Murdoc shook him rather violently by the grip in his hair, causing 2D's vision to swim for a moment. "Answer me!"

"I-I-I've dunnit once or twice, b-but it was an awful long time ago..." he stuttered nervously.

That seemed to be the right answer, because his anger disappeared into smugness and he patted 2D on the cheek. "I knew it." he said, jutting his hips back out. 2D took this as a sign to continue what he was doing, so he leaned forward and allowed his head to be guided down, parting his lips and beginning to suck on the head of his cock. Murdoc pushed down on the back of his head again, enjoying the vibrations of the muffled moan that 2D gave. He traced patterns along the underside of Murdoc's member with his tongue, bobbing his head every time he sucked. Murdoc groaned under his breath, feeling every curve his tongue made, unable to process thought for a moment.

2D tried to take in more with every movement, eager to please, the scent of Murdoc's sex making him dizzy with want. When the tip hit the back of his throat he was prepared, supressing his gag reflex and engulfing his member down to the base in one motion.

"Sweet Satan!" Murdoc moaned, throwing his head back, fingers curling in 2D's hair and massaging his scalp. 2D put his hands on Murdoc's hips, keeping them still as he began moving his head, deepthroating him. He swore loudly, shivering when the singer began sucking, swallowing around his cock. He looked back down, frowning when he noticed 2D's eyes closing. "Nngh, no, keep yer eyes open. Look at me." he demanded. 2D obeyed, those eerie black holes gazing up at him. His face was red and flushed, a lusty expression across it, desperate.

The singer began to hum softly, and Murdoc almost had a heart attack. He pushed at the other's shoulders, signaling for him to stop. 2D pulled back with a gasp, sitting up, looking a bit confused. Before he had time to speak, the other's lips were against his, tongue seeking his, tasting himself in his mouth. 2D squeaked, but quickly eased into it with a soft moan, disappointed when they parted. Murdoc wrapped his arms around 2D's waist and lifted him effortlessly, throwing him onto the mattress. 2D landed on his back, arching up when Murdoc moved above him. The bassist growled into 2D's ear playfully and made him shiver.

His hands were on the waistband of his boxers, thumbs hooking under and dragging the fabric down. It was agonizingly slow, and he couldn't stop from shaking as he was exposed. "M-Muds..." the younger man whispered, watching him tug the piece of clothing from his legs and toss it to the floor. The bassist flashed him a daring smirk, grabbing one of his ankles and pulling 2D closer by it. 2D gasped, surprised at how strong he was. Not that he was very heavy in the first place...

He leaned in to trail kisses down the singer's neck, nibbling at his collarbone as he splayed a palm over the other's thin chest, making it's way down to 2D's erection. Murdoc curled his hand in a firm grip around the hard length. "M-Mmh, Murdoc, wait, maybe we sh- Oh God, aah! Aah!" he cried out. Murdoc had started pumping him at a fast, sudden pace, his other hand sliding under the pillow and fumbling with something.

2D wasn't paying attention, though, hips lifting to meet Murdoc's hand, opening his mouth when the bassist put two fingers to his lips. "Suck." he said, voice scratchy and low, heated. The blue-haired man did as he was told, latching onto the fingers and sucking them, licking them in his mouth as he kept his eyes on Murdoc. A wave of lust crashed through the satanist at the sight, enjoying the sensation a little longer before retracting his fingers. He pushed 2D's knees apart and settled inbetween his legs. The singer breathed in sharply, tremors running down his spine when Murdoc resumed stroking him, lighting his nerves.

"Nnnh, nnh... Oh, fuck, s-slow down, I-I'm gettin' close..."

Murdoc withdrew his hand from the other's cock with a chuckle. "Not now, luv." he whispered, crawling above 2D to lower his mouth and capture his lips. "We're not through yet." 2D let out a needy whine, but responded eagerly to the kiss. He sucked on the bassist's lower lip, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Murdoc closed his eyes, slowly trailing his hand down the singer's chest, past his member and sack and between his cheeks. A surprised noise was muffled from 2D's throat when he felt the wet tip of a finger against his entrance. 2D broke the kiss lifted his arms to push at his friend's shoulders, suddenly not very sure about anything. The other had forseen this and pushed him back down with his other hand. The pale singer looked up at him, hesitant, an odd expression on his face. He made no move to escape, even when Murdoc continued his ministrations, circling the entrance with his finger gently. "Shh, stay there. You're doing fine."

