Subject: Harry/Draco

Rating: R

Warnings: Course language, anal, Male/Male, Female/Female and Male/Female pairings, Rimming, Oral sex, Sexual situations in uncomfortable settings, Spoilers to Harry Potter books and movies,Drug use (Fred and George's potions not like, weed :S) BDSM, incest, rape, violence, use of alcohol and possibly more later.

Parings: DOMINANT/SUBMISSIVE Draco/Harry, Seamus/Colin, Colin/Harry, Seamus/Draco, Draco/Colin (Possible foursome) Ginny/Hermione, Ron/Padma, Ron/Hermione, Dean/Ginny, Blaise/Pansy, Luna/Neville, Fred/George, Fred/George/Harry, Dennis/ Colin, Nott/Blaise/Draco and possibly more later.

Summary: SIXTH YEAR Hogwarts has invented a new chat line. Tap twice with your wand to turn on, three times to turn off and once to send. It was supposed to be a unity project, but was it just a big mistake? Hogwarts is getting out of hand, there are students who never even like one another diving at each other during class, and the sex has hit new heights. Fist fights around every corner and surprises beyond belief. Empty classrooms being filled, teachers confessing and many sexual scenes. Seamus has finally found the perfect partner,but can he handle his kinky needs? Ron is horrified to know his sister is dating Hermione and Harry's jumping Malfoy. What has happened to the school? Why isn't Dumbledore stopping it? Another yule ball and so much more, Fred and George stirring up trouble and they aren't even students!. . .

Disclaimer:I do not own the Harry Potter characters, however Noah, Mike and Alex are my own creation.


Everyone in the room blinked. He couldn't be serious could he?

"For those who think I am joking, I want to assure you I am not. We have opened up a magical chat in the castle, how it will work is you tap the ball with your wand twice to turn it one, three times to turn it off, tap it once to send." He looked around the hall and smiled. "Then you say what you want it to write and it does. All emotions WILL be captured, if you smile, it will tell others, if you make a face, others will know. Do not abuse this privilege. Everyone will have an account." Professor Dumbledore smiled at the raised hand of Hermione.

"Yes Miss Granger?"

"Is this like a house unity project?" Dumbledore looked around the hall.

"Yes it is, and if anyone deliberately hurts another threw this chat, they will be suspended for three weeks time." The murmurs in the hall grew louder every second with obscene shouts from certain tables. "QUIET!" Dumbledore bellowed.

"I know this may seem outrageous, but we've tried everything else, other than this there s only moving you all into one room based on grades! I thought you would prefer this." The students shared agreeing looks, most glaring at the Slytherin table. "Now, off you go. Each of you has one on your beds, set it up and make sure to log on." With that said, he re-took his seat and the students began to stand.

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :): HAS SIGNED ON

Hermione: Mione :): HAS SIGNED ON


Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Hey guys. So, what do you think of this so far?

Ron: GO CANNONS GO!: Its bloody weird, it types as fast I talk! And gives the little thingy when I get excited!

Hermione: Mione :): *Sigh* Exclamation mark Ron, and it s supposed to.

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
You think anyone else is gonna sign on?

Neville: extra herbology work tonight!: HAS SIGNED ON

Ginny: Love you Dean 3: HAS SIGNED ON

George: The Funnier twin ;): HAS SIGNED ON

Fred: The good looking Twin ;D: HAS SIGNED ON

Dean: love you Ginny :): HAS SIGNED ON

Ron: GO CANNONS GO!: Guess that answers the question. Hey guys.

Ginny: Love you Dean 3: Hello Ronald.


Ginny: Love you Dean 3: Screw you Ron!

George: The Funnier twin :
Well, well Ginster! I didn't know you were seeing someone?

Ginny: Love you Dean 3:
Oh bugger off!

Ginny: Love you Dean 3: HAS SIGNED OFF

Dean: love you Ginny :): HAS SIGNED OFF

Neville: extra herbology work tonight!: I think I came at a bad time, I'll just... Go now...

Neville: extra herbology work tonight!: HAS SIGNED OFF

Fred: The good looking Twin:
Great now you scared off our potential customers George! *Sigh* Now I actually have to leave the room...

Fred: The good looking Twin: HAS SIGNED OFF

Hermione: Mione :): Well that was event full. Guess it s just us three again . . .

Ron: GO CANNONS GO!: DID YOU HEAR HER!? The nerve! I was just telling her to take it down because no one wants to see that!

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Can we not? Please?

Draco: Slytherin Prince: HAS SIGNED ON

Pansy: Slytherin Princess: HAS SIGNED ON

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler': HAS SIGNED ON

Lavender: You'll come back Won, Won, I know you will 3: HAS SIGNED ON

Lavender: You'll come back Won, Won, I know you will 3 WON, WON! You re on!

Hermione: Mione :): I'm out!

Hermione: Mione :): HAS SIGNED OFF

Ron: GO CANNONS GO!: For crying out loud woman LEAVE ME ALONE!

Draco: Slytherin Prince:
*Laughs* Well this is interesting isn't it Won, Won? *Smirk*

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Bugger off Malfoy, you Ponce!

