I know I shouldn't do this due to all I have on my plate as of now-but I really want to. ^_^ I'v seen this done for other fanfictions but not for Chaotic and I want to beat everyone else to the punch for once. ^^;
Ok! So this is my plan!
You request the pair and the song, ANY pairing! You can have more then two, you can have a group too...FYI: (you don't have to have a pairing if you don't want to you can have just 'one' if you wish)
and I will write it. ^_^ just be sure when you give the song you give the artist too, you know all these songs with the same title now a days. ^^
Well thats it-for now ;) so review and I will start them ASAP!
*Request chart: and (friendship) X (relationship) / (is explained on chapter 7) *