Author's: Thank you for all the wonderful support and encouragement on my last fic, Fairy tale's are Real. You are my hero's! As always I love hearing from you guys so please be kind, review! Now with no further delay, according to my recent poll and allllllll the personal messages that you guys sent me, which was more then the here is what you asked for! Thank you to my wonderful AWESOME Bata, who keeps my work from being a pile of crap and is forever being my muse.

Synopsis: There is an accident and Bella's life is on the line and Emmet had only one choice, to turn her. Guilt, abandonment and some crazy moments lead to an unlikely affair! LEMONS AND LANGUAGE ARE ADULT!!!

Disclaimer/ Warning: I own nothing, other then the shire pleasure I get from making you sweat! Muahahaha. Also if you are under 18, thank you and good bye, Im sorry but I do not want any angry mommy's and daddy's screaming at me. Makes me twitchy....and bitchy...

Chapter 1

Emmet's POV

"God what a douche." I affirmed only half caring whether or not Edward was even in the room. I was lounging on the white way too comfortable couch that Esme ordered special so that my tall ass could fit on it, unabashedly eavesdropping on Bella and Edwards conversation. Well actually it was Bella saying that she was going to go play with her puppy, Jake and the pack. Cliff diving. HA! who would have thought the little mouse had it in her! Of course Edward, law-man in Cullen Town, came to end that errant impulse.

"I do read minds," He drawled in his oh-so-superior tone. "You really didn't need to share that out loud. Bella is right here Emmet, geez, have some grace."

I snorted, looking over at my sister-in-law who had the cheery face that I took a certain pride in producing. "Bro, you do realize what year it is and that your little baby Bella is a big girl?"

He just glared at me. Really what was he going to say? I'd beat the prude out of him, wait, maybe that would be a fucking improvement. Go ahead, Eddy, try me. Maybe you'll actually give Bella the fucking she beggs you for every night. Yeah that's right, I know you're listening, because lord knows I was.

I love going on my little mental tangents near Edward, watching him get all shifty and uncomfortable. "Seriously. She can pee all by herself too."

I laughed heard at my own joke, why the fuck not? He never laughed, might as well do it for the both of us. Oh but wait, was that Bella hiding her face with suspiciously shaking shoulders? Edward's head snapped to look at Bella, who quickly straightened up, all except the twitching of her lips.

"What?" She asked with the picture of innocents, making me bark out laughing again. HA! Yeah right, I can see how helpless she is.

"Quit being such a girl." I snapped when he walked away sulking. Bella obediently ran after him like usual. I hate that! I would like to know what fucking spell he uses on her to keep her suck a puppy. Maybe I'll use it on my wife.

Speaking of wife. "Have fun being an idiot today?" she asked breezing into the room.

"Hey rose," I said putting as much excitement as I could fake. "Fuck off."

We were not getting along, if you hadn't noticed and well you might not have because she is always a bitch, but really it was just because she's been WAY bitchy I mean, even for Rose. I got her to admit that she didn't like Bella staying over so much, but I honestly believe that she is still hung up on Edward. You would think that a hundred plus years would have cured her of any infatuations, but no. She was rejected by the person that she was made to be mated to and yet, here he is, with a little human.

"Awe what's wrong?" She said using a voice that you would talking to a baby. "Someone using big words around you again?"

I stood up to my full 6'5" and walked to where she was standing in her usual bitch-pose, I liked to call it. Hands on the hips legs slightly apart and for some reason, though I towered over her, she still seemed to look down at me. "I am not doing this with you today, Rose." I growled. I had to give her credit, she didn't even flinch. "So you can take the act and go slither in someone elses cheerios, because I'm not listening anymore."

She was unfazed by my announcement, which shouldn't had surprised me as much as it did. She just rolled her eyes and went up the stairs, probably to lock me out of our room again. Not that it had stopped me from breaking the last three doors. Esme is just going to have to realize that she either doesn't replace it next time or buy creeper doors.

I walked out of the house aimlessly walking. Normally I would have jumped into a car and took off to the hiking trail I liked to hunt off of, but today, even that didn't sound appealing. Fuck I hated her sometimes. If she was so hung up on Edward, who I am thoroughly convinced is a fag, why did she bother saving me? If she was just being nice, why put so much effort into being such a bitch to me afterward.

Yeah okay, I am not heartless, I know her story, but still. Maybe I'll just have a real serious sit down talk with her tonight, maybe have some nice hard angry make up sex. That always made it better for at least a few days. I was almost half a mile, which was like two steps at my speed, into the woods and I smelt Bella. Bella? I looked around and saw her Mohagany curls bouncing as she ran through threw forest. What the fuck was she up to? No Edward? Interesting.

