The weeks turned into months, and suddenly it was spring. Luke and Lorelai had been to every karaoke bar in Connecticut and Lorelai had finally hit a baseball. Okay, so the bat actually flew farther than the ball, but that's beside the point. It was immediately after this historic feat that Luke got down on bended knee, in the dirt and all, and took Lorelai's hand.
"Love of my life, whaddya say? Marry me?" he asked in typical Luke style.
"Heck yeah!" came Lorelai's typically Lorelaiey response.
They were married by the end of spring and danced their wedding dance to Metallica. For their honeymoon they went to New York City where they ran amok in block after block of karaoke clubs.
What happened to Tristan and Rory? Read on.
"This is the final call for flight TG982, non stop to Paris, France."
"I don't want you to go," Rory whispered as they stood at the departure gate.
Tristan put his hands on either side of Rory's face and made her look at him.
"I understand, but I can't help wanting you to stay," Rory went on, tears falling down her face. Tristan used his thumbs to wipe them away. He rested his forehead against hers and took a deep, shaking breath.
"I know. But I'll stay in touch. The year will pass and I'll be back before you know it." He kissed her forehead and looked deep into her eyes. "I will come back."
All of a sudden she found that another ring had settled next to the one she already wore. This one was platinum and held a diamond.
"This is a promise ring," he said. "I promise that I'll come back for you. It's a cubic zirconia," he said as she took in the size of the diamond.
"Yeah right! Don't let the last thing you say to me be a lie."
"Okay. One day I'd like to put another ring on that finger. And that's no lie," he said.
"Excuse me, sir. I can't hold off the plane any longer," said the lady at the ticket station. She gave Rory a sympathetic smile.
"I'll call you when I arrive," Tristan said. He gave her one last sweet, lingering kiss.
"Now I need you to promise me one thing," Tristan requested.
"Don't forget me."
Rory looked on as the love of her life walked away from her. "I won't. I promise."
I will remember you,
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by,
Weep not for the memories.
AN: Okay, in a perfect world, this story would be an actual episode and the song would play as the credits rolled by. It'd be the season finale so there'd be no commercial between the final scene and the credits (you know the ad I'm talking about: 'Next week on the Gilmore Girls…') Oh, and there's also no voice over saying 'That was the final episode in this series of the Gilmore Girls. Tune in next week for…'
Song by Sarah McLachlan 'I will remember you.'
This song is one of my favs and it suits the story well.
I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose.
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose.
Once there was a darkness,
Deep and endless night.
You gave me everything you had
Oh, you gave me light
It's a beautiful song, don't you think?
Okay, continue to read my final authors note. . . [sniff sniff]