I licked the last drop of lions blood off my lips. I smiled satisfied with my meal. I could feel myself relax now that I wasn't thirsty. I stood, looking around the dark forest. Of course the middle of the night wasn't dark for me but for a human it was pitch black.

I began walking to nowhere. This was the only place I was able to think without anyone bothering me. That's why I loved hunting alone. I wasn't interrupted by my siblings. I could hardly stand them at home. Sadness always came over me whenever I would see them all together and in love. I just wish I could find the woman I was meant to love. In all of my 109 years of living I haven't even been interested in a woman. I refuse to be one of those low life boys who sleep with every girl they can and never really fall in love. I want real love. So I'm waiting for the perfect woman. I'm saving myself for her, no matter how much Emmet tells me I need to get laid.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I barley heard the huge crash a few miles away. My head shot up. That didn't sound good. I heard a woman yelling for help and a small baby cry. I quickly ran to the scene. I saw a car turned upside down and completely smashed in the front. The car had collided with a tree. I ran over and noticed that the woman had stopped screaming. Her heart beat was barley loud enough to hear. I walked around the smashed car to where the baby cry was coming from. Lying there upside down in a worn stained car seat was the most beautiful baby I had ever laid eyes on. She smelled so good. Too good. My mouth filled with venom but I was not going to hurt this baby. The baby was naked but wrapped in a torn up blanket. She looked to be about three months old. When she saw me standing there her cries turned into small whimpers. Her amazing brown eyes bored into mine. She had short curly brown hair coming out of her head. Her mouth was toothless and had food stains around it. Tears stained her small pink cheeks.

I reached into the car and unlatched the small baby girl from her car seat. Her small dimpled hands reach toward my face. I gave her a soft smile as I held her to my chest. Then I realized something. The drivers heart beat was no longer there. I walked to the front of the car, turning the small girl so her face was in the crook of my neck. I saw the face of a teenage girl. Half her brown hair was torn out of her head and stuck in the windshield. She had a huge gash in her forehead that was bleeding intensely. There was glass stuck in the skin of her face and torso. I looked down at the baby girl.

"Is this your mommy?" I whispered to her as if she would answer. I held on to the baby and reached into the car for the girls purse. I reached in and found her wallet. I eventually found her drivers license.

Renee M. Swan

So this teenagers name was Renee Swan. I kept looking and found a picture. It was of Renee in the hospital holding the beautiful baby girl. The baby was wrapped in the same pink blanket she was wrapped in now except now it was worn out and torn up. Renee was wearing a hospital gown and looked to be extremely tired. There was also a Teenage boy with brown hair and brown eyes standing next to the bed smiling at the camera. That must be her dad. I turned the picture around and found what I was looking for.

Isabella Marie Swan; born September 13, 1987; Father: Charlie Swan; Mother: Renee Swan

I stuffed the picture in my pocket knowing that one day Isabella would want to know who her parents were. I sighed. Where was her father? Maybe he was working and had no knowledge that his wife just died and that his daughter was found and took the heart of a vampire. I immediately felt sorry for Isabella. She has lost her mother. But then I noticed something. Renee was wearing all black and there was a smashed box of tissues and used tissues all over the place. I looked deeper and noticed the plaque.

Charlie Swan

June 17, 1967- December 12, 1987

He will always be loved.

So Isabella's father is dead. Her mother was crying because they must have just left from the funeral. The tears must have blinded her from seeing the road and she crashed. Isabella had no parents. I made my decision then and there. I was going to love and care for this beautiful baby. She will not go unloved. I will protect her and raise her. Of course with the help of my siblings and parents.

I smiled down at the baby and noticed she was sleeping. I held her tight to my chest and ran toward my home, back to my family/coven.

As I ran I looked down to make sure Isabella was turning blue from getting cold or anything. It is December so its not exactly warm. I arrived to the mansion. Before I could even step onto the porch Alice and Rose came out.

"Let me see her" Rose demanded. We all knew how much Rosalie wanted to be a mom and have her own baby. Alice came up to me smiling. I gave her a confused look.

"I had a vision of you finding a baby and I couldn't not tell Rose." I rolled my eyes but nodded.

"I'm going to raise her." Alice gave me a surprised look.

"You sure?" I knew what she was thinking. She wanted to make sure that I wouldn't slip up with her.

"Yeah… I can't explain it but… when she looked at me I just felt something, I didn't want just anyone to have her… I wanted her. Both her parents are dead so she needs a family." Alice gave me a sympathetic look while Rose gave Isabella I sad smile as she heard about her parents death.

"Edward… she won't be safe hear…" I nodded knowing what she meant.

"I'll protect her." My voice was hard and serious. Alice knew I was serious. She gave me a smile and grabbed me into a hug. I squeezed her back and walked over to Isabella and Rose. Rose grinned at me.

"What's her name."

"Isabella Marie Swan" Rose grinned.

"That's perfect" I nodded.

"I'll call her Bella, it means beautiful" I whispered. Rose gave me a knowing look. She could tell how much this small girl meant to me.

"I think we should tell the rest of our family about your news Edward and plus an ice cold vampire is holding a naked baby outside in the middle of December." My eyes widened. She must be freezing! I quickly grabbed Bella from Rose and ran inside and upstairs.

Whoa! What's Eddie got?

Emmet started following me. I put Bella on my bed and took one of my sweaters, wrapping her up in it. Emmet came in as I turned around with Bella in my arms. Emmet froze. I held Bella tighter to my chest.

"Eddie… did you finally get laid but got the girl knocked up?" My face became murderous.

"No Emmet! I found Bella in a wrecked car! Both her parents are dead and I need to protect her!" Emmet's eyes widened. He nodded and walked closer to look at Bella. He smiled at her little face.

"Who all knows?" Emmet looked at me.

"I still need to tell Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper." Emmet nodded. We walked downstairs. "Everyone downstairs please." I said quietly not to wake Bella. In the blink of an eye everyone was downstairs. Esme immediately saw Bella and gasped. She walked toward me.

"Edward" she breathed. She gazed at Bella with a motherly look. "Where did you find her?" I looked down at the beauty in my arms.

"Her mom got into a car crash coming home from her dads funeral. Her mom died but I saved her." If Vampires could cry Esme and Rose would be bawling their eyes out. Esme reached out and took her from my arms. I reluctantly let go of her. I was so attached to her.

"Carlisle I think we should adopt her." Rose pleaded Carlisle. Esme nodded her eyes pleading. Carlisle smiled at Bella.

"I don't see why not." Alice and Rose squealed.

"We have to go shopping!" I rolled my eyes. Of course that's what Alice's first thing to do would be. But then I smiled. Bella was going to be with me forever.