~ Mad Hatter's POV ~

'It's been three weeks since Alice defeated the Red Queen making it three weeks ago that my queen got back her crown. I have missed her since the day we were separated so long ago. To this day she still d...' My thoughts were cut short as I remembered my companion.

"Hatter, I see you're still in your day dreaming phase." Mirana laughed wistfully "Alice should be here any moment for her nightly visit...What story will you tell her this evening?"

'It has been a nightly ritual for me to tell Alice the stories of this land and our lifes', from before we met her.' "Hmmm... I'm not quite sure, I'll let her choose. Will you be ease dropping today?" I smirked pushing my old friend a bit as we sit in the forest of her kingdom. She pushed back and then with a far off look in her eye leaned against my side.

"Not tonight I must go check on a few tasks before tomorrow." At her reply my heart sank, I so enjoyed our midnight tea party's in the forest and loved her company when telling old stories, but it is best to let those feelings go unnoticed by my queen or any others.

"My queen I hope you enjoy your self at the ball tomorrow." I spoke the only words I could think to. I had so wished to share the experience like we had as children and I knew my face would show it.

"You are invited too my hatter, for a party is nothing without the company of an old friend." My Queen replied, "Besides who else will allow me to step on their toes all night or make the jokes I so enjoy?" Though I try to hide it my face lights up....she wants me there....like old times...we could dance!

"Very well my queen" I reply trying very hard to make my smile less noticeable.

We slip into a comfortable silence as we sit, her head on my shoulder. This is what its like each night before Alice comes. Me holding her in my arms never wanting to let her go and her unknowingly trying to kill me. 'We were so close once, before her sister...' I slipped from my thoughts I heard a twig crunch in the distance. A sigh escaped my lips, the moment was gone.

"We have company." My queen spoke in whisper