Draco: Slytherin Prince:
OH OF COURSE! Cuz I always listen to YOU.

Lavender: You'll come back Won, Won, I know you will 3 Oh Won, Won! Won't you go into a private chat with me?

*Winces* yea, sure whatever.


Lavender: You'll come back Won, Won, I know you will 3: HAS LEFT TO ENTER A PRIVATE CHAT

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Sooooooo........ How are you Luna?

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler:
I thought you forgot I was on.

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Of course not Luna!

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler:
Oh, well, I'm alright, can't find my shoes again though.

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Oh . . . Um . . . Err . . . Alright then. Nice weather out today. . .

Draco: Slytherin Prince:
Jeez potter can you get anymore pathetic?

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler:
Yes, indeed it is :)

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Well I should check on Ron.

Draco: Slytherin Prince:
Don't you mean 'Won Won'?

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler:
Alright Harry, see you in Charms

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Yea, you too Luna! Take care!

Draco: Slytherin Prince:
Listen to me you bloody wanker!

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :): HAS SIGNED OFF

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler:
Give it up Malfoy, no one wants to talk to you

Luna: Have extra copies of the 'Quibbler': HAS SIGNED OFF

Draco: Slytherin Prince:
What the hell was that! He fucking ignored me!

Draco: Slytherin Prince: Screw this shit!

Draco: Slytherin Prince: HAS SIGNED OFF

Pansy: Slytherin Princess:
Umm... Hello? Jeez, go to the loo and you miss everything!

Pansy: Slytherin Princess: HAS SIGNED OFF

Saturday morning came. Harry briefly wondered if Luna remembered it was Saturday and he wouldn't see her in charms, unless she meant on Monday. He sat up and glanced around the boy's dormitory. Everyone was asleep, Ron, Dean, who was still alive having not been murdered by Ron, Seamus and Neville. Harry grabbed his wand and his new 'Chat Ball' and headed to the common room.

It was deserted and still a little dark. He checked the time and grimaced. It was six A.M. Harry sighed and sat down on the armchair nearest the boy's dormitories and turned on his 'Chat'

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :): HAS SIGNED ON Is anyone actually up this early?

Draco: Slytherin Prince: The hell are you up this early for? Don't you have to get your beauty sleep oh chosen one?!

Blaise: Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful! Well, I don't like you either!
Come on Draco! It s too early for arguing! *Whimper*

Theo Nott: is getting laid tonight baby!
No such thing Blaise my man! It s never too early for anything!

Draco: Slytherin Prince: *Rolls eyes* whatever. Not that I care, but what are you up this damn early?

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :
Couldn't sleep is all. Wait. Why am I talk- no, sod it, no one else is up.

Blaise: Don't hate me cuz I m beautiful! Well, I don t like you either!
*Raises brow*

Harry sighed and bit his lip. Maybe now was his chance to find out more about Voldermort. Maybe he could fake befriend them, and learn what they know. A smirk grew across his face.

Harry: is pulling through thanks to his friends :

Theo Nott: is getting laid tonight baby!
The hell are you smirking about?

Draco: Slytherin Prince: Nott, Piss off you bloody wanker.

Theo Nott: is getting laid tonight baby!
Screw you Draco!

Theo Nott: is getting laid tonight baby!: HAS SIGNED OFF

The three remaining boys let a sigh escape their lips. Harry began to get bored and taped his wand on different parts of the 'ball'. Then something happened. Three moving pictures popped up next to their conversation. One was of Malfoy, another was Blaise and the last was himself. He moved left to right and photo him did as well. He watched as Blaise and Malfoy did the same, their faces all identical.

"Potter, what the fuck did you do?!" Again they froze, for no words popped up, but they all heard his voice loud and clear.

"You better fix this pot head!" Blaise snapped at him. Harry stared, eyes the size of saucers.

"I -I- I dunno what happened! I just tapped the screen and it- it, this thing- oh I don't know what it is but now I see you!" He struggled. Harry heard an audible growl emit from Blaise.

"Screw this" Right after he said this, 'Blaise: Don't hate me cuz I m beautiful! Well, I don t like you either!: HAS SIGNED OFF' popped up, followed by his moving photo slowly fading away to nothing. Malfoy and Potter blinked.

"The hell is this?" Draco whispered, forgetting Harry could hear him. Said boy glanced down at his hands suddenly feeling very vulnerable in his extra large pyjamas which were very visible for Draco to see. Malfoy however was wearing a thin black short sleeved shirt and silk bottoms. When Draco went to scratch his head, Harry's eyes automatically darted to his arm, where he found . . . Nothing. . . Nothing? He wasn't recruited? What?

"What are you starring at Potter?" Harry jumped and shook his head. Malfoy scoffed and singed off, his photo slowly fading to black. Harry stared at his own moving photo and felt an unexplained lurch in his stomach. He checked the time. 8 a.m. He sighed, getting up, bringing his things back to his room to get dressed for breakfast.

When he was finished getting dressed, Harry walked back into the common room and smiled at Hermione, looking as sharp as always, her uniform to a 'T'.