A gentle pressure was applied to the tight ring of muscle and 2D moaned quietly, breathing erratic and shallow. The finger slowly breached him, carefully sliding in deeper. The blue-haired man gasped and clung onto Murdoc as he began to pump his finger in and out. Murdoc distracted him by attacking his neck, nipping at the veins through thin skin, moving to make marks on flesh that wasn't already adorned by a bruise or hickey. He felt embarassed -vulnerable, even- every time the motions made him cry out and breathe faster. A second finger was pushing inside now, slow and gentle, joining the first in preparing him. He winced when Murdoc began scissoring his fingers, but the pain faded quickly. A sudden moan was ripped from his throat when his friend sped up the pace of his fingers and he lifted his hips a bit to try and get more of that delicious sensation. The bassist purred, planting a kiss in the dip of his collarbone.

The blue-haired man was getting accustomed to the feeling, beginning to want it, and he drew his long legs up and spread them. When Murdoc bit down at his pulse, he let out a needy whine. The bassist swore under his breath; he wasn't going to be able to wait much longer. For 2D's sake he held back for the moment. "Mmh, 2D, do ya know just how fuckin' attractive ya are?" he muttered, pushing his digits back within and curving the tips of them, searching. 2D just moaned shakily and let his head fall to the side, chest heaving as he tried to control his reactions.

After a bit of prodding, 2D suddenly gave a loud whine, and Murdoc knew he had found what he was looking for. He dragged the pads of his fingers over the hidden spot inside of him, massaging it in small, fast strokes and pushes. "Hnn, Murdoc, what is- nnn!" The singer's wanton noises steadily grew louder, until he cried out sharp enough so he clapped a hand over his own mouth, shocked and embarassed.

"Ya like my fingers, 'D?" Murdoc teased, increasing the pressure a bit. 2D shouted something unintelligable and grabbed onto his friend. "Think this feels good? Wait 'til it's my cock inside you. I'm gonna make ya go crazy."

He felt a third finger push at his stretched entrance, and he felt it hurt a bit more this time. Grimacing, the younger man whimpered under his breath, relaxing when Murdoc shushed him. The sharp pain quickly ebbed when Murdoc continued his attentions on his prostate. Slowly, he began to scissor his fingers inside of 2D again, stretching the tight muscle to prepare him. 2D gasped every time the digits spread, feeling like someone had lit a match through his blood. He was feeling hot, closed in, a little claustrophic, uncomfortable, and a bit delirious. "Muds, aah! P-Please!" the singer moaned, writhing on the sheets. The older man watched him, licking his lips. Deciding he had given him enough, he withdrew his fingers to grab the small bottle hiding under the pillow. 2D let out a disappointed whine, feeling a bit empty, until Murdoc was back on top of him. He pressed his lips to the singer's, hands on 2D's hips and lifting them up. He put his weight onto 2D's chest as he adjusted himself, and the singer faintly heard the sound of something unscrewing and being poured.

A moment later, the bottle was thrown to the side, and the satanist scooted closer between his legs. 2D kissed Murdoc desperately, shivering with anticipation when his hips were tilted up an angle and brought down to Murdoc's. Their tongues slide over eachother, wrapping around to get closer. 2D whined and wrapped an arm around the bassist's neck as he felt the burning tip of his erection against his hole, slick with lubricant.

Breaking the kiss, Murdoc laughed low in his throat, looking down at the singer like he was the only thing in the world. "Ready?" he breathed, sliding his hands to 2D's thighs, making the singer hook his legs around Murdoc's waist. 2D nodded frantically, nails already digging red lines into Murdoc's shoulders. Murdoc hissed and inched his hips forward, pushing the head of his cock against the puckered entrance. He began to slide in at an excrutiatingly slow pace, the lube making it easier. 2D whimpered and bit his lower lip, not expecting the pain to be so strong (he had barely felt anything since his new prescription) hands fisted in the sheets as he tried to relax. Murdoc wrapped a hand around the singer's member, stroking him quickly, trying to put his attention elsewhere. Eventually, the singer took a deep breath and relaxed a little bit, arching his back for Murdoc, letting him push himself inside a little more. He was much bigger then three fingers, and 2D tried to ignore the numbing pain in his lower back, focusing on the tight grip around his cock, the pure heat coming from his friend...

