A/N: Here we are, epilogue time. What a journey it's been! Thanks for sticking around; I hope you enjoyed!

Penelope stood on their back deck, relishing the first cool breezes that hearkened the beginning of autumn. She had suffered through a record breaking hot and humid Virginia summer, compounded by her heavily pregnant state. Now, nearing the end of the third trimester, all the discomfort, the worry had shifted from herself to the tiny baby they would soon meet.

Dr. Mead had given them the option to learn the gender of the baby at one of her appointments and they took the chance; both she and Derek had known it would be a girl from the beginning, but having that intuition confirmed was an awe-inspiring moment. Derek had held his wife's hand tightly, not even trying to disguise the tears of joy standing in his eyes.

They each had a framed ultrasound on their desks; Derek had taken to carrying one around with him when the team went on a case. He told the team it helped him focus on the job, on their goals, but it also tempered his passionate reactions. Though they would never discuss it in front of him, Hotch and Rossi had both remarked at the change in the man. He thought more about his actions before he jumped, he was less likely to get angry over a case, because he knew his family needed him whole back home. It didn't mean that he never took risks, or performed more poorly in his job. He just now thought about what he would leave behind if he made the wrong choice.

Penelope, too, had changed.

Few save Morgan had noticed the way she had begun to change, to withdraw from their BAU family after she was shot. Finally, though, she was back, but a less frenetic, more placid personality than before. She no longer seemed as if she was desperate to, as had been said, hide herself behind her individuality, but instead had been tempered as well, shaking off those things which were there as camouflage, and taking ownership of those aspects which were truly her.

They hadn't yet decided on a name; there was a large board in Penelope's office where the team would put names they wanted to suggest. Right now, Hope, Johanna, Rose and Grace were at the top of the list.

Derek opened the patio door, little splatters of paint dotting his clothes. "Hey momma, I'm done with the painting- we can move Hope's furniture in tomorrow…" He slipped his warm arms around her to lay his hands splayed over Penelope's large belly.

"SShh… Johanna is resting, and this momma is still recovering from her last in utero soccer game…" They had developed a habit of trying out the names they liked to see which one seemed to fit best.

"Johanna, huh?" Derek thought the name over as he stroked his hands over Penelope's taut skin.

"Johanna Grace Morgan is really pretty, don't you think?" She leaned back into his arms. "And she can be Jo, or Joey if she's a real tomboy…"

He smiled. "Well, I guess we're decided, then… come look at the nursery, baby…" He grabbed her hand and led her down the hall to the nursery. It was a riot of color, with white wainscoting halfway up the walls, then topped with broad stripes of pink and green.

"Sugar, I love it!" She twirled around, then stopped short. Derek rushed to her. "Baby, you ok?"

She smiled faintly. "There's just a whole lot more of me twirling than there used to be… Lemmie sit down?" He steered her to the white rocking chair and knelt beside her, concern creasing his forehead.

"You sure you're ok? You went so pale there…"

She raised a hand to touch his face. "I'm not due for another two weeks, sugar. Johanna's just reminding me she wants out soon, that's all."

Derek smiled up at her and leaned his forehead against her leg. He stood up and lifted her gently in his arms. She snuggled against him, her arms crossed over her belly. This had become their evening ritual; she would get ready for bed, donning the soft, flowing cotton nightgown she had started favoring, and he would carry her to their bed. They would make love, slowly, gently, more a sharing of affection than the passionate romps they were used to.

"I love you my wife…" Derek stared into her eyes, a look of wonder in his face as he trailed tender fingers over the increased roundness of breast and belly.

She laid a soft hand on his shoulder, drawing her hand down over his muscular arm.

"Why did it take us so long to get here, sweetness? Why couldn't we have just jumped that first day we met… I knew I needed you then… I knew there was something there between us…" A small tear slipped from her eye. Derek lifted a hand to wipe it away. "Baby, I've been thinking about this…about why I didn't run after you… honestly love? I wasn't the man you needed yet. I had to grow up, baby, to be good enough for you," He laid a hand against her stomach where the baby was kicking, "for us. Think about it… were you ready for all this five years ago?" She started to protest, but he stilled her lips with a kiss. "Were you really ready for me? We have both grown, a lot. I wish we could've gotten here without the pain, but, I think maybe it was necessary to make us strong…"

"That was a lot of pain, sugar… so we're more than just strong. We're unbreakable." She smiled, then yawned. He kissed her forehead gently. "I think that means it's time to sleep. Goodnight baby girl…"

"Goodnight hot stuff…"

Penelope woke up in the middle of the night. At first, she wasn't sure what had brought her so quickly awake. Then, as she began to doze again, she felt it; a painful rippling of muscles across her abdomen. She glanced at the clock, then attempted to breathe through the pain. She shifted to spoon against Derek, using his body as a hot water bottle to ease the muscle spasms. She began to doze when another muscle cramp shuddered through her. She bit down her startled exclamation, hoping to not wake her sleeping husband, but to no avail. Derek sat up, looking at her groggily. "Baby, you okay?"

She took a deep breath, attempting to calm the spasm.

"Um, lover, I think we better get me to the hospital…" She relaxed as the contraction eased. Derek moved around the room, gathering clothes for her, pulling on whatever he could find for himself. He went over to her side of the bed and helped her get dressed, putting soft slippers on her feet instead of taking the time for shoes.

