Alucard almost purred in amusment as he lesoned in on Edward and Bella's 'conversation'.

He was in the middle of the wolf tartory drinking some wine watching the wolfs 'play' just relaxing in the daylight in a shady tree.

This is so much fun! It's not often that I have new toys to play with. Alucard thought as he petted a wolf witch made the wolf 'yep' happily and licked his hand.

"Bella…you didn't…you couldn't" Edward stuttered out not believing his beloved slept with that…. That MONSTER! Bella bit her pointer finer nervously not wanting to tell Edward. She

wrapped her robe around her body quickly and looked at Edward feeling ashamed. "I.I was mad at you" she said softly "I.I didn't want to believe Mr. Todd was evil. So I dressed up and

walked over to his home" she let out the breath not looking up at Edward. "I tried to talk with him but those EYES. Those seductive eyes and charming smile …I could not reast" she

finished eyes slowly looking up at Edward to see him shaking with rage. Bella backed up to the wall in fear not knowing what Edward would do. "I'm going to KILL that man" Edward

hissed to Bella his eyes actually flicking from Amber to Blood red from his blood lust and rage. Bella was so petrified that she was frozen to the wall as Edward jumped out the window.

"W.W.…what have I done?" she whispered into the quite room.

Alucard looked up from the wolfs to where Edward energy was. "well my pets" he said rubbing Jacob's cheek "it seems we are being hunted" Alucard said eyes shinning with madness

and joy almost making the wolf's tails wag in excitement. "why don't you throw our guest off track?" He said to Sam ruffling his fur. Sam yelped and the whole pack looked at attention and

started to hunt the guest for there Master. Alucard chuckled deeply showing huge pearly fangs that glemmed in the sunset "come along boy…..the night is still so young" and with that

Alucard walked deeper into the forest to find a nice place to wait for his toy.

Edward charged threw the woods flowing the sent of cologne, blood and raw POWER. The woods pasted by him in a blur as he taped into his limted vampire powers. There was another

sent…wait werewolfs? JACOB'S CLAN? "What the fu." he thought as the wolfs cercialed him growling showing huge fangs.

Knowing what the wolves could do Edward quickly jumped into a tall tree and jumped from branch to branch towards his enemy.

The wolves whined and lowered there heads, knowing that there master would be unhappy.

LTBY: hey guys sorry this chapter is so short! well anyway please review and send me some love! also I love ya guys!