Me: Update!
Iggy:*rolls eyes* Your like the energizer bunny. Its really starting to freak me out.
Me: Weeeellllllll I have readers to entertain! So onward.
Ella's POV
After carefully recounting my escape plans. Iggy and I decided we should be well rested for our escape. So we decided to take a nap.
I woke up first, my wings no longer hurt and they were currently a stunning 15 feet. Wow that sounds weird to me, my wings.
Anyway, I thought shaking Iggy awake.
I gave him the hand signal for 'the coast is clear.'
He took out his makeshift lock picks and proceeded to make thieves around the world ashamed of themselves.
The lock opened and he gave me the signal for 'Lets go!'
Within minutes we were running down the halls silently, towards the room where the sky light was. We got to the door without anyone catching us, but it was locked. AGAIN.
"I don't think we have time to pick it!" I whisper yelled starting to panic. Well would only have on shot at an escape, and this way it.
Iggy spun around at kicked the door down. HOT. Alarms started blaring through out the building. Great.
"Hurry!" Iggy yelled stealth no longer an option. He flew up and kicked the sky light. Which sent it crashing down to the floor. I felt some small fragments embed themselves into my skin. He flew out and waited for me outside.
It was now or never.
I jumped up high moving my wings in a circular motion the way Iggy taught me to. It worked I was hovering a foot of the ground. I herd footsteps coming down the hall way behind me. I flapped my wings a little harder and flew up out of the window.
"Come on!" Iggy said grabbing my hand and running acrossed the roof. I herd foot steps on the roof behind us, they defiantly weren't white coats. I didn't dare look back in case I tripped. Feral growling came from the direction of the steps. Shit. Why were we running! We did have wings couldn't we fly away? We reached the end of the roof and threw ourselves of. I almost forgot to snap my wings out. Almost.
We soared upwards. It felt amazing! The wind whiped through my loose hair and my wing were working powerfuly. Flying under my own power was way better than when the flock would carry me.
We flew in silence for a moment the sounds of the school fading away from our ears.
"Did you get a look at the things that were chasing us?" I asked Iggy after I felt I had gotten the rythem of flying down.
"No. But I don't think they were Erasers. They sounded more cat like." Iggy said confusion coloring his face.
I forgot to flap. Flying back up to Iggy's altitude I looked below us. Night and I didn't see anything but the glow of a city on the horizon, and a two lines of red dots and white dots going different directions.
"Where do you think we are?" Iggy asked.
I looked around rolling hills barely visible in the moon light, wind turbines, and a few ranch houses were the only thing I cloud make out besides the dots.
"I dunno. Maybe Nebraska?" I said remebering some of my moms road trips.
"You realize I have no idea where that is, right?" Iggy said with a straight face.
"Rectangular in the middle of the U.S. Remind me to teach you geogaphy when we get home." I said with a smile.
"So thats the plan, get back to your house and find the flock?" Iggy said.
"Well yeah I guess so. But we need new clothes and supplies," I said looking at my old shirt and pants.
"Well how opposed are you to shoplifting?" Iggy said with a smile.
"After what I've been through this week I'll do anything," I said looking back down at the dots that looked back at the dots, which I was now suspecting was a highway.
I folded my wings and angled into a dive. Iggy might Have said something but I didn't catch it. I leveled out about 20 feet above the road. The sign said Sidney, Nebraska one mile. I flew back up to Iggy, he didn't look to happy.
"There's a town one mile that way," I said pointing.
We landed in the Wal Mart parking lot a few minutes later. I tucked my wings into my shirt which felt weird.
"Let's go! You get clothes and a back pack with some food. I'll do the same. We'll meet up in Electronics." Iggy said taking charge. I nodded I was starving.
I walked inconpisulaly into the Wal Mart, It was around 3 a.m. so all the weird people were out. After I was passed the greeters, I ran to the juniors section and grabbed a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, purple tank top, a dark denim half-jacket, socks, and various under garments. I walked passed the sleeping attendant into the changing room. Once I was safe in the stall I ripped holes for my wings in the shirt and jacket with a pocket knife I had grabbed. I put the clothes on and walked back out of the rooms. I grabbed a back pack, and purple and black Vans. Slipping both those on I grabbed some, white rimmed sun glasses, a watch, and a ton of caned soup, chips, cookies, and various other things I thought we might need .
I looked at my new watch it was 4:08 time to meet Iggy by electronics. I walked over to him. He was wearing a light blue zipper hoodie, dark washed jeans, and Vans. He had a bulging back pack, and there were wires sticking out of his pocket. Bombs.
"You really went all out didn't you," he said with a laugh. He must feel safer here. I nodded and we walked out of the store together. We walked out the door and the pitful alarms went off. I looked over at Iggy and he nodded.
The rent a cop walked towards us.
"You two stop right there."
Iggy and Whipped our wings out and flew off into the early morning.