What is this!? Ekari has a new story out? O_O le gasp!

Mel Danvers shivered and hugged her arms around herself as she followed her twin brother, Caleb, to the edge of the cliffs that overlooked the Dells. She surveyed the scene below them, hundreds of teenagers dancing, drinking, and laughing. She grinned recklessly and turned to her brother, her blue eyes showing her excitement. Caleb returned her grin, but put his hand on her shoulder.

"Wait for the others, Baby Girl." he said, curbing her enthusiasm before it got out of hand. Mel tended to get overexcited and "Use" without thinking of the consequences. Caleb, Mel, and their three best friends; Reid, Tyler, and Poque, were all descended from the first families that had settled the Ipswich Colony in Massachusetts, so they were known as the "Children of Ipswich." that was common knowledge, What wasn't common knowledge was that they each possessed incredible magical powers, as their ancestors had all been part of an ancient covenant of silence. Nothing like Caleb and Mel had ever existed in the history of the covenant, since they were twins, they were both technically "first born", they each had The Power.

"Hey there, people!" said a voice behind them. It was two of their friends: Pogue Parry and Tyler Simms. Mel danced over to them, giving Pogue a hug, then Tyler.

"Hey there, Baby Girl!" Pogue said, using the nickname for Mel that the whole covenant had for her."Where the hell is Reid?" He asked Caleb, looking around and noticing that Reid was the only one missing.

"Not here yet," Caleb said, rolling his eyes. Tyler and Mel shared an exasperated look. Reid Garwin was always late.

About five minutes later, Reid approached them, an extremely cocky look on his face.

"What's up fellas?" he asked easily, grabbing Mel in a one armed hug. Mel hugged him back before going over to stand between Tyler and Caleb. Reid was someone that Mel actually....liked. She never wanted to say anything, though, because Reid had a huge reputation for being a player.

"Where were you?" Tyler asked "I stopped by to give you a lift."

"Had things to do" Reid answered evasively.

"How's the party?" he asked, stepping to the very edge of the cliff and looking down at the party.

"We don't know." Mel supplied helpfully. "We were stuck up here, waiting for your slow ass."

"Well hell,boys" he said cockily. Mel cleared her throat loudly and pointedly. "And girl...Let's drop in!" his eyes darkened with power and he casually stepped over the edge.

"Shit, Yeah!" Tyler crowed, jumping backwards off the cliff.

"TYLER!" Caleb yelled angrily. He got an even more annoyed expression when Mel stepped to the edge. He grabbed her arm, trying to stop her. She looked at him, grinning wildly as her eyes shifted from blue to pitch black. "Carpe Diem, Golden Boy!Seize the day!" She grinned, using her nickname for him. He rolled his eyes and released her. She laughed, skipping over the edge.

She folded her legs underneath herself as if she were doing a cannonball into a pool, holding the skirt of her flowy sundress to her legs. Just as she was about to hit the ground, she seemed to slow down, she unfolded her legs, landing on her feet very lightly. Caleb and Pogue joined them quickly and the group headed over to the party. Mel loved seeing everyone's eyes turn as the Children of Ipswich came over the hill.

"Hey Kate!" Caleb called, leading the way over to Pogue's girlfriend, Kate. She was standing with a new girl.

"Hey Caleb!" Kate said, smiling at him before rushing to hug Pogue. "You're late" she said in mock annoyance

"Had a thing with the family." Pogue replied, setting Kate back on her feet. "Who's this?" he asked, indicating the new girl, whom Caleb was eying not-so-subtly. Mel rolled her eyes at her brother.

"This is my new roommate, Sarah." Kate said. "Sarah, this is Pogue Parry, Tyler Simms, Mel Danvers, Reid-"

"Garwin." Reid interrupted. "Reid Garwin. Good evening."

Mel almost choked for laughing as Reid embarrassed himself in front of Sarah by saying; "You know, Sarah was my Grandmother's name. You kind of remind me of her."

