Sudden Dreams

Fang POV:

Soft whimpers drifted down the halfway like smoke on a breeze. Quietly they started, but quickly intensified until it felt like they were consuming the air around me. Worried, I hurried toward the sound, only to find it was coming from Max's room. Cautiously I opened the door, peeking in.

Max was tossing and turning in her bed, sweat rolling off her brow and whimpering. "No!" she yelled and I could only guess at which one of the many horrors she had experienced she was reliving, or what horror her mind had invented. She was so strong all the time. When we were on our own it was like she was untouchable. Now she didn't have to be I suppose it's was only natural she would become haunted when she wasn't awake to keep her barriers up.

"Stop! STOP!" Max cried flailing about in the bed and my heart bled with her cries. Quickly I hurried to her, stroking her hair and whispering words of comfort.

"Shh, Max. Everyone's fine, they're all asleep. We're at your mom's remember? You're safe, we're safe, and everything is fine. "

Blearily her eyes fluttered before suddenly she was on me. Cold steel at my throat she looked at me with unseeing eyes. I froze, before saying cautiously "Max? It's me, Fang."

Briefly I wondered where she got the knife before dismissing the thought. Did it even matter, when said knife was pressed against my throat? Nope. Anyway, this was Max; she probably had one on her at all times. I know I did, and Max was WAY more paranoid than me. She was practically Supreme Empress and Queen of it.

While my thoughts were rambling Max slowly lost the mindless, half asleep state she had reacted from and comprehended the situation with dawning horror. I could tell she was worried she had hurt me she had the little crease between her eyes she got whenever something was bothering her. Quickly she got up off me and put the knife on her bedside table, staring at me with wide chocolate eyes.

Smiling at her softly, I put everything I was thinking into my eyes as we bored holes into each other. Staring, I felt like I was drowning in her endless orbs. Max's eyes were so beautiful, full of life, determination and looking at me right now, vulnerability, worry and the soft undertone of fondness she looked at everyone in the flock with. As Max received my message she relaxed and I took her hand, leading her to the bead.

We sat on the bed, backs against the headboard, until gradually Max dropped her head onto my chest as I soothingly rubbed her arm. No words were needed between us. That was what made Max and I so perfect for each other, we could communicated without words because that was how well we knew each other and connected.

Max's eyes fluttered closed, her eyelashes brushing against her cheek with feather light touch. I studied her face. With it's smattering of freckles, tanned skin, beautiful –dare I think it; kissable- lips and perfectly shaped nose, she was the most amazing person, perfect inside and out. Perfect for me.

A lot of people think because I don't express my emotions I don't have any. But really, I like poetry, flowers and chocolate as much as the next guy. To be honest, sometimes I feel like I have another calling. It's why I started my blog. I don't like talking, I don't even really like people, but I feel like I actually have some deep stuff to get out into the world. Even though Max doesn't always agree, she's more of a hands on, saving the world kind of girl.

She'd drifted off on my chest as we lay like that, he breathing soft and gentle. I like to think that it was my arms, a feeling of safety that meant her sleep was undisturbed. We lay there for a while and just as I felt myself drifting off, lulled by the steady rise and fall of Max's chest, Angel came bursting in.

"Good morning!" she chirped, before smiling at me cheekily. Max stirred and without opening her eyes replied, "Good morning Angel. Now go away."

"But Max!" exclaimed Angel with wide eyes "How do you know I didn't come in to tell you that Gazzy is being evil?"

"Because," Max replied patiently, eyes still closed as she burrowed into my chest. "I'd being hearing screams and a police siren." I chuckled lowly and made shooing motion at Angel with one hand.

When she was gone Max sat up against me and I snaked my arms around her waist. "Good morning." She smiled up at me and too tempted, I leant down to capture her lips.

Kissing Max, as usual, was extremely pleasurable. I got an electrifying tingle in my stomach and my veins felt like they were coursing with fire. I closed my eyes with the sensation, loving every second of her lips against mine. When we finally had to pull away, starved for air. I could feel my whole body and soul aching with regret and longing for the feeling once more.

"So, I guess we should get up. Before we actually hear sirens." Max joked and I nodded. Neither of us made any move to get up and leave the warmth and company of the bed. After several minutes, I glanced over at her and as we made eye contact she burst into giggle and I grinned stupidly. She was so cute when she did that, even if she always pretended she hadn't done it after. Maximum Ride really did giggle. Oh and, that grinning stupidly comment? Never happened, you know, just between you and me.

Eventually we did get up and reluctantly I stood to go to my room and change into decent clothes. Not that my pyjamas had sparkly pink pigs on them or anything. Though I can totally imagine Angel trying to get me to wear that. I shuddered.

"Fang?" Max asked softly.

I look back at her and knew what she was trying to say. Before I turned to open the door I nodded once and she smiled softly.

We're a perfect couple like that.

A/N: I had this half finished for ages now but never got the inspiration to continue writing unti now. You can thank a flu for that. Anyway I want to know, do people actually like this story? Do you have any POV requests? I was thinking an Angel or Nudge one. What do you think? Tell me by reviewing!