AN: Okay… this is nothing but shameless Castiel whump, I was in the mood so I wrote this during my biology lecture, yeah, okay, should be doing bio but whatever. I likes me some Castiel. This was intended as a oneshot but there's another chapter coming, only one more though, a short one just to, ya know, give you some closure.

Disclaimer: I do not own Castiel, Dean, or Sam or Supernatural in general. I wish I did, whoo boy, if I owned Cas/Misha or Dean/Jensen or Sam/Jared…. Damn.

Pairings: None, although I suppose if you squint and turn your head to the left while doing a clockwise turn you can see some hints at Destiel. Lord knows I read it, but I don't really write it.

Timeline: Late season five… I guess.

Blood of a Demon

Castiel readied himself in a fighting stance in front of the demon. He had been battling the creature of hell for some time now and neither seemed they would be quitting soon. If only he could perform an exorcism, if he could have this would have been over ages ago. He even tried, momentarily forgetting that he couldn't, that mistake earned him a punch in the face and a new cut along the bridge of this nose. Not that he felt any of the wounds his vessel was withstanding, but it did weaken him more than he would have liked. Eventually he would have to stop and heal, but eventually so would the demon.

"I don't understand why you're fighting me," the demon said when there was a break in the battle after pushing Cas to the ground. He spit blood on the floor and grinned before continuing. "We're so alike, you and I. You've fallen, yes? You're cut off from your precious father." He spat the word like poison on his tongue. "You're growing weaker and weaker by the day, you should just join us, and then your power will be restored and made greater than you could ever imagine, Castiel." It truly sounded like the demon wanted to help him, but Castiel knew better.

"I would rather die," Castiel scowled pushing himself back up to his feet. Across the way he saw a jagged metal rod lying on the ground in a mass of debris. He could use that and end this fight quickly, if only there wasn't a demon standing between him and it.

The demon smirked. "I figured you would say as much. I'm sorry we couldn't work something out, can't say I didn't try." He said and rushed at him once more.

The creature swung at Castiel but missed, the angel had ducked down and jumped away from the blow.

The demon laughed. "You're so amusing when you think you can win."

Castiel remained silent.

"Look at you, I should just call up some friends and send you back to Heaven now. You're a pathetic excuse for an angel. You know… now that I think about it, what would they do to you, up there, do you think? Would they contain you? Hurt you? Kill you?" He grinned. "In their eyes you're as bad as I am."

Castiel went after the demon once more, kicking him in the knee and driving his elbow into his face. The demon fell to the ground with a strangled cry but before Cas could do anything more the demon lashed out and hit him in the back of the knee.

Castiel fell but was not injured, that is, until the demon pounced on him and began pummeling him in the face. After the shock wore off Castiel stopped the blows and threw the demon off of him. He scrambled for the pipe as the demon grabbed him by the legs and pulled him back. He kicked out at the demon and connected with the creatures face causing a sickly cracking noise. Cas wasn't sure what he damaged but he knew it was something.

The demon howled in anger and held his now bleeding face as Cas reached forward and scooped up the heavy pipe. He was surprised when he felt weight to the object, if he were a human he doubted he could lift it well enough to swing but being an angel he shouldn't have been any heavier than a feather. Regardless of the new weight, no matter how slight it may be, he positioned himself for battle once more.

The demon saw the weapon in his hands and knew he possessed no chance empty handed. He was weak and though he would not show it, he could not last much longer in this fight if his opponent carried a pipe like that.

The demon took a step back and Cas thought for a moment he might be retreating. But, the demon bent down and picked up a long piece of glass off the floor without removing his eyes from Castiels own blue ones. His hand tightened around the shard and a thin trail of blood dripped down the edge and dripped off the point.

