Author's Notes: Guys, I am so entirely sorry. Life has been like shit lately (pardon my language!) and I've really had no inspiration to write. However, I really do like this story, and unlike other fanfiction authors, I really update faster during school – I promise! Why? Because my friends are right there to yell and scream at me for not updating, and while I'm busy not paying attention, I can usually write a good part of a chapter. I'm really sorry for not updating, and I really hope you forgive me! Please?
Dedicated To: All the lovely people who read this story and give me support, and all the mean people who read this story, give me support, and then flame me for not updating!
Vladmir winced at the loud yell, closing his book swiftly and placing it on the desk before he jumped off.
"There's no need to yell, you stupid jock."
That was the last straw. This time, Henry lost it and didn't care what happened as his bag was thrown against the wall, his books, pens, pretty much everything was sent flying from their position. "Quit calling me 'a stupid jock'! You are such a prick! This whole day has been a living nightmare and it's all your fault! Ever since you showed up, the teacher just hates me even know, rumors have already spread that Meredith's cheating on me with you, I almost got detention for ditching you, and my life's gone to shit!" Henry yelled. He panted and looked down at an unfazed Vlad.
After Henry calmed down a bit, his harsh pants slowing into normal breaths, Vladmir stood in front of him. "So that's it. Mr. 'Perfect Life' can't handle a little competition? One student comes along and gives him a dose of reality and he throws a fit about it. Well answer me this; do any of them really like you? 'Oh, Henry, have a good day. Hey, you were great yesterday.' Bull. Shit. All of it. No one's life is perfect. Either accept that and get over it or throw a fit about it." The male said, grabbing his stuff and proceeded to leave when-
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT ME! SO, DON'T YOU TALK AS IF YOU DO!" Henry screamed at the top of his lungs. So much for being calm, eh? But seriously, there was no way this jerk knew what he was talking about. He was probably just jealous of him. Of course he was; no matter what Vlad said, he still thought of himself as sheer perfection, being conceited as always. He had the perfect amount of tan, soft hair that Meredith said she loved to ruffle, and was probably the best person he knew at soccer, baseball, football, tennis… pretty much everything.
Now it was the raven's turn to lose control. He tossed his bag on the ground, scattering books and papers in a shower. Though he didn't show it, he was enraged. "Oh I may not know you personally, but I know your type all too damn well. My life was the same. People loved what I did and me. One day, I go home to find my home destroyed. Thugs broke into my house and ruined my perfect world. Everything was burnt to a crisp, along with my dear mother and father. Did anyone give a shit? Absolutely not." He made his way to the tanned teen. "You play sports because you have so much energy and stamina and you can't figure out any other reason what to do about it. You love your friends but want them to tell you the truth for once. At night, you secretly wish for something interesting to happen because for some strange reason, you can't figure out why, you're not entirely happy. Oh, I know you well enough, jock. If I'm wrong, let me know."
Henry looked down at him in a state of sheer shock. 'How the hell could this guy possibly see right through me?' "I don't- There is no way-" he began, but his words were quickly cut off as the other male set two delicate fingers to rest on the jock's cheek. Henry was surprised how thin and fragile they felt, cold and perfect, almost like a porcelain doll. Then again, that was similar to Vlad's general appearance. Ruffled jet black hair that looked soft and delicate, smooth pale skin, thin slender body… it was really the first time the brunette took in the other male's appearance. As much as he hated to admit it, he really didn't look half bad. Almost somewhat attractive.
"Well, since this is the worst day of your life," Vladmir began, a devious smirk appearing on his rosy pink lips, "Then there's only one way to perfect end it." The raven finished, leaning in. Now, as we previously mentioned, Henry wasn't the smartest boy, so he didn't know what was happened until those same rosy pink lips were touching his own. Only then, could he really grasp everything.
Vladmir was kissing him. This poor depressing little goth wannabe nerd was kissing him.
But the weirdest thing was… that Henry actually found himself wrapping his arms around the smaller male, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.
Ending Notes: Okay? Are you happy? That was the little good surprise happy thing I had planned! Seriously; that was it. XD Anyway, yeah. No real story change here, just sheer fan service so you all don't hate me. Review? :D