A/N: Here's the last bit, if I ever get a good idea for a sequel I'll make sure to post something here, but for now everything's done. Thanks so much to all those people who reviewed, your reviews made my day on several occasions.

Epilogue- Rising Dawn

Arianna POV

I smiled slightly and leaned into Alec, we were back beside a stream at the house. With the Volturi dead we could be away from the others without being afraid. Alone time is good, as much as I love my family Alec will always be the center of the world for me- the one who keeps me from going completely insane.

Love can come in many different forms, I'm just lucky to be able to hold onto so many. As for how exactly I managed to hold onto said different types of love by totally obliterating the Volturi... well, your guess is as good as mine.

The general idea for how I was able to- for all intensive purposes- incinerate a room full of vampires and bring a few others back to life is actually quite simple once you manage to get your mind around the catastrophic size of the whole thing. You see, I control energy with my voice, normally the energy that controls gifts. When I saw Alec...let's say pass out... I tried my hardest to help him by reaching for whatever energy I could use to save him. Since I didn't have my voice to control the type of energy I grabbed, I grabbed the wrong kind of energy- I grabbed life energy. I sucked all of it out of the Volturi and tried to shove it into Alec, Alec couldn't hold all that energy though, so it overflowed into everyone else in the room.

We hadn't really tried anymore experiments; that ability didn't really seem like something one should poke at. It's kind of like dropping a nuclear bomb to see how big the explosion is.

When we talked to the wolves at La Push, they informed us that Nessie was alive and well, and the only change that had affected her was that she wasn't thirsty. Before that phone call it hadn't even occurred to us that my little fit may have had far-reaching effects, but when we checked around we discovered that we were the only vampires (using the term loosely) left on the planet. As for how I managed to do that, we all agree that you should go talk to Sephrenia, because it definitely was not my idea.

Somehow I'm not that guilty feeling- I think the world is better off without anymore immortal children, or wars in the south, or mass-murdering royal vampires... I'm just not feeling the love for all of them.

We were all moving up to Northern Canada, to hide in the Innituian Mountains. The area is virtually inaccessible to humans, so we'll be able figure some things out- like how to hide gigantic, black wings. We had discovered that we were going to have to work pretty hard at hiding them, they were a tad bit conspicuous.

And add on that the whole 'change the vampire race forever' was so not my idea. If you have a bone to pick, once again, go pick it with Sephrenia.

"Alec! Ari!" I heard Alice yell from the house, "You'd both better get your butts over here, we're about to leave!" She was being her usual bossy, controlling self. I mean really, we have an eternity, five more minutes won't hurt.

I looked at Alec, "Do we have to? I mean, we didn't even get to kissing yet."

"I can fix that," he murmured, kissing me. After a few minutes we reluctantly pulled apart. "Love you." He said, looking into my eyes. I gazed back unflinchingly. It's strange how these changes effect us, when we were human all of our emotions were weak, now though they're stronger than possible. Hate, passion, anger, sorrow... love. They're all ten times stronger. Looking into Alec's eyes I knew automatically what my response to those words would be.