He must have noticed the blood because the demon looked down and smirked, Cas narrowed his eyes at the demons next move. He lifted the glass and dragged it along his forearm causing blood to spill out all over the clear blade. The demon looked at the blade with a horrid grin and lunged at Castiel one more time. Instinctively the angel leaped backwards but the demon managed to slash him across the chest with the blood soaked blade.

Instead of swinging the pipe like he would have liked he nearly dropped it in surprise due to the painful new sensation he was feeling. There was a stinging feeling flushing thought his chest where the cut sliced his skin. The bruises and cuts covering his body and face were all the more noticeable now. They ached, burned and pounded and when he moved it only made them worse. His eyes widened in pain and shock, he truly had no idea what was happening to him.

Upon seeing his reactions the demon smiled and ran the glass along his seeping blood once more.

"Wh…" Castiel tried to speak, but found it a difficult task. "What have you done?"

The demon shrugged. "A magician never reveals his secrets."

Grunting, Castiel managed to push past the newfound pain and attacked the demon again, this time the pipe plunged through the demons chest. The hell creature must have been expecting this because he leapt back to try and evade the attack slashing at his opponent with the glass. Castiel groaned as the glass punctured the flesh of his side, but ignored it and pushed the pipe further into the creature.

Still smirking, the demon fell to the ground, the pipe sticking out of its chest. Castiel breathed deeply and shut his eyes to try and calm himself, when he opened them and looked down the glass was still protruding from his midsection.

The shock of seeing it and it causing so much pain made him gasp. His legs grew weak as they slowly gave out underneath him and he fell hard on his knees. So, not knowing what to do, he gripped the glass and pulled it out in one fluid motion. He had done this before with other objects, but none had ever caused him pain before. He hands clapped over the wound, he felt warm blood trickle out and between his fingers, he closed his eyes again and tried to heal himself.

He waited, but nothing happened.

Opening his eyes his breath hitched in fear, he couldn't heal himself and he was slowly loosing the fight to stay conscious. Out of sheer panic he dug his hand into his pocket in search for the phone, when he pulled it out he gave a silent prayer of thanks that it was not broken.

Dean was number one on the speed dial, Sam was number two. He pushed one.

One ring.

Two rings.

Castiel prayed for Dean to pick up.

Three rings.

"Yeah, what's up, Cas?" Dean's voice said over the line. There was noise behind him and Castiel knew he must have been in a store of some kind.

"I…" Castiel managed, his voice was weak and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to get any words out.

"Cas?" Dean asked suspiciously.

"Dean…" Cas tried to speak as he crawled backward and leaned up against one of the support beams. "Dean… I…"

"Cas!" Dean shouted into the phone as loud as he dared, something was defiantly not right here, he thought. Because of his outburst the people in the store were beginning to give him odd glances but he ignored them. "Cas, can you hear me?"

"Believe I… I… I believe I have made… made a mistake." Castiel grunted into the phone.

"Okay, okay, you're okay, you're gonna be okay." Dean cried abandoning his basket of beer and dinner as he ran through the isles and out to his car. "Can you make it anywhere? Can you move at all?"

"I can." Castiel breathed, this may have been a lie though, he wasn't sure yet.

"Okay, we're in room 301 at the Stardust motel in Berry Hill Tennessee."

Dean got worried when the line didn't go dead. Normally when he told Cas where to meet them he was there before Dean even finished. "Cas?" He asked when he finally reached his car in the parking lot. "Cas are you there? Did you get that?"


"Are you sure you can make it? Where are you? We can come get you."

"I can make it." Castiel assured him but Dean wasn't convinced.

"If you're not there when I get back to the motel we're coming after you, no questions asked."


Dean hung up after that and hit the button to dial his brother. After two rings Sam picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked sitting down on the squeaky bed in the motel room.

"Something's wrong." Dean said.

"Oh, no, what happened?" Sam asked getting off the bed and pacing through the room.

"It's Cas," Dean answered. "Something happened to him, he called me and I told him to go to our room… he isn't there yet?"

"No, man, he's not."