"You're up early, didn't sleep well I presume?" She asked him, he shook his head and followed her out the door to the great hall. Up ahead he spotted a pale blond head and sighed, waiting for the response but nothing came. Malfoy gave him a sneer and continued to his table. Hermione and Harry exchanged looks. Later that day, Harry decided to, instead of going on chat, check his good old map. He said the rhyme and watched as the halls and students of Hogwarts began to appear. He looked around at all the names, not sure what he was looking for, that is, until he saw Draco Malfoy's name, floating towards the boy s washroom on the second floor.

Harry stood abruptly, frightening most of the people in the room, but paid them no attention. He began to jog down to the boy's washroom. He had no idea why, but he just felt that he had to go there.

Draco glared down at the sink, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't do it. He couldn't fix it. He was going to kill her. From beside him, moaning Myrtle tried to comfort him. It was late in the day, around eight or so and he was beginning to get tired. He turned on the water and washed his face. Looking up into the mirror he sneered at his reddened eyes.

Harry peeked into the bathroom, quietly manoeuvre himself towards one of the stalls. He silently slipped in and strained his ears to listen, but heard nothing. Carefully, slowly, he leaned down until he was on his hands and knees, face looking at the ground, slowly he turned his head and jumped a foot in the air.

"The hell are you doing Potter?!" Draco had heard a noise and silently walked across the room, kneeling on the floor and looking under the stall, watching as Harry began to descend. His face twisted into a vengeful look and gave him his best glare. Harry reared back, jumping, knocking his head off the bottom of the door.

"Fuck!" He yelped cradling it. Draco stood back up, unlocked the stall harry was in and threw it open, grabbing said boy by the back of his shirt. Draco dragged him out and pushed him to the floor, lying on his back.

"I'll say it again, what the HELL are you doing you bloody ponce!" Harry's eyes widened momentarily, before switching to an impassive expression. He went to lean up on his elbows only to have Malfoy's foot push him back down onto his back. He didn't move his foot from where it was instead, he added more pressure and reached down, shaking Harry's hand that was holding his wand, sending the magical item spiralling across the room.

"GER' OFF ME!" Harry gasped, pain exploding from the pressure on his chest.

"Tell me why you've been following me first" He pushed his foot down harder, Harry let out a quiet whimper, trying to pry the leg away with his hands. A low growl escaped his mouth and he started to squirm, twisting his lower half and clawing at Draco's leg.

Draco yelped retreating his leg and stumbling onto his own back. Harry, acting quickly, dove and pinned him down. He sat on Draco's thighs and used his hands to hold down his wrists.

"Potter you better let go of me right now or I so swear I'll-"

"I don't think you re in the position to threaten MALFOY, you re the one defenceless!" Harry spat at him. Malfoy's glare intensified to a look of outrage. He attempted to lean forward and head butt Harry, but said boy just moved back out of the way. He couldn't kick, couldn't move his arms and his head hurt from it hitting the floor when he fell.

"Get. Off. Now" Draco ground out dangerously. Harry just smirked, until Draco started bucking his hips. Harry gasped in surprise and he was thrown forward, head hitting the floor and Draco's head pressed against his chest. Harry heard a crack and a scream from the boy beneath him.

"POTTER!" The next thing he knew, Harry was on his back with one pissed and bloody Slytherin above him. "You little shit! Did you just break my fucking nose!" His voice was an octave higher and slightly frantic. Harry tried very hard but couldn't stop the snort that left him. Draco's eyes narrowed, and this time, he succeeded in head butting him, hearing a crack from Harry's nose as well. Draco flinched as the pain in his head increased.

Harry's eyes widened as he watched Malfoy's eyes narrow and was slightly prepared to have Draco's forehead connect with his nose. A pained groan left his mouth as he felt his nose break for the second time because of him.

Draco grabbed his head, dizziness taking its toll on him. He swayed slightly, losing his balance and falling to the side. Harry's hands flew to his face and carefully touched his nose. He looked beside him to see Draco's hand pressed to his forehead and heard a moan escape him. "I swear you re going to be the death of me Potter" Draco whispered. Draco swore he heard a low chuckle emit from beside him.

Harry felt a small laugh bubble in his throat and smiled a little, still sprawled on the floor. He looked back up at the ceiling and moved his arms out along the floor as a means to stretch. He felt his hand brush something and yanked it back, holding it firmly to his chest, as if he had been burned.

Draco's eyes were closed so when something hit his hand he jumped a foot in the air and turned shocked eyes to the boy beside him. Harry was looking at him, a similar expression, holding his hand. For some odd reason, Draco felt something flip inside his stomach.

"We should get the blood off us" Malfoy whispered, attempting to sit up. He moaned as he forced himself into a standing position, and without really paying attention, held his hand out for Potter.

Harry looked at the hand and tentatively took it. Draco pulled him up and froze. Both boys stood there, hands firmly together. Draco stood at five foot ten, where Harry was only five foot seven. Harry's breath caught when their eyes locked, cold gray against earthy green.

Draco's hand began to sweat as the weird flip flop came back. He let out a shaky breath before opening his mouth to speak. Before any words left his mouth however, he felt Potter's lips pressed to his own.