This is my first fanfic. :]
Sorry if my writing is lame but dammit I want more Carlos/BTR story and it's about time I tried my hands at story writing.
Short chapters too. -not good at adding a lot of details-
This cannot be happening. It cannot be real. They were just walking back to the Palm Woods one night from their trip to the convenience store to get some chocolate pudding that the boys were craving, joking around, messing up Jame's hair much to his disdain when a suspicious black van began to follow slowly behind them.
Logan was the first to notice, voicing his concern when it had stalked them for over three blocks. The rest didn't give it much thought but they did pick up their pace a bit to ease Logan's mind seeing how they were in a somewhat isolated part of town.
It happened when Carlos stopped under a dim flickering streetlight to tie his shoes.
The windowless van stopped a few feet in front the boys, back doors slamming open. Two men jumped out the back door, one well over 6 feet tall with lean muscles, the other shorter but with a wider, more built body. Both were wearing black ski masks, blocking their faces from the boys. Carlos paid no mind and continued to tie his shoes, " Bunny ears, bunny ears, playing by a tree.."
"No way! The FBI actually answered my call!" James jumped, grinning. He walked over to one of them.
"J-James I don't think they're FBI," Logan sputtered nervously, pulling James' sleeve.
"You find my hairspray?" James looked at them seriously, pointing at the shorter one. The guy didn't reply, instead he reach into his jacket pocket, quickly pulling out a gun and pointing it at James' face.
"Holy shit, that's not hairspray!" James stepped back, pulling Logan into a tight hug, the shorter just let out a squeak, eyes wide as he stared at the gun that was aimed at them.
Kendall stepped forward in front of James and Logan, hands up, "Okay I don't know what the hell you guys want but there's no need to shoot anyone."
"Get in the van," the taller grunted in a deep voice.
"All done!" Carlos bounced up, smiling widely, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the confrontation until a bullet shot at his feet a few inches away. Carlos fell back, letting out a yelp, and wore his helmet, turning his head to looking at the area that was shot and at his friends at least 4 times.
"Get in the fucking van!" they barked, clearly not joking around as they glared at the boys.
The boys looked at each other, scared.
This cannot be happening.
Whatcha think?