Go bags in one hand, the other wrapped around her waist, Derek guided Penelope down the stairs. She yelped as another contraction gripped her as Derek lifted her into her seat. Once the SUV was started, Derek flipped open his cell. "Hey, Hotch, sorry to call so early- we're on the way to the hospital, don't think we'll be in today…" The older man chuckled. "Yeah, no worries- we'll see you guys up there a little later." He hung up the phone and made a discrete call to the local police chief. Shortly thereafter, Derek was surprised to look over and see a patrol car in the next lane. The officer smiled, waved, then flipped his lights, pulling in front, as his companions flanked Derek's SUV on the other three sides. Derek paced the lead car, which was moving a good twenty over the speed limit, getting them to the hospital quickly.

The escorting officers beckoned him to park at the ER entrance. "Agent Morgan, Agent Hotchner called in a favor. Just leave the keys and we'll park it for you. And by the way, congratulations!" Derek nodded to the man and turned to Penelope, who was stubbornly trying to climb out of the seat by herself.

"Pump your brakes, woman!" She glared at him, then whimpered as another contraction hit. Derek took advantage of her distracted state to gently lift her down and into a waiting wheelchair. He pushed her quickly into the busy waiting room, thanking his lucky stars that they had preregistered the week before.

A nurse came quickly to their side.

"Penelope Morgan- Dr. Mead is our OB. She's not due for another two weeks…" Penelope's face was still scrunched from the pain of the contraction, and Derek was fussing over her with nervous energy, wishing he could do something to ease her pain.

The nurse smiled. "Perfect timing. I'm just on my way back up to Maternity- we'll get you set up quickly. I'm Nurse Amy. Mrs. Morgan? How far apart are your contractions?" Penelope smiled wanly at the nurse, a matronly woman of middle age with sparkling eyes and graying hair. "I think about every five minutes now… She's really impatient!"

Derek kissed Penelope's forehead as they entered the elevator. "Impatient just like her momma, I'm in trouble…"

Both women laughed at Derek's look of consternation. They reached a delivery room, where Nurse Amy and Derek helped Penelope change into a loose dressing gown. She had just been hooked up to the monitors when Dr. Mead came in, somehow looking as perky as ever despite the early hour.

"Pen, you ready to do this?"

"Dr. Mead, I was born ready… and Johanna is impatient!" Another contraction gripped her and Dr. Mead watched the monitors for any sign of difficulty.

"Penelope, I want you to grab Derek's hand and squeeze it when you have a contraction; just don't forget to breathe through it, okay? I'm just going to check how you're progressing…"

An hour later, Derek was holding a tiny miracle in his arms. Johanna Grace Morgan was born at 4:14 in the morning, six pounds four ounces, 18 inches long. She had wispy light brown hair, and skin the color of café au lait. She had her father's long fingers, and her mother's cute button nose. Penelope was sleeping off the effects of her labor; Johanna had been in such a hurry that there had been no time to administer an epidural.

Derek was dozing with a sleeping Johanna in his arms when he heard a light knocking on the door.

Fran Morgan stood in the doorway, a huge smile splitting her face.

"Ma, who called you? I would have, but it was a really quick labor…"

"Sssh baby boy, your Agent Hotchner called. Des and Sarah can't come yet, but I've been charged to take a million pictures…"

He stepped towards his mother and smiled adoringly at the baby in his arms. "Mom? I wanna introduce Johanna Grace…" Fran gently lifted the newborn from her father's arms. "Derek… she's so perfect. She looks just like Penelope!"

"I think she looks more like Derek, actually…" Penelope smiled at the scene in front of her, sighing as Derek rushed to her side to pepper kisses over her face. Fran smiled and laid her granddaughter into Penelope's arms. "Well, Gran here thinks she looks like both of you, and I'm the boss." She smiled. "Pen, have you tried nursing yet?"

"No, I guess I should- baby, would you close the door?" She smiled at the open, unfocused eyes of her daughter and, with Fran's guidance, helped Johanna latch on and start nursing. Derek watched, fascinated, filled with fierce love and adoration for his wife and all she had given him- her heart, a home, and now a family.

Johanna finished with a sigh, and Penelope covered up just as another knock came to their door. Derek opened it to find the entire team there, arms filled with flowers, balloons, and toys. Penelope lit up at the sight of them, and Derek helped them all find surfaces for their gifts. Moving to the head of the bed to sit next to Penelope, he cleared his throat and announced, "Guys, I'd like you to meet Johanna Grace Morgan…" He was drowned out in a chorus of coos and excited chatter, so he slid off the bed and moved to stand next to Hotch, who was, as was typical for him, standing back from the group, smiling slightly.

"Thanks, man, for everything." Derek hugged him, surprising the unyielding man.

"Morgan, I know what it is to let love pass you by. I know how important family is. I didn't help so much as try to push you in the right direction."

"Calling my mom and getting us an escort tonight is more than a push, man, and I'll be grateful if I want to. Now, come meet my daughter!"

Later, with their family around them, Johanna sleeping contentedly in Penelope's arms, Derek leaned over and kissed his wife. "Thank you for not giving up on us, baby…" She smiled up at him. "Thank you for loving me enough to want this… Thank you for my happily ever after, hot stuff…"

It was a hard journey, and they had stumbled, and fallen, but what mattered most was that they were finally here, together, on the same path to forever.