Murdoc was halfway inside in one sudden thrust, and 2D let a surprised shout leave his parted lips. He wasn't expecting it and a violent shiver wracked his spine. Murdoc held him close and bit back a groan, trying to control himself. "Nngh, s-sorry. Easier this way." he said in a soft tone. Murdoc was shaking, teeth gritted and beads of sweat running down his back, forcing himself to keep still. 2D saw this and smiled, appreciating the effort. He reached out for him, sliding long fingers into his hair and stroking through the black strands.

"Murdoc, I... I ain't made of glass."

The satanist blinked, looking at 2D blankly for a moment. A wild grin then spread onto his face and he nodded, hands tightening on his thighs. He pulled out a bit, up to the tip, drawing a loud noise from 2D, who gasped.

Eyes gleaming, he pistoned his hips forward and thrust back in, not fully, but further then before. Before the other had a chance to react, he repeated the motion, and the singer sobbed out a moan. He raked his nails down the back of Murdoc's neck, the conflicting sensations of blunt pain and filling pleasure making him see spots when he closed his eyes. He worked himself inside with small thrusts, easing 2D into it.

The bassist growled under his breath when he was almost fully inside, stopping. He looked down at 2D: tears were welling in the corners of his eyes and his hands were shaking, but his face was flushed and his cock was hard between his legs, and he couldn't catch his breath. He was pale, ethereal, and his bruises and scars stood out with contrast, making Murdoc's throat heavy with guilt. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, distracting himself with creating more marks along the singer's collarbone. 2D moaned softly and arched up, wanting him closer. After a moment, he relaxed, waiting for him to continue. "M-Muds, c'mon, d-don't... don't make me..."

He raised a brow. "Don't make ya what?" he purred. "You have to speak up."

2D cried out in frustration and yanked Murdoc's face towards his, smashing their lips together in a short, needy kiss. He didn't want to say it, he was too shy, so he said something else. "I-I think I'm a-awright. You c'n start again..." the blue-haired man mumbled, glancing away. Murdoc made a pleased sound in his chest and nodded, withdrawing halfway. He paused to give 2D a seductive smirk before thrusting back inside, bringing his hips to meet 2D's.

The first full thrust made him pant and squirm under Murdoc, who moaned outloud and bucked his hips again, rocking 2D with the force of it. "Murdoc!" he breathed, wrapping his thin arms around the bassist and pulling him down. Murdoc tilted his head to capture 2D's mouth, supressing the moans that came from the singer after he had begun to set a pace. He attacked the other's tongue with his own, coaxing him into the kiss.

Murdoc gasped when they broke apart. 2D was still trying to get used to it, bracing himself before each new thrust of Murdoc's hips. The singer's legs shook every time Murdoc went a little deeper. He felt Murdoc's hard erection pulse within him and he let out a broken moan. "Nngh, yer fuckin' tight, 2D. " the satanist growled into his neck. The younger man was high as a kite, floating on Murdoc's scratchy voice and the peculiar-yet-pleasant sensation of being so filled. The bassist moved his hands down to grab the other's ass, a self-confident chuckle leaving his lips when 2D panted at the action. He squeezed 2D's cheeks and 2D ground himself down on Murdoc's cock in return. The older man grinned and bit down at his neck, hard enough to leave a bruise.

"Ah, God! Mm, k-keep bitin' me, please..."

He obeyed happily, amused that the little idiot had a masochistic streak. He swore to himself that he'd see more of it. Murdoc began thrusting at a different angle, tilting his hips downward when he thrust, trying to hit that special spot inside of the other. A few more thrusts, and 2D's back arched, tensing when his prostate was hit. He let out a high-pitched moan and bucked against him, hands running through the bassist's dark hair, almost reverently.

The older man looked down at him with a devilish face. "Oh? Right there?" he mocked, speeding up his hips and keeping the angle to strike 2D's spot. "Is that where ya want it?"

2D cried out and threw his head back onto the pillows, spine arcing off of the mattress. He nodded hurriedly, flustered and gasping at the assault on his prostate. How did Murdoc do all of this? 2D didn't think he'd even be able to speak if he tried, he was useless and squirming in Murdoc's arms, shaking like a leaf with every pull and slide of the other's cock inside him. His friend... this strange man, his best mate.... was inside of him.

"Mm! Mmm! Mm! No, I can't-- I want you to- Aah! C-Closer!"

