Naruto and All it's characters are owned and copyrighted my Mashashi Kishomoto.
This is my Intro Chapter.
Full Summary: Naruto gets banished from Konoha after Pein's attack and now War is threatening to break loose. After 4 years of banishment, Naruto has mastered his Bloodline and Sage Training. But will he help his old home or leave it to burn down?

"Must we really ask the demon-brat for his help in the war?" asked a bandaged elder.

It was a meeting of the shinobi council, the elders and Tsunade.

"Yes we do, if we don't, many lives will be wasted, when we could just get Naruto to fight for us." Said the Godaime. The old war hawk reluctantly agreed.

"Very well, but who will retrieve him from Myobokuzan?"

Tsuande smirked and said "Obviously a few of his old teammates, Kakashi, Gai, and Kurenai will go; they are probably the only ones he will respond to positively."

"Very well then, you must send them as soon as possible to have the greatest effect."

Tsunade had Shizune get the required shinobi to retrieve Naruto.

As they all entered her office, she began to tell them about the mission:

"As you all know, a war is threatening to break out between Kiri and Konoha. This cannot happen. We must either negotiate our way out of this, or prepare for one hell of a fight. Odds are that the war will happen, and when it does, we have to be ready, or face being crushed." They looked at her with stern faces, knowing their duty. "Kiri has been building an army for a couple years now, preparing incase someone attacked them, a few rogue Konoha ninjas attacked kiri outposts and merchants recently and provoked them. And they aren't happy about it at all. Your job is to retrieve one of our top ninjas from his training zone and bring him back here." Tenten stepped forward and asked, " Who exactly are we retrieving Sir?" Tsunade looked up grimly and said, " The one you are retrieving is the very one that was banished 4 years ago after Pein assaulted the village, Naruto Uzumaki" At this, everyone looked down in shame that they didn't even really stand up for him. They were focused on the fact that it was because of the Kyuubi inside of him that their village was decimated.

"You leave today in 3 hours. Dismissed!"

They all left to gather the necessary supplies for the hike to Myobokuzan in a few hours.


"Comon Pa, we gotta go back to the Cloud Village, I have to meet a spy there from the network." Said Naruto. The old Toad sage grumbled, " Yes, yes, very well, let's get going then." And they left to go meet with Naruto's spy.

Back with the Konoha Ninjas

"Is everyone set?" asked Kakashi. His answer was a chorus of Hai's.

"Very well then, let's gets going." And thus they left for Myobokuzan.

3 Days Later…

"Whadda ya mean He's not here?" Shouted Ino

Gamakichi looked at them sourly, " Exactly what I said! He's not here! He left to go to Cloud for some business matters."

Kakashi looked unhappy, " Cloud is on the other side of the country, he could be anywhere by the time we get there."

Gamakichi looked at him with a small smile and a twinkle in his eye, " I wouldn't be so sure about that, this is a little of a personal trip for him actually" They looked at him quizzically before he yelled, "Whadda I have two heads? Get moving before he does!"

And at that, they were up and off again, this time to Cloud.

Naruto was at his hotel laying on his cozy bed thinking about what to do.

He started reflecting on his life after he was banished from Konoha.

'Well, now that I think about it, it isn't all that bad, I've grown stronger, matured more, and defiantly grown more intelligent from studying with the toads… Plus I've learned to harness the Kyuubi's power to the fullest extent, all 9 tails are mine, since I did absorb the fox's chakra into me.'

Flashback 2 years ago

In Naruto's Mindscape:

What'd you call me here for Fox?

Ungrateful brat! I have called you here to offer you a proposition of sorts.

Oh? And what are the terms?

You gain immense power, longer life, and I get to live forever inside of you.

What's the catch?

Shitloads of pain.

For how long exactly?

1 week in your mind, 10 seconds in real life.

Any side effects I should know about?

None really, What'll happen is my chakra will fuse with your blood, essentially combining me with you. You'll gain enhanced healing abilities, permanently, stronger hearing, smelling, and seeing, plus slight night-vision. Also, you will be stronger, faster, and your brain's synapses will be more efficient, allowing you to respond faster.

One major side effect is you'll live about 100 years longer than the normal human.

Is this accessible to all jinchurikii?

No, only my chakra has great enough youkai to be able to extend the length of life without draining the person to a sack of raisins.

Would I be able to extend this ability to another person, say perhaps a mate of some sort?

Maybe, you would have to bite the person, preferably on the neck, close to the jugulars, and inject some of your demonic blood, then they would go into the same amount of pain you did, the 7 days of pure torture, but would gain the same effects you did, but most likely to a less extent. But I will make sure the age effect is the same as your own.

Very well then, how do we do this?

You have to prick your thumb, pour chakra into the blood, and press it onto the seal, effectively overriding the seal, and absorbing me into your blood. The seal will be like a doorway really, The seal will dissipate after I am fully absorbed, since It will have no demonic chakra to feed off of. I will still communicate with you, just I'll be like a part of your mind.

Okie dokie then, Ready Fox?

Pretty damn much.

Ok then here we go,

As Naruto bit his thumb and put the chakra infused blood to the seal the pain started to arise.

Holy Shit!!!

I should be saying that! Have you ever had the feeling of being sucked through a straw before?!?

Afterwards, Naruto and the fox continued to communicate with each other through telepathic link.

Flashback End

'Kami, that was the most pain I have ever endured in my life.'

'Oh how true kit, please never use a straw again, they give me nightmares.'

'The king of all demons, having nightmares? Seriously?

'Some things can scare demons too you know'

'What ever, anyway I'm gonna rest for a bit before I meet up with Yugito.'

Fairly Short I know, but it took me awhile to think up a plotline. And I have yet to finish it.
I'm currently trying to decide on who the main antagonist is in the story, Leave a comment with what you think should happen.