"Fuaaaah~~ I'm tired!" Miku threw her body to her queen sized bed and lied at there for several minutes or so. Kaito and her experience for today made her exhausted. She neither used to crowd places, nor did being pushed around by thugs. No, she did not used to those. Thankfully her father and the others did not know about that as her guards and Kaito did not spill anything out from their mouths. Miku could not imagine what her father did if he knew about it…one for sure, those people will get hanged without second thought and that she did not wish for. When Kaito and Blue Kingdom's representatives had left the castle, Kaito apologized to her since he could not protect her properly. Miku knew that it was not his fault that the thugs almost attacked her at that time, she had said that she was too careless to walk around by herself.
The green haired princess then recalled the time when she was surrounded by drunken thugs. She remembered the pink haired woman who saved her, the woman who was quite…interesting as Miku tried to put. The young princess did not get a chance to ask her rescuer her name. Well, actually it was her rescuer that did not give her chance, for an unknown reason. It added the mysterious aura around that woman.
Miku heard knocks at her room's door, interrupting her thoughtful moment.
"Miku? Are you there?"
The princess recognized the voice who called her from the outside, "Neru?" Miku said while she tried to sit her body up.
"Yes, it's me princess," answered Neru, she then continued to ask permission, "Can I come in? Or do you want me to stay outside and chat with you through this door?"
Miku giggled, she always amused to her head maid antics, unlike other maids who act all nice and polite to her. They had to act like that as she was THE princess of Green Kingdom to begin with, but Miku could not get angry to Neru, especially that they knew each other quite long. Neru was like a big sister to her, and always cheer her up when she was down or tease her; sometimes she did both things at the same times. Not wanting to make Neru waited too long, as she knew it would be bad to her, she answered her, "Of course you can,"
Neru smoothly opened the big door and came in, and of course closed it again afterwards. She did not want other maids saw her hanging around with the princess; it would be bad for her reputation.
"Thanks, I thought I would stand forever at the outside," Neru found her way to sit beside Miku, "How's the date? Get yourself a lovey dovey moment with Lord Kaito? Or something more romantic? Dramatic? Tell me!"
Miku just looked at her without saying anything.
"Don't tell me you and Lord Kaito had-"
"Geez, Neru…can you give me space and time to think and then answer your questions?"
"Ahaha okay, okay, "
"Actually the so called date was not that perfect,"
Neru only saw the young princess a blank look, without words coming from her mouth.
Seeing her head maid suddenly stop saying anything, Miku snickered, "Wow, it is the first time I see you go all silent for good,"
"...Did you do something stupid again, princess?" asked Neru with a questioning look on her face.
"Oh that hurts me, Neru," Miku answered with her right hand clutching her heart, as if a knife had been struck on it, "It just that there were some drunken guy hit on me while I was wandering around the parade,"
"Hit on you? And you were still that calm?" Neru put her hand on Miku's forehead but Miku, trying to find out if the Green Kingdom's princess had a fever or something, "The guards must be put to sleep by some kind of magic, letting you went through those dangerous time,"
Again the blond maid sighed, imagining something terrible had happened to her princess. Miku could only let a little laugh and reassured Neru, "Come on, it's not like they can harm me in any ways possible. I'm strong, so don't worry about it,"
"Pfft right, strong. Have I ever mentioned you fainted when you see a big ugly rat in the castle's kitchen? " Neru stopped for a while to see Miku pout and then laughing to her heart content, "Okay okay, just don't go all by yourself when you are outside the castle, I don't want you to get hurt," The maid grinned and pat the green haired girl, making the latter smile slightly.
"Actually, there's a mysterious woman who saved me back then from those guys, I haven't asked her name though. She's so cool!" Miku then eagerly told Neru the whole story about how she had been saved by the pink haired woman and how she kicked the thugs' butts. Neru also seemed eager to listen to the juicy details; she did not want to miss any interesting story coming from the princess.
"I was like wooow…it's such a shame she didn't let me know her better," Miku finished her story as she dropped her body to her queen sized bed. The green haired girl thought back everything she had gone through in the afternoon.
"Hmm, a mysterious woman…after hearing your description about her, maybe I can find her when I go to the town to buy some ingredients or stuff-"
"Really?" Miku energicaly clasped Neru hands with hopeful eyes; Neru even could see stars in Miku's eyes clearly. She definitely didn't want to destroy princess' hope to see her mysterious savior, but she could not make a vague promise to find her. "I can't promise though, capital town is way too big for me to find such person, it's not like she wears lamps around her to be noticed…" Neru felt a pang in her heart when she saw the disappointment look on Miku's face, "Hey, don't give me that look, I'll do what I can do, just hope that lady luck is on my side," Neru looked on her old pocket watch to check on time and it looked like they chatted way too long that she forgot she had an errand to do. "Crap, it's already past five. Sorry princess, let's save our talk for later, I have something to do. Have a good day!" before Miku could say a good bye, the blond maid had dashed through the door and almost forgot to close the door in her way out. Miku only waved her right hand and a few second later back to take some rest.
"Oh great…I fell asleep, and now it's midnight and I can't go back to my little dream…" Miku regretted that she had slept earlier than usual. She was thinking for awhile, deciding what she needed to do to get back to sleep again, at least do something that made her sleepy. After a few moments later, she finally got an idea, "Well, reading some books maybe can put me back to sleep," With a swift move, the green haired princess went to a big old bookshelf across her bed and trying to find some light books to be read.
"Ah, this should be a good book to re-"
Suddenly, there's a loud explosion coming from the outside. Miku, in her surprise, ran outside the balcony to find out what's happened in the midnight. In the darkness of the night, fire of the said unknown explosion could be looked clearly from a far and the smoke was soaring high to the dark sky. A few seconds later, there were so many noises outside the castle, presumably coming from panic people who did not know what was happening.
Miku was as confuse and panic as those people. The green haired princess was trying to tell the other occupants of the castle of the accident. As she was leaving the balcony, a pair of hands suddenly came out from behind and grabbed Miku, held her from moving.
"W-Who are you!"
[hinagi log in]
I'm sorry for the very very long delay for the 6th chapter! ;w; uugh everything's kinda hectic lately and I have no ideas about what to write/draw for a few months…Writer block + Art block sure is a hell of combination…
Again, please wait for more action in the next chapters *maybe*! (I'm trying to write a good action but meh, there's no action for this chapter…)
Thank you for the review, I'm so glad that there're people who actually read this XD
Stay tune for the next chapter!
[hinagi log out]