Mel coughed loudly and muttered "Creep!" as Caleb introduced himself and assured Sarah that she didn't remind him of his grandmother in any way.

"Oh, great." Mel grumbled. "My hoe-dar is going off." She said as Spenser Academy's biggest slut, Kira, joined their group.

"Hi Caleb!" she smiled, "How was your summer?" she asked flirtatiously.

"uh..." Caleb said, still looking pointedly at Sarah, as if to politely say "I was talking to her first, so back up, hoe"

Kira followed Caleb's gaze and turned to Sarah. "Hi, I'm Kira."

"Sarah." Sarah replied easily.

"Right. From the Boston public. Tell me, how does one go about getting into Spenser from a public?" Kira asked snobbily.

"Why don't you give it a rest, Kira?" Caleb asked tiredly.

"Why don't you give it a rest, Caleb?" Aaron Abbott asked, heading over to join the conversation. "I think you owe Kira an apology."

"Actually..." Caleb said in a voice Mel instantly recognized as his "I really want to hit you but I'm going to let you live today" voice. "I think it's Kira that owes Sarah the apology."

Aaron started towards Caleb, but a new guy she didn't recognize stepped between them. "You were being kind of bitchy." he smiled, giving Kira a look. Mel didn't like this new guy. He seemed all right, but something was very wrong about him. She snapped out of her thoughts when Aaron leered at her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"If you want to keep that hand..." Mel growled, gripping Aaron's wrist a little more tightly then necessary. "I suggest you take it off of my shoulder. NOW!"

"Come on, Babe. You know you want me." Aaron said cockily.

Caleb started forward, but Reid and Pogue beat him to it. Pogue cracked his knuckles and glared menacingly at Aaron, while Reid's eyes darkened with power. A split second later, Aaron's friend puked all over him. Mel scowled as she stepped away from Aaron before she got covered in the puke, too. She shot a thankful glance at Reid and was about to thank him when the music suddenly stopped.

"Guys! Dylan just called, he said he saw three cop cars headed down Old Dell road!" the D.J announced.

"You guys need a ride?" Caleb asked Sarah and Kate as he pulled Mel towards the trees.

"Nah, Sarah drove us out here" Kate kissed Pogue goodbye as she ran to Sarah's small blue Volkswagen. Mel slid into the back seat of Tyler's Hummer between Caleb and Pogue. She heard Sarah's car sputter and die.

"My car won't start!" She cried, looking at the guys helplessly.

"I can fix it!" Reid said, climbing out of the Hummer. He used to fix Sarah's car and ran back to the Hummer, opening the driver's side door. Mel giggled at the ensuing argument between Tyler and Reid.

"Move over, I'm driving!"

"But it's MY car!"

"Move over Baby Boy, NOW!"

Tyler finally acquiesced and slipped into the passenger seat. Reid cranked the Hummer and floored it, jetting off into the woods, the cops were right behind them.

"Aww...you gotta pull over." Caleb said reluctantly.

"Oh, you want to pull over? Yeah that'll impress Harvard." Reid retorted, not showing any signs of slowing the truck down.

"What the hell," Caleb caved, "Let's lose 'em. Hey, cut across Marblehead, might as well have some fun while we're at it."

Reid sped through the forest, knowing the cops were right on their tail. He cut across to Marblehead, a huge expanse of fog in front of them.

"Come on Caleb, it's gonna take all of us." Pogue said over the police car's blaring horn. The car fell very silent as the five teenagers shifted their eyes to black.

Reid stomped on the gas, shouting "Harry Potter can KISS MY ASS!!!!"

They took the Hummer over the cliffs, laughing the whole way. They landed behind the cop cars and Reid threw the truck into reverse, headed for Spenser and leaving the cops looking completely flabbergasted behind them.

'kay I know I left with a MAJORLY bad cliffhanger, but this chap was getting too long. Chap 2 will be up by the end of the week!

flame me, I'll flame you straight back!