I ran up to to her side and of course she was oblivious. "Running away little girl?" I whispered right into her ear, making her jump a good three feet, before stumbling and landing right on her butt. I of course, laughed.

She glared at me, doing her little kitty growl thing, that wouldn't intimidate an ant. "You just going to laugh at me or are you going to help me up, damnit!" she snapped, holding her muddy palmed hand out expectantly.

I grabbed her up, hurtling her to her feet, the momentum almost forcing her to fall again, but I steadied her this time. I know so nice, right? "So what are you doing out here?"

She hung her head like a child caught eating the cookies. "Sneaking out."

I boomed with laughter again making that blush I loved to see creep into her cheeks. "You are seriously trying to sneak out of a house full of vampires and your plan was to what? Out run him?"

Her blush was deeper, but she faceted the glare back on and crossed her hands in front of her defiantly. "Edward left the house, Alice wanted to take him somewhere. I was hoping to be well enough gone before he got back."

I rolled my eyes at her, but really it was kinda sad that she had to sneak away from her own husband in order to see her friends. I may not like the smell of them, but the dog were pretty entertaining. Especially that Quill. Jake had his moments too, I'll tell you, Edward would shit himself if he knew the mouth that kid had on him. Also, he had the funniest names for Edward! Yeah, visiting the puppies did sound pretty fun.

I held out my hand and she looked at it questioningly. "Come on, you want to get away right? Just remember, close your eyes, I don't want to get puked on." I said only half joking. Seriously, yuck. She tentatively took my hand and I swung it her on my back, flying through the forest in a blur of green and brown.

When we finally reached the LaPush border, I set her down, but held her arms. I knew from experience that she would just drop to the ground if I let her go. After a few minutes she assured me she could stand and we waited, knowing whoever was patrolling would be there soon, smelling me.

Sure enough, we only waited maybe ten minutes and the gray one showed up barking up at us, a while for Bella and a nod in my direction.

"Hey, Paul." Bella chirped cheerfully, reaching a hand out to rub the large wolfs fur. He nudged his head into her hand and mad her giggle. "Do you think you could get Jake for me?"

He barked licking her sloppily on the cheek and darted into the forest. "YOUR NASTY PAUL!" She shouted after him, knowing he would hear her. She lifted the hem of her shirt up and used t to wipe where the dog had licked her and my eyes betrayed me.

Not that I hadn't noticed before that Bella smoking hot, I mean she didn't even know or believe it, which made her even hotter. In that few seconds, though my eyes were making my brain do more then just look at the pale stomach underneath, toned and still fleshy, with just the tiniest bit of a baby blue bra peeping from where she tried to reach her face. Yes ma'am, I was indeed, thoroughly eye-fucking my sister-in-law.

I heard a snort to my left and a deep voice rumble in laughter. "Don't bother, been barking up that tree for years." Jake said, laughing at his own joke. Barking! Ha! See he did have his moments. Bella swiftly realized what we were referring to and dropped her shirt, tugging it down even further then it's natural length for good measure.

"Jake!" She jumped at him,hugging him tight and berried her face into him neck. Such casualness struck me with an unwarranted pang of jealousy. Most likely do to Rosalie being such a bitch.

"I'll be around Bella, I have my cell." I told her trying to look protective, but couldn't help but grin because I was an accessory to pissing Edward off. Always fun. "Call me when you want to go back."

I started on my way, but was stopped by warm hands and a familiar scent. "We aren't going to be on the pack's land." Bella said, gesturing in an Eastern direction. "Would you like to come?" Hmmm. not the way to the cliffs, what were they up to?

"I don't want to make the puppy uncomfortable." I said flashing a grin at Jake who rolled his eyes at me. It's not like we are really all that different actually, if I was tan and turned all doggy I'd blend right in, I was just as big as the guys in the pack.

"I need someone to help me come up with new names for Fagward." He said, ignoring the glare that Bella shot him.

"HA! Fagward! That's great, I am totally using that one!" I bellowed, heading back toward Jake.

"Emmett McCarty you will not! This is my husband we are talking about!" She said, looking indignant, though her twitching lips betrayed her.

A/N: I know that I said that I'd prolly never do a vampire/Bella fic, but you gys have spoken, though it was a close race between Paul and Emmett. Paul was most voted for on the poll and Emmett was voted in my personal messages. Also, my big sister is my muse! lol She has the greatest idea's, so I think that even my wolf pack crowed with like this. If not, I have a pack member in the so woohoo simultaneous story writing. Send me your love and happy thoughts.

Shout out to my sissy,

love you