"If he's not there by the time I get back we're finding him." Dean said pushing on the gas petal even harder, he was going twenty over the limit now.

"Agreed," Sam said and the boys simultaneously hung up.

Sam stood in the center of the room waiting, if Dean told Cas to meet them in the room then that meant Cas should have been here before Dean even hung up with him. He had seen how fast the angel could get around, and he heard the worry in Dean's voice. Something was defiantly wrong.

Not even a minute later Sam felt a light rush of wing and the flutter of wings. He turned around to see Castiel standing on shaky legs and staring at him. Before Sam could get to him he fell to his knee, but before he could fall forward Sam caught him and hoisted him up to bring him to the bed.

"Castiel?" He asked lying him down and checking him over. He had seen the angel beaten and bruises but this was different, Castiel was not only hurt, but he was hurting. He could feel the pain. "Oh, man…" He breathed and rushed to the bathroom to get a towel to put pressure on the wound.

The second the towel hit Castiel's midsection and pressure was applied his blue eyes shot open and he gasped painfully. He went tense and wide, confused eyes set themselves on Sam.

"Sam?" Castiel breathed.

"Yeah, man, its okay." He said as the white towel quickly soaked up the blood. "You're gonna be alright, Dean and I will make sure."


"He'll be here, give him a minute." Sam said adding another towel to the bloody mass, he silently cursed the small towels wishing he had grabbed a larger one, but these was the first ones he saw.

Castiel looked awful, Sam thought, he was covered in forming bruises and he bore cuts all over his face and a particularly nasty one across his chest. Sam could see it through the white shirt. He had obviously gotten himself in a fight, but with whom? Was it another angel bent on taking him back to Heaven, or was it a demon?

Not knowing he lifted the towel to see the wound, it had stopped bleeding for now, at least. Satisfied with the work thus far Sam began to help Castiel out of the trench coat and shirt so he could get a better look at the wound and begin cleaning it out. That was the moment Dean decided to ram into the door forgetting it was locked. There was a heavy curse on the other side and the door unlocked quickly, Sam would have laughed if it wasn't such a dire situation.

Dean ran in the room and stopped short seeing the angel in such a state.

"Oh, dammit, Cas!" He cried rushing over to help Sam with the semi-conscious angel. "How is he?"

"I don't know." Sam said pulling the tie off. "I managed to stop the bleeding, it doesn't look too bad. He should be okay; I don't know what's giving him this much pain. What supplies do we have?"

Pretty much nothing," Dean said, at the store he had a couple cases of gauze and ointment in the basket, he wished he had taken it rather than just dumping the basket. "Do you think you can go get some more?"

Sam looked up and then back at Castiel before nodding. "Yeah, yeah I can. Is there a drug store near?"

"None that I saw, you might have to go to the supermarket."

"Yeah, keys?" Sam asked standing up and rushing to the door.

Dean tossed the keys to Sam and the brother ran out the door and to the Impala.

Dean sighed as he peeled the fabric away from the bloodied wounds. "Oh God, Cas, what'd you get yourself into?" He mumbled.

"Dean?" Castiel breathed as the older Winchester dabbed the wounds with the towels to clean up some of the blood. Sam stopped most of the bleeding from the shallow stab, but there was still some blood creeping out but in all it was okay. From what Dean could tell the vital organs had been missed, it was a flesh wound.

"Yeah, Cas, it's me. How do you feel?"

Castiels brow furrowed. "I… it hurts… Dean?" He breathed in a desperate plea.

"Yeah, Cas, it's gonna be okay. Sam will be back in a little bit and he'll have everything we need to patch you up, it'll be alright. Here, take this in the meantime." Dean said tilting a bottle and allowing two pills to fall in his hands.

Castiel took the medication without question and allowed his head to fall back on the pillow behind him with a groan.

"Cas, what did you do?"

"Demon." He answered.

