Where is my happy ending?
Hello everyone, I am very ecstatic to have this posted. It is my story ever written, well, I tried to write one once, but it didn't continue, maybe I will post that one eventually and continue it. I don't believe I am good at creating literature and good as the ones I read and is still reading, but I do hope it becomes a hit to some people at least. I re-read them too, so well here goes mine. ENJOY.
Chapter 1
Kurama's POV, a few years after the Makai tournament.
This thought will never leave me, from the day it happened until now. It was the fight that seemed to put my life in perspective, or at least bring me down to reality. I believe it was the latter. I hate admitting it but it made me think differently about who I really am to him, what I mean to him.
I keep seeing him on his knees as he enveloped him in a too real, much too intimate embrace. During the Makai tournament, I know I would be hurt and physically drained, but I didn't think emotionally as well. That just causes so much torment in my soul. Why did he accept her embrace? Was it because he was tired? He usually is after releasing the kokuryuha, but still, why? Did something happen between them during our visit to the lords a few months back? He only told me he fought Shigeru, and that was because I was going to fight Shigeru as well in the Makai tournament. He did not reveal anything else that happened. As a friend, which I still believe I am to him, I hope he would talk to me about stuff like that, especially since something bothered him and it was his first encounter with Shigeru after so many decades. There was one thing he told me that began my suspicions. Mukuro was a woman. How did he know that when all of Makai thought Mukuro was male? Now every time I think of him, I think of her, and God knows I hate thinking of her. It is because of her my Hiei is away from the people who truly cares for him. Who is she to have such a hold on him?
'His lover,' came that evil voice in my head.
"AHH stop," I sigh, rubbing my head. I always get a headache trying to figure out the truth, or what I would love the truth to be.
I hate this topic. Well, I love the Hiei topic, not the Hiei and Mukuro topic. I sigh, and go up from my couch where I have been for the past, I glimpse at the clock, 6 o' clock, 2 hours doing what, trying to read this book, but as usual, when the romantic part came, my mind drifted.
I took a look at myself in the hall mirror to fix myself. I don't want to eat alone tonight. I better go visit Yusuke's Ramen still.
After the tournament, Yusuke opened up his Ramen stall near the subway station. During rush hours, his business booms. He has done well. Who would have though Yusuke to be such a cunning business man? With the boom of his stall, he opened up a new restaurant and proposed to Keiko; well we all saw that coming. We all were just waiting for him to be serious about her. Kuwabara, he is in college now, studying to become a Veterinarian. Oh how that cat of his inspires him. I laugh at the thought of Eikichi. It takes a cat and Yukina to do wonders on Kuwabara. They found their happy ending, but where is mine?
"Yo, hey Kurama, looking sexy as usual", came Yusuke as he saw me.
"Yusuke, hey, how you doing?" I said with a smile.
"Ya know, just here and there. So do you want the usual?"
"Yes, thank you. "
I watched as Yusuke prepared the Nabeyaki Udon soup for me. I saw him watch me with a look. I sigh, knowing what he's about to ask.
"So... how was the date your step father set you up with? Man she looked hot. Did you see that chest? Man what I wouldn't do to..." He stopped when I gave him a look as he pretended to grab the invisible chest he was visualising.
"Yusuke, don't let Keiko here to talking about another female like that." I sighed
"Eh" the goofy face faded from him as he looked at me. "So it wasn't good." He stated more than asked, as he gave me my soup.
"I am happy for one thing." I paused as a smile graced his face. "I've been craving this soup for so long."
He grinned, but my effort to change to subject just went down the drain.
"Kurama, why are you not trying with these girls?" I know he genuinely cares.
"Yusuke, you and Keiko click right, there is no real work trying to be together, right?" he nodded. "When I am with those girls'" I sigh. "I have to work and pretend to be someone I am not. The see I lose interest, and then they become quite slutty trying to get my attention. I never told anyone this, and this never came up with any talks with Hiei, I mean how can it, but I've never been with anyone in this life or my Youko life. I almost had a relationship, but the person died when we began to show our feelings for each other. Ever since then, I've never had the desire to court or even casually date."
"Was it Kuronue?" He asked as he listened intently.
"Is that why you can't hit it off with females?"
"No, I thought that was the case, so out of curiously I visited a gay club..."
"You what, really Kurama!" Yusuke busted out laughing.
I smiled. "Yes I did, I was desperate to figure out myself more in-depth, since I have so much free time without having Koenma sending us on escapades."
"So.... what did you find? Guys are hot?" He joked
"No." Now Yusuke is confused.
"No, what Kurama, what do you want?" Yusuke gave me a shocked look.
"I wish I could tell you something, but it seem as if I have no desire at all. It all seems as a waste. I will outlive any human I decide to stay with. I've considered youkais, but let's be real Yusuke, some of them are really unpleasant to look at."
"I would never thought you go for looks Kurama"
'Well having a partner as hot, and sometimes literally smoking like Hiei, why wouldn't he.' That voice again. My mind was actually away from the Hiei topic, until now.
"I don't really, but, I at least want someone that does not make me feel I am with an animal or something." I feel bad saying it, but I want on more human like.
"I understand fox-boy; just don't let us wait forever. We want to see you happy. Maybe a visit to Makai will help you."
"I'll think about it." I was in deep though deciding whether I should, but what if I go and I run into Hiei. Am I ready to see him after all I've been thinking about confusing myself? Am I still his friend? If I was, wouldn't he visit? Soon after the tournament, he visited a few times, once to get a plant for me to help Mukuro get revenge on her father, why did he care so much to do that? She was strong enough to do so herself, but HE did it, and gave it to her as a gift. I don't remember Hiei giving me anything. Ow, here comes another headache.
"Thank you, the food was as good as ever."
"Hehe thanks man. Well, will you help me close up; it's about time I head home."
"No problem, when you see Keiko, tell her we should have a reunion type party at Genkai. It would be nice to see everyone again."
"Yea man sounds good. Hehe, any excuse to have a party and booze. "
I helped him pack and we headed to the car.
"Thanks Yusuke, bye" I said waving at the receding car.
"Hmm, should I really go to Makai for some time off?"
Coming up to my house I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see who it was. Oh boy. Oh how I wish I was anywhere but here.
Sorry to leave it here but I didn't want the chapters to be too long. I hope you enjoyed it. Review please.