I do not own Ouran High School Host Club. I only own Christie and Mark.

Story start

Time at Ouran High School was flying by and Honey had decided that we should get married after graduating from high school. We would then go on a vacation around the world, which sounded great to me. He muttered sometimes about buying a bunny from every place we went, but I told him that was not a good idea. He would then smile and say that he and Usa-chan were the only bunnies he needed.

The wedding was to be held on Honey's dad's property. It would be in one of the gardens and I giggled when Honey said that he wanted cute bunnies hopping around during the ceremony. Haruhi was going to be my maid of honor. I told my brother he should have that spot but he refused. He almost gave in to my pouting face, but he was able to refuse me. He just knew that I would make him wear a dress.

I settled for him being the one to give me away. Haruhi was going to wear a pretty light green dress with a bow in the back. Mark wanted to wear a white suit and have a pimp cane, but I told him he would be six feet under if he wore that to my wedding. He knows that I am not kidding. Instead, Mark decided to wear a normal black suit.

Honey had Mori as his best man and the other host club members were the other groomsmen. Honey's brother would be the ring bearer. Nekozawa-sempai's little sister was going to be the flower girl. Tamaki had freaked when Nekozawa-san was invited, but one look from Christie had him zipping his lips.

After graduation, the wedding was all set up. Christie was nervous, as she was getting ready with help from Haruhi. Haruhi laced up the back of Christie's dress. The top was a corset with a vine pattern made of lace. Her dress was white and was long and elegant. The bottom was not poofy because Christie wanted to look a little taller, not like a poodle.

Haruhi smiled at Christie to calm her. "You look beautiful," Haruhi said and Christie gave a small smile to Haruhi in return.

"Thanks," Christie said before looking at herself in the mirror. "You'll be doing this next," Christie said with a smirk to Haruhi, who blushed bright red.

"No, I won't," Haruhi said even though Christie could tell that Haruhi hoped that she was the next in line to get married. An image of Tamaki flashed in her mind and she covered her cheeks with her hands.

A knock sounded at the door and Mark was standing there with a smile on his face. "You look beautiful. Are you ready?" Mark asked and Christie walked away from the mirror.

"Yes," Christie said before hugging Haruhi and then Mark. Haruhi handed Christie her bouquet and they left the preparation room. Christie's heart was beating rapidly as she waited with Mark while Haruhi walked down the aisle with Tamaki. The rests of the hosts walked down the aisle. Next was Honey's brother and finally Nekozawa's sister.

Christie took a deep breath when the music started. Mark gave her a reassuring look before they walked down the aisle. There were not many people on Christie's side, but she was fine as long she had her friends and her brother. All of Honey's family was there and a few people that Christie did not know.

The breath left her when she gazed at Honey, who was waiting for her at the altar. Honey had the look of the happiest man in the world on his face. Christie felt her heart leap when their eyes locked and she knew she would be happy.

Mark handed Christie over to Honey and Haruhi took Christie's bouquet. The priest started the ceremony and both Christie and Honey said, "I do." Cheers erupted in the church. Honey captured Christie's lips in a kiss that she hoped would never end. Unfortunately, it did end when Honey pulled back. He smiled so brightly at her that she giggled. The two of them walked down the aisle together as husband and wife.

The reception was full of cake, jokes, bugging Kyoya, and lots of dancing. Kyoya was forced to do the bunny hop on the dance floor in front of everyone. The wedding and the reception were being video taped and photographed so Honey and Christie would forever have the memory perfectly in their memories.

Soon the two of them were getting into a limo and on their way to the airport. Their first stop was Paris, France. Their trip around the world was just beginning and they would enjoy every step of the way as husband and wife. "Moving to Japan was the best thing I have ever done," Christie thought as she and Honey shared a sweet kiss in the limo.

The End