Murdoc chuckled and sucked at the delve of the singer's collarbone, pressing himself down onto him. The blue-haired man moaned loudly and turned his head to the side, exposing his neck for the satanist. He let a little of his control slip, the next thrust into him a bit harder then the rest. 2D went crazy, hands shooting up to tug and pull at his own hair, hips jerking with each movement that Murdoc made. "... Ya like that? Ya like my cock in your ass?"

The singer made a broken moan and shook his head, trying to will Murdoc to shut up. If he kept talking to 2D like that, the singer was afraid he wouldn't last. His face was red and blushing when he leaned up, wanting to surprise his friend. "Uhn! Yes!"

"Mmm, yeah? Lemme hear it, luv. Tell me you like it."

2D stayed silent for a moment, taken aback, but Murdoc then thrust deeper, laughing quietly above the other. 2D yelped and gave in. "I-I like it!" he gasped. Murdoc grabbed his hips and pulled the younger one down on his length, pushing all the way inside of him. The singer cried out and reached to touch his erection, but Murdoc slapped his hand away and replaced it with his own. He began to stroke 2D in time with his thrusts, dragging his thumb over the tip slowly. The blue-haired man shivered and bucked, tensing. His sounds quickly grew louder, moaning sharply whenever a thrust knocked him back. "Aaah, aaaahh, aaaah! Murdoc! Aah!"

The winnebago wasn't exactly soundproof, and 2D tried to clap a hand over his mouth to muffle the noises, but the bassist wouldn't let him. He had never been this loud, this out of control, and Murdoc didn't really help when he started to thrust harder into him, acting so composed when 2D felt utterly destroyed. "That's it, pet. Don't hold back." he growled, and the singer noticed his voice was a little shaky, strained.

Reaching for Murdoc, the bed, anything, the younger man moved with Murdoc, squirming as his nerves were overloaded. "I-I... I fink I'm.... I'm gonna cum, Muds, I fink I'm gonna cum, I fink I'm--"

Murdoc grunted, the pace becoming faster. "Nngh, then do it. Cum for me, 2D." he urged, whispering into the other's ear, biting at the shell. His breath was heavy and uneven, showing 2D he wasn't completely unaffected.

"Oh, fuck, Muds, I'm cumming, I'm cumming... Aah! Aah! Murdoc!" the singer shouted, a beautiful sound, wrapping his arms and legs around the man and pulling him in. He was almost perfect in his peak, arching and throwing his head back, eyes shut tight and lips apart. He came over both their chests powerfully, dripping from Murdoc's fingers.

The sight drove Murdoc over the edge, thrusting erratically into him a few more times before pulling out suddenly. He shot his seed onto 2D's stomach, moaning the singer's name under his breath. 2D was already boneless beneath him, eyes now half-open and watching Murdoc, glazed and unfocused. The singer was gasping for air, glancing down at his abdomen where their cum had just mixed. He turned bright red, embarrassed, and quickly looked away. He spotted a box of tissues and grabbed a few, hurriedly cleaning the mess inbetween them and tossing the tissues away. Murdoc chuckled and tilted his head back to face him with a gentle, caloused hand. "Prissy little thing." he muttered, capturing 2D's lips in a satisfied kiss.

2D broke the kiss for air after awhile, smiling nervously up at the man. The man collasped next to him and grinned, reaching to brush a bang out of 2D's face. It was an oddly intimate moment, and 2D backed away, sitting up with a pained wince. His legs felt sore and useless, though, and he didn't know if he could move if he tried.

After a moment of silence, he sighed. "I... I fink I should, uhm.... get going." he whispered, looking back at the bassist. Murdoc actually looked a little hurt, but the hurt quickly turned to anger, which quickly turned to amusement. He grabbed 2D's wrist and yanked him back down, wrapping an arm around him.

"Stay 'ere for a little bit, ya idiot."

And as Murdoc tugged a few sheets over them, 2D felt no qualms about snuggling closer. Murdoc didn't seem to mind, cuddling with him and fishing around for a cigarette. He lit it, took a drag, and handed it to the other. 2D took a drag and handed it back, letting his eyes close as he listened to Murdoc's breathing. The music had long since stopped, but they didn't care. And when 2D drifted off to sleep on Murdoc's chest, Murdoc looked down, but had too much heart to wake him right then.

He smiled.