"A demon? One? Would think you'd be able to handle something like that, was he all hopped up on hell juice or something?"

"Demon blood…" He murmured. "Th… the demon blood…"

"What about it?"

Castiels head slumped to the side, his eyes were shut and Dean became momentarily worried.



"Cas, what about demon blood?"

"Cut me… with glass," Castiel began in a weak voice. "Covered in… demon blood."

Dean's mouth gaped. That's why Castiel was so weak and in so much pain, it wasn't the wounds themselves it was the demon blood mixed with his. It was hurting him. "What do we do? Are you gonna be okay?" Dean asked at a complete loss of what to do here, he had never encountered something like this before.

Castiel gave a weak nod. "Just…" he winced. "Need rest."

"Okay, yeah, man, okay, that we can do."

He watched as Castiel shut his eyes and allowed his body to go limp. A twinge of worry struck Dean, but then, he saw the slightly unsteady breaths causing his chest to rise and fall sharply. He sat back and looked the angel over with a long sigh. He was in bad shape, the wounds weren't life threatening, they just bled a lot and there were so many of them, including a cut right across the bridge of his nose. Dean couldn't help but smile sadly; it seemed to be a repetitive wound. Whenever he saw him after a fight, there that cut was.

With a long sad sigh he cleaned the remainder of the wounds as best he could with what little supplies he had as Castiel slept. The angel flinched every now and then as he worked but he never woke up and Dean was thankful for that, Cas didn't need the added pain of him applying antiseptic or pressure to the injuries.

About five minutes after Castiel passed out Sam rushed back in the room, he instantly quieted when he saw Cas was asleep.

"How is he?" He asked plopping the supplies down on the bed and sat down across from Dean so Cas was between them.

Dean waited several seconds before answering, and when he did he looked up at Sam with a grave expression. "I honestly have no idea."

Sam seemed confused; he tilted his head to the side. "Well… wait, what?"

"I don't think it's the cuts that are hurting him," Dean began to explain what he discovered not long ago. "I think… I think its demon blood." He spoke as if walking on egg shells. The damn blood was a curse on this family, Dean realized, it was hurting everyone he was close to in some way or another.

"Demon blood?" Sam asked needing further explanation.

"When he fought the demon the damn thing had the bright idea of coating his weapon in his blood, so you can imagine when he fought Castiel…"

"The blood got mixed in with his own." Sam murmured. "Oh God…"

"Yeah, and I don't think some over the counter pain meds will help him." He sighed again as he rummaged through the plastic bag for more bandages. "I don't know what to do here, Sammy."

"We'll figure it out, we always do." Sam comforted. "Does he need to be stitched up at all?"

"I don't know, when he gets his angel mojo back will the stitches just fall out? Or, you know, will he need them?"

"If he gets it back."

"Always the optimist, huh, Sammy?" Dean asked sarcastically. "He'll get it back."

Sam nodded, though he didn't seem as convinced. Maybe he'd get it back but who knew when? Demon blood wasn't something to be taken lightly, he knew that better than anyone.

"Yeah," Sam replied biting his lower lip.

They worked on him in silence for another twenty minutes until they were satisfied they had done enough. The brothers leaned back and stared at the angel for several minutes trying to decide their next move. They looked to one another with a long sigh before Dean pushing himself up to pour himself a drink.

Sam watched him out of the corner of his eye as he moved. His brother was obviously distressing over this, and Sam was too, but it was worse for Dean and they both knew that. Dean and Cas were close, like, brother close. Sam wasn't jealous, not by any means he saw Cas as family by now as well, one big dysfunctional family. But it was different with Dean, Cas was his angel, and he knew his big brother would cringe at that wording, but it was true.

Sam looked back to Cas, the battered angel was resting, not necessarily peacefully, he was twitching and flinching every now and then but he wasn't waking and that was good. They would just have to wait until he woke, then they could see how he was and if he would